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1982年元旦,丹徒丁卯桥发现的唐代银器窖藏,出土器物共九百五十余件。其品种多样,造型奇巧,纹饰繁缛,制作精湛,在唐代的出土银器中极为罕见。这是建国以来,继西安何家村金银器窖藏后又一重大发现。本文就银器的年代、主人及产地诸方  相似文献   

1996年10月浙江湖州市博物馆对菁山宋墓进行了抢救性清理,出土了漆器、银器、铜器等60余件,其中刻有"澹轩"二字的鎏金团花银瓶是湖州地区首次发现,在出土银器中有如此精美的宋银瓶尚属罕见。  相似文献   

安春明 《文物春秋》2009,(1):34-36,43
1984年秋,玉田县白各庄村发现一座晋代墓葬,出土的随葬品有陶器、瓷器、银器、铁器等,对研究冀东地区晋代社会经济、丧葬习俗有一定得参考价值。  相似文献   

1956年发掘清理的湖北蕲春荆端王次妃刘氏墓出土一批银器,有银壶、盂、盏、盒、葫芦瓶及银钱、银锭、银法子等,其中银壶、银盏及银锭、银法子等皆有铭刻。荆端王次妃刘氏墓银器现藏湖北省博物馆,属目前湖北出土最重要的明代银器。本文对这批银器进行了较全面的整理,以期为研究明代蕲春荆王府历史及相关制度提供参考资料。  相似文献   

1979年4月,浙江省淳安县夏中乡朱塔村出土了12件窖藏银器,浙江省博物馆到此进行了调查,并考定这批银器的制作年代为晚唐。这无疑是正确的。笔者将其中某些器物,与英国不列颠博物馆的同类藏品进行了比较,发现尚有可进一步研究、补充之处。淳安朱塔唐代窖藏银器中有一件壶盖,口径7.7、高8.6厘米。空心葫芦形顶,荸荠形纽(图一)。据简报称调查时壶身已无,只从当地群众回忆中知壶身带长管流和环  相似文献   

四川德阳出土的宋代银器简介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
四川德阳县孝泉镇清真寺,距县城约四十里,1959年3月22日于该地出土银器一百一十七件,四川省博物馆曾先后派人前往调查,并带回银器三十三件,这批银器出土时,系装在四耳陶罐内,罐上盖一砖,砖上有崇宁通宝少许,而罐的四周有崇宁通宝一百六十余斤。兹将这批银器(现存四川博物馆者)简介于下:  相似文献   

2011年旺苍县嘉川镇蔬菜村二社村民在挖房屋地基时发现一批埋藏于地下的银器,旺苍县文物保护管理所接到消息后将出土器物带回。后经工作人员简单清理,共清理出器物及配件、残片近百件。2015年,广元市博物馆因展陈之故,再次对这批窖藏银器进行清理,最终整理出银锅、银盘、银杯、执壶、汤勺、盏托等完整器物37件(套)。蔬菜村窖藏银器造型独特、纹饰精美,在器型、纹饰等方面呈现出典型的晚唐风格,对研究唐代晚期旺苍地区政治、经济、文化,以及我国唐代晚期银器手工业情况,皆具重要意义。  相似文献   

泰宁县位于福建省西北部,与江西省交界,1991年11月,民工在县城东北的胜利街挖掘私人住宅基础时,在距地表约1.4米深处,挖出一件釉陶罐,内藏多件银器,但文物当即遭到哄抢,釉陶罐也被打碎丢弃。后一位山东籍民工把大部分鎏金银器送交县博物馆,县公安部门亦收回其余流散的银器。这批银器大部分鎏金,且器类较多,有瑞果纹圆盘、云龙纹椭圆盘、夔龙纹八角杯,长  相似文献   

唐代遗迹中,有许多金银器窖藏,性质多不清楚.考古学中的“窖藏”,有时指当时人们有意识的储藏,具有仓库的性质.有时指因突发事件埋藏的遗迹.而暂时无法确定埋藏的遗迹,常被称之为“窖藏”.唐代许多金银器因出土时多没有其它如墓葬、居址等遗迹现象,故被称作“窖藏”.然而,为什么会集中出土成批的金银器,探讨其原因,对器物断代及反映的历史问题显然十分重要.唐代金银器窖藏主要有如下诸例:1958年陕西耀县柳林背阴村银器窖藏,出土银器十九件.1963年西安沙坡村银器窖藏,出土银器十五件.1970年西安南郊何家村唐代窖藏,内有金银器一千余件.1975年内蒙古敖汉旗李家营子银器容藏,出土银器五件.1975年西安西北工业大学银器窖藏,出土银器四件.1975年浙江长辛桥金银器窖藏,出土金银器约一百件.1976年辽宁昭盟喀喇  相似文献   

<正>英国国立维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum,简称VA)被认为是世界上最好的装饰艺术藏品博物馆,该馆中国银器的收藏品虽数量不多,但大多是历年的征集品和传世遗物。维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆的中国银器藏品的时间跨度很大,从唐代到民国时期,有近1400年的历史。从我们多年对外销银的研究来看,这些银器类型绝对是中国银器中的瑰宝。下面择选该馆收藏的几件银器精品介绍如下。  相似文献   

湖北郧县肖家河出土春秋唐国铜器   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2001年郧县五峰乡肖家河村村民建房时,挖出一批青铜器,经现场勘查,认为是一座春秋墓葬。5件青铜礼器中3件有铭,经考证为春秋唐国器。这一发现,对研究楚、唐、楚、麇关系有着重要的价值。  相似文献   

本文通过对吕文德及其家族史的考辨,并通过对宋朝经济及钱币流通制度的分析,认为黄石西塞山历次出土窖藏钱币的性质,是南宋朝廷在军事紧急情况下窖藏的库钱。  相似文献   

A hoard was discovered at Mariesminde near the centre of the Danish island Funen in 2003 during trial excavations. A pot containing 27 bronzes was later excavated in the museum laboratory. The bronzes were stacked disorderly, with a large piece of sheet bronze at the bottom. The objects consisted of broken rings, several so-called ‘Hohlwulstringe’ or hollow rings, a socketed axe, plus 13 casting cakes and three casting runners. No less than four rings are types new to Scandinavia and reflect connections with the Italian peninsula and further away. The hoard's mixture of broken objects, casting runners and cakes classifies it as a scrap hoard. It is dated to the Bronze Age period VI (Montelius), prominently indicated by the hollow rings. The findspot of the hoard was only c. 200 m from the well-known period IV hoard Mariesminde I with the largest collection of gold vessels from Funen. The metal analyses open new perspectives and indicate an origin in the Alps or the Erzgebirge for most of the collection.  相似文献   

1982年年初,陕西省长安县沣西新旺村的村民在村南土壕取土时,挖出西周窖藏铜鼎2件[1]。当年春季,我队即在新旺村村南约150米处出土的铜鼎土壕边布方发掘,共开探方6个,编号为SCXT1~T6,发掘面积216平方米。秋季继续发掘,布探方8个,编号为SCXT151~T158,发掘面积200平方米。全年发掘面积共计416平方米,发现的遗迹有房址、窖穴、烧坑、井、灰坑、墓  相似文献   

The Nahal Mishmar hoard, found in a cave in the Judean Desert in 1961, is a key find for the study of Chalcolithic metallurgy in Israel and the Levant. Recent analyses of Chalcolithic metalwork from sites such as Shiqmim in Israel raised doubts about the validity of published analyses from the hoard. Accordingly a programme of re-analysis was established using atomic absorption spectrometry and electron probe microanalysis. The new analyses confirmed the doubts and showed that the metallurgy of Nahal Mishmar was the same as that at the other sites. The alloys used for the cast products in the hoard were generally ternary arsenic-antimony copper alloys with up to 20% alloy content; less common were compositions with arsenic and nickel. The unusual metallography of these alloys is described. Some suggestions are offered as to the mode of manufacture of the alloys.  相似文献   

1991年8月,河南省安阳县伦掌乡盂村(岳城水库南区“柏阳城” 战国遗址南1500米处)出土一古钱窖藏,计160余公斤8万余枚。我们征集到其中的20余公斤,现经初步整理报告如下。 一、出土概况 据发现人称,古钱原放在一灰陶缸内,距地表0.5米,在出土过程中陶缸被打碎,残存陶片上饰有花纹,无盖。出土时钱币多成串放置在一起,大小相混,锈蚀严重,有穿系痕迹,呈长条形盘放其中。据初步整理,该窖藏数量大,种类丰富,有较多的珍稀币种,是安阳地区近一时期发现较重要的古钱窖藏之一,实为难得的实物资料。 二、钱币类别…  相似文献   

Summary. The Late Bronze Age hoard from Clos de la Blanche Pierre, St Lawrence, Jersey was found in 1976. The hoard was found in a pot and the broken objects consisted of weapons, axes, tools, ornaments and casting debris dated to Bronze Final II (10th century B. C.) and represents the only material of this type to be found in the Channel Islands so far. The objects are directly comparable to those of the Saint Brieuc des Iffs industry in Brittany and the Wilburton Complex in England as well as being related to other industries in the Atlantic west. The detailed metal analyses of the objects confirm their affinity to industries in North-western France.  相似文献   

Editor's note. The article published here was completed on October 22, 1966. Although never published before, copies have long been on file in both the Dept. of Coins and Medals in the British Museum, and at the American Numismatic Society. The basic content of the hoard was reported on in Coin Hoards 1 (1975). In 1986, Robert W. Morris revised the text of his paper and sent me a copy. After the founding of Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy , I asked him whether he would like to publish the paper, a suggestion to which he responded enthusiastically. On August 25, 1990, just ten days after I sent him a letter about my plans for preparing his text for publication, Robert W. Morris died from complications of myeloma. An avid amateur numismatist for many years, Morris was interested in the pre-Islamic and Islamic coinage of northeastern Arabia (where he had lived and worked for Aramco) right up until his death. It is hoped that, while there may be certain details in the paper which professional numismatists might wish to correct, the body of material presented here will be of interest to a wide audience of scholars concerned with the late pre-Islamic and early Islamic periods in eastern Arabia.  相似文献   

A large ceramic vessel was discovered at São Brás (southern Portugal) containing a metallic hoard from the Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age period. These weapons and tools were characterized by microanalytical techniques as being composed of copper with varying arsenic contents (2.2 ± 1.6 wt%) and minor amounts of lead, bismuth and iron. The collection shows a clear association between daggers and copper with a higher arsenic content, which can be explained by the high status of these silvery alloys. Finally, the compositional distribution of the hoard was compared with the metallurgy of the Bell Beaker and non–Bell Beaker communities inhabiting the south‐western Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

《Medieval archaeology》2013,57(1):131-142

In the year 2000, a lead canister and a penny of Henry III were recovered during a watching brief on a site in Colchester which is within 13 m of the find spots of two 13th-century coin hoards buried in similar canisters. While the container found in 2000 may have held a third such hoard (later recovered), it may also have been used as a floor safe. The site has connections with the Colchester Jewry, who were probably the principal agents in the handling of money and deposition of hoards on this site. The single penny may be simply a coin lost on a site where money changed hands in large quantities, or (speculatively) the only survival from a recovered hoard.  相似文献   

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