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Since the early 1970s the Avoca River catchment has experienced a marked increase in all discharges, particularly high magnitude ones. This results from a change in the rainfall/runoff relationship, which is probably due to rising groundwater tables. Since 1973 the frequency of flooding in the lower Avoca, Loddon and Avon-Richardson catchments has increased markedly, placing pressure on downstream flood mitigation and irrigation works, as well as contributing to the degradation of environmentally sensitive wetlands. It also has the potential to exacerbate rising groundwater/salinity problems of the lower catchments. Human interference and changes in the rainfall regime are assessed to explain the nature of the apparent change in streamflows of the Avoca River catchment.  相似文献   

Severe unprecedented flooding of unprepared and inexperienced communities adversely affects community health, but the effect of severe flooding on well-prepared and experienced communities is less certain. An answer was sought for the New South Wales coastal town of Lismore. Parts are flooded every year with the last major flood occurring in 1974. Hospital admission and death certificates were analysed for the years before and after that flood. Using this data and information from an earlier survey two types of analysis were undertaken: a comparison of mortality and hospital admissions before and after the flood; and a comparison of health effects between different levels of flooding, including residents whose properties were located outside the flood plain. Although the flood did not appear to increase the number of hospital admissions or deaths, the ratio of male to female admissions showed a significant change. For those severely flooded, male admissions doubled while female admissions halved. Analysis of the data in relation to flood risk showed that for both pre-and post-flood periods hospital admissions were closely related to the degree of flood risk. Those whose dwellings were subject to a metre or more offloodwater over floor level are twice as likely to be admitted to hospital as residents of the flood free areas.  相似文献   

Flood risk mapping allows for informed decision making regarding personal and community planning. Resistance to flood risk mapping can be driven by potential decline of property values. This paper explores resistance to flood risk mapping through the lens of climax thinking. Climax thinking is a novel theory guiding explorations of resistance to proposed land use changes. The aim of this study was to understand flood experiences, the presence of resistance to flood risk mapping, and whether climax thinking could help explain this resistance. To address this, surveys were administered to residents in the Nova Scotian towns of Liverpool and Bridgewater. We found that one third of respondents have experienced flooding, yet the majority have not seen a flood risk map, nor were they concerned about the potential impacts of flooding. Only one sixth of respondents exhibited resistance to flood risk mapping because of potential loss to property value. Dimensions of climax thinking were predictive of this resistance, specifically ignorance of an individual's own ability to adapt and inability to recognize the impact of their adaptation decisions on others, which together quadrupled the predictive power of the ordinal regression model. These insights can be applied to support the acceptance of flood risk mapping.  相似文献   

In this paper, we initiate a discussion of zoos as cultural landscapes, using the example of the Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We start from the notion that zoos are cultural institutions that do not reflect nature itself but are created landscapes inscribed with social and cultural messages conveyed through the presentation of wild animals. We examine the development of this zoo in the context of the stages through which it has passed in its over a hundred years of existence on the basis of historical accounts as well as Assiniboine Park Zoo master plan and annual report documents. We argue for examining zoos as cultural landscapes that reflect the changing relations between humans and animals and with 'nature' more generally.  相似文献   

This article addresses social inclusion/integration with reference to peripheral Slovak Roma. Based on ethnographic data, it argues that even in communities of so-called ‘unadaptables’, integration has progressed considerably, but not necessarily along the lines envisioned by the agencies which are propelling ‘Roma inclusion’ as a pan-European project. The article considers early motherhood, juvenile prostitution and unconventional municipal politicians as examples of bottom-up inclusion efforts that don’t threaten traditional notions of cultural and political autonomy.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempt to relate hydrologic regimes of the 1997 flood in the Red River Valley to the areal extent of flooding, determined from RADARSAT imagery. We obtained ten scenes of RADARSAT imagery, from 27 April to 1 July, including bitmaps delineating flooded areas for each date, from the Manitoba Centre of Remote Sensing. These images were co-registered using an image-to-image registration process. By overlaying these flood maps in chronological order, we compared the areal extent of flooding with the hydrologic regimes of the Red River, expressed as relative depths of flooding above the bankful stage at selected gauging stations. The results of the study indicated that the area of flooding on 4 May (1,984 km 2 ) corresponded well with the highest flood levels at several gauging stations. A previous scene on 27 April showed a larger area under water, but visual inspection of the processed imagery indicated a lack of conformity between flood level regimes and the areal extent of flooding on this date due to surface detention of pre-flood storm runoff. Thus, the RADARSAT imagery represented the flood regimes adequately only when its interpretations were combined with hydrologic analysis and visual inspection of surface characteristics of the floodplain.  相似文献   

This study investigates the short‐ and long‐run impact on population dynamics of the major flood in the Netherlands in 1953. A dynamic difference‐in‐differences analysis reveals that the flood had an immediate negative impact on population growth, but limited long‐term effects. In contrast, the resulting flood protection program (Deltaworks), had a persisting positive effect on population growth. As a result, there has been an increase in population in flood‐prone areas. Our results suggest a moral hazard effect of flood mitigation leading to more people locating in flood‐prone areas, increasing potential disaster costs.  相似文献   


It is widely acknowledged that Leo Strauss was an extraordinary scholar and teacher who strove to open up forgotten vistas of philosophical inquiry. Gigantic controversy rages, however, about the sorts of political and social changes, if any, that he hoped to promote. The fire has been fueled by the alleged contributions of Straussians to the Iraq War—and by the publication of Strauss's 1933 letter that commended “fascist, authoritarian, and imperial” principles. This article reviews and then updates the assessments proffered in my 2009 book (Straussophobia) about the state of the “Strauss Wars.” Critics such as Shadia Drury continue to embarrass themselves in prestigious venues, but newer voices are using innovative strategies to argue that Strauss was attempting to undermine the principles of American democracy. Whereas William Altman relies on “esoteric interpretations” of Strauss's writings, Alan Gilbert illuminates Strauss's behind-the-scenes efforts regarding policy disputes. Although I maintain that Gilbert and especially Altman have made invaluable contributions, I argue that they both overreach.  相似文献   

The authors apply longue durée and semiotic approaches to a case study of flood management in the American Midwest to critique the suggestion that naming the current geological epoch the ‘Anthropocene’ might encourage global environmental sustainability. It is unlikely that the Anthropocene moniker has the symbolic power to correct ecomyopia, which the authors define as the tendency to not recognize, to ignore, or fail to act on new information that contradicts political arrangements, social norms, or world views. Anthropogenic transformation of the Mississippi River watershed shifted world views toward the human domination of nature and afforded opportunities for social stratification and the consolidation of capital and control over resources, which has biased social responses to increasing flooding. Globally, biological systems have been replaced with technological systems of increasing complexity creating canalized trajectories of practice and thought in which societies become insulated from ecological realities. The global capitalist response to the Anthropocene will likely be to embrace technological hubris.  相似文献   

This study addresses one of the main research problems in the area of environmental hazard risk—to explain why perception of threat from the same hazard varies between groups. We argue that the cultural theory of risk, explicitly place-contingent ways of life and worldviews that support those ways of life, goes a long way towards explaining risk perception differences in the communities of Kinuso, Fort Assiniboine and Barrhead Alberta. Fifty-five in-depth interviews were conducted within these communities; three of the four communities are closest to the Alberta Special (hazardous) Waste Treatment Facility. A regional donut pattern of interviewee concern is partially explained as differential attachment to ways of life like farming, tourism and hunting for the concerned and amenity-proximate rural living for the unconcerned. These relationships are further supported by worldviews like distrust and sensitivity to equity for the concerned and the price of progress for the unconcerned. Though this study is not about siting process per se, detailed conversations about the siting process indicate that the perceptions of risk (as concern) in the operational phase of this hazard were solidified early on and are likely difficult to change.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2014 Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) emerged as a threat to the Iraqi people. This article asks whether the UK and Australia had a ‘special’ responsibility to protect (R2P) those being threatened. It focuses on two middle‐ranking powers (as opposed to the US) in order to highlight the significance of special responsibilities that flow only from the principle of reparation rather than capability. The article contends that despite casting their response in terms of a general responsibility, the UK and Australia did indeed bear a special responsibility based on this principle. Rather than making the argument that the 2003 coalition that invaded Iraq created ISIS, it is argued that it is the vulnerable position in which Iraqis were placed as a consequence of the invasion that grounds the UK and Australia's special responsibility to protect. The article addresses the claim that the UK and Australia were not culpable because they did not act negligently or recklessly in 2003 by drawing on Tony Honoré's concept of ‘outcome responsibility’. The finding of a special responsibility is significant because it is often thought of as being more demanding than a general responsibility. In this context, the article further argues that the response of these two states falls short of reasonable moral expectations. This does not mean the UK and Australia should be doing more militarily. R2P does not begin and end with military action. Rather the article argues that the special responsibility to protect can be discharged through humanitarian aid and a more generous asylum policy.  相似文献   

Lake Albacutya is a well‐known intermittent lake in north‐western Victoria. The lake is near the termination of the Wimmera River. From time‐to‐time the lake fills and flow passes down Outlet Creek into Wyperfeld National Park. The wetlands associated with the lake have a high biodiversity value and are named in international treaties. This paper examines the hydrologic factors associated with lake filling and flow into Wyperfeld. The lake has filled approximately six times since 1880 and has partially filled on other occasions. Examination of rainfall data from 1875 at Horsham gave no indication of long term rainfall decline, and showed that rainfall at Horsham can be viewed as representative of rainfall in the Wimmera River catchment. However a double‐mass analysis showed that the relationship between the Wimmera River flow and rainfall has varied from 1890 to the present. Examination of data associated with six fillings of Lake Albacutya suggested that filling is a two‐year event requiring at least 550 GL of flow passing Horsham over the two years immediately associated with the flood. A simple model based on rainfall and this threshold reproduced observed characteristics of the data reasonably well. This suggested that the flooding frequency of Lake Albacutya has dropped from about one in 25 years in the natural state to a substantially lower frequency under current river conditions. The results also suggested that because of changes in the Wimmera River the last filling and flood into Wyperfeld in 1976 was far smaller than it would otherwise have been. This is consistent with field mapping of the flood in relation to River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) stands. Analysis of the health of these stands showed major dieback with the severity of this being roughly proportional to the distance from the 1976 flood boundaries. An examination of values associated with the lake and adjoining Wyperfeld National Park suggested that biodiversity and economic values are and will be compromised by the reduction in flooding. In particular, an internationally‐known provenance of Red Gum is at risk, and bird‐breeding opportunities have diminished.  相似文献   

Malini Ranganathan 《对极》2015,47(5):1300-1320
Cities around the world are increasingly prone to unequal flood risk. In this paper, I “materialize” the political ecology of urban flood risk by casting stormwater drains—a key artifact implicated in flooding—as recombinant socionatural assemblages. I examine the production of flood risk in the city of Bangalore, India, focusing on the city's informal outskirts where wetlands and circulations of global capital intermingle. Staging a conversation between Marxian and Deleuzian positions, I argue, first, that the dialectics of “flow” and “fixity” are useful in historicizing the relational politics of storm drains from the colonial to the neoliberal era. Second, flood risk has been heightened in the contemporary moment because of an intensified alignment between the flow/fixity of capital and storm drains. Storm drains—and the larger wetlands that they traverse—possess a force‐giving materiality that fuels urban capitalism's risky “becoming‐being”. This argument raises the need for supplementing political‐economic critiques of the city with sociomaterialist understandings of capitalism and risk in the post‐colonial city. The paper concludes with reflections on how assemblage thinking opens up a more distributed notion of agency and a more relational urban political ecology.  相似文献   

On July 25th 1983 a severe thunderstorm brought torrential rain and flooding to a small valley near Newcastleton in Roxburghshire. At one site within the valley, around 65 mm of rainfall was recorded in 75 minutes, though this was probably 2 km from the centre of the storm. The resulting peak flow was estimated at almost 170 m3s‐1 from a drainage area of 36.9 km2. Lightning killed some livestock whilst many more were drowned. The storm triggered peat slides on several hillsides and caused extensive erosion of river banks and damage to buildings and bridges. The associated high sediment load killed fish stocks in the receiving waters. The flood was a significant event in terms of its human disruption and its impact on the natural environment.  相似文献   


Sustainable flood risk management in Scotland is underpinned by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. Effective delivery of actions to reduce the adverse impact of flooding are dependent on a collaborative approach by Responsible Authorities and a common understanding of flood hazard and risk. Over the last few decades, flood hazard maps have established a prominent role as essential tools in supporting effective flood risk management. They have developed as a result of improved national datasets and advances in computer processing. Improvements in modelling confidence and in the spatial representation of hazard and risk-inform confident actions set out in Flood Risk Management Strategies that coordinate actions supporting adaptation to future hazard conditions. The continued development of the accurate spatial representation of flood hazard and risk is an essential component of enhancing resilience in the face of future climate change.  相似文献   

李嘎 《中国地方志》2012,(6):55-62,5
明清时期山西的城市洪灾普遍而严重,曾遭受洪水冲击的城市达到62座。地方社会的防治措施大致可以归纳为“拦”、“疏”、“蓄”三类。具体而言,“拦”,即在城郊修筑拦洪堤堰以障水,这是明清山西城市防洪的主要措施,其中某些城市堤堰的筑造技术值得关注;“疏”,即通过开凿水口、疏浚城壕及新凿河渠等手段,使洪水远离城区;“蓄”,就是在城内利用既有低洼之地或新凿陂池,以蓄积雨洪。以上举措并未能彻底改变山西城市洪灾普遍且严重的状况,探究起来,城市的地理坐落、生态环境破坏导致的水土流失、城市建成区的扩展等,是不容忽视的三大诱发因素。  相似文献   

This study takes a critical look at mainstream efforts to protect and rehabilitate the environment in Central America. Despite some notable successes, many forest protection and tree planting schemes have not been effectively implemented and have even contributed to further environmental degradation, social inequality and impoverishment. It is argued that the trade-off between environmental protection and human welfare which characterizes many schemes to protect forests and promote tree planting undermines not only local livelihoods but also the possibility of achieving basic environmental objectives, given the nature of local responses and their effects on project implementation. There is a need for a more integrative and socially-aware approach to environmental planning which addresses two fundamental problems: the failure to locate environmental protection initiatives within a broader development framework and the failure to integrate concerns for environmental protection with the needs and rights of local people. Addressing these two problems of ‘macro-’ and ‘micro-coherency’ in environmental planning requires not only dealing with the many technical, administrative and financial constraints which typically characterize environmental programmes and projects, but also changes in the balance of social forces.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to climate change hazards and risks: crop and flood insurance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the widely used concepts of risk and vulnerability as they relate to climate and weather hazards, re‐conceptualizes these terms in the context of climate change and illustrates this development using crop and flood insurance as examples. Government subsidization of insurance against risks associated with adverse climatic conditions and weather events, such as flood damage and crop loss, may lead to individual decisions that actually increase the susceptibility of people, property and economic activities to those risks. The processes that give rise to this phenomenon are important in understanding the vulnerability of human populations to climate change. In many regions, existing conditions that give rise to flooding or crop failure are likely to be exacerbated by climate change over coming decades. In the climate change field, vulnerability has been conceptualised as a function of exposure to risk and as an ability to adapt to the effects. In this context, crop and flood insurance are possible adaptive measures. This treatment of vulnerability compares with similar concepts in insurance and risk management whereby events that cause loss are known as perils, and physical conditions, such as climate change, that increase the likelihood of a peril occurring, are known as physical hazards. Human behaviour that increases the exposure of individuals to potential perils is known as morale hazard or moral hazard, depending on the intentions of the person. Vulnerability consequently becomes a function of hazard and responses taken to reduce risk. Examples of crop and flood insurance programs from Canada, New Zealand and the U.S. are used to show how subsidized insurance might create a morale hazard in addition to physical hazards such as short‐term weather events and long‐term climate change, resulting in a higher level of vulnerability than would otherwise exist. These findings demonstrate that human behaviour affects the formation of both exposure and adaptive capacity in the context of vulnerability to climate change. Responses taken to increase adaptive capacity may in some cases be offset by individual behaviour that increases exposure.  相似文献   

While geoarchaeology as a practice within archaeology grew out of many historical roots, a major role has been the explication of site formation processes and site-level contextual analysis. In recent years, geoarchaeological research has branched out to encompass larger geographic scales, and to play a greater role in environmental archaeological investigations. This paper argues that geoarchaeology has a great deal to contribute to the understanding of human history and to archaeological theory through the application of multiscalar approaches that place human behavior in a physical, environmental and ecological context and by creating linkages between physical processes and human responses. We use geoarchaeological data from the Yellow River valley to show that drainage/irrigation canal and bank/levee building had commenced in the lower reaches by ca. 2900–2700 cal B.P. The emphasis on flood plain flood control infrastructure was a result of long-term increases in sedimentation caused by large populations farming with increasingly efficient technologies in the fragile environments of the Loess Plateau. Ever increasing sedimentation set in motion a cycle of further investment in flood control works eventually leading to a massive flood catastrophe in the first 20 years of the first millennium A.D. as the Yellow River exceeded natural and human geomorphic thresholds that constrained it in its previous course. These floods arguably triggered the social and political events that brought down the Western Han Dynasty but the root causes are clearly more complex. Geoarchaeology thus contributes to an understanding of the multiple causes and consequences of large-scale social and political collapse.  相似文献   

明清以降,滇池在岁修制度下常年疏浚海口,水域范围基本稳定,但受季风气候影响,其水位存在明显季节性变化,夏秋上涨,冬春下降,主要表现为沿岸低田在雨季即周期性被湖水淹没的特点。随着滇池流域坝田开发趋于饱和,滇池沿岸低田的深水稻“水涨谷”,在明清之际逐步系统种植,实现滨湖低田稻作与滇池水位季节性变化的生态耦合。这种局面到20世纪60年代末彻底改变,入滇河道上游大小水库的修建,使滨湖低田逐渐干田化,水涨谷生长的水域环境发生变化。观察滇池水域环境与稻作生态互动的关系,发现当区域环境呈现出长时段的规律性变化,就可能变“害”为“利”,这是人与自然相处中适应并利用自然的智慧展现。  相似文献   

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