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Indo-Iranian Journal -  相似文献   

<正>晒佛,也称展佛。所展示的佛像实际是一种特制的大唐卡,是卷轴画中极其稀少的珍品。展佛,即请出置放一年的巨大佛像在露天展示,一方面从保护的角度防止霉变和虫咬,更重要的是寺庙僧人和信教群众对佛祖朝拜供养的一种特殊方式。展佛之日,当东方第一缕曙光照射到大地之时即为佛像展开的最佳时辰,故展佛又称晒佛。晒佛又是佛教法会中一项最隆重的活动,人们常常通过这种盛大的圣会,来净化自己的心灵。拉萨每年8月12  相似文献   

Marriage in Western European society was the preserve of the Christian Church throughout the later middle ages. The law of the Church played a significant role in the formation of doctrine concerning that institution, including the sexual relationship of spouses. Adopting a debt-model of conjugal relations, the canonists maintained that each partner owed marital coitus to the other. The lawyers emphasized the mutually binding character of this obligation, and consistently dejended the right of spouses to exact their marital due, insisting that this duty could be abrogated only by mutual consent. As heirs to an ascetic patristic tradition, however, the lawyers tended to be suspicious of fleshly pleasure. A peculiar and ambivalent doctrine resulted from this tension between an appreciation of the intrinsic goodness of the married state and a distrust of sex, one of its major constituents.  相似文献   

Marriage in Western European society was the preserve of the Christian Church throughout the later middle ages. The law of the Church played a significant role in the formation of doctrine concerning that institution, including the sexual relationship of spouses. Adopting a debt-model of conjugal relations, the canonists maintained that each partner owed marital coitus to the other. The lawyers emphasized the mutually binding character of this obligation, and consistently dejended the right of spouses to exact their marital due, insisting that this duty could be abrogated only by mutual consent. As heirs to an ascetic patristic tradition, however, the lawyers tended to be suspicious of fleshly pleasure. A peculiar and ambivalent doctrine resulted from this tension between an appreciation of the intrinsic goodness of the married state and a distrust of sex, one of its major constituents.  相似文献   

Material which survives from the Rochester consistory court during the middle years of the fourteenth century makes it possible to examine the manner in which canon legal theory on offences against sexual morality was implemented in practice. The officials at Rochester were adhering to general canon legal principles by assigning penance according to a ‘hierarchy of sin‘, and they were using the discretion allowed to them to make individual judgments in each case. The use of penances other than penitential beatings was related both to contemporary views on the suitability of different forms of penance for those in authority, and to the actual gravity of an offence. Priests' delicts were regarded more seriously than those of the laity. The court did not display any bias against women when assigning penance, and often treated men more harshly.  相似文献   


In recent years an interest in ‘critical heritage studies’ (CHS) has grown significantly – its differentiation from ‘heritage studies’ rests on its emphasis of cultural heritage as a political, cultural, and social phenomenon. But how original or radical are the concepts and aims of CHS, and why has it apparently become useful or meaningful to talk about critical heritage studies as opposed to simply ‘heritage studies’? Focusing on the canon of the 1980s and 1990s heritage scholarship – and in particular the work of the ‘father of heritage studies’, David Lowenthal – this article offers a historiographical analysis of traditional understandings and approaches to heritage, and the various explanations behind the post-WWII rise of heritage in western culture. By placing this analysing within the wider frames of post-war historical studies and the growth of scholarly interest in memory, the article seeks to highlight the limitations and bias of the much of the traditional heritage canon, and in turn frame the rationale for the critical turn in heritage studies.  相似文献   

The medieval canon law adopted an ambivaient attitude toward concubinage among the laity. While the canonists disapproved of concubinage on moral grounds, they sought to assimilate the status of the concubine to that of the married woman and thus to legitimize concubinous relationships. In this process of assimilation the canonists made use of the institution of clandestine marriage, which created problems of its own. The crucial difficulty lay in constructing a satisfactory system of proof, so that it would be clear whether or not a given couple should be treated as married, or whether they should be considered legally as unmarried. The Council of Trent abolished lay concubinage and clandestine marriage, but thereby created a system of marriage law flawed with defects almost as serious as those experienced under the medieval law.  相似文献   

The Dictionary of the Tibetan Race was compiled under the loving care of the Central Government and the governments of the five provinces (autonomous regions) with Tibetan-inhabited areas. Close to 100 experts and cultural workers from Beijing and the five Tibetaninhabited areas were brought together to compile the dictionary in 10 years. Public opinion holds that the dictionary helps promote international  相似文献   

The medieval canon law adopted an ambivaient attitude toward concubinage among the laity. While the canonists disapproved of concubinage on moral grounds, they sought to assimilate the status of the concubine to that of the married woman and thus to legitimize concubinous relationships. In this process of assimilation the canonists made use of the institution of clandestine marriage, which created problems of its own. The crucial difficulty lay in constructing a satisfactory system of proof, so that it would be clear whether or not a given couple should be treated as married, or whether they should be considered legally as unmarried. The Council of Trent abolished lay concubinage and clandestine marriage, but thereby created a system of marriage law flawed with defects almost as serious as those experienced under the medieval law.  相似文献   

This article offers an account of a recent debate in the cultural pages of the Italian press on a polemical work of literary criticism entitled Pasolini contro Calvino, in which the two authors are shown to represent emblematically different attitudes towards literature, cultural institutions and the culture industry in post‐war Italy. The debate surrounding this claim is examined in substance, but also as an illustration of the workings of culture in 1990s Italy.  相似文献   

New Year in Tibetan calendar is a traditional grand festival for Tibetans. This year, the Wood-horseTibetan New Year of the 17th Rabjung, is on March 2nd, 2014. Traditionally, when it is Decemberaccording to the Tibetan calendar, Tibetans start to prepare for their big festival. Of course, one of themost important things to do is New Year's shopping. The New Year shopping market is actually an enhancedembodiment of Tibetan's daily lives.  相似文献   

As scheduled,the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relayed its Lhasa journey on June 21~(st).The relay in Tibet had 156 torch bearers including 75 Tibetans and covered 9.3 kilometers.  相似文献   

《贤者喜宴》是一部内容广博而厚重的藏文历史著作,涉及到了中原、印度、于阗等地的帝王世系和佛教历史,而全书叙述的重点在于藏传佛教史。作者重视史料的搜集,言之有据,其吐蕃史部分和噶玛派部分的史料价值尤为突出。《贤者喜宴》对研究藏族历史、民族关系史、佛教文化等方面的重要价值,值得进一步研究和挖掘。  相似文献   

正The Tibetan antelope,spirit of the highland,not only witnesses the ecological environmental changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,but it also tests the Chinese highland’s ecological progress and ability for environmental protection with its population.There were  相似文献   

Dobis(RdoSbis) is the birthplace of Shesrab Gyamtsho, a great TibetanBuddhist Master in modern China. It is located 26.5 kilometers southeast of Xunhua County, Qinghai Province There are 24 natural villages in total: twenty Tibetan villages, three villages of the Salar ethnic groupand one Han Chinese village in the township. Dobis has developed its unique regional customs given its geographic, social and cultural environments. According to an old saying from local people, there are 1000 householders in Dobis Valley.  相似文献   

In May 2007,Lhosum Chophel and seven other Tibetans signed a con-tract with the Shanghai Shipping Transportation Com-pany to formally join the com-pany as sailors. Hence, the big  相似文献   

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