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席正铭聪颖好学,胸怀大志,在贵阳陆军小学读书时便阅读革命书刊。立志反清。在武昌陆军第三中学期间,组织学生二百多人加入同盟会。武昌起义枪声打响后,他组织600多人的学生军,自任总队长,参加武装战斗。后又追随孙中山,参加反袁斗争;投身护法军政府,受命为黔军总司令。不幸被奸人诱杀。留有诗集一部,是住文武兼备的将军。  相似文献   

清前期督抚关系管窥--以清官张伯行的仕宦生涯为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伯行是康熙后期一位著名的清官,他清廉正直,惠爱百姓,因而见知于康熙帝.张伯行初任福建巡抚时,刚果有为,治绩显著;调至江苏后,亦欲奋发有为,却深陷官场漩涡,事事受到掣肘,最后落得四面楚歌的境地.本文试图通过对张伯行仕宦生涯的观察,探究清代独有的督抚制度的本质.  相似文献   

明季贵州普安州诗人谢士章(1581~1637),幼时为普安州举人、江西宁都知县陈时言过房子,因名陈士章。在贵州成长,考中举人、进士。登第并对养父母尽孝对陈氏兄弟尽责后,疏陈情奏请复姓谢。  相似文献   

鲁迅的文献学成就   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献学方面,鲁迅的成就主要体现在辑佚、校勘和考证等三个方面。在辑佚方面,他力求穷尽所有资料,所辑佚文无论是数量还是质量都堪称一流;在校勘方面,他精通版本之学,对校勘原则有深刻的把握,能够熟练运用各种校勘方法;在考证方面,他主要利用比较的方法、推理与实证相结合的方法以及钩稽之法来考辨史实,解决疑难问题。  相似文献   

In his years as Florentine Secretary, Machiavelli repeatedly faced the problem of interpreting the gestures and words of statesmen that were masters of deception. The strategy he developed to uncover these statesmen’s intentions was based on the analysis of human passions, on uncovering the fundamental trait that defined a man’s character. I apply Machiavelli’s strategy of interpretation to Machiavelli himself and uncover the irreconcilable disconnect which shaped his personal tragedy. On one hand, he related to his objects of desire by entirely abandoning himself to them, regardless of how unachievable they were. On the other, to obtain these objects of desire his analytical mind developed strategies which took pride in their adherence to what he called the “effectual truth of the matter.” His incapacity to reconsider his objectives in light of the means at his disposal and his tendency to transfer all of himself into his objectives determined Machiavelli’s successes and failures. He repeatedly failed when he had to set his own goals, or when he approached a problem with empathy. He succeeded when he was given precise and limited objectives and when he understood that he did not share the goals of those he was studying.  相似文献   

This article contains an account of the career of John Eccles that can be divided into two parts. The first extends from 1925, when he won a Rhodes scholarship to Magdalen College Oxford, to 1975, when he took voluntary retirement from the State University of New York at Buffalo. During this period, he set up six different laboratories in which he carried out research on synaptic mechanisms that provide the basis of neuroscience. The second period is the 20 years between his retirement and death in Switzerland, which he spent on the problem of the relationship between mind and brain.  相似文献   

This article contains an account of the career of John Eccles that can be divided into two parts. The first extends from 1925, when he won a Rhodes scholarship to Magdalen College Oxford, to 1975, when he took voluntary retirement from the State University of New York at Buffalo. During this period, he set up six different laboratories in which he carried out research on synaptic mechanisms that provide the basis of neuroscience. The second period is the 20 years between his retirement and death in Switzerland, which he spent on the problem of the relationship between mind and brain.  相似文献   

海山在策划1911年外蒙古“独立”过程中起了童要的作用。他在彼得堡协助车林齐密特与俄国政府交涉援助事宜,以后又在伊尔库茨克、恰克图与俄国有关当局联络。他就外蒙古“独立”问题出了不少主意。1913年秋,海山转向北京政府,声称愿意劝导外蒙古王公内向,但是却乘机提出了大量无理要求,说明他是一个借外蒙古“独立”谋取私利的投机分子。  相似文献   

画家、艺术教育家吕凤子先生自1911年创办正则学校始,直至他去世,整整从教50年。他无论作为画家、绘画理论家,还是作为学者、教育家都作出了卓越的贡献。尤其他对教育事业的那份坚定执着、那种毫无保留的奉献精神将永远激励后人前行。  相似文献   

George Washington's religious beliefs have long been debated by scholars, who have insisted that he was anything from a devout Anglican to a Deist. This study argues that he was neither, instead contending that Washington had Latitudinarian tendencies, and that while he believed in God, he was not otherwise particularly religious. As some with Latitudinarian affinities, he showed no preference among varying creeds or forms of worship despite his Anglican upbringing. His personal beliefs also intersected with his stance on public religion. Washington favoured broad religious liberty for Christians and non‐Christians alike, reflecting his Latitudinarianism because he believed that denomination, dogma, doctrine, and creed were insignificant, and that it was up to the individual to decide the best way to worship God.  相似文献   

Visa Stupidity     
This paper describe the author’s experiences when he has applied for visas in a range of countries, including Germany, the UK, Japan, China and the USA. In 22 years of international travel, he has never been refused a visa, though he has been unable to obtain a visa in time on several occasions, and this has cause him to be unable to attend meetings, even when he is fully funded, and has applied for a visa well in advance.  相似文献   

破山是明季西南佛教史上的一位著名禅师,他一生大开方便法门,创建名蓝巨刹,开建法幢10余所,剃度弟子百余人,嗣法弟子80余人,法系遍布西南诸省,对贵州佛教影响深巨,为西南临济禅宗祖师。纵观破山一生,大体可分为三个阶段第一阶段是由儒入佛,立志出家,解脱生死的青年时期;第二阶段是遍求名师,参禅学法,得禅心印的壮年时期;第三阶段是开堂说法,创建法幢,培养僧才,振兴西南禅宗佛教的中晚年时期。此时他作为西南地区佛教界的一代宗师,对西南佛教的振兴作出了卓越的贡献,这是破山的佛教活动历程中最为重要的阶段。  相似文献   

王守仁平定宁王宸濠叛乱,不论是对当时朝廷还是对王守仁本人,都是一件大事。然而关于王守仁的献俘行迹,史载却颇多错乱。故宫博物院藏王守仁书《铜陵观铁船歌》长卷,是一件非常珍贵的历史资料,不仅对于考证正德十四年九月至正德十五年三月王守仁平定宁王宸濠叛乱后的三次献俘行迹与艰难处境有很大帮助,对于了解王守仁遭遇政坛险恶与人生坎坷的复杂心理也有很大裨益。  相似文献   

王传 《安徽史学》2010,(4):91-95
淮军将领王芝生官至澎湖镇总兵,记名提督,诰授建威将军,历经咸丰、同治、光绪三朝,参加平定太平军、捻军起义等重要战役,因吸食鸦片一度被革职查办.复职后,主持修建江阴炮台,防御外敌入侵;在澎湖总兵任上整饬兵制、积极救援外国遇险船员,受到到中外舆论的高度肯定.  相似文献   

关于明遗民周岐清初时的活动轨迹,文献记载颇多矛盾、含混之处。本文通过考察相关史料。认为他实际上经历了一段国变归里,后外出旅食、游幕。最终重又还乡隐居的曲折过程。其同,他与多名清廷大僚过从交往,甚至一度为清军效力,因而绝非部分典籍所描述的典型明遗民。  相似文献   

新版《九十春秋———敦煌五十年》是常书鸿先生的自传体著作。作者以亲切质朴的笔触,记述了他学习绘画、留学法国、任职敦煌艺术研究所的人生历程;特别是他为保护、研究、弘扬敦煌艺术而经历的坎坷和百折不挠的精神感人至深。全书共八章,本期选载的第二、三章主要写常书鸿留学法国和回国后从事艺术教育的情况。  相似文献   

陈夔龙是清季政局中的关键人物,然“时抱慊慊之惧,而不愿居赫赫之名”。1909年11月调任直隶总督。1911年10月武昌起义爆发后,政治态度极为保守的陈夔龙一方面积极为清廷建言镇压武昌的革命者,一方面在直隶地区采取一系列措施消减革命带来的恐慌心理以维护社会稳定,坚决拒绝立宪派士绅的独立请求,防范和镇压新军及革命党人的活动。陈夔龙于清帝退位前挂冠而去。作为一名具有名教纲常思想的中国传统士大夫,忠清和守土安民之信念,是其在辛亥革命中行为动机的归依。  相似文献   

章太炎是我国近代史上名的民主革命家、思想家,又是一位享有盛誉的国学大师。他和《庄子》一书早有接触,并在二十余岁时“育其辞,理其训沾,求其义旨”。在流亡日本期间,除了忙于政事之外,他还致力于研究并为留日青年学生讲授《庄子》先后撰成了《庄子解帮》和《齐物论释》等论。特别是在《齐物论释》中,他纳入了西方哲学和佛教思想解释《庄子》,力图以此表述自己的哲学观点。由于时代的局限和章太炎自身存在的问题,无疑他建立起来的哲学体系在理论上存在着严重的缺陷。不过,他研究《庄子》的活动富于新意,给人予启迪。从批判和继承的观点来看,似应给予积极的、实事求是的评价。  相似文献   

One of the most unrecognized aspects of Golgi's life was his deep interest in neuropsychiatry. From 1865 to 1868 he attended the Clinica per le Malattie Nervose e Mentali in Pavia directed by Cesare Lombroso, the founder of modern criminology. Golgi was involved in research on the etiology of psychiatric ailments. During this short period of time he produced significant theoretic advances in clinical psychiatry. However, very soon he started to criticize the conceptual approach as well as the nosological system proposed by his academic mentor. In July 1868 he left Lombroso's school in search for a more rational method of studying brain functions and diseases. In spite of his anatomical approach to the central nervous system, he always maintained curiosity in the phenomenology of functional and organic mental disorders. This predisposition is witnessed by his capability to relate clinical observations to neuropathological findings.  相似文献   

One of the most unrecognized aspects of Golgi's life was his deep interest in neuropsychiatry. From 1865 to 1868 he attended the Clinica per le Malattie Nervose e Mentali in Pavia directed by Cesare Lombroso, the founder of modern criminology. Golgi was involved in research on the etiology of psychiatric ailments. During this short period of time he produced significant theoretic advances in clinical psychiatry. However, very soon he started to criticize the conceptual approach as well as the nosological system proposed by his academic mentor. In July 1868 he left Lombroso's school in search for a more rational method of studying brain functions and diseases. In spite of his anatomical approach to the central nervous system, he always maintained curiosity in the phenomenology of functional and organic mental disorders. This predisposition is witnessed by his capability to relate clinical observations to neuropathological findings.  相似文献   

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