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In 1938 Erich Schmidt, taking time out from his major work at Persepolis, excavated for three weeks the site of Surkh Dum in eastern Luristan, in western Iran. Although very little has been published on the finds and architecture, aside from two brief and summary reports by Schmidt and Maurits van Loon, Surkh Dum is recognized by Iranian archaeologists to be one of the most important sites in Luristan, and in Iran in general. Not only was Surkh Dum a settlement site, rather than a cemetery—which is the typical circumstance in the archaeological history of Luristan—but many hundreds of objects of bronze, ivory, bone, faience, and terracotta, as well as about 200 cylinder and stamp seals, were recovered. To date, only seven of the objects have been published, and nothing has been published about the two buildings partially uncovered. In 1943 The Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired 41 objects excavated at Surkh Dum, only five of which had previously been published. Because of the importance of the material for modern knowledge of the art and archaeology of Luristan, an area plundered since the late 1920s, and the source of countless thousands of unexcavated objects, the presentation of even a small group of excavated artifacts from Luristan is considered to be of great value. The present paper offers a history of our present knowledge of the site, a tentative discussion of its chronology, and a catalogue discussion of the Surkh Dum material in The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  相似文献   

QUOIT BROOCH STYLE MATERIAL, produced from the early 5th century onwards, has been primarily considered from a stylistic point of view, leaving much scope for further investigation. In addition, the known corpus of material has been much expanded through newly excavated and metal-detected finds. In this article, I bring together the known extant material for the first time, and document important evidence relating to contextual dating, gender associations, manufacture (including new compositional analyses of c 75 objects), repair, and reuse. The article questions previous interpretations of Quoit Brooch Style material as relating to Germanic mercenaries and/or post-Roman political entities. It interprets the earliest material as a part of wider trends elsewhere, in England and in continental north-western Europe, for the production of material imitating late-Roman symbols of power. It presents new evidence for connectivity with continental Europe via the western-Channel route in the 5th century. A detailed investigation of individual artefacts shows that many Quoit Brooch Style objects were reused, and sometimes subject to extensive repair and modification. This provides new insights into the 5th-century metal economy; for instance, acute problems in the availability of new metal objects in south-eastern Britain in the middle years of the 5th century. Compositional analyses contribute further to our understanding of metal supply in the 5th century and relationships with the post-Roman West. Insights are provided into wider cultural transformations in the 5th century and the gradual loss of value that occurred for Roman-style objects.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):143-144

Flinders Petrie was one of the earliest excavators to recognise that all archaeological material had research potential, and pursued a whole range of artefact types as the key to understanding past cultures. But what impact did the way in which he excavated have on the rate at which objects were discovered, and the condition in which they were found? And how important was it to him that the objects he acquired were closely linked to the physical and chronological landscape of his sites? This article looks at Petrie's field practices to try and answer some of these questions, with particular attention being paid to the relationship between Petrie and his workforce, his object collection policies, and some of the failings experienced in recording object provenance. These issues are critical to those who wish to make use of these objects to answer current questions about the ancient Near East—because it is only by understanding the way in which this material was recovered that we can begin to judge how it should be used in the present day.  相似文献   

Four metal objects excavated at Tell Abraq in 1989 and dating to the Bronze Age and Iron Age were analyzed at the Technical University of Copenhagen. The results are reported here and the implications of the work are discussed.  相似文献   

A hoard was discovered at Mariesminde near the centre of the Danish island Funen in 2003 during trial excavations. A pot containing 27 bronzes was later excavated in the museum laboratory. The bronzes were stacked disorderly, with a large piece of sheet bronze at the bottom. The objects consisted of broken rings, several so-called ‘Hohlwulstringe’ or hollow rings, a socketed axe, plus 13 casting cakes and three casting runners. No less than four rings are types new to Scandinavia and reflect connections with the Italian peninsula and further away. The hoard's mixture of broken objects, casting runners and cakes classifies it as a scrap hoard. It is dated to the Bronze Age period VI (Montelius), prominently indicated by the hollow rings. The findspot of the hoard was only c. 200 m from the well-known period IV hoard Mariesminde I with the largest collection of gold vessels from Funen. The metal analyses open new perspectives and indicate an origin in the Alps or the Erzgebirge for most of the collection.  相似文献   

Summary: Lead isotope analysis of metal are deposits in the Mediterranean provides an important database for provenance studies of ancient metal artefacts. the Isotrace laboratory at Oxford has accumulated during the past decade well over 2000 lead isotope data on copper and lead ores and these data (in addition to analyses published by other groups) can be used for comparisons with lead isotope compositions of ancient metal objects. In a search for the roots of Early Bronze Age metallurgy in Europe we have analysed 34 copper-based objects from the Early Bronze Age strata of the town of Thermi on the Aegean island of Lesbos. the results of lead isotope analysis show that the metal objects on this site have a quite varied origin. Some of the objects are made of copper consistent with an origin from the mineral deposits of the Troad whilst others might be made of copper from the Cyclades. However, there are also some objects which are not made of copper from any of the Aegean deposits. These imports have later parallels on the site of Kastri on Syros and amongst the objects excavated by Schliemann at Troy.  相似文献   

Neutron diffraction (ND) analyses of ancient metals show that this method is capable of detecting differences in the inner composition and microstructure of ancient metal objects. Here, ND measurements were conducted on two ‘eye shaped’ axes from the end of the 3rd-beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The objects were excavated from the ancient cemetery of ‘Enot Shuni' Israel; one is made of bronze and the other of silver. Both artefacts are rare finds, with the silver axe unique in the archaeology of Israel, and therefore had to be analysed locally. For that purpose, a newly assembled diffractometer (KARL) at the IRR-1 of the Nuclear Research Centre (Soreq, Israel) was used. ND measurement on the bronze axe revealed the existence of an α-phase with a range of Cu/Sn ratios (Cu–Sn solid solutions) and some amount of a δ-phase (intermetallic compound of Cu and Sn). The silver axe ND pattern shows the existence of an α-phase (Ag–Cu solid solution) and some amount of copper metal. Our ND data are discussed in comparison with XRF surface measurements and thermal neutron radiography. The results are shedding more light on the in-depth material composition profile, as well as on the objects’ structural and compositional affinities, and help to better understand the production processes and assist in conservation decisions.  相似文献   


The largest escape of German Prisoner of War (PoW) in WW2 was in March 1945 from Camp 198, situated in Bridgend, South Wales, UK. Since camp closure the site has become derelict, and has not been scientifically investigated. This paper reports on the search to locate the PoW escape tunnel that was dug from Hut 9. This hut remains in remarkable condition, with numerous PoW graffiti still present. Also preserved is a prisoner-constructed false wall in a shower room behind which excavated material was hidden, though the tunnel entrance itself has been concreted over. Near-surface geophysics and ground-based LiDAR were used to locate the tunnel. Mid-frequency GPR surveys were judged optimal, with magnetometry least useful due to the above-ground metal objects. Archaeological excavations discovered the intact tunnel and bed-board shoring. With Allied PoW escape camp attempts well documented, this investigation provides valuable insight into German escape efforts.  相似文献   

马鬃山玉矿遗址位于甘肃省肃北县马鬃山镇西北约22公里的河盐湖径保尔草场。2011年10~11月,甘肃省文物考古研究所对该遗址进行了调查和发掘,调查确定遗址面积约5平方公里,发掘面积为150平方米,清理的遗迹有矿坑、防御性建筑、作坊、灰坑,出土陶器、石器、金属器、玉料及毛坯等200余件。从发掘资料看,遗址的年代下限为汉代,是目前在西北地区发现的年代最早的玉矿遗址。此次发掘为研究骗马文化提供了新资料,出土的玉矿原料为研究马鬃山玉矿的矿物成分、矿藏成因等提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

Godin Tepe, a large tell situated in western Iran along the Silk Road (High Road) and excavated from 1965 to 1973 by T. Cuyler Young, Jr. (56, 57, 58, 59 and 60), yielded over 200 metal artifacts dating to the Early Bronze through Iron Ages. Sixty-nine of these were investigated for this project using traditional metallography and electron probe microanalysis. It was found that the metal objects at Godin Tepe reflect a range of manufacturing techniques and represent multiple producers. In addition, a high degree of variability in production methods is seen for typologically similar aesthetic items like bracelets and pins, but there is uniformity in production of utilitarian items like chisels. The metals from Godin Tepe have provided great insight into the diverse manufacturing methods present on the Iranian Plateau in antiquity, especially during the Bronze Age.  相似文献   

通过对考古资料的梳理,可以将迄今为止已发掘清理的9座晚唐五代时期钱氏家族墓葬划分为以吴越建国为界的前后两个阶段。前一阶段以水邱氏墓为代表,后一阶段以马氏墓(康陵)为代表。前后两个阶段的墓葬形制有明显的发展变化,在随葬品的种类及组合方面也有差别。总体上,钱氏家族墓葬以秘色瓷为主要随葬品,特别是在墓内绘刻天文星象图,在同时期墓葬中具有鲜明的特色。  相似文献   

While boat and ship graves are known from across northern Europe, and are particularly associated with the Viking Age, only seven examples of such monuments have been excavated in Iceland. Furthermore, no shipwrecks are known dating from this period in Iceland, and examples of boat timbers preserved by waterlogging are very rare. As such, the mineralized wood remains from these burials comprise the vast majority of direct archaeological evidence currently available for the boats used in daily life in early Iceland. This paper uses taxonomic identification of mineralized wood remains from the Icelandic boat graves, along with comparative data from Europe and Scandinavia, to discuss boat construction and repair in early Iceland, including the possibilities of driftwood utilization and the importation of boats from Norway. The economic and social significance of the practice of boat burial in Iceland is also explored, with regard to the importance of boats as transport and the limited availability of wood suitable for boat construction and repair.  相似文献   

In the multidisciplinary project presented here, 12 known monastic grounds in Iceland were surveyed by a group of medievalists from different fields in the summers of 2009, 2010 and 2011. The aim of the survey was to increase knowledge of the Icelandic monastic garden and of the plants that were known and used there; to look for possible medieval cultural relict plants; to observe continental influence on the island; and to vitalize discussion and research. Landscape and plants were surveyed at the 12 monastic sites, and full botanical investigations made. Many of the plants found have a medieval past as medicinal and utility plants, and some of their properties may have been common knowledge to medieval Icelanders. An investigation of written sources and archaeological and archaeobotanical findings from excavated sites added to the investigators’ knowledge. So were there monastic gardens in Iceland in the Middle Ages? The answer is a rather confident yes. With all the evidence combined, the investigators were able to trace the deliberate use of medicinal, food and utility plants in the monastic contexts. Whether they were cultivated, tended in situ, gathered growing wild or imported is another matter. Continental influence was more evident than has previously been observed.  相似文献   

甘肃出土木器依据形态与结构划分,属于典型的糟朽木器类型,材质外观特征与特性明显。制作材质鉴定表明,基本类型有①松科云杉;②松科冷杉;③柏科圆柏。通过对糟朽木器形态类型、结构属性、影响因素及发生改变原因剖析,指出了糟朽木器材质在经历了第一阶段的转折性根本改变后(含水率远低于纤维饱和点),即将面临第二阶段的转折性根本变化(含水率略高或接近于平衡含水率),而这一阶段的改变结果对器物将是毁灭性的;为了避免出土器物在短期内形态发生剧变,运用生物切片、扫描电镜分析技术对木质纤维显微结构进行了观察和研究,研究结果与结构病害腐变结果相吻合。选取与糟朽器物同期考古出土的糟朽棺板木作为分析对象,分别对其化学成分、容积重、含水率以及力学性能进行了实验测试,测得糟朽木器降解损失超过50%,含水率约为10.5%,力学强度指标与正常材质相比,均有明显的下降,且相对差异较大,最大约为正常木材强度的60%。对比分析结果,得出了结论:①糟朽木器的形态与结构状况与实验生物切片分析、电镜显微结构观察和研究结果相吻合,同时材质成分、容积重与力学性能测定结果为上述分析结果提供了有力的数据支撑;②致使糟朽木器形态和结构发生改变的主要因素是胎木含水率,其值是非恒定的并随外部环境而改变,因此含水率可用于反映糟朽木器的材质特性;③纤维饱和点与平衡含水率是影响、衡量和评估糟朽木器形态与结构的两个重要的物理参数;④鉴于糟朽木器的材质特性,后期保存应尽量避免与水分的直接接触,需要严格控制其胎木的含水率,且维持恒定、稳定的保存环境,这点对后期糟朽木器的保存是非常重要的  相似文献   

We analysed a faience fragment from Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, to determine whether it belonged to the Town Mosaic, excavated at Knossos. Three Town Mosaic fragments from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford were also examined. The objects were analysed using non‐destructive variable‐pressure scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectrometry. The Bristol object's composition and microstructures are similar to those of the Town Mosaic samples. Our results are also comparable to those from polished samples of Minoan faience (Tite et al. 2009 ), showing that VP SEM–EDX gives reliable results without invasive sampling. Silicaceous, copper‐rich microspheres were identified for the first time in two of the Ashmolean objects.  相似文献   

甘肃武威磨嘴子汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磨嘴子汉墓群位于甘肃省武威市凉州区新华乡磨嘴子村,20世纪50~90年代,在此进行过数次大规模发掘,共发掘清理西汉至东汉时期墓葬近百座,出土王杖诏书令册简等重要文物。2005年11月,武威市文物考古研究所在磨嘴子村清理了一座汉代墓葬。此墓为斜坡式墓道土洞墓,墓室平面呈长方形,中后部有一木棺,棺内墓主身上残留丝织品。随葬器物以木器为主,也有少量陶器、铜器、漆器等。这座墓葬的年代应为西汉末至东汉初期,墓内出土的丝织品,为研究汉代纺织技术提供了新资料。  相似文献   

河南洛阳市隋唐东都外郭城五座窑址的发掘   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年,洛阳市文物工作队在隋唐洛阳外郭城东北里坊区内发掘了5座烧窑遗址,出土有长方形砖、板瓦、筒瓦等建筑材料,以及瓷器、釉陶器及陶器等生活用具。根据烧窑的形制结构及出土遗物,再结合与临近地区窑址的比较,推断该窑址应属于隋唐时期的官营烧窑作坊遗址。  相似文献   

The results of the 1993 and 1994 seasons by a Belgian team from Gent University at ed-Dur in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain are presented. The excavations concentrated on area BS, where a total of 2650 m2 were excavated. This large exposure provided a vast amount of material of the late 1st century BC and the 1st century AD. Only some rare objects (from different areas) are presented.  相似文献   

This object-specific case study focuses on cupreous artifacts excavated from the Great Temple complex of Petra, Jordan to demonstrate how the use of compositional X-ray analyses alongside two experimental applications (ImageJ software and nanoindentation) have the potential to generate different and otherwise unobtainable information about archaeological metals. The study highlights the value of using multiple techniques as a means of resolving the ambiguities that tend to arise from interpretations of single-sited measurements on objects and from single-instrumental analyses during studies of production processes and consequent material performance. Employing different techniques on multiple localities within a sample permits the gathering of precise information about the behavior of and interrelationships between variables that affect the objects’ fabrication and use, particularly composition, structure, and hardness properties. The resulting data are interpreted in association with contextual archaeological information from Petra to consider the use-life and potential significance of these objects.  相似文献   

2011年4月,苏州市吴中区吴山岭公墓三区发掘一座明代单室券顶砖室墓。墓葬已遭破坏,出土器物较少,但仍存有墓志。墓志记载了墓主刘德贞的生平,据墓志可知墓主卒于洪武三年(1370年)。明代早期纪年墓的发现,为苏州地区明代墓葬形制及苏州地方史志等的研究提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

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