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甘肃出土木器依据形态与结构划分,属于典型的糟朽木器类型,材质外观特征与特性明显。制作材质鉴定表明,基本类型有①松科云杉;②松科冷杉;③柏科圆柏。通过对糟朽木器形态类型、结构属性、影响因素及发生改变原因剖析,指出了糟朽木器材质在经历了第一阶段的转折性根本改变后(含水率远低于纤维饱和点),即将面临第二阶段的转折性根本变化(含水率略高或接近于平衡含水率),而这一阶段的改变结果对器物将是毁灭性的;为了避免出土器物在短期内形态发生剧变,运用生物切片、扫描电镜分析技术对木质纤维显微结构进行了观察和研究,研究结果与结构病害腐变结果相吻合。选取与糟朽器物同期考古出土的糟朽棺板木作为分析对象,分别对其化学成分、容积重、含水率以及力学性能进行了实验测试,测得糟朽木器降解损失超过50%,含水率约为10.5%,力学强度指标与正常材质相比,均有明显的下降,且相对差异较大,最大约为正常木材强度的60%。对比分析结果,得出了结论:①糟朽木器的形态与结构状况与实验生物切片分析、电镜显微结构观察和研究结果相吻合,同时材质成分、容积重与力学性能测定结果为上述分析结果提供了有力的数据支撑;②致使糟朽木器形态和结构发生改变的主要因素是胎木含水率,其值是非恒定的并随外部环境而改变,因此含水率可用于反映糟朽木器的材质特性;③纤维饱和点与平衡含水率是影响、衡量和评估糟朽木器形态与结构的两个重要的物理参数;④鉴于糟朽木器的材质特性,后期保存应尽量避免与水分的直接接触,需要严格控制其胎木的含水率,且维持恒定、稳定的保存环境,这点对后期糟朽木器的保存是非常重要的  相似文献   

髹漆贴金木雕属岭南地区代表性的传统木雕工艺,此类文物藏品也因此而独具特色。由于一件清代髹漆贴金木雕观音菩萨坐像存在糟朽、开裂、漆皮起翘、脱落等病害,需采取相应的修复措施。为此,在采集漆层、木胎等样品进行X射线荧光能谱、拉曼、红外光谱、切片观察等分析检测的基础上,依据分析检测结果和木雕保存现状制定实施了表面清理、菌虫防治、裂缝和残缺部位修复补全、脱落漆皮回软回贴、髹漆贴金仿卉处理等技术措施。保护处理后的木雕文物器形完整,色泽协调,形态和性质稳定,达到了预期的效果。上述分析检测手段和保护修复技术对同类文物的保护工作有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Remains similar to wood in superficial appearance are sometimes observed on the surfaces of corroded iron objects from archaeological deposits. Examination of this material in a scanning electron microscope suggests that deposition of iron corrosion products has occurred within the cell spaces. Subsequently the wood may have decomposed, leaving behind internal cell casts which mirror the original structure.  相似文献   

G. HADAS  I. SEGAL  O. YOFFE  M. STEIN 《Archaeometry》2009,51(6):1008-1014
A wooden Roman anchor was discovered at the retreating shore of the Dead Sea, north of Ein Gedi. The anchor's wood material was coated by a thick veneer of aragonite and gypsum crusts. The wood was dated by radiocarbon to the early Roman time in the Levant. Lead isotope analyses carried out on the Pb–Fe–Cu anchor material (remains of the anchor's metal parts) yielded ratios that indicate origin of the metal in Italian ores (maybe Tuscan). For the wooden part of the anchor a local tree was used.  相似文献   

In this study, the analysis of charcoal remains from three prehistoric necropolises is presented. This botanical material formed part of funerary pyres and thus represents purposely gathered wood used for cremation ceremonies. Therefore, its anthracological analysis may indicate a special selection of wood, which may be a source of palaeoethnographic information about past rituals. However, a question remains as to whether or not the charcoal assemblages that originated from graves may also provide some palaeoecological information. In order to test both hypotheses, analysis of three Polish necropolises dating to the Bronze and the Iron Age were performed. In all charcoal assemblages, a taxonomic diversity among charcoals was detected, which may suggest that the wood was collected based on availability. This may also be inferred after observing that the presence of the most ubiquitous and frequently found taxa may be strongly correlated with present-day vegetation growing in the vicinity of the necropolises.  相似文献   

Waterlogged archaeological wood undergoes decay processes that depend on both the burial conditions and the constituting species, and which cause the depletion of the structural components of wood cells. To quantitatively assess the state of preservation of the decayed material, specific parameters are usually measured by means of both chemical and physical analyses. In this paper an innovative approach in the use of the data obtained from these kinds of measurements is developed. A series of 132 archaeological wood samples of different wood species, burial times and states of preservation, and coming from different sites in Italy, was analysed. Their residual chemical composition, maximum water content and basic density were measured, and a reasoned use of these parameters was carried out through their elaboration, with the aim of both evaluating eventual incongruence or anomalies in the raw physical and chemical data (which has never been accomplished so far) and directly comparing in a reliable way the analytical results obtained from archaeological samples with very different states of preservation. This approach allowed defining the effective values of chemical parameters related to wood decay according to a same reference basis of calculation among the various data. By this way, it was possible to state that lignin can be also attacked by the agents causing biotic decay, and that in hardwoods its decay is more related to the burial conditions than to the wood species. Instead, the mechanism of polysaccharide depletion is diversified: conifers showed a uniform behaviour whereas hardwoods were more species-dependent. Moreover, in addition to the chemical composition, also anatomical factors influence the carbohydrate rate of decay in waterlogged wood.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of potassium–calcium ‘wood‐ash’ glass reflects the elemental pattern of the involved non‐volatile base materials in quartz sand, wood ash and possibly potash. The essential elemental ratio K2O/CaO of wood ash varies between 0.2 and 0.8, and depends on the habitat and geological substratum of the wood rather than on the tree species; ratios between 1.0 and 3.0 in wood‐ash glass are only possible when potash is added as a third base material. Melting temperatures of wood‐ash glass sensu stricto, termed K–Ca‐2, produced with the two raw materials quartz sand and wood ash, are between 1250°C and 1400°C, while those of three‐component‐glasses, termed K–Ca‐3, are between 900°C and 1250°C, according to the amount of added potash. Experimentally produced glass displays different hues, from colourless to brown, olive‐green and pink, according to the chemical composition of the wood ash. Elevated MnO concentrations between 0.5 and 3 wt% may originate from wood ash and are hence not necessarily an indicator of colour‐inhibiting additives. Phosphate stemming from wood ash is an essential discriminator between wood‐ash glass and potash–lime glass. Because wood ash contains only minor amounts of sodium, wood‐ash glass with equal concentrations of potassium and sodium is a hybrid glass type, where besides quartz sand, wood ash, possibly potash and also soda‐rich cullet have been applied for glass production.  相似文献   

受自然作用、人为因素及材性退化的影响,已有数百年甚至千年历史的古建筑木结构构件及斗栱节点存在不同程度的损伤,需进行合理修缮加固。而在木结构修缮选材中,抗弯弹性模量是需要考虑的一项重要指标。为了找到更合适的古建筑修缮加固用材,本研究选用五种木材进行横纹径向、弦向和斜向抗弯测试,采用力学试验机以及自制的力传感器通过电阻应变采集仪分别记录了五种木材所受力和位移的关系,然后按荷载与位移的关系分别计算出各自的抗弯弹性模量。通过对五种木材抗弯弹性模量的测量与分析,比较了相同含水率的木材抗弯弹性模量随密度的变化情况。试验表明:同种木材不同受弯方向抗弯弹性模量差异较大;与其他木材相比,落叶松不同受弯方向的平均抗弯弹性模量高于其他木材;木材的抗弯弹性模量有随密度增加而增加的趋势。此试验结果可为今后古建木结构的维修与加固以及构件替换提供参考。  相似文献   

作为民国时期四川重要的出口物资 ,桐油在贸易数量和贸易格局上一定程度地反映着四川区域经济的特点。本文在前人研究的基础上引入海关贸易统计和日本人调查报告 ,从贸易格局、市场整合等角度进一步探讨民国时期四川桐油贸易的历史全貌。  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty‐nine fibre samples from books in the Korean collection and 68 samples from books in the Japanese collection at the British Library were analysed. A further 15 samples of Korean paper from a private collection were also examined. The analysis confirmed that most of the papers contained mulberry species (Moraceae family) as the main papermaking material, and other materials, such as hemp, rice straw and reed, which have been commonly known as supplements to traditional Korean papermaking. However, 15 Korean papers and one Japanese paper dating between ad 1498 and 1798 appeared to include coniferous wood fibres. This substantial find supports a previous single find of a coniferous wood fibre in Korean paper. The dates of most of these papers containing wood fibres precede the use of wood pulps in European paper.  相似文献   

The consumption of hallucinogenic substances is a long-standing tradition in the Americas. San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) in Northern Chile is the archaeological zone with the highest incidence of snuffing implements in the world. Snuff trays from SPA have been studied under a variety of prisms but their provenience, in particular that of the wood used in their manufacture, has not yet been addressed. The delicate nature of trays and their excellent state of preservation call for the use of non-invasive analytical methods. Wood density was used to demarcate a possible range of species and hence as a broad provenience marker, and its value determined for 169 trays from the museum at San Pedro de Atacama. The results showed that although some of the SPA snuff trays studied may have been manufactured with local wood, most of them used exogenous wood as raw material. At this point, it is not possible to ascertain the precise origin of such wood, but Bolivia and NWA appear as likely candidates. Three distinct styles have been defined for SPA trays: Tiwanaku, San Pedro, and Circumpuneño (encompassing the area around the Puna de Atacama and including SPA). The effect of style on density points to different sources of wood in Tiwanaku style trays and trays in San Pedro and Circumpuneño styles. As expected from geographically and temporally dynamic patterns of interaction of SPA with neighboring regions, diachronic differences in wood density distributions were found. Tray manufacturing technique was not dependent on wood density, suggesting that the skill of artisans and the quality of their tools allowed them to use any type of wood for their art work, independent of its complexity.  相似文献   

The use of bone as fuel during the lower Aurignacian in the Pataud rock shelter was studied. An anterior study allowed us to dismiss the hypothesis of an imbalance between wood availability and the use of bone as fuel. An experimental study of bone combustion shows the specific properties of bone as fuel. We have proposed that the combustion of a mixture of material (wood and bone) is more effective as source of heat than the combustion of wood alone and the higher the proportion of bone the longer the combustion lasts. Lastly, we observed that the combustion of bone favours two kinds of heat transfer: radiation and convection, but that it is completely ineffective for conduction. The results show that the use of bone could result from an intentional management of fuel in relation with the function of the settlement. It also could be a response to the disadvantage of using wood in a Palaeolithic camp.  相似文献   

木材树种的鉴定是古木结构建筑维修和保护的基础性工作。为配合建水县指林寺大殿修缮保护的需要,为修缮树种选用提供依据,了解木文化的特点。本研究对建水指林寺大殿古建筑主要木构件进行了树种鉴定及对材种配置调查分析。采用切片、显微镜拍照、宏观和微观特征分析等方法,对700个试样进行了树种鉴定。结果表明建水指林寺大殿的木构件共有4个树种,分别是硬木松(Pinus sp.)、白青冈(Cyclobalanopsis sp.)、格木(Erythrophleum sp.)和荷木(Schima sp.)。通过材种配置分析可得指林寺大殿木构件在选材方面达到很高水平,不仅反应了建造年代,而且体现修缮的特性。  相似文献   

Charcoal making was a common process in the woodlands of Britain for many centuries. However, historic ‘wood stack’ production sites are difficult to identify. This paper tests the hypothesis that geophysical survey is an appropriate method for the discovery and identification of archaeological charcoal making sites. A traditional wood stack charcoal kiln was constructed in Low Staindale, Dalby Forest, near Pickering, North Yorkshire, to investigate the charcoaling process and the effect of low-temperature carbonisation on the magnetic properties of the soil underlying the kiln. The results from temperature monitoring (within and beneath the charcoal stack) throughout the charcoaling process, geophysical surveys across the charcoal kiln platform, and laboratory analysis of soil and ash samples, are presented. The degree to which the magnetic properties of the ground beneath the charcoal kiln had been enhanced as a consequence of this low-temperature process is discussed. Whilst some magnetic enhancement to the soil beneath the kiln platform was recorded, enhancement appears to be the result of contamination from the wood stack sealing material rather than the effect of heat transfer resulting from the charcoaling process. The results suggest that whilst historic wood stack charcoal production sites are likely to remain an enigmatic and under-reported feature in the archaeological landscape, geophysical prospection does have the potential for identification of these sites.  相似文献   

N. BOENKE 《Archaeometry》2005,47(2):471-483
Remarkable preservation circumstances for organic material at the Iron Age salt‐mine on the Dürrnberg Mountain offered the opportunity to analyse a large amount of wood and human faeces. One aim of the studies was to discover the origin of the important resources food and wood. Concerning the question of ‘the linking role of the Alps in past cultures’, the archaeobotanical record proves intracultural but no intercultural connections at this place in Celtic times. The preliminary results show that the Dürrnberg population used differentiated strategies to manage a continuous food and wood supply. While the wood supply was based on the management of local sources, the food supply had to be linked into a regional and long‐distance trade system.  相似文献   

Artefacts made of wood coming from archaeological excavations provide insights into human cultural behaviour of the past. They show how man utilised natural resources and how the development of woodworking techniques and artistic endeavour were developed. Within archaeological contexts, waterlogged anaerobic conditions generally preserve the appearance of artefacts, although wood is subject to severe decay processes. The said conditions can transform the original material into a new one, thus demonstrating specific differences from those of the “fresh” wood of the same species. In order to assess these new properties correctly, an integrated diagnostic approach is needed, one which includes a multidisciplinary (micromorphological, physical and chemical) evaluation of the state of preservation.  相似文献   

A test aquarium containing water and waterlogged historical wooden material was observed during a three-year period at Vänernmuseum, Sweden, to test the feasibility of preserving and exhibiting archaeological wood or shipwrecks in a way accessible to the public. Experiments were also set up in a laboratory environment, to provide information on single factors that could influence the long-term preservation state of wood, and other processes that may occur in the water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The usefulness of the term ‘ethnolinguistic group’, as a construct suggesting that ‘differences in language automatically translate into differences in culture’, has been questioned by Welsch, Terrel and Nadolski (1992). Not many researchers would insist on the term ‘automatically’, but would nevertheless support an argument for a strong correlation between material culture and language. As a contribution to this debate, we discuss two types of wood shields of the Torricelli Mountains (one of which is being identified for the first time) and pigskin shields to the south of the Torricellis, their use, and the details of the carved designs of the wood shields. The results of our analysis provide limited support for the correlation of material culture and language but highlight the need for analysis of material culture based on reliable data for a large number and wide range of artefacts, from defined regions, presently held in museums and private collections worldwide.  相似文献   

Wood exposed to a heat source can be transformed into charcoal if subject to conditions of carbonisation (in the absence of air) or charring (in restricted air). Charcoal recovered from archaeological sites can yield fundamental information to our understanding of human economic and cultural development over time and (ecological) setting. This work describes the morphological (anatomy, degree of shrinkage), physical (reflectance) and chemical (elemental, molecular composition) properties of charcoal in relation to heat source and wood variables. In this study charcoal and charcoal fuel were experimentally produced whereby temperature (160–1200 °C), time of exposure (2–1440 min), heating rate (high and low) and wood type (angiosperm and conifer) were varied. The results show that charcoal, often described as an inert, black material, has different chemical and physical properties in relation to the investigated variables. By using these different properties it is possible to distinguish between the different types of fires (domestic and industrial) exploited by humans in the past. Morphological analyses and reflectance measurements are effective tools for this purpose and can be used in wood exposed to temperatures of 300 °C and above—temperatures which are relevant to archaeological research. Angiosperm and conifer wood react in different ways when exposed to heat and thus the taxonomic identity of archaeological material needs to be known. Chemical analyses can be used for wood exposed to temperatures below 400 °C whereas elemental analyses of the carbon content can be used for wood exposed to temperatures up to a maximum of 650 °C.  相似文献   

为做好太仓半泾河古船保护修复工作、了解古船造船工艺及用材习惯,对船体龙骨、隔舱板、舱底板、侧板、船尾挡板、斜撑木、补强材、桅座和护舷板等31个样品的树种进行了鉴定。结果表明:太仓古船用材包括杉木(38.7%)、香樟(32.3%)、硬松(16.1%)、枫香(9.7%)和柏木(3.2%)等5个树种。经分析,古船用材均广泛分布于中国南方,其性能适合作为船体用材,说明古人造船就地取材但不单一选材。船体树种鉴定结果有利于后期针对性地进行船体保护工作。  相似文献   

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