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Simultaneous nightglow and Na lidar observations made at Arecibo during the AIDA-89 campaign are reported from between 0000 and 0530 LT (Local Time) on 6 April 1989 and on 9 April 1989. On 9 April the observations are consistent with the presence of a large amplitude 8.5 km vertical wavelength, 4 h period wave propagating through the 85–91 km region. A lower amplitude 80 min period wave is also observed. The results imply that the O2 atmospheric band intensity peaked near 91 km while the OH Meinel (6,2) band intensity peaked near 85 km. The OH Meinel temperature and intensity are 160° out of phase which can be explained by low eddy diffusion and high ozone densities near the mesopause. The integrated Na abundance from 87 to 89 (90–92) km correlates well with the OH Meinel (O2 atmospheric) band intensity. On 5–6 April the OH Meinel and O2 atmospheric band intensities are not well correlated. The OH Meinel intensity is correlated with the integrated Na abundance from 86 to 88 km. Both the Na and OH measurements reveal the presence of an approximately 1 h period wave. The OH temperature data appear to be consistent with the OH Meinel band originating near 85 km. The O2 atmospheric band data show the presence of a 2 h period wave. The integrated Na abundance data suggest that the O2 atmospheric band peaks between 90 and 94 km. A large sporadic Na event which occurs near 6 UT appears related to the presence of a gravity wave near 95 km. In all of the observed waves there is good agreement between the wave parameters derived separately by the optical airglow and Na lidar techniques.  相似文献   

Observations of the Austral quasi 2-day wave at Mawson, Antarctica (67°S, 63°E) are presented and compared with those from Adelaide (35°S, 138°E). The data were obtained from partial-reflection radars which have been measuring winds continuously since mid-1984, and the results presented here are the first to record the 2-day wave in middle atmosphere winds from Mawson. They show that 2-day period oscillations of 10–15 m s−1 are a regular feature of the high latitude southern hemisphere summer. The wide longitude and latitude separation of the radar stations permits estimates of propagation velocity and latitude phase structure, and results are consistent with the passage of a westward travelling Rossby-gravity (3, 3) wave.  相似文献   

First VHF radar measurements with height resolution of 300 m and angular resolution of 1.7° were carried out in low latitudes at the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico. A short outline is given of the experimental set-up which consisted of a 160W average power radar-transceiver and a self-contained digital radar control and data acquisition unit. The new VHF feed system of the Arecibo dish is described shortly. Reliable radar echoes were detected from the troposphere, lower stratosphere and from some heights in the mesosphere, indicating that the described VHF radar is capable of proper investigations of dynamical processes in the low latitude middle atmosphere. The angular dependence of aspect sensitive tropospheric and stratospheric turbulence structures was measured to be 1.5–2.5 dB degree−1. Echoes from the mesosphere indicate a patchy structure of turbulence. The analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio shows considerably high reflectivity in the upper troposphere, which can be caused by high-reaching tropical cumulus convection. Wind profiles measured with the VHF radar between 7.5 and 19.5 km with a height resolution of 300m are very similar to radiosonde wind profiles. Mesospheric VHF radar winds are roughly consistent in amplitude with tidal winds.  相似文献   

From 1972 to 1975 F-region medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) were observed at Leicester, U.K. (52°32′N 1°8′W) by means of the HF Doppler technique. Most of the features of the disturbances previously reported in the literature are confirmed, with the exception of the apparent seasonal variation in the propagation direction. The measured wave azimuth rotates clockwise through 360° in 24 h, supporting theoretical predictions concerning the filtering effect of the neutral wind in the northern hemisphere. The most commonly observed direction of wave propagation, however, is displaced from the antiwind direction and is located at an azimuth of 130–140° relative to the wind. A periodic variation of the direction of wave propagation with respect to the anti-wind direction is evident, which may indicate that lower atmospheric winds can have a greater influence on waves at thermospheric heights than previously supposed.A synoptic survey of the data set reveals little correlation between wave occurrence and auroral processes, and it is unlikely that high-latitude sources are responsible for many of the MSTIDs observed at mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

The MF/HF partial-reflection technique of observing the mesosphere and lower thermosphere has been employed for more than two decades to measure motions, but there has never been complete agreement as to what motions were being detected. This paper reports on observations made during a major international campaign—AIDA '89—that was initiated with the objective of resolving this question.The partial-reflection system employed was an Imaging Doppler Interferometer operating at 3.175 MHz, but it stands here as a prototype for all MF/HF partial-reflection radar systems: its raw data were analyzed both in its own basic mode, derived on the assumption that it sees wind-borne multiple scattering centers and in modes adopted by other interferometric and ‘spaced antenna’ systems. The motions thus revealed are compared here with those found by what we consider to be more certain measurers of winds: an incoherent-scatteer radar at heights of 65–95 km, a meteor-wind radar at heights of 80–100 km and a Fabry-Perot interferometer measuring 0(1S) emissions near a height of 97 km.Comparisons of the different sets of observations oblige us to conclude that
  • 1.(1) MF/HF partial-reflection systems may be expected to give a good representation of ambient winds up to a height of about 80 km;
  • 2.(2) they fail to give a consistently reliable measurement of the ambient winds above a height of about 80 km
  • 3.(3) they yield, at the greater heights, what appears in our data to be some convolution of the horizontal phase velocities of atmospheric gravity waves, with the wave spectrum having been modified by passage through the underlying wind system and containing, on occasion, locally generated Kelvin-Helmholtz waves; and
  • 4.(4) when the underlying winds change, the local wave spectrum will change in response and, in MF/HF partial-reflection measurements, will give the appearance of a changing local wind: if the underlying winds undergo tidal changes, the wave spectrum will undergo tide-like changes that will masquerade as true tidal winds.
These results are, of course, limited to a single site over a limited period of observation. Nevertheless, taken at face value they suggest that current methods of data reduction are inappropriate for partial-reflection velocities at heights above 80 km and that new methods of data reduction, perhaps extending certain older methods that have been applied successfully in the past to total-reflection measurements, should be employed in their place if the full potential of the MF/HF partial-reflecton technique is to be realized.  相似文献   

Identification of progressive intensifications of the oxygen red line has been attempted using a newly constructed photometer with which simultaneous observations of the skies towards the four cardinal directions can be made at one observatory. Observations have been carried out since November 1981 and five intensifications have been observed From a study of the time difference of the appearance of intensifications towards the four cardinal directions, it is suggested that intensifications apparently progress from the north and are related to magnetospheric substorms.  相似文献   

The Bribie Island HF radar array (27°S, 153° E) can be set up to make angle of arrival and Doppler shift measurements throughout the range of spread-Es, layers. Results of this experiment show that the range spread seen on ionograms is not due to multiple reflection with varying obliquity, but rather a genuine height spread exists. Where velocity measurements can be reliably made, reflector velocity appears to be a slowly varying function of height. Spread-Es, can be blanketing or non-blanketing, sequential or non-sequential and at first impression it seems that the chief difference between spread-Es, and normal Es, is a small scale, partially transparent structure in lower regions that allows higher regions to be observed. It is suggested that on occasion spread-Es, irregularities are further modulated by the passage of gravity waves.  相似文献   

A modification to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-79) electron density profile between altitudes of about 80 km and the peak of the E-region is proposed for compatibility with equatorial HF absorption measurements for Thumba, India. This is tested against independent absorption data for Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Ibadan, Nigeria.  相似文献   

Simultaneous daytime observations of E region horizontal irregularity drift velocities in the equatorial electrojet and F region vertical plasma drifts were made on a few magnetically quiet days at the magnetic equatorial station of Trivandrum (dip 0.5°N). Measurements of the electrojet irregularity velocities by VHF backscatter radar and the F region vertical plasma drifts by HF Doppier radar are used to deduce the daytime East-West electric fields in the E and F regions, respectively. The fluctuating components of the electric fields are separated and subjected to power spectral analysis. The E and F region electric field fluctuations are found to be well correlated; the estimated correlation coefficient is in the range of 0.52–0.8. The fluctuation amplitudes are of the order of 15% over the background for the E region and 25% for the F region. The spectral analysis reveals dominant components in the range of 30–90 min with F region components stronger than those of the E region by a factor of about 1.5 on the average. The F region electric fields during daytime being coupled from the low latitude E region, the good correlation observed between the E and F region perturbations suggests that the electric fields in the E region at low and equatorial latitudes are coherent for the temporal scales of the order of few tens of minutes. The spectral characteristics are such that the commonly occurring medium scale gravity waves could possibly be the source for the observed fluctuations in the E and F region electric fields.  相似文献   

We have detected wind oscillations with periods ranging from 1.4 to 20 days at 80–110 km altitude using Kyoto meteor radar observations made in 1983–1985. Among these oscillations, the quasi-2-day wave is repeatedly enhanced in summer and autumn. We found that the period of the quasi-2-day wave ranges from 52 to 55 h in summer, and becomes as short as 46 to 48 h in autumn in 1983 and 1984. The change in the wave period seems to coincide with a decrease in the amplitude of the zonal mean wind. A quasi-2-day wave event was simultaneously observed in January 1984 at Kyoto (35° N, 136°E) and Adelaide (35° S, 138° E), which are located at conjugate points relative to the geographic equator. Amplitudes of the meridional component at Adelaide are approximately four times larger than those observed at Kyoto. Comparison observations clearly show that the meridional component is in phase and the zonal component is out of phase, respectively, implying antisymmetry of the quasi-2-day wave between the northern and southern hemispheres. Relative phase progressions with height are similar between the Kyoto and Adelaide results for both meridional and zonal components, and indicate the presence of an upward energy propagating wave with a vertical wavelength of about 100 km.  相似文献   

A second series of long term mesospheric and lower thermospheric wind observations was conducted at Arecibo (18.4°N, 66.8°W) between 6 and 20 March 1981 using the UHF Doppler radar, following the first observations in August 1980 (Hirota et al., 1983). Zonal and meridional wind velocities were measured during the morning (8–10 LT) and afternoon (13–15 LT) periods. The mean wind profile averaged over the entire observational period shows the predominance of the diurnal tide. The fluctuating wind vector rotates clockwise relative to height with a characteristic vertical scale of about 10 km. The phase difference inferred by a cross correlation analysis between morning and afternoon profiles indicates that the dominant period is about 20–30 h. This oscillation is discussed in relation to internal inertia-gravity waves observed by the same radar in the lower stratosphere. On the other hand, wind fluctuation with a vertical scale larger than 20 km shows a substantial day-to-day variation with a period of 5–8 days. This long period oscillation shows a good correlation with the global scale geopotential height anomalies at 1 mb (46–48 km) observed by the Tiros-N satellite at 20°N. Our evidence suggests that westward travelling planetary-scale waves with zonal wavenumber one may propagate up to the lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

A coordinated experiment involving scintillation observations using orbital satellite beacons and CP-3-F program measurements by means of the EISCAT ionospheric radar facility is described. The results reveal the location of patches, containing kilometre-scale irregularities, in the vicinity of a region of an electron density minimum and an electron temperature increase. In the daytime under quiet geomagnetic conditions, the region of scintillations coincided closely with the southwards gradient in electron density, while a plasma drift velocity was mainly westwards VE-W ≲ 0.3 km/s. In the evening, the region of the most intense irregularities was transformed to the northwards sense of the electron density gradient simultaneously with the plasma drift velocity reverse and the arrival of a significant southwards component VN-S ≲ (1.5−1.0) km/s. EISCAT data demonstrated the patches' location in regions of an electron temperature increase. Processes operating to create kilometer-scale irregularities were analysed and estimated according to the data obtained. The assessments suggest that irregularities with a cross-field scale, equal to or greater than 1 km, and a field-aligned scale, equal to or greater than 30 km, were the result of growth of the thermomagnetic instability.  相似文献   

With the 430 MHz incoherent scatter radar facility at the Arecibo Observatory, the plasma line spectrum has been measured with a linearly frequency modulated or ‘chirped’ pulse. On reception the signal is demodulated (‘dechirped’). The paper describes the experimental set-up and the parameter estimation for day-time ionosphere observations. Using a non-linear least squares fit it is possible to determine the linear and quadratic coefficients of a locally parabolic plasma line frequency versus height profile. The strength of the plasma line and the point of tangency of the locally parabolic plasma line frequency profile can be determined very accurately. In measurements of the day-time ionosphere the plasma line was found to be enhanced by about 70 times over the thermal equilibrium level.  相似文献   

Plasma flow vectors have been derived from data recorded by the Advanced Ionospheric Sounder (operating as a Dynasonde) at Halley, Antarctica (76°, 27°W). Single bulk flow vectors derived from the motion of echo reflection surfaces in the overhead F-region ionosphere are consistent both with plasma flow vectors, poleward of Halley, observed simultaneously by the PACE HF radar and also, for various levels of geomagnetic activity, with published mean plasma flow at the same invariant geomagnetic latitude (62°). The results demonstrate application of the method and lend support to existing evidence that the velocity measured by this kind of technique, at least for moderate to active geomagnetic activity at high latitudes, represents ionospheric plasma flow.  相似文献   

The plasmapause and the mid-latitude ionospheric trough have been observed simultaneously from two Antarctic stations, Halley and Faraday, during five winter nights covering a range of geomagnetic disturbance conditions. The equatorial radius of the plasmapause was measured using whistlers recorded at Halley, whilst the poleward edge of the trough was located from ionospheric soundings at one or other of the stations.Before midnight the trough was well poleward of the plasmapause (by 1–2 L) when first observed (typically at ~21 LT), but then moved rapidly equatorwards. After local magnetic midnight the two features were roughly coincident, and in general moved slowly to lower L-shells with increasing local time. At no time were there simultaneous and identical movements of the two features, suggesting a lack of coupling between them. Agreement of the observations with statistical studies and models was fair, given the considerable variability among the five cases studied. For the geomagnetically quieter nights the trough data fit the Spiro model predictions, whereas in the most disturbed case, agreement is better with the Quegan et al. model. The latter model predicts a difference in L between the two features which would fit the data better if shifted 1–2 h later in local time.  相似文献   

Observations by the HF Doppier technique of the ionospheric effects of the 16 February 1980 solar eclipse in Africa are presented. Some oscillations which are detected at two stations can be attributed to a travelling coherent structure. Its characteristics are consistent with a gravity wave generated by the eclipse.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first successful gyro line experiment with the EISCAT VHF (224 MHz) radar. The incoherent scatter gyro line (also known as ‘resonance line’ and ‘whistler line’ in the literature) corresponds to the electrostatic wave mode ω ≈ Ω cos α known to be present in a weakly magnetized plasma (Ω is the electron gyro frequency and α is the angle between the scattering wave vector and the magnetic field). The line is very weak, but has the great advantage from an observational point of view that its position in the scattered spectrum is only marginally dependent on the electron density and temperature. This means that filter offsets can be easily predicted and that a long pulse and long integration times can be used in the experiment. Measurements were made at angles of 55 and 69° with the geomagnetic field where the gyro line frequencies are approximately 800 and 500 kHz, respectively. The line was seen in the altitude region 100–220 km, being most intense at 160–170 km. The strong dependence of the gyro line on the magnetic field may be used to study variations in the field. Other interesting aspects of the line to be investigated in future experiments are the effects of suprathermal particles, the possible effects of stimulated scattering, and the heating effects in an ionospheric modification experiment.  相似文献   

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