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TraditionsofaMountainVillage¥//MALIHUAThfarmingareainthemiddlereachesoftheYarlungZangboRiverissaturatedwithancienttintgreatde...  相似文献   

Located on Dongshan Island,off the coast of Fujian province,is a typical rural village called Tongbo.On May 10,1950,147 men were abducted by the KMT army on its way to Taiwan.Since a majority of the men were already married,overnight,their wives became "widows," and most would remain so for the rest of their lives.Consequently,Tongbo village became more widely known as Widow Village.The first objective of this paper is to document the tragic experiences of men and women in Tongbo village,focusing on these forced separations in 1950,the possibility of reunion after 1987,and the struggle to cope with the difficulties in between.The second objective of this paper is to argue that while heartbreaking,the experiences of this village are not extraordinary in the context of the Chinese Civil War.What made the men and women in Tongbo extraordinary is not their collective suffering,but how these villagers suffered less,not more,than in many other places,because of the actions of three key figures.  相似文献   

Tidbits About Gyungba VillageTidbitsAboutGyungbaVillage¥YANGCONGBIAOAdistantviewofGyungbaVillage.MostpeoplelivingontheTibetan...  相似文献   

Herders in Horqung VillageHerdersinHorqungVillage¥byTubdainAfterdrivingnorthabout90kmfromNagqualongtheQinghai-Tibethighway,we...  相似文献   

InOctober1959,Iwasappointedheadofa10-memberworkteamduringthe"threeopposeandtworeduce"campaign(opposerebellion,opposeulacorveelaborandopposeenslavement,andreducelandrentandreduceinterest).Forthehealthydevelopmentofthecampaign,IandtwoothersintheteamwenttoliveinGuruVillageinDoqingTownship.ActinginaccordancewiththeinstructionsoftheCPCCountyCommittee,wevisitedallthepoorinthevillage.Ourpainstakingworkpaidoffandwemare.agedtomakefriendswiththem.Ourbehaviorwontheirfavorandtoldothersthatweworkedint…  相似文献   

Most ethno-archaeological research involves the study of single communities over short time periods. As archaeology endeavors to appreciate the processes of change over extended periods of time it is important to obtain insights into the dynamics of past communities by studying comparable communities over periods long enough to delineate significant changes in site formation, uses of material culture and reactions to environmental, economic, and political stimuli. The study of the Ghanaian village of Hani, the successor community to the medieval town of Begho (ca. AD 1100–1800), is unique in that it provides a continuous study of a community over 28 years, during which time the village has been mapped on seven occasions, agricultural practices and collecting activities studied at different seasons, the changing material culture of the village recorded and the attitudes and reactions to environmental, economic, and political changes monitored through a continuous series of questionnaires. Conclusions are drawn as to the effect of these changes and archaeological implications evaluated.La plupart des études ethno-archéologiques sont basées sur des communautés uniques durant des périodes courtes. Etant donné que l'archéologie apprécie de plus en plus le processus de changement à long terme, c'est très important de connaître le fonctionnement des anciennes communautés en étudiants des communautés comparables durant des longues périodes pour pouvoir démarquer des changements pertinents; notamment dans le domaine de la formation des sites, l'utilisation de la culture matérielle, des réactions á l'environnement, et l'impact politique. L'étude du village ghanéen de Hani, successeur de l'ancienne ville médiévale de Begho (ca. AD 1100–1800) est unique parce que c'est le résultat d'une étude progressive de plus de 28 ans. Pendant cette période, la carte de la ville a été tracée sept fois, les activités d'agriculture et de collecte ont été étudiées pendant les saisons différents, et les changements de la culture matérielle ont été enregistrées. Les attitudes et réactions aux changements d'environnement, ainsi que les changements politiques et économiques, ont été documentés à l'aide d'une série continue des questionnaires. Des conclusions ont été tirées sur les effets de ces changements et les implications archéologiques sont évaluées.  相似文献   

ChunduiVillageis40kmnorthwestoftheLhunzhubCountySeat,Lhasa.Thereisnorealroadleadingtothevillage,andittookmeabouttwohoursofdrivingtogettherewhenIwenttodoresearchinthesummersof1998and1999.IwasresearchingthefarmingandpastoralareastogetherwithLurongZhamduiandDainzin,fromtheChinaNationalTibetanStudiesCenterheadquarteredinBeijing.Westrolledalongthecountyseat'sonlystreet,whichleadstofarmlandandissporadicallylinedwithcanteensandstores.Arounddusk,herdsofsheepandcowscrossedourpaths,raisingacloudof…  相似文献   

SpringthisyearcametoTibetslowlyasifithatedtosaygood-byetotheDrolonRedwinteLItwasalreadytheendofApril,butsnowflakesstillgreetedourcaraswepulledintoRemolhavillage.Thevillage,withanelevationof4,800meters,wasburiedinsnow.Butithasdistinguisheditselfbygettingri…  相似文献   

LhobaVillageinDeepMountainsBALSANGNORBUNamyimeans"holyland"intheTibetanlanguage.Sincethe1950s,thisMainlingCountyPeopleoftheLh...  相似文献   

Kaisum was where the Kaisum Manor, one of the six major manors in the Shannan area, was located. Wangqen Geleg, the manorial lord, followed the 14th Dalai Lama to India after the suppression of the armed rebellion in 1959. The manor-turned village, however, began to see urbanization two years earlier. Its 800-plus villagers now hold urban residence cards, and the former Village Committee has evolved into the Neighborhood Committee under Qamzhub Town. Located some eight km south of Zetang…  相似文献   

TheTaraMountainwhichtowersoverDojeTownshipinBomemayonedavbeknownasthemostfamousoftheholypeaks.Themoun-tainpeakderivesitsnamefromitsresemblancetothesittinggoddess,Tara,withsevenenchantingeyeslookingdownatSibaVillage.Totherightoftheholypeakisthe1,000-Buddha…  相似文献   

Irecently paid a visit to Tari Village in Renbo County of Xigaze. I went there for two purposes: to attend the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and to persuade Puncog's father to allow him to get married in Lhasa.  相似文献   

Journal of World Prehistory - It is now widely accepted that agriculture and settled village life arrived in Europe as a cultural package, carried by people migrating from Anatolia and the Aegean...  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Farming and livestock breedingare the mainstays of the Tibetan economy. Their outputvalue makes up 80 percent of the regional economy,and the population of the farming and livestock breeding areas accounts for the same proportion of theregion's total population. Banna Village sets a goodexample for others seeking a well-to-do life.BANNA VILLAGELocated at the confluence of the Yarlung Zangbo and NyangQu Rivers, Banna Village is 15 km from the Nyingchi Countyseat. It…  相似文献   

In the Tibet Autonomous Region,80 percent of residents are still living in rural pasturage areas.In addition to accomplishing the tasks assigned by upper level governments, village organizations can also offer flexible and effective public services.  相似文献   

In the Tibet Autonomous Region, 80 percent of residents are still living in rural pasturage areas. In addition to accomplishing the tasks assigned by upper level governments, village organizations can also offer flexible and effective public services.  相似文献   

This research analyzes the spatial patterning of settlement sites in relation to landscape features to determine the factors that influenced settlement location choices for Late Precontact (A.D. 1000–1600) Piedmont Village Tradition (PVT) communities in the Yadkin, Dan, Haw, and Eno river valleys of the Piedmont Southeast. We employ geographic information systems to estimate characteristics of past landscapes, nearest neighbor analysis to describe basic settlement patterns, and discriminant function analysis to determine spatial correlations between settlements and landscape features. We examine the data on three scales and also assess potential changes over time. Results indicate that settlement location choices were broadly similar on the regional scale, but specific influences varied between and within valleys and over time. When examined with current archaeological, ethnohistoric, and linguistic information, the results suggest that PVT communities engaged in regional interaction networks in highly variable ways and that the relationship between subsistence and settlement varied according to settlement size. Using these results, we explore the roles PVT communities played in the formation and maintenance of natural and cultural landscapes in the Late Precontact Southeast.  相似文献   

Statistics show about 80 percent of the people in the Tibet Autonomous Region live in the rural and pastoral areas. This points up the need for further improvement of village organizations and their public services.Evolution of Village OrganizationsIn 1959, before the Democratic Reform, the Zong (corresponding to County) was the lowest government level. Villages were under the management of the heads of manors, aristocrats or monasteries.In general, manor masters were hered-  相似文献   

When talking about Tibetans, people naturally think about Tibet (Tibet Autonomous Region, which will be referred to as TAR in the following text), but seldom realize that the Tibetan region extends far past the borders of Tibet. Based on Tibetan historical and cui tural differences, the Tibetan region of China can be divided into three major sections: Kham (khams), Amdo and Weizang(dbus-gtsang). Nowadays, as a result of administrative divisions, the Tibetan region belongs to different administrative areas in five provinces. Weizang includes most of today's Tibet Autono- mous region. Kham and Amdo are both historical conceptions, Kham lying to the east of Weizang and Amdo to the northwest. Kham and Amdo are divided into different administrative areas. Kham includes today's Chamdo Autonomous Prefecture (TAR), Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture and part of Aba Autonomous prefecture (Ganzi and Aba both belong to Sichuan Province),  相似文献   


Retirement villages represent a recent addition to the range of residential options for older people in the UK. Research has focused on the development and nature of retirement housing in the public and voluntary sectors in England. Limited attention has been directed to the private retirement communities and, in particular, to the lived experience of residents in private sector retirement villages. This research, which is the first study of a private retirement village in Scotland, overcomes this information deficit by identifying the nature and growth of private retirement villages in the UK and exploring the lived experience of residents of the private retirement village of Firhall. The discussion is organised into four main parts. Part I examines the concept of the retirement village. Part II explains the growth and geography of retirement villages in the UK. Part III comprises the empirical analysis of the case study retirement village. The research identifies the social, economic and demographic characteristics of the village population and provides insight into lived experience of the residents in the study village. Finally, in part IV, the discussion identifies a number of key issues for further research, and the potential contribution of retirement villages for meeting the needs and preferences of the growing third age population of the UK.  相似文献   

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