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Dry bone data for epiphyseal union at the hand and foot are scarce, incomplete or inexistent. This study documents the timing of fusion of secondary ossification centres at the hand and foot in a sample of known‐age human skeletons. The sample comprises 92 individuals (49 females and 43 males), between the ages of 9 and 22 years, from the identified skeletal collection curated at the National Museum of Natural History in Lisbon, Portugal. Epiphyseal union was recorded on the right and left side at the long bones of the hand (metacarpus and phalanges) and foot (metatarsus and phalanges), and also at the talus and calcaneus, using a three stage scheme (non‐fused; partially fused and completely fused). In the hand, intra‐observer agreement was 99% and inter‐observer agreement was 98%. In the foot, both intra‐ and inter‐observer agreement reached 100%. Lateral asymmetry was not significant and only 1.1% of the individuals in the sample were found to be asymmetric in the stage of epiphyseal fusion (1.8% in the hand and 0.3% in the foot). A minimum mean advancement of 1–2 years in females relative to males was observed. In the hand bones, epiphyseal union occurred between 12–18 years in females and 16–18 years in males. Comparatively, in the foot bones, epiphyseal union occurred slightly later, with the exception of the talus and calcaneus, which are the earliest bones to mature. Data in this study can be used to estimate the age of unidentified skeletal remains, either directly or by aiding in the modification of incomplete or imprecise data that have been collected over the years. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Excavations in 1975 and 1976 at a Republican healing-sanctuary, situated on the Via Praenestina, nine Roman miles to the east of Rome, yielded more than eight thousand terracotta ex-votos. The great majority represented parts of the body. Quantitative and medical studies suggest that the sanctuary specialised particularly in the cure of foot and hand injuries, and in the main served a rural population. Some other sanctuaries also appear to have had their areas of medical specialisation. The origins of the practice of dedicating votives in Italy are examined, as is the apparent demise of the cult in the second to first centuries B.C.  相似文献   

Winding Down in a Quebec Mining Town: a Case Study of Schefferville   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The pattern of decline in a mining region is examined using a case study of Schefferville. A critical examination is made of Lucas's model of youth to maturity in community development, and a further two stages are suggested - winding down and closure of a town. The discussion centres on the characteristics of community and corporate winding down in Schefferville: the restructuring of the local workforce, disinvestment, relocation of capital, and company withdrawal from housing, municipal affairs, and public services.
Les auteurs entreprennent une étude du processus de déclin dans les régions minikres en se servant de l'exemple de Schefferville. En partant d'une critique du modtle fait par Lucas sur les stages d'évolution et de maturation d'une communauté, les auteurs proposent d'y ajouter deux autres Ctages, soit celui de déclin et celui de la fermeture définitive d'une ville. La période de déclin est donc caractérisée par la restructuration de la main d'ceuvre, par la diminution des investissements, par la relocalisation de capitaux, et par le retrait de la sociktk minikre au niveau du logement, des affaires municipales, et des services publics dans la ville.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, there has been a fraught yet hopeful Aboriginal cultural resurgence in Australia. An element of this movement has been the establishment of Aboriginal art centres and cultural centres across Australia. Using a comparative approach to Aboriginal art centres, this paper analyses the appearance and characteristics of the more recent Aboriginal cultural centres. The methods used are a review of the literature on Aboriginal art centres, and for the less-researched Aboriginal cultural centres, a case study. This paper posits that cultural centre characteristics are shaped through the formation of alliances made possible by the advent of land rights, an Aboriginal cultural turn amongst Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, and changing approaches to regional development. While not themselves a movement that will lead to socio-economic change, these types of arts and heritage projects are aligned to such movements. With a larger scale and more central locations, Aboriginal cultural centres open up opportunities for larger and more diverse alliances, and therefore new opportunities for Aboriginal people’s participation, activism and expression.  相似文献   

Cooling centres provide respite, safety, and social support during extreme heat events for populations that do not have the resources to own or operate in-home air conditioning. The objective of this study was to measure the spatial accessibility of cooling centres and analyze the associations between cooling centre access and marginalization in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, Canada. The potential spatial accessibility of cooling centres within a 15-minute walk was measured at the dissemination area scale using the two-step floating catchment area method. A two-stage modelling approach was used to analyze the associations between cooling centre access and marginalization. Approximately 62%, 58%, and 54% of the populations in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver had access to at least one cooling centre. In Montreal and Vancouver, high marginalization areas were more likely to have cooling centre access than low marginalization areas. Of the areas with cooling centre access, smaller access scores were observed in areas with high residential instability. Approximately one-fifth of the areas in each city had no cooling centre access and high marginalization, and may be considered for future cooling centres or programs that improve accessibility to existing centres.  相似文献   

The distribution of osteoarthritis of the hands was studied in 101 skeletons from archaeological sites in England. The results are similar to those found in epidemiological studies of modern populations. Osteoarthritis of the hands was more common in females than in males, and in females tended to involve a greater number of joints. The distal and proximal interphalangeal joints were commonly affected, the former more frequently than the latter, but otherwise the disease was largely confined to the first ray of the hand, centred on the trapezium. It is concluded that the pattern of osteoarthritis in the hand has probably not changed greatly over several hundred years.  相似文献   

上海大都市区物联网产业集聚与空间演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新兴技术产业的空间集聚与扩散对大都市区的空间结构有直接的影响,厘清新兴技术产业的空间分布和区位选择规律对新兴产业集群培育和大都市区空间结构调整都具有重要的政策意义。本文分析了上海市物联网企业的空间分布和集聚特征,结果发现初创期物联网企业在郊区集聚,随后向郊区其他区域扩散,并呈现出从单极向多极集聚转变的空间演化进程。通过构建负二项回归探究上海物联网企业的区位选择因素,结果表明制度因素和企业集聚效应对企业区位选择有重要影响。在产业发展初创期,企业区位选择受政府管制和市场机制双重影响,其中制度因素发挥了关键作用;而在随后的兴起期,产业集聚效应对新企业的入驻具有强大的吸引力。  相似文献   

In many European metropolitan regions, new economic centres have emerged at the edge of large cities or in their (post-)suburban areas. This paper explores the possible contribution of these new centres to a more sustainable regional development of European metropolitan regions. The realization of sustainable business parks is even more complicated at 'greenfield' sites than at 'brownfield' sites. With the absence of space scarcity or congestion problems, the temptation to choose easier, less sustainable solutions is hard to resist. Nevertheless, in the Dutch Randstad region, some edge-city and suburban business locations try to meet high sustainability standards. Two case studies in Hoofddorp and Almere illustrate the tough road towards truly sustainable business parks, focusing on the role of the various stakeholders that either encourage or discourage the realization of sustainability potentials.  相似文献   

I would like to point out that the flora of Sumatra is in many respects as spectacular as Rafflesia and the giant Amorphophallus make one suspect (Meijer, unpublished). People should learn to attach the same scientific and aesthetic value to the loss of this flora as to the disappearance of rhinos, tigers, and tapirs. The only fruitful approach to save the tropical rain‐forests of Sumatra is absolute protection of the whole Bukit Barisan Range as a vital water catchment area of this island, to establish buffer zones in the foothills of this reserve, to establish enough reserves in the coastal plain regions and the peat swamps, the mangrove swamps, limestone hills, and Tiga Puluh Mountains to save representative areas. A massive botanical/ecological survey of the whole island is needed for a rational conservation plan. In this, access to centres of higher learning, participation of local universities, and the establishment of a series of local educational and research centres should play a major role. It has been discovered now in Central America (Costa Rice and Panama) that the only feasible way to preserve tropical rain‐forests is through a network of research stations and related scientific tourism.

Also in Sumatra with its local centres of diverse cultures, nature conservation can go hand‐in‐hand with cultural preservation and stimulation of local pride in people's natural heritage.  相似文献   

Two complete skeletons from the Hamman-Todd collection of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History (CMNH) show a suite of pathological lesions that suggest the individuals had been involved in boxing or other hand-to-hand combat. These lesions were studied and compared with medical and autopsy records. The aims of the research were to estimate the accumulated damage to the bones over time, to characterize the different types of the damage, and to establish criteria for hand-to-hand combat or violence for archaeological material. Our inspections showed that besides the muscle markings developed and the numerous healed fractures that are expected when someone is involved in such activities, other types of lesion are present that are helpful for a proper differential diagnosis. These are: degenerative changes at the lesser tuberosity of the humerus; focal necrotic changes/bone growth on the trochlea of the humerus; necrotic changes on the distal head of the ulna; bony patches on upper limb bones only; secondary centres of ossification failing to fuse (mainly in vertebrae and acromion); a huge conoid tubercle on the clavicle; bony spurs on the distal articular head of the metacarpals; necrotic changes on the femoral head next to the fovea and on the roof of the acetabulum; and a developed bony ridge for the attachment of the iliotrochanteric ligament. Finally, we propose a set of criteria that will help to identify people in archaeological material who were involved in hand-to-hand combat.  相似文献   

Visible homelessness in the Northwest Territories, Canada is often described as a recent phenomenon by policy makers and the popular media alike. Indeed, since the late 1990s, homeless shelters in Yellowknife and Inuvik report a steady increase in demand for beds and other support for homeless people. Homelessness in these two communities disproportionately affects Aboriginal northerners, however little is known about their individual pathways to homelessness. Moreover, homelessness in the Northwest Territories is often portrayed as an issue confined to larger “urbanizing” regional centres, yet many homeless Aboriginal northerners have originated from small, rural settlement communities. Despite this, little concern has been paid to how factors at the small community level intersect with more visible forms of homelessness in larger, urban centres, not to mention how these intersections shape a territorial geography of homelessness. In this article, I aim to uncover and explore the often hidden factors at the northern rural settlement level that ultimately contribute to more visible forms of homelessness in northern urban centres. I suggest that uneven and fragmented social, institutional, and economic geographies result in a unique landscape of vulnerability to homelessness in the Northwest Territories. This geography emerges through the production of particular dynamics between rural settlement communities and northern urban centres. In particular, four main factors represent these rural‐urban dynamics: 1) the attractions of opportunity in northern urban centres; 2) rural settlement‐urban institutional flows; 3) chronic housing need in the settlements; and, 4) disintegrating social relationships in the settlements. I explore the particular ways in which these factors influence rural‐urban migration among the homeless population and what roles this mobility plays in individual pathways to homelessness.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is firstly, to determine the types of manufacturing activities which are at present active in the Istanbul Historical Core and secondly, to establish the daily commuting pattern of industrial employment. With this information to hand, it is then possible to assess the impact of the transportation pattern on the historical core and the metropolitan area as a whole. The results show that industrial employees commuting to work in the historical core face more difficulties, by way of duration-distance-change, than the average value observed in the metropolitan area. Moving manufacturing activities away from the historical core will not only decrease the difficulties faced by industrial employees in this area, but will also relieve this 2400 year old area from the burden of traffic congestion, environmental and noise pollution, and create usable building capacity .  相似文献   

The specialization of city-centres towards more advanced service activities has mostly been studied in the largest city-regions, the case of smaller urban centres being less well documented. In that context, the objective of this article is to analyse the role of sectoral and regional factors in employment growth in Luxembourg between 1994 and 2005. Using statistical data from the Luxembourg General Inspection of Social Security, this contribution distinguishes 12 categories of manufacturing industries and services according to an OECD-Eurostat knowledge-based classification. Five intra-regional areas are distinguished based on morphological and functional criteria in the Luxembourg Metropolitan Area. Using several indexes, this article first analyses the sectoral specialization and geographical concentration of employment. A model of intra-regional employment growth, initially developed by Marimon and Zilibotti and applied at the European level, is then shown to account for 40 per cent of employment growth. An estimation of the contributions of sectoral and geographical factors highlights the primacy of the latter over the former. Finally, the construction of virtual economies confirms the City's overall lower performance as compared to its close periphery. Results underscore a process of functional integration in the Luxembourg metropolitan area: as the core of the city undergoes a specialization process, the urban area benefits from a relocation of activities less sensitive to distance and transaction costs, while the periphery becomes increasingly diversified, notably in the South where traditional industrial activities are being replaced by service activities. These results suggest that the evolution pattern of employment growth in Luxembourg is very similar to that of some larger metropolitan centres, owing to its exceptional financial service activities.  相似文献   

Healed bone fractures were quantitatively analyzed in an ancient Japanese population. The sample studied consisted of the skeletal remains of 160 adult individuals from the Yoshigo shell mound (ca. BP 3400‐2400), Aichi prefecture, Japan. Healed fractures were diagnosed from the presence of callus formation and/or angular deformity. Fractures were frequently seen in small bones of the hand and foot such as the metacarpals, rather than in large long bones such as the clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia and fibula. Of a total of 517 intact large long bones, only four fractures (0.8%) were recognized. The prevalence and pattern of bone fractures in the Yoshigo population reflects the relative lack of stress in their life‐style. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We document the developmental osteology of a captive population of cross‐bred red junglefowl (Gallus gallus L. 1758) that were slaughtered at known ages from 6 days old until they reached maturity and explore the relationships that exist between bone size, maturity, body weight and sex. In doing so, we contribute to the body of knowledge concerning developmental osteology in domestic fowl, which has previously focussed upon ‘improved’ breeds. Comparison with archaeological material demonstrates that regression equations developed from the study population to determine age from bone length measurements are unreliable, even when samples with similar mean size for adult birds are compared. However, greater understanding of the maturity of domestic fowl more ‘primitive’ than most comparative material available for study is used to assist in the assignation of three age classes—chick, immature and adult—and thus facilitate more nuanced analyses of age‐at‐death patterns in faunal assemblages. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article utilises male occupational data recorded in the baptism registers of England and Wales, 1813–1820, to locate the geographical distribution of the textile manufacturing industry at that time. By comparison with female and male occupations abstracted from the 1851 census, it shows that the location was set at least as early as the second decade of the nineteenth century, and before the introduction of steam power or the mechanisation of weaving could have played significant roles. By 1813–1820, the once great regional textile centres of East Anglia and the West Country were no more. Approximately sixty-six per cent of fathers employed in the textile industry lived in Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire. Moreover, textile manufacturing was further concentrated into a small number of parishes. Two-thirds of fathers lived in thirty-six parishes, and fifty per cent resided in only nineteen parishes. An association between the location of the main textile parishes and the proximity of the coal measures is evident. The registers contain a large number of entries for male spinners, reflecting the extent of uptake of Samuel Crompton’s spinning mule. The data confirm that the mule was dominant in cotton spinning within at least thirty years or so of its introduction. By the second decade of the nineteenth century, cotton spinning by hand was a redundant occupation.  相似文献   

The intrametropolitan distribution of economic activities and, specifically, the formation of suburban employment centres has become a major research and policy issue. In spite of an increasing number of detailed analyses of the geography of employment in individual metropolitan areas, no generally accepted and systematic methodology for identifying employment centres exists. Comparisons between metropolitan areas have been highly limited due to both a lack of consistent and comparable data and a plethora of methods. We first present an overview of various methods that have been used to identify employment centres. Using Montreal as a case study, we then evaluate the suitability of various methods in the light of available data on job location in Canadian metropolitan areas. The method that yields the best results is one based upon dual criteria applied at the census tract level: a total employment threshold and the ratio of employment to the resident workers. We use this method to identify the form of the Montreal space-economy in 1996. The identification of a suitable, although imperfect, method represents a first step towards being able to more objectively and systematically examine a wide range of issues concerning metropolitan economic structure.  相似文献   

The accessory navicular is a supernumerary bone of the human foot located medial to the navicular tuberosity and represents a secondary center of ossification that has failed to fuse to the main body of the navicular. Three forms of the accessory bone have been identified: Type I is an independent ossicle that is often embedded within the tibialis posterior tendon; Type II is a triangular accessory bone that attaches to the navicular tuberosity by means of a cartilaginous or fibrocartilaginous bridge; and Type III represents a fused Type II, which forms a hook‐like protuberance extending from the tuberosity. The Type II accessory navicular is the most common of the three forms and is the most readily identifiable in skeletal material since it causes the navicular tuberosity to become abnormally flattened and porous. The purpose of this study was to describe the various manifestations of the accessory navicular in dry bone, to present and compare frequency data for several skeletal populations, and to consider questions of laterality and sex bias in trait expression. In total, the skeletons of 497 Danes, 460 Euro‐Americans, 300 African Americans, 100 Japanese, and 205 Europeans were examined for the presence of the Type II accessory navicular. Overall frequencies for the five groups ranged from 2% in the African American sample to 5% in the Japanese sample. Since several family pedigrees have documented the accessory navicular as being an inherited skeletal defect, the relatively low frequency found in the present study makes this trait a potentially useful indicator of genetic relatedness within archaeological cemeteries. In addition, the trait was found to occur more often unilaterally than bilaterally and there was nearly equal incidence among males and females. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

联珠纹在中国虽有更早的源头,但它从6世纪中期才开始流行。那时中国的联珠纹虽以粟特地区为中介受到萨珊艺术的影响,但也融入了自身的文化理解和艺术形式,这令联珠纹在很大程度上丧失了原有的萨珊图案寓意、改变了西方原貌。邺城等黄河中下游的丝织重镇,应是联珠纹织物在内地的重要产地。  相似文献   

The relative importance and the spheres of influence of the urban centres within some specified region, such as a country, are intriguing topics of investigation. Webber (1964) indicated that the ordering of centres within a country is not possible, since “the spatial extent of each [urban] realm is ambiguous, shifting instantaneously as participants in the realm's many interest-communities make new contacts, trade with different friends, or read different publications.’ We suspect, however, that there is considerable order in the communication links among the larger centres within a country. For example, Canada's leaders in business, governments, and the arts tend to move through a hierarchy of centres to end up in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, or some other large city, depending upon the particular field in which they work. All urban centres are linked to Ottawa, which is at the apex of political power, and to large urban centres, such as Toronto and Montreal, which predominate in the economic realm. The major purpose of this paper is to derive a nodal structure for seventeen major Canadian cities, based on newspaper datelines. By utilizing these particular information flows, the analyses also shed light on possible differences between the anglophone and francophone communications networks.  相似文献   

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