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《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(3):251-264
Book reviewed in this article:
Principes de Géographie sociale , by P aul C laval , Editions M.Th. Génin
Urban Canada , by J ames and R obert S immons , 2nd edition
Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form , edited by L arry S. B ourne , R oss D. M ac K innon , J ay S iegel , and J ames W. S immons
Conservation by the People: The History of the Conservation Movement in Ontario to 1970 , by A.H. RICHARDSON
Physical Geography: The Canadian Context , by A llan F alconer , B arry D. F ahey , and R ussell D. T hompson
Modifying the Weather , by W. R. D. S ewell , et al.
Climate Canada , by F. K enneth H are and M orley K. T homas
The Geography of Puerto Rico by rafael P ico  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1976,20(1):122-134
Guide to Geographical Bibliographies and Reference Works in Russian or on the Soviet Union, by C hauncy D. H arris , Research Paper No. 164, Department of Geography, University of Chicago, Chicago
Geographical Perspectives in the Soviet Union: A Selection of Readings, edited by G eorge J. D emko and R oland J. F uchs , Ohio State University Press, Columbus
Principles of Landscape Science and Physical-Geographic Regionalization, by A.G. I sachenko , edited by J ohn S. M assey , Melbourne University Press International Scholarly Books Services, Portland, Oregon
Spatial Perspectives on Industrial Organization and Decision Making, edited by F.E. I an H amilton , John Wiley & Sons, Toronto
Locational Dynamics of Manufacturing Activity, edited by L yndhurst C ollins and D avid F. W alker , John Wiley & Sons, Toronto
Geography of World Agriculture, Research Institute of Geography, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest: No. 2, A Geography of Agriculture in the United States' Southeast, by J ames R. A nderson
The New Urban History, edited by L eo F. S chnore , Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
Vancouver, by W alter G. H ardwick , Collier-Macmillan Canada, Ltd., Don Mills  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(3):284-298
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction To Remote Sensing of Environment , edited by beenjamin F. R ichason Jr, Kendall Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa
Models of Cities and Regions , by A.G. W ilson , P.H. R ees .and C.M. L eigh , John Wiley & Sons, Somerset
A Capital for Canada , by D.B. K night , University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper No. 182, Chicago
Choosing Canada's Capital , by D.B. K night , McClelland and Stewart Limited, Toronto
Theoretical Problems of Geography , by V.A. A nuchin , translated and edited by R oland J. F uchs and G eorge J. D emko , Ohio State
Ideology, Science and Human Geography , by D erek G regory , Hutchinson & Co.
This Scene of Man: The Role and Structure of the City in the Geography of Western Civilization , by J ames E. V anc e jr. Harper and Row, New York  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Seigneurial System in Early Canada. A Geographical Study, by R ichard C ole - brook H arris
The Earth Sciences in Canada: A Centennial Appraisal and Forecast, edited by E. R. W. N eale , T oronto
Le Canada, par L ouis -E dmond H amelin (Collection Magellan, dirigée par Pierre George, vol. 28), Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1969, 301 pp., 22.00 ff
Factorial Ecology of Metropolitan Toronto, 1951-1961: An Essay on The Social Geography of the City, by R obert A. M urdie
Geographic Studies of Urban Transportation and Network Analysis, edited by F rank H orton
Spatial Analysis: A Reader in Statistical Geography, edited by B rian J. L. B erry and D uane F. Marble
Groundwater-Streamfiow Systems: Proceedings of Workshop Seminar sponsored by Laval University and the Canadian National Committee for the International Decade, September 18 and 19, 1967, edited by D. S himeld
Water, Earth and Man: A Synthesis of Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Socio-economic Geography, edited by R ichard J. C horley  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(4):354-363
Book reviewed in this article:
Antarctic Adventure: Scott's Northern Party , by R aymond E. P riestly
Agricultural Geography , by J ohn R. T arrant
Society and Environment in New Zealand , edited by R.J. J ohnston
Land and Leisure: Concepts and Methods in Outdoor Recreation , edited by D avid W. F ischer , J ohn E. L ewis , and G eorge B. P riddle
Community Response to Coastal Erosion , by J ames K. M itchell
Review of Urban Climatology, 1968–1973 , by T.R. O ke  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1983,27(3):295-304
Book reviewed in this article:
Recreational Land Use: Perspectives on Its Evolution in Canada , edited by G eoffrey W all and J ohn S. M arsh
Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts , by A lister M athieson and G eoffrey W all
The Rural Real Estate Market: Geographic Patterns of Structure and Change in an Urban Fringe Environment , by C hris B ryant
Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation , edited by B arry S adler and A llen C arlson
Historical Understanding in Geography: An Idealist Approach , by L eonard G uelke
Period and Place: Research Methods in Historical Geography , edited by A lan R.H. B aker and M ark B illinge  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Themes in Geographic Thought , edited by M ilton E. H arvey and B rian P. H olly
Timber Colony: A Historical Geography of Early Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick , by G raeme W ynn
Hopeful Travellers: Families, Land, and Social Change in Mid-Victorian Peel County, Canada West , by D avid G agan
National and Regional Economic Development Strategies: Perspectives on Canada's Problems and Prospects , edited by B arry W ellar
Agrometeorology , by J. S eemann , Y.I. C hirkov , J. L omas , and B. P rimault
Geomorphological Techniques , edited by A ndrew G oudie  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1977,21(4):389-390
African Survey , by A lan C.G. B est and H arm J. de B lij
Contemporary Africa: Geography and Change , edited by C. G regory K night and J ames L. N ewman
Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology , by K arl W. B utzer
Pastoralism in Crisis: The Dasanetch and Their Ethiopian Lands , by C laudia J. C arr
Periodic Markets, Urbanization and Regional Planning: A Case Study from Western Kenya , by R obert A. O budho and P eter P. W aller
Ways to Move: The Geography of Networks and Accessibility, by R oger R obinson
Social Aspects of Interaction and Transportation , by F rederick P. S tutz
Welland and the Welland Canal: The Canal By-pass Project , by J ohn N. J ackson
Urban Transportation Planning Guide , edited by P.E. Wade et al.
The Evolution of the Unit Train, 1960-1969 , by J ohn T. S tarr Jr.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1973,17(3):294-312
Book reviewed in this article:
Urban Systems Development in Central Canada: Selected Papers, edited by L. S. B ourne and R. D. M ac K innon
A Citizen's Guide to City Politics, by J ames L orimer
Zambia in Maps, edited by D. H ywel D avies
China's Changing Map, by T heodore S habad
The Barn: A Vanishing Landmark in North America, by E ric A rthur and D udley W itney
Environment and Land Use in Africa, edited by M. F. T homas and G. W. W hittington
The Hazardousness of a Place, by K enneth H ewitt and I an B urton
Introduction to Geomorphology, by A listair F. P itty
Hillslope Form and Process, by M. A. C arson and M. J. K irkby
Slopes, by A. Y oung
The Mechanics of Erosion, by M. A. C arson
Soil Geography, by J ames G. C ruickshank
Sozialgeographie. Eine disziplingeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Anthropogeographie. Mit einer Bibliographie, by E ckhard T homale
The Atmospheric Environment: A Study of Comfort and Performance, by A ndris A uliciems  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Human Spatial Behaviour: A Social Geography , by J.A. J akle , S. B runn , and C.C. R oseman
Environment and Behavior: Planning and Everyday Urban Life , by J. D ouglas P orteous
La Geographie politique , par A ndré -L ouis S anguin , Collection SUP - le Géographe, n°24
The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach , by M anuel C astells , Edward Arnold, London
Metropolitan Impacts on Rural America , by R ichard L amb , University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper No. 162, Chicago
The Dispersed City: The Case of Piedmont, North Carolina , by C harles R. H ayes , University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 173, Chicago
The Transportation Impact of the Canadian Mining Industry , by I ain W allace , Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Regional Socio-economic Impact of a National Park: Before and after Kejimkujik , by M ichael F oster and A ndrew S. H arvey , Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Water Re-use and the Cities , edited by R oger E. K asperson and J eanne X. K asperson , University Press of New England, Hanover, n.h.
A Plant Geography of Alberta , by M argaret E.A. N orth , University of Alberta, Department of Geography, Studies in Geography, Monograph 2, Edmonton
Pattern of the Soil Cover (Struktura pochvennogo pokrova), by V.M. F ridland
Soils of Canada , by J.S. C layton , W.A. E hrlich , D.B. C ann , J.H. D ay , and I.B. M arshall , A Co-operative Project of the Canadian Soil Survey Committee and the Soil Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario; Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1977; Volume 1, Soil Report  相似文献   

Remodelling Geography , edited by Bill Macmillan.
Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory , by Edward W. Soja.
The Condition of Postmodernity An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change , by David Harvey.
Spatial Structures , by Martin J. Beckmann and Tönu Puu.
Advanced Transport and Spatial Systems Models: Applications to Korea , by Tschangho John Kim, in association with Sunduck Suh.
Travel Behaviour Research , edited by the International Association for Travel Behaviour.
The Evolution of Regional Economies: Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Change , by Luis Suarez-Villa.
Urban Problems in Western Europe , by Paul C. Cheshire and Dennis G. Hay.
The Human Geography of Eastern Europe , by David Turnock.
ECESIS: An Interregional Economic-Demographic Model of the United States , by Paul M. Beaumont.
Natural Landscape Amenities and Suburban Growth Metropolitan Chicago, 1970-1980 , by Christopher Mueller-Wille.
Evaluation Methods for Urban and Regional Plans: Essays in Memory of Morris Hill , edited by Daniel Shefer and Henk Voogd.
Region as a Socio-Environmental System: An Introduction to a Systemic Regional Geography , by Dov Nir.
Tourist Development , 2nd edition, by Douglas Pearce.
Tourism Analysis: A Handbook , by Stephen L. J. Smith.
The Community Tourism Industry Imperative: The Necessity, the Opportunity, Its Potential , by Uel Blank.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1978,22(2):164-174
Book reviewed in this article:
Managing Canada's Renewable Resources , edited by R alph R. K rueger and B ruce M itchell
Canada's Natural Environment: Essays in Applied Geography , by G.R. M c B oyle and E. S ommerville
Muskeg and the Northern Environment in Canada , edited by N.W. R adforth and CO. B rawner
Natural Resource Revenues: A Test of Federalism , edited by A nthony S cott
The Practical Application of Economic Incentives to the Control of Pollution: The Case of British Columbia , edited by J ames B. S tephenson
Public Land Ownership: Frameworks for Evaluation , edited by D alton K ehoe et al., D.C. Heath  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1974,18(2):168-180
Book reviewed in this article:
The Best Poor Man's Country; a Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania, by J ames T. L emon
Canada: A Geographical Perspective, by L ouis -E dmond H amelin , translated by M. C. S torrie , and C. I. J ackson
The Cultural Geography of the United States, by W ilbur Z elinsky
The Mound Builders, Agricultural Practices, Environment and Society in the Central Highlands of New Guinea by E ric W addell
Geography of Transportation, by E. J. T aaffe and H. L. G authier
Freight Flows and Spatial Aspects of the British Economy, by M. C hisholm and P. O'S ullivan
Glacial and Fluvioglacial Landforms, by R. J. P rice
Weather Forecasting for Agriculture and Industry, edited by J. A. Taylor
Air Pollution and Lichens, edited by B. W. F erry , M. S. B addeley , and D. L. H awksworth  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1985,29(2):184-192
Book reviewed in this article:
Studies in Canadian Regional Geography: Essays in Honor of J. Lewis Robinson edited by BRENTON M. BARR
The Industrial Geography of Canada , by ANTHONY BLACKBOURN and ROBERT G. PUTNAM
The Expanding City: Essays in Honour of Professor Jean Gottman , edited by JOHN PATTEN
Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Applications, Volume 6 , edited by D.T. HERBERT and R.J. JOHNSTON
Past and Present Vegetation of the Far Northwest of Canada , by J.C. RITCHIE  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1966,10(4):242-254
Book reviewed in this article:
Locational Analysis in Human Geography , by P. H aggett
Areas of Economic Stress in Canada: Proceedings of a Conference, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario , edited by W. D. W ood and R. S. T homan
Scandinavian Lands , by R oy M illward
Introduction to the Atmosphere , by H erbert R iehl
Richards Atlas of New York State, edited by ROBERT J. RAYBACK and EDWARD L. TOWLE, Frank E. Richards, Phoenix
The American City: An Urban Geography, by RAYMOND E. MURPHY, McGraw-Hill
Plants, Animals and Man in the Outer Leeward Islands, West Indies, by D. R. HARRIS, University of California, Publications in Geography
The Compeiiiive Position of the Port of Durban, by N. MANFRED SHAFFER, North western University Studies in Geography
The Physiography of Southern Ontario, 2nd edition, by L. J. CHAPMAN and D. F. PUTNAM, Toronto
The Elevated System and the Growth of Northern Chicago, by JAMES LESLIE DAVIS, Studies in Geography
The Chicago-Milwaukee Corridor: A Geographic Study of Inter-metropolitan Coalescence, by IRVING CUTLER
The Spatial Pattern of Grocery Purchases by the Iowa Rural Population, by GERARD RUSHTON, Studies in Business and Economics  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1982,26(3):283-292
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Agriculture: Resource Development and Spatial Organization (Geography of World Agriculture, Vol. 9), by P eter S cott
Canadian Agriculture (Geography of World Agriculture, Vol. 10), by M.J. T roughton
Rural Settlement in an Urban World , by M ichael B unce
Kanada einfach. Die Bauern verlassen die Schweiz , by W erner C atrina
Politics, Geography and Behaviour , by R ichard M uir and R onan P addison
Political Studies from Spatial Perspectives: Anglo-American Essays on Political Geography , edited by A lan D. B urnett and P eter J. T aylor
Spatial Analysis, Industry and the Industrial Environment: Volume 2 - International Industrial Systems , edited by F.E.I. H amilton and G.J.R. L inge
Handbook of Snow: Principles, Processes, Management and Use , edited by D.M. G ray and D.H. M ale  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1969,13(2):175-181
Book reviewed in this article:
The Cycle of Erosion in Different Climates , by P ierre B irot and translated by C. Ian Jackson and Keith M. Clayton
Canada's Changing Geography , edited by R. Louis G entilcore
Landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea , edited by J. N. J ennings and J. A. M abbutt
Africa in Transition , edited by B. W. H odder and D. R. H arris
Readings in Economic Geography , edited by H oward G. R oepke  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1968,12(4):266-277
Book reviewed in this article:
The Journals of Captain James Cook: Volume 111 the Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776–1780, Parts one and two, edited by J. C. B eaglehole
Models in Geography, edited by R ichard J. C horley and P eter H aggett
Introduction to Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F red E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
Physical Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F red E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
Cultural Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F. E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
River Plains and Sea Coasts, by R. J. R ussell
Japan Advances—a Geographical Study, by P rue D empster
Urban Development in Canada, by L eroy O. S tone
An Advanced Geography of Northern and Western Europe, by R. J. H arrison C hurch , P eter H all , G. R. P. L awrence , W. R. M ead , and A lice M utton
Human Dimensions of Weather Modification, edited by W. R. D errick S ewell  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(2):180-193
Book reviewed in this article:
The Warm Desert Environment , by A ndrew G oudie and J ohn W ilkinson
Fundamentals of Geomorphology , by R.J. R ice
Social Areas in Cities. Volume 1, Spatial Processes and Form , edited by D.T. H erbert and R.J. J ohnston
Social Areas in Cities , Volume 2, Spatial Perspectives on Problems and Policies , edited by D.T. H erbert and R.J. J ohnston
Urban Health in America , by A masa B. F ord
Demographic Developments in Eastern Europe , edited by L eszek A. K osinski
Spatial Population Analysis , by P.H. R ees and A.G. W ilson , Macmillan, Toronto  相似文献   

Development Regions in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Canada , edited by A ndrew F. B urghardt
London School of Economics & Political Science and School of Slavonic Studies, University of London
Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Trappers, Hunters, and Middlemen in the Lands Southwest of Hudson Bay 1660-1870 , by A rthur J. R ay
Environmental Data from Historical Documents by Content Analysis: Freeze-up and Break-up of Estuaries on Hudson Bay, 1714-1871 , by D.W. M oodie and A.J.W. C atchpole
Techniques in Pedology , by R ichard T. S mith and K enneth A tkinson
La Crise Urbaine: A Challenge to Geographers , edited by R.A. R oberge
Urban Home steading , by J ames W. H ughes and K enneth D. B leakly , Jr.  相似文献   

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