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Contrary to those similes which are constructed with the particles of comparison iva and yath, the samsopam has scarcely been investigated so far. Only M.-C. Porcher in her monograph titled Figures de Style en Sanskrit. Théories des Alamkrastra. Analyse de Poèmes de Vnkatdhvarin, Paris 1978, has dealt with this kind of upam separately. There are, however, no detailed investigations with respect to the use of the samsopam in the early kvya-literature. The samsopams occurring in avaghosa's Saundarananda and his Buddhacarita can generally be divided into the following categories:
1.  Compounds ending in an adjective like sama, tulya etc.: they are characterized by the omission of the common property.
2.  Tatpurusa-compounds which are constructed according to Pnini II,1,55; they include the common property but have no particle of comparison.
3.  Compounds of the type upamna + sama, tulya etc. + upameya; these compounds are characterized by the omission of the sdharmya.
4.  bahuvrhi-compounds with the upamna as the first, the sdharmya as the second and the upameya as the third member.
5.  bahuvrhi-compounds containing the upamna and the upameya only.
6.  bahuvrhi-compounds constructed according to Ktyyana's Vrttika, in which three elements of which a simile consists are missing: the sdharmya, the particle of comparison and the upamna.
The use of the samsopam in the S. and the B. shows some striking peculiarities: In a large number of occurrences they are connected with the abdlamkras anuprsa and ltnuprsa. Furthermore, they are often found in close vicinity to each other or occur together with the similes yath and iva which leads to a certain cumulative effect. Although in many instances the use of the s. in both kvyas can be described as rather conventional and stereotyped, there are some striking differences between the S. and the Sanskrit text of the B. In the latter kvya the number of s. of each category is twice or even thrice as large as in the respective categories in the S. Moreover, it can be shown that in the B. Avaghosa strives to make use of more ornate and elaborate forms of samsopam. Examples are a lesa-upam in B. 5,37a, and two compounds in B. 5,26b and d which are at the same time yathsamkhyas.  相似文献   

I am indebted to Charles Hallisey, Matthew Kapstein, John Keenan, and J. W. de Jong, each of whom read an earlier draft of this paper and gave me useful criticisms. I have adopted some of their suggestions, and this paper has benefited considerably therefrom. I alone am responsible for deficiencies and errors that remain.  相似文献   

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