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权杖在我国中石器时代已经产生并使用。商周以降,其类型缤纷多姿,反映出用途和文化趋向多元化。本文从石器时代始,检索了三代时期权杖使用的一般状态,辨析了四坝文化火烧沟类型出土四羊青铜权杖使用方向等相关问题。  相似文献   

张明华 《收藏家》2020,(1):63-68
权杖,昭示身份、政权和神威的象征。在人们的印象里,比较集中地发现于古埃及、西亚、安纳托利亚、黑海及里海周边地区。古埃及法老有权杖,西方的一些王室、军事首长、各宗教领袖们有权杖,近现代尚存的原始部落也有花样多多的权杖(图1)O中国的皇帝、藩王、官吏等的权力象征,一般都是等级森严'质地优良'形制繁多、大小不一的玺印。  相似文献   

霍巍 《四川文物》2023,(1):115-120
权杖是世界古代文明中权力的表达和象征物,在考古发现中多以各种质地的杖头呈现。通过对李水城教授所著《耀武扬威:权杖源流考》一书的介绍,对中国各地出土的杖头及其相关问题进行评述,探讨哪些属于代表权力、等级、威仪等含义的“权杖”,而哪些可能与之无关。其中,较确凿与神权、王权有关的“权杖”应属三星堆一号祭祀坑出土的黄金杖体,此外羊甫头墓地M113随葬的人形铜首木杖也可能与“权杖”相关。考虑到三星堆和羊甫头都处在青铜时代“边地半月形文化传播带”上的地理区位,中国西南地区出现的“权杖”这一文化现象或与中外文化交流有关。而云南青铜时代滇文化墓葬中出土的“杖头铜饰”与斯基泰文化中的杖头铜饰“器形相近、用途相同”,为理解外来文化中的“权杖”可能流传进入中国的途径提供了线索,或可由此追溯到更为久远的时代和更为广阔的地域,来进一步考察由权杖所带来的东西方文化交流的若干片断。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国古代权杖头的形制分析,探讨了它们与西方同类器的渊源关系,发现虽然中国古代权杖头的主要形制特征来源于西方,但在传入中国地区后也发生了演变,这些演变更多是由于掺杂当地人群某种理解和意识而形成的。除了由近东经中亚传入中国西北,再沿长城沿线传播外,还可能有一条是从安纳托利亚高原、黑海沿岸、高加索、俄罗斯南部等地区沿欧亚草原之路传播至中国的内蒙古、宁夏等地。  相似文献   

<正>"国之大事,在祀与戎",祭祀乃研究中国上古社会的重中之重。有学者甚至认为"不了解中国上古的祭祀就无从知晓中国古代社会"①。商周时期是中华文明形成和发展的重要时期,更是祭祀大发展的时期,并且考古发现的祭祀遗迹不在少数。动物作为文化象征物,在祭祀活动和遗迹中常常出现。研究这些动物,对理解祭祀制度和礼制有着重要的作用。本文旨在回顾以往研究,明晰目前研究  相似文献   

权杖最早出现在埃及与近东一带,其渊源可上溯至近万年前。近年来,中国境内的铜杖头饰逐渐受到关注,也陆续有了一些关于权杖头与外来文化关联的讨论。最具代表性的中国南方地区早期铜杖头饰主要分为立禽铜杖首,树形器和立鸟铜杖首—杖镦组合三类。它们的文化来源和功能不同于汉代"鸠杖"。从宏观上看,权杖及其他杖形器的造型、装饰可能受到了经横断山区而来的外来文化的影响,兼有使用者的再创造。具体到西南地区,双立禽铜杖首的对称性和立禽形象与树形器的结合,反映出地区间以物质材料为载体的文化互动,及相关文化因素的传播路径。  相似文献   

考古学家在墨西哥的火山湖中有了惊天发现:他们从海拔4216米高处的冰冷湖水中打捞出八件木制权杖,状如从天而降的闪电。这些权杖很可能曾经用来召唤阿兹特克的雨神——特拉洛克。16世纪初,西班牙殖民者征服墨西哥后,殖民地史学家曾经记录当地居民有旱时祈雨、涝则求霁的风俗。  相似文献   

福安是明清时期中国天主教最为发达的地区之一,也是教案频发之地,而清乾隆十一年爆发的福安教案在中国传教史上极具影响力。它不仅是中国天主教传教史上第一次流血的教案,而且还促成了嘉道时期清政府在立法中订立了对西洋人治罪的律令专条。这对中国天主教的正常传播与发展产生了根本性的影响。以往对此事件研究者虽多,但由於资料、档案屡屡披露发现,故以往成果多有偏颇。本文竭力综合各类中西原始档案,深挖全案的过程、原因及影响,以图超迈。  相似文献   

赵武灵王是战国时代赵国的第六代国君;魏孝文帝是北朝时期鲜卑族政权北魏王朝的第六位皇帝。他们曾分别以富有传奇色彩的“胡服骑射”和“全面汉化”的改革而名垂青史。这佯两位不同时代、不同民族的杰出历史人物,其思想和业绩虽然各有千秋,但联系起来加以比较对照,便会发现他们推行的改革大业有着本质的共性特点,给后世留下了深刻的历史启迪。本文着重谈四个方面:  相似文献   

<正>虢国墓地位于三门峡市区北部上村岭,1996年被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位,2001年入选“中国20世纪百项考古大发现”,2021年入选“中国百年百大考古发现”。其中,两座国君大墓M2001(虢季墓)、M2009(虢仲墓)分别于1990年、1991年被评为当年“全国十大考古新发现”。特别是虢仲墓出土的墨书玉器既让我们看到了西周书法真迹,填补了西周时期“赗方”的空白,也为研究两周时期的赗赙制度及书法演变提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

晚清时期,受聘来华洋员对中国的早期现代化事业起了重要的推动作用。他们积极地为洋务大员创办新式事业出谋划策,并亲自参与新式事业基础设施建设;努力促进新式事业的发展壮大,推动技术进步;充当新式事业的教练、工师、监工、匠目以及学堂教习、留学生监督等,培养了为数不少的掌握了科学技术知识的人才。当然,其中也有不能尽力、不遵约束。  相似文献   


This paper documents a Mississippian chipped stone mace, found by Lyle Edger, an amateur collector, in an agricultural field in Nichols, NY, along the Susquehanna River. This crown-form mace is made out of Dover chert and was probably produced by Mississippian people who lived in Middle Tennessee, circa A.D. 1200–1400. We argue that the Nichols Mace could have been acquired by Iroquoian people as the result of either a gift or diplomatic negotiations. We conclude that the meanings the mace held for Iroquoian people were likely tied to how they acquired it.  相似文献   

This article traces border practices along boundaries that China and Thailand share with Burma. It portrays a spectrum of small border polities, from principalities on the fringes of Southeast Asian kingdoms, through Nationalist troops in Burma following their defeat in China, to ‘drug lords’ and ‘rebel armies’. The focus here is on Akha village heads who have worked their connections in multiple directions, including into Burma, to position themselves as patrons controlling local resource access. With state appointment as border guardians, village heads become chiefs of new kinds of small border entities, protecting the border for the homeland while enabling certain illicit information, people, and goods to cross. In regions with a history of complex patronage relations, state efforts to control peripheral people, resources, and territories have in fact produced small border chiefs, with practices similar to those of frontier princes in the past.  相似文献   

The early mediaeval cemetery of Campochiaro is located in Molise (Central Italy) and dates to the 6th–8th centuries AD. It consists of two inhumation areas: one at Morrione and the other at Vicenne. This site is important because of the contemporary presence of locals, Lombards and Avars of the steppes. Campochiaro was probably an outpost against the Byzantine army settled in southern Italy. Since no signs of a stable settlement or built-up area have been found, it seems the cemetery can be attributed to a semi-nomadic group. Many graves contained a man and his horse with the harness complex and typical Avar stirrups. The military nature of this settlement is shown by ostearchaeological evidence of warfare and violence on three skeletal individuals: n. 20, n. 102 and n. 108. Two of them exhibit lesions of the cranial vault probably produced by shock weapons in the fashion of the Byzantine armies: a spiked mace and a battle-axe. The cicatrisation of the wounds and the bony neo-formation suggest that the individuals survived these injuries for a long time. The third individual suffered from leprosy. He shows a long perpendicular cut in the left section of the frontal bone. The wound is clean and, because it is without traces of bony neo-formation, was probably a peri-mortem blow landed with a sharp weapon. The wound was not mortal, because it was very slight and probably produced only a slash. As ritual or magical practises and/or damage produced during the excavation or by the action of roots in the earth can be excluded, this individual was perhaps really a leper warrior who died in combat.  相似文献   

我们在一个现代村落进行了一次传统方式的粟的早期作物加工实验,结果显示在收割的粟中含有相当比重的不成熟粟,这些不成熟粟经过脱粒和扬场等加工程序后,与其它作物加工的副产品一起被去除(作为燃料或者禽畜饲料)。类似的作物加工副产品也可以推测存在于黍的加工过程中。这一研究为植物考古样品中不成熟粟、黍的鉴定提供了一个参考标准。不成熟粟、黍是中国新石器和青铜时代植物考古样品中常见的组成部分,根据此次实验结果,我们提出了一些可供参考的鉴定标准,并用来自山东和河南的植物考古样品举例说明。我们认为种子形态而不是种子大小在粟的鉴定过程中起决定性作用。那些整体形状呈圆形,胚区呈窄卵形,胚区长约占种子长5/6的种子,即便很小,很扁,甚至像被"挤压"过,都可以鉴定为粟。尽管不成熟粟根据其成熟程度可以区分为不同的类别,但由于他们都集中在早期作物加工废弃物内,因此他们在解释作物加工方面的意义是相同的。另外,这一研究还肯定了在植物考古研究中不成熟粟类作物和成熟粟类作物的比例可以用来探讨作物加工对考古遗址中以粟类作物为主的植物遗存的形成过程的影响。  相似文献   

Focusing on the striking instance of colonial New Zealand, this article examines constitutional design for colonies of European settlement, arguing about such design in two key respects. First, this article examines the proposals of so-called ‘colonial reformers’ endeavouring to influence constitutional framing, including how their notions on ‘local self-government’ or ‘municipal government’ were reflected or not, while also illuminating their concepts of how to accommodate indigenous territorial governance and indirect administration of indigenous territories in the late 1840s and early 1850s. Second, recovering traces of these disputes and ways of thought from the archives, and how they were operationalised in grounded constitutional drafting or design, rather than resorting to analysing abstract canonical, high-level texts, such as those of Henry Maine and John Stuart Mill, is ultimately more rewarding for evaluating constitutional emergence and design. It reveals tensions within ‘colonial liberalism’, as characterised by Edward Gibbon Wakefield. How putative settler interests informed these metropolitan-Westminster constitutional enactments or not, assessed through cabinet-level discussions, in Colonial Office deliberations on settler agitation, illustrates missteps and failures as well as the particular ways in which diverse features of imperial constitutional design emerged. Examining these points is timely given Linda Colley’s focus on a ‘contagion of constitutions’ in the late eighteenth and early to mid-nineteenth centuries.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the literature on agroforestry, disaster risk reduction, and livelihoods of people on small islands as it applies to a community prospering in conditions of adversity in Kinali village on Siau Island, Indonesia. Siau Island produces between one‐third and one‐half of all nutmeg and mace exported from Indonesia. The Kinali community has adopted strategies that enable it to prosper in spite of the risks of living on a small island with an active volcano. The paper charts the sociocultural dynamics of the village and examines how local coping mechanisms based on an agroforestry economy have assisted villagers in dealing with the multiple hazards and constraints arising from the biophysical characteristics of their island. The paper thus contributes to more informed responses to managing volcanic risk.  相似文献   

鲁晓帆  田聪 《收藏家》2014,(9):56-63
佛韵——造像艺术集粹展是2013北京·中国文物国际博览会的重点项目。去年冬天,该展览在首都博物馆举办的短短20天中,展厅内从早到晚都是摩肩接踵观赏的人群。主办方举办"佛韵—造像艺术集粹展"旨在传播佛教的美学理念,为大众奉献出一场关于佛教造像艺术的视觉盛宴。从展品的精心挑选,到展览形式设计的独具匠心,以及展出形式的新颖别致等诸方面来看,都不失为近年来难得一见的好展览。  相似文献   

寻求心理体验是各种类型旅游活动具有的共同属性,能否满足体验需求是旅游经营特别是特色旅游能否健康发展的根本所在。特色旅游是旅游发展到一定阶段时的高层次体验需求。本文以沙漠旅游为例,从旅游者切身感受的视角出发,通过分析沙漠特色旅游体验的形成机理来认识旅游开发及服务管理中出现的问题,找出在现实状况下我国北方沙漠旅游发展的途径:树立一切从“旅游体验”出发的理念,贯穿于开发规划、产品设计和服务模式之中,树立品牌,扩大远程市场,使沙漠旅游具有可持续性。  相似文献   

洛阳金谷园IM337号汉墓的年代,原报告推定为“东汉中期-晚期”,本文认为该墓实际上是一座西汉晚期墓葬。本文还就该墓中出土的釉陶器进行了分析,认为已知洛阳地区出土的同类釉陶器的年代均集中在西汉晚期至新莽时期,应属于直接从南方输入的产品。  相似文献   

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