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朱军 《收藏家》2011,(2):65-66
拙稿《逸休堂款粉彩品锅考释》(以下简称"原稿")发表于《收藏家》2009年5期,文中主要对青花逸休堂款粉彩折枝花纹竹节耳品锅(以下简称"品锅")进行了考证,结论为系清季封疆大吏端方(1861—1911年)于清末在景德镇定制的一套自用餐具中的主件之一。  相似文献   

“王太后右和室”铜鼎考略张懋镕,王勇"王太后右和室"铜鼎一件,近年出土于陕西省澄城县.铜鼎形制:鼓腹,敛口,圆底,蹄足,耳略外撇。盖上有三环纽.通高16、通耳高16.8、足高7.1、耳高6、纽高2.4厘米。最大腹外径18厘米。器腹有弦纹一道(图一)。...  相似文献   

甘肃省各博物馆藏有一批精美的青铜器,并未见诸报道。现择选8件春秋到汉代的藏品介绍如下。 1.铜鼎征集品,甘肃省博物馆藏,据云出土于天水。该器敛口,折沿,立耳,浅腹微鼓,圜底,三蹄足内敛。口沿下饰吐舌龙纹,腹饰波带纹,并与上部纹饰以一周凸弦纹相隔,足上部饰兽面纹。腹宽10、高约15厘米。从造型上看为春秋早期风格(封三:1)。  相似文献   

后洼遗址雕塑品中的巫术寓意   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1983年~1984年,辽宁省博物馆先后两次对东沟县后洼新石器时代遗址进行了发掘,出土雕塑品甚多,下层石雕刻品25件,有人像、猪、虎头饰、鸟形饰、鹰形坠饰、鱼形坠饰、蝉形坠饰、虫形坠饰、竹节坠饰等。陶塑品8件,有人头、猪头和其他动物塑像。上层石雕刻3件,有人头、鸟头、鱼形坠饰,陶塑品8件,有陶人像、猪头等等。  相似文献   

赵磊 《收藏家》2011,(7):74-76
天津市文物公司艺林阁旧藏一件青花花鸟纹竹节耳盖碗尊(图1、2),器型硕大雄伟,颇富气势。此尊口径25.5、足径25.5、高56.8厘米,胎体极厚,整器重量足有24公斤之多。撇口,粗颈,颈两侧置对称的竹节状双耳,溜肩硬折,弧腹至胫,外撇圈足。  相似文献   

甘肃天水市出土西周青铜器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1993年12月,天水布广播电视局在基建施工时,发现古墓葬一座,出上一批珍贵文物。天水市公安局东关派出所迅速收缴6件青铜器,并移交给天水市博物馆收藏(图一)。市博物馆即派人前往勘查,墓葬已毁坏,形制不清,周围有陶片散落。现将出上青铜器介绍如下:鼎4件。形制、纹饰相同,大小相次。短折沿,双附耳,沿与耳之间有双梁连接,鼓腹,圜底略平,三足蹄形。颈部、腹部饰窃曲纹、波带纹一周,足上部饰兽面纹,双耳饰重环纹(图二)。标本1,一足略残,器内有两补痕,器底有烟员痕迹,口径21、通高19.5厘米(封三,下)。标本2,腹部有…  相似文献   

杨鑫  李栋 《文物世界》2013,(1):19-21
山东博物馆收藏青铜颂簋一件,通高30.1厘米,口径24.2厘米,重13.2千克,器身圆形,盖顶部有圆形捉手,腹微鼓略下垂,子母口,腹两侧有一对兽首形耳,下有垂珥,圈足稍外撇,下有三个兽面象鼻形小足。盖、器口沿处各饰八组窃曲纹,盖顶捉手内饰卷体龙纹,捉手下与腹中下部各饰三周和六周瓦纹,圈足饰垂鳞纹。  相似文献   

2003年内蒙古自治区通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗吐尔基山辽墓出土现藏于内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所八曲侈口,平沿,腹作八面形,腹底弧圆接圆形圈足。口沿下饰一周联珠纹,八面之间以及弧底上部均饰联珠纹。八个面图案各不相同。口径6.1(5.9)、底径3.7(3.9)、通高5.9厘米。  相似文献   

曹刚 《文物》1990,(11)
1986年4月,四川成都市无线电机械工业学校在修建车间时,发现一批青铜器,随后通知了我馆。因现场已浇灌了混凝土,无法勘测。据当时在场同志回忆,除了发现几件铜器外,未见其他痕迹。现将出土器物报道于下。鼎 3件。1件残缺一足一耳,腹部有破洞(图一:1、4;二:1;三)。1件较为完整,有子口,附耳,圆腹,圜底,蹄足。附耳的两面均饰蟠螭纹。腹部饰两圈蟠螭纹,中有一凸棱相隔。底部有明显的烟熏痕迹,口径25.5、腹径28.5、通高25.8厘米(图一:2、3;二:2;四)。另有1件鼎盖,中心为一兽形纽,纽上套一环,外置3个对称云纹纽。纹饰从里向外分4层,第1层为三角云雷纹,第2层为綯索纹,第3、4层为蟠螭  相似文献   

1980年4月,江苏吴县东渚公社淹马大队社员,在万家村前渚头山东的窑墩上挖土制砖坯时,发现一座古墓(图一)。窑墩原是一处高出地面3—4米、面积约400平方米的土墩。在墩上及墩边采集到穿孔石斧、常型石锛等磨制得很光滑的石器(图二一五),还有夹砂红陶鳍形大鼎足、"T"字形断面的鼎足、满饰划纹的夹砂红陶器耳、泥质黑衣陶豆盘、饰有竹节纹和镂空的豆把、带有断凿附加堆纹的夹砂红陶罐  相似文献   

本文认为沈尹氏可能出自楚穆王,是楚王族析出的一支小宗世族;沈尹为楚官职,主管宗庙祭祀和贞卜;沈尹氏因其祖沈尹子桱官沈尹一职而得氏,始封时间约在前六世纪上半叶。  相似文献   

从商金文的"寝某"称名形式看殷人的称名习俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈絮 《华夏考古》2001,(1):87-93
殷商时期的姓氏人名问题,近年来颇引人注目。从殷墟卜辞及金文中反映的情况看,当时的姓氏制度相当复杂,许多问题至今都未能在学界达成共识,诸如“妇某”之“某”究竟是姓是氏,是女字,抑或其它;贞人名及“子某”之“某”是氏还是私名等,争论颇多。又由于姓氏人名问题的解决与否涉及到我们对殷商社会组织的正确认识,关系到古文字资料的准确断代,其重要性也就不言而喻了。有鉴于此,笔者不揣浅陋,欲就该问题中的某些方面谈一点自己的看法,不妥之处,敬请方家指正。 笔者认为,要解决商人的姓氏人名问题,商金文中的“寝某”称名形…  相似文献   

James Ramsay Hunt (1874-1937) was a pre-eminent twentieth-century American neurologist. The name of Ramsay Hunt is known today because several neurological disorders bear his name, including the herpetic geniculate ganglion syndrome and a form of ataxia and myoclonus. Despite his importance in the field of neurology, few biographical details have been recorded about Hunt's life. One of the authors of this report recently located Hunt's daughter. This biographical sketch was based on interviews conducted with her and review of documents in her possession, including letters written by Hunt. Details are depicted about Hunt's family background and childhood, medical education and early professional development, courtship and marriage, wartime experiences, family and social life, daily routine and professional development, as well as illness and death.  相似文献   

天台徐一夔是元末明初的知名学者,一生以教书育人为业,是杭州府学声望卓著的教授。徐一夔传世的名字,是其官名,非其谱名,谱名已经轶失;近年研究徐一夔者或以始丰为其号,其实只是表示其乡里籍贯。稗史载徐一夔上表触怒朱元璋被斩,实系未成事实而被偏解作事实所致,系文人猎奇与发泄心理使然。  相似文献   

周公方鼎是周公后人托周公之名而设文王庙时所作的祭器。铭文书写者应为微史家族的乙祖商。  相似文献   

James Ramsay Hunt (1874–1937) was a pre-eminent twentieth-century American neurologist. The name of Ramsay Hunt is known today because several neurological disorders bear his name, including the herpetic geniculate ganglion syndrome and a form of ataxia and myoclonus. Despite his importance in the field of neurology, few biographical details have been recorded about Hunt’s life. One of the authors of this report recently located Hunt’s daughter. This biographical sketch was based on interviews conducted with her and review of documents in her possession, including letters written by Hunt. Details are depicted about Hunt’s family background and childhood, medical education and early professional development, courtship and marriage, wartime experiences, family and social life, daily routine and professional development, as well as illness and death.  相似文献   

陈光鑫 《文博》2022,(1):47-51
西周时期,“太保”是召公的生称,也用作召公家族的族名。山西北白鹅墓地出土铜器铭文中的“太保”是族名。与之类似,梁山七器之一的宪鼎铭文中的“太保”也应该是族名,不可与正文连读。  相似文献   

For 250 years, the vernacular spelling of the family name of the polymath Conrad Gessner of Zurich (1516-1565) has been in doubt, owing to an erroneous analogy with the Latin spelling, which does not require a double s. The history of this error is presented, followed by an examination of Gessner's own usage throughout his life, as it appears in autograph documents and works printed under his direction. Posthumous evidence and evidence from other members of the family and the community are also adduced to demonstrate consistency in the vernacular spelling of Gessner's name.  相似文献   

The Anglo-Norman ‘invasion’ had a profound impact on the names used by Irish families. New names such as Seán and Uilliam, introduced in the thirteenth, became widespread by the fourteenth century. In a number of cases a link can be established between the first occurrence of an Anglo-Norman name in an Irish family and an Anglo-Norman magnate with the same first name in the same region. This may have been the case for women also. Women's names were possibly more open to change, but in this field in particular more research needs to be done. The societies of both the Irish and the Anglo-Normans were patriarchal and as a consequence the naming pattern of the paternal family was usually followed. There are many similarities between the practices in Ireland and those in the rest of Western Europe, but it seems that Ireland differed in that here the eldest son rarely received the name of his paternal grandfather. Within the upper classes, the high nobility seems to have had a different attitude towards imitating Anglo-Norman names then did the lower nobility.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: New Place is the name of the house that William Shakespeare purchased in 1597 and the place in which he died in 1616. The house was constructed in Stratford-upon-Avon over a century previously but had disappeared by 1759, leaving only an empty gap in the street frontage. How much time Shakespeare spent there has long been debated, but recent excavation and analysis of the surviving evidence has led to the notion that New Place was carefully chosen by Shakespeare to be his primary residence and the place to live with his family and compose much of his later writing. The importance of Hugh Clopton, the former owner and builder of New Place, and the welcome associations that his name brought to the property, is also debated here. Shakespeare’s motives, his pursuit of status, desire for investment and obligation to his family are all explored through the use of archaeological data and the historical evidence for the house.  相似文献   

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