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Summary. Recent writers here, on routes by sea to ancient Britain, have revived the quest for Ictis, recorded as a port for the trade in its tin. Apart from Caesar's De Bello Gallico, nearly all the relevant sources are in Greek, and one of the few in Latin is from previous Greek. The relevant archaeology, marine technology and natural sciences, should still be advantaged by attention to these texts, in their wording and their contexts and chronology. They comprise three groups: Pytheas and Timaeus, before and after 300 BC, Polybius and Posidonius, before and after 100, Diodorus in the middle first century and Strabo near its end. Pliny, after the middle first century AD, quotes Timaeus. Each of the three groups throws light on the trade, Diodorus almost certainly, and nearly always Strabo, reflecting what had been shed by writers before them. It is Diodorus, expected here to be using Posidonius, who tells us of Ictis. But the various dates of the evidence altogether, when compared with the archaeological and scientific findings, let routes for the trade be distinguished not only in geography, but also in the chronology of their use. This essay takes account of all relevant work done hitherto, but advances beyond it wherever this is seen to be feasible. It disentangles the location of Ictis from persistent error, though doing so cannot yet fix it with final probability; but putting all the ancient sources for the trade to a critical scrutiny, with exact translations, enhances their accord with archaeology.  相似文献   

The publication in 1987 of a Soviet compendium of population statistics has made possible the calculation of net migration balances for the U.S.S.R.'s 20 large economic planning regions by the residual method for the first time since the middle of the 1970s. This paper compares the results for 1981–1985 and 1971–1975 and finds that Siberia has changed from a net loser to a net gainer of migrants, that the shift of population to the southern regions has been reversed, and that the traditional rural outflow from central-eastern European Russia has diminished. Nevertheless, the acclimatization of newcomers in the eastern regions, the stabilization of rural dwellers in the central regions, and the mobility of rural residents in Central Asia and the Transcaucasus all remain insufficient to overcome regional imbalances in labour.
La publication en 1987 d'un compendium Soviétique sur les statistiques de la population a rendu possible le calcul des balances migratoires pour les vingt grandes régions économiques de l'U.R.S.S. pour la premiere fois depuis le milieu des années 1970. Cet article compare les résultats de 1971–1975 et 1981–1985 et montre que la situation en Sibérie est passée d'une perte nette à un gain net de migrants, que le mouvement de la population vers les regions du Sud a été renversé, et que le traditionel exode rural observé dans les régions centrales et dans l'est de la Russie europeenne a diminue. Néanmoins l'adaptation des nouveaux arrivants dans les regions de l'est, la stabilite des ruraux dans les regions centrales, et leur mobilite en Asie Centrale et en Transcaucasie sont insuffisants pour surmonter les desequilibres regionaux en main-d'oeuvre.  相似文献   

Economic development in the U.S. context from the federal level is reviewed with emphasis on the urban-rural dimension. “Economic development” is theoretically discussed and defined. Appropriate intervention into free market processes is examined as to justifications and unit of analysis. U.S. economic development policy history is reviewed in its broader form of subsidy and risk reallocation under several conceptual schemes to show constituencies, complexity, urban-rural emphasis, and biases toward industrialization. A series of sociopolitical scenarios are introduced to explain these patterns. The relationship between economic policy and federalism is explored. A conception of “rural development” is developed and reconceptualization of development along a systemic perspective is urged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the connection between economic agglomeration and trade patterns within the United States at the industry level. On the consumption side, industry‐ and state‐specific international imports and elasticities of substitution are shown to be systematically connected to consumption agglomeration effects, while on the production side, industry‐ and state‐specific international exports and intermediate input trade are shown to be systematically connected to production agglomeration and specialization effects. Industry structures play an important role in the determination and magnitude of these effects.  相似文献   

The paper examines the first half-century of the fur trade on the Northwest Coast from the perspective of its First Nations participants. It focuses on the array of initiatives taken by Ligeex, a prominent Tsimshian chief, to insert non-native traders within the geopolitics of the indigenous world. The reconstruction is undertaken by linking Tsimshian oral narratives with Euro-American documentary sources.
ľarticle traite des cinquante premiéres années du commerce des fourrures sur la côte nord-ouest du point de vue des participants membres des Premiéres Nations. II se concentre sur la série ďinitiatives entreprises par Ligeex, un chef tsimshian de premier rang, afin ďincorporer les commerçants allochtones à la géopolitique du monde indigéne. La reconstruction est effectuée en reliant des narrations de la tradition orale tsimshiane à des sources documentaires euro-américaines.  相似文献   

Three cross-sectional data sets for the U.S. House of Representatives are analyzed for 1973 to 1978. The conclusions are: (1) Political support for environmental legislation has remained stable and has not diminished in the face of economic problems and energy shortages. (2) The East is the region most supportive of environmental issues while the South is by far the least supportive. (3) Clear partisan differences exist with the Democrats consistently more pro-environmental than Republicans. (4) The most important factor associated with environmental support is ideology. Although interrelated with party, it is more salient than either party or constituency factors. (5) Support for pro-environmental voting is strongest in urban and suburban constituencies and weakest in rural and mixed districts.  相似文献   

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