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This paper discusses the results from four rocket experiments conducted from Thumba, India, during the Indian Middle Atmosphere programme (IMAP). These rockets carried instrumented Gerdien Condenser payloads to measure ion densities and their mobilities. In the first two flights only positive ion measurements were attempted while the other two measured both positive and negative ion values. The results show that the positive ion density profiles go through a minimum around 62 km, as expected from the ion production models for this region. The ion density distribution is a function of solar zenith angle. An asymmetry with respect to noon is seen in these measurements, which is not expected theoretically. The positive ion mobilities indicate the ions to be water clusters, of the type H+ (H2O)n with n = 2 or 3, similar to the earlier reported ones. The negative ion density profile exhibits a maximum around 85 km, which is not predicted by the currently available ion density models and theories of D-region ionisation processes. The negative ion mobility measurements show the ions to have a mass range of 30–60 amu, which is within the range of mass spectrometric measurements.  相似文献   

Two long-standing problems in the atmospheric sciences have been the correct modeling of the ion chemistry in the earth's atmosphere and the proper determination of the ion species and densities through in situ measurements. Comparison between experimental data and simulations of the data by computer modeling of atmospheric chemistry is a means of validating the model as well as indicating which processes are in need of further study. The DAIRCHEM computer code is used here to simulate data taken in the midlatitude D-region during quiet conditions. On the one hand, comparison between the total positive ion density profile derived from rocket measurements and the one computed by the code shows very good agreement in the 30–90 km range, with the exception that the simulated ion profile is somewhat smaller than the experimental one in the 60–75 km region. Such discrepancy is only partially explained by the inherent uncertainties in the NO density profile or the total ionization rate profile. On the other hand, comparison between the measured and the computed electron density profiles shows that the measured profile is consistently smaller than the computed profile in the 65–85 km range. We interpret this discrepancy as a deficiency in the modeling of the negative ion chemistry. Also, this deficiency is probably the main cause of the disparity between the total positive ion density profiles in the corresponding altitude range. It is felt that the positive ion chemistry of the D-region is reasonably well understood. However, the negative ion chemistry is in need of further study. Specifically, alternate electron attachment/detachment processes should be considered, as well as an as yet undetermined, possibly very massive, negative species which may affect the ion recombination rates.  相似文献   

Polar conductivities, ion densities and mobilities measured in three balloon experiments are reported here. Of these, two were made with self-aspirated and one with pumped Gerdien condensers. These measurements were carried out over the period 1985–1986. Both positive and negative ion data were obtained only in the first flight. Positive ions were not collected in the other two flights. The conductivity profiles obtained from the self-aspirated condensers showed fluctuations around the tropopause. These were not seen when the pumped condenser was used. Reduced mobilities of both positive and negative ions agree well with those reported by other experimenters. The ion density profile from the pumped condenser measurement showed a broad maximum around 15 km, as expected from theory. The values were less than what are obtained using available ion pair production rates and recombination coefficients.  相似文献   

Measurements of incoherent scatter spectra from the auroral D-region were obtained during the summer of 1985 using a sophisticated pulse-to-pulse correlation technique with the EISCAT UHF radar. The spectral width variations with altitude are interpreted in terms of ion-neutral collision frequency, neutral temperature, mean positive ion mass and negative ion number density. Close agreement with predictions of currently available atmospheric models is obtained, except for a narrow layer around 86 km altitude. This layer showed evidence of increased positive ion mass for most of the experiment, and for short intervals indicated a mean ion mass close to 200 a.m.u. It is suggested that the layer is composed of proton hydrates in the vicinity of a structured noctilucent cloud, and that the index of hydration is occasionally large.  相似文献   

A parachute-borne gridded spherical probe has been used to measure the total positive ion density. Two launches were made, using Soviet M-100 rockets, on 22 and 29 April 1987, at 1200 UT, from an equatorial station, Thumba (8°N, 76°E) India. Data were obtained for the altitude region 10 to 80 km. A broad maximum around 15 km and a broad minimum around 60 km have been noticed in the ion current profiles obtained in both flights. The theory of the operation of the probe has been given. A detailed discussion of the results obtained has also been included.  相似文献   

The atmospheric electrode effect is treated both in the turbulent and non-turbulent cases. For the non-turbulent case it is shown by geometrical considerations that field-free regions near the ground act as an effective ion supply reducing the electrode effect, except in winter when the snow forms a smooth ground. The equations with turbulence are linearized and solved analytically assuming that the charged aerosol remains uniformly distributed owing to its long time of recovery from turbulent fluctuations. Data from continuous measurement of the difference of positive and negative conductivity, which is proportional to the space charge density, show good agreement with theory in both cases, provided that the air is stable near the ground when the positive conductivity is less than about 6 fS m−1 during fair weather.  相似文献   

In 1989, two series of rocket measurements were carried out to investigate middle atmosphere electric fields. The measurements were taken both in the Northern Hemisphere on Heiss Island (80°37′N and 58°03′E) and in the Southern Hemisphere in the Indian Ocean (40–60°S and ~45°E) on board the research vessel ‘Akademik Shirshov’. Along with the vertical electric fields, aerosol content and positive ion density were also measured. Some of the rocket launches were made during the extremely strong solar proton events (SPE) of October 1989. The experiments showed the strong variability of the electric fields in the middle atmosphere at polar and high middle latitudes. In all the measurements the maximum of the vertical electric field height profile in the lower mesosphere was observed to be more than ~ 1 V/m. The electric field strength and the field direction at maximum varied considerably among the launches. A maximum value of + 12 V/m was detected at a height of about 58 km at 58°30′S on 21 October 1989 during the SPE. The simultaneous measurements of the electric field strength, positive ion density and aerosols point out both an ion -aerosol interaction and a connection between the mesospheric electric fields and aerosol content.  相似文献   

Data from the Fabry-Perot Interferometer and Dynasonde at Halley (75.5°S, 26.6°W, L ∼ 4.2), Antarctica, have been used to calculate the forces acting on the high latitude thermosphere. Two case studies of the forces have been undertaken to study why the thermospheric zonal wind speeds are typically so different on nights with different geomagnetic activity. One case study analyses the forces on a geomagnetically active night and the other analyses them on a geomagnetically quiet night. Even on the geomagnetically active night, it is found that the ion drag force is not necessarily the largest force at any one time. Simple comparison of the magnitudes of the forces does not make it very clear which ones dominate in controlling the motion of the thermosphere. This can be seen more clearly by rewriting the momentum equation so that the neutral velocity is expressed in terms of the ion velocity, and the other forces normalized by the ion density. It then becomes clear that, in the evening, the differences in the neutral velocity are due to increases in both ion density and ion velocity, while in the morning, only changes in ion density are important. Thus, although the ion drag force is often not the largest force, it appears that changes in it can account for the variations in neutral velocity between the two nights that were studied.It has also been shown as part of the analysis that whether or not the viscosity needs to be considered when calculating the ion drag force at an altitude of 240 km depends on the ion density profile. If the profile has a single peak then it is only necessary to consider the ion density at 240 km. It is, however, possible that just considering the ion density at this altitude may lead to an underestimate of the effective ion drag force if more than one peak is present.  相似文献   

Positive ion composition, total ion and electron density and ion production by energetic electrons were measured by rocket-borne experiments above Andøya (69.3°N, 16.0°E) in northern Norway. Observed altitudes of transition from molecular ions to proton hydrates and from electrons to negative ions are compared to results from an ion-chemical model. Nitric oxide and water vapour densities are inferred from the ion composition.  相似文献   

Seasonal mean night-time variations of ion and electron temperatures, electron density, ion drift velocity, and light ion composition of the F2 region are derived from incoherent scatter observations at Arecibo based on 19 nights of observation over the latest sunspot minimum years 1974–1976. It is shown that the downward flux of ionization is sufficient to maintain the nocturnal F2 region against recombination at low latitudes. The difference in the electron density decay rate from summer to winter is consistent with the seasonal variation in magnitude of the ionization flux. The mean eastward electric field, which is responsible for any vertical component perpendicular to B, is very small throughout the night. However, the southward electric field, i.e. east-west ion drifts, shows a substantial systematic variation during the night, being southward (eastward ion drifts) before midnight and northward after midnight, with a mean amplitude of 1–2 mVm−1. The H+ ion concentration shows a marked seasonal variation. The mean relative concentration of H+ ion to electron density at 500 km sometimes exceeds 50% before sunrise in winter. A strong anti-correlation of H+ ion concentration with magnetic activity is observed. The observed ion temperatures average about 20–30 K higher than the prediction of the Jacchia (1971) neutral model for the observed range of the 10.7 cm solar flux.  相似文献   

The adequacy of the two-layer model of Lloyd and Haerendel for describing the behaviour of an ionospheric irregularity is verified by numerical simulation of large plasma cloud dynamics. The background ionosphere is approximated by a set of conductive layers with ion mobilities and concentrations corresponding to the real ionospheric conditions. Polarization electric field produces positive and negative image clouds, i.e. plasma density enhancements and depletions in each layer. Their intensity, form and orientation turn out to change with height depending on the local conditions. However, the drift and deformation of the released cloud slightly differ from the case when the ionosphere is characterized by constant, height averaged parameters, at least if altitude dependent neutral wind and photochemical processes are ignored.  相似文献   

F-region density depletions in the afternoon/evening sector of the auroral zone are studied with the EISCAT UHF radar. Four case studies are presented, in which data from three experiment modes are used. In each case the density depletion can be identified with the main ionospheric trough. For the two cases occurring in sunlit conditions the electron densities recovered significantly after the trough minimum. Tristatic ion velocity measurements show the development of poleward electric fields of typically 50–100 m Vm−1, which maximize exactly in the trough minimum. A special analysis technique for incoherent scatter measurements is introduced, based on the ion energy equation. By assuming that the ion temperature should obey this equation it is possible to fix this parameter in a second analysis and to allow the ion composition to be a free parameter. The results from two experiments with accurate velocity measurements indicate that the proportion of O+ near the F-region peak decreased from 100% in the undisturbed ionosphere to only 10% and 30%, respectively, in the density minimum of the trough. The loss of O+ is explained by the temperature dependence of recombination with nitrogen molecules. Temperatures derived from radar measurements are very sensitive to the assumed ion composition. For the above case of 10% O+ the deduced electron temperature in the trough was transformed from a local minimum of < 2000 K to a local maximum of 4000 K.  相似文献   

The ion density, ion composition and electron temperature have been measured onboard the Intercosmos 24 satellite. Local increases of light ion density accompanied by electron temperature enhancements and simultaneously observed VLF wave phenomena are interpreted as a manifestation of the refilling ion fluxes within the plasmasphere.  相似文献   

Measurements of ionization sources, ionization profiles and minor atmospheric constituents were conducted during the 26 February 1979 solar eclipse above Red Lake, Canada. A model of the lower thermosphere has developed to describe the D- and E-regions of the ionosphere for this case with the model being guided by the measurements. During the eclipse a rather intense particle precipitation event was in progress. For this reason, an auroral deposition code was coupled to a chemical-kinetics code to calculate degraded primary and secondary electron fluxes, ionization rates, positive ion and electron densities. The model was calibrated with the experimental measurements of electron flux below 100 km and electron density between 70 and 150 km. This calculation not only satisfactorily described the ionization in the E-region but also the gross electron density characteristics of the D-region. Bursts in the observed electron flux were also simulated with the model to give electron density profiles that were remarkably consistent with small perturbations seen in the electron density measurements.  相似文献   

Data taken by EISCAT are presented as contours of electron density, ion and electron temperature and plasma velocity versus invariant latitude and local magnetic time.Three nights near midsummer were studied and in each case a trough in electron density occurred north of invariant latitude 64° shortly after local midnight (MLT 0200) and remained a prominent feature for about 3 h before moving poleward. The minimum in electron density was associated with a marked increase in ion temperature, but the electron temperature showed litttle change. In this respect the high latitude trough is clearly different from the mid-latitude trough.Full velocity measurements were not available for all three nights, but it seems that the appearance of the trough followed the start of a strong eastward plasma velocity combined with a strong upward velocity along the magnetic field line. The sudden change in plasma velocity causes frictional heating, which explains the increase in ion temperature. Upward plasma velocity is a major factor in the formation of the trough, with enhanced recombination making a smaller contribution.  相似文献   

Three rapid, poleward bursts of plasma flow, observed by the U.K.-POLAR EISCAT experiment, are studied in detail. In all three cases the large ion velocities (> 1 kms−1) are shown to drive the ion velocity distribution into a non-Maxwellian form, identified by the characteristic shape of the observed spectra and the fact that analysis of the spectra with the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution leads to excessive rises in apparent ion temperature, and an anticorrelation of apparent electron and ion temperatures. For all three periods the total scattered power is shown to rise with apparent ion temperature by up to 6 dB more than is expected for an isotropic Maxwellian plasma of constant density and by an even larger factor than that expected for non-thermal plasma. The anomalous increases in power are only observed at the lower altitudes (< 300 km). At greater altitudes the rise in power is roughly consistent with that simulated numerically for homogeneous, anisotropic, non-Maxwellian plasma of constant density, viewed using the U.K.-POLAR aspect angle. The spectra at times of anomalously high power are found to be asymmetric, showing an enhancement near the downward Doppler-shifted ion-acoustic frequency. Although it is not possible to eliminate completely rapid plasma density fluctuations as a cause of these power increases, such effects cannot explain the observed spectra and the correlation of power and apparent ion temperature without an unlikely set of coincidences. The observations are made along a beam direction which is as much as 16.5° from orthogonality with the geomagnetic field. Nevertheless, some form of coherent-like echo contamination of the incoherent scatter spectrum is the most satisfactory explanation of these data.  相似文献   

For the first time a ground based technique, i.e. incoherent scatter observation of the mesospheric spectra has been utilized in identifying the ‘transition height’ of simple molecular ions to complex cluster ions around 80–90 km in the D-region. This transition height also matches with the electron density ledge. A substantial diurnal variation of this height is observed. The transition height varies by about 10km during the course of a day, the lowest being 80 km, near noon. There is also a strong likelihood that both the neutral temperature and effective positive ion mass vary during the course of a day.  相似文献   

Detailed consideration has been given to the determination of electron number densities from conductivity data gathered by rocket-borne blunt probes in the middle atmosphere, and the intercomparison of these electron densities with those derived from other diagnostics. A definition of the difficulty of electron density determination from rocket-borne probes is presented. Also, the procedures for the determination of ion densities from blunt probe data in the middle atmosphere are critically evaluated. General aspects of particle collection by supersonic probes are compared with those of subsonic probes. It is noted that strong (× 10) compression regions will form in front of supersonic probes at altitudes up to 100 km, and the altered electron attachment rates could significantly affect indicated electron and negative ion concentrations. A summary of new analysis for determining electron densities from negative conductivities taken with a subsonic blunt probe is presented and the analysis is applied to data on several days where intercomparisons are possible. Blunt probe data from 31 January 1972 and 5 December 1972 (WI),2 and 2 October 1975 and 29 September 1977 (WSMR)3 are reduced to predict electron density profiles. In the region of intercomparison, there is general agreement in the electron density predictions. The indications of electron density at altitudes below 70 km are new, and predict a region of moderately enhanced densities down to 45 km.  相似文献   

The most dramatic demonstrations of solar activity are solar proton flares. One such very strong flare, accompanied by a solar proton event (SPE) and a large ground level enhancement of cosmic rays on Earth, was observed in October 1989. During this SPE, ion density and nitric oxide concentration profiles were measured by rockets launched from the Soviet research vessel ‘Akademik Shirshov’ in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. The rocket experiment yielded the first in-situ measurement of NO concentration increased by SPE. The NO concentrations estimated from ion-pair production rates due to measured fluxes of high energy particles agree fairly well with the observed NO concentrations in the stratopause region. The results of rocket measurements are compared with measurements of the radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere performed at similar latitudes in central Europe. Model calculations of absorption show that while the night-time enhancement of absorption can be explained by increased electron density related to the measured increase of ion density as a consequence of enhanced penetration of high energy particles, the daytime increase of absorption needs to be explained mainly in terms of the observed increase of nitric oxide concentration.  相似文献   

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