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笔者通过对山西晋中一代的民间调查,整理出许多在民间流传的避邪祈福习俗文化,有的习俗依然存在着,有的习俗随着科学的发达、社会的进步将逐渐淡出历史的舞台。笔者展示这些习俗,为了让人们了解和认识民俗文化,破除迷信,相信科学。  相似文献   

<正>老人们常忌讳七十三、八十四这两个岁数,因为民间有"七十三、八十四,阎王不请自己去"的说法。过去迷信的人认为七十三岁、八十四岁是老人难过的"坎儿"。其实,把七十三、八十四  相似文献   

随着时代的发展和科技的进步,当代民间收藏品类越来越广.目前,我国国内的收藏品已达1000多种,邮票、火花、报纸、烟标、钱币、参观券、字画、明信片、商标、纪念章等已列为当前中国十大收藏品.因此说民间收藏有着浓厚的时代气息,反映着社会的真实面貌,具有强烈的生活特色.各类收藏品是历史的直接见证.收藏是一种传统的民族文化,我国具有民间收藏的悠久历史和广阔天地,各地区各民族人民的经济生活,科学技术,文化艺术,风俗习惯,宗教信仰等物质文化、精神文化和社会制度的遗物资料,浩如烟海.有的藏在深山老林,有的流散在城乡居民之中,有的辗转海港之滨,有的沦落国外,加之现代社会节奏快,变化快,生产、生活、文化意识莫不如此,很多有特色,有代表性的历史遗迹遗物,往往稍纵即逝.国家专业人  相似文献   

李程  王俭 《满族研究》2016,(1):115-118
辽宁是满族的发祥地,拥有丰富的历史文化资源.这些文化资源又有相当一部分保留在民间,尤其是满族聚居地区.为了更好的挖掘保护这些珍贵的文化资源,辽宁省民族宗教问题研究中心在辽宁省民委及各市县民族工作部门的大力支持帮助下,从2012年开始,在省内满族聚居地区陆续开展了"辽宁省满族民间历史文化遗存收录编撰"工作.本文即是在调查收录的基础上,对辽宁省内满族民间历史文化遗存做一详细梳理,以期让更多的人认识了解这些珍贵资源,从而推动文化抢救保护工作的进一步深入.  相似文献   

潘婷 《贵阳文史》2014,(6):66-68
正个头精小的火柴盒、扑克牌,经典浓缩的历史故事,当这两者结合起来,便是一种最有意思的收藏品——艺术火柴和主题扑克。在这样的小盒子上读书,了解历史、文化、传统,既弥补了"大忙人"无暇阅读的遗憾,亦不失另类风趣。有的人喜欢收集火柴,但从不抽烟;有的人爱好收藏扑克,却几乎不打牌。按他们自己的话说,重要的不是火柴与扑克,而是这些各种各样小盒子上的内容。他们可以通过这些小盒子了解到许多历史和文化。  相似文献   

符号系统是人类特有的一种语言,当作用于人与人的关系的时候,它是表达相互反映的中介;当作用人或客观世界的关系的时候,它是认识事物的工具;当作用于文化的时候,它是文化信息的载体。锡伯族民间美术在北方民族先民原始信仰、哲学和艺术的基础上,在民族文化艺术发展、融合、变迁中历史地构建起了一个与之相对应的特殊的艺术符号系统,在锡伯族人民对之创造、改造、传袭的过程中,使之具有了锡伯族民间特有的审美意趣与尺度,它不断地给予民间艺术家们以形象的启迪,成为锡伯族民族艺术造型体系的骨架。因此,有必要对这些神秘的艺术符…  相似文献   

传统的民间玩具散发着浓郁的乡土情趣。这里介绍的是日本民间玩具中与猴有关的玩具。实际上,日本各地的民间玩具都具有各自的特色和不同的乡土风情。这些玩具常被作为旅游纪念品、民间艺术品、室内装饰品和爱好的收集品。在传统的数目众多的日本玩具中,猴玩具只是占了其中的很小一部分。如同从狭窄的针鼻  相似文献   

我国唐代是中日文化交流史上的一个高峰时期。在唐王朝三百年的时间中,日本派往中国的“遣唐使”有十三次,每次遣唐使,少则一二百人,多则四五百人;其中包括不少留学生。这些众多的遣唐人员,他们的重要任务就是向日本输送先进的中国文化。因而,他们从中国带回日本的唐朝文物典籍数量相当可观,大大促进了日本文化的发展。当时传入日本的文物典籍情况,目前没  相似文献   

文献记载的中国七夕早在日本奈良时代传至日本,作为宫廷的惯例,以"展示丝织品和诗宴"的形式直到平安时代。中国民间传承的七夕竹竿晾衣曝晒与愿丝乞巧,在日本庶民文化渐起的室町时代骤然以"竹竿悬挂五色绢丝乞巧"的形式大量出现,至江户时代青竹"笹"代替竹竿进入七夕,五色绢丝换成五色"短册",并参与"七夕送"的活动,是庶民文化的重大转折。日本的"七夕祭"因为神道和佛教因素的渗入,从而真正具备了"祭祀"的意义。而完成宫廷乞巧风雅向民间祭祀转变的标志,就是青竹"笹"代替竹竿悬挂五色"短册"的出现。"笹"是日本既尊重传统又迎合时代变化的七夕文化标志,它保留了来自中国七夕文化的主体"竹",也结合了本土文化"青竹",承载着日本七夕文化的过去、现在与未来,寄托着日本人对生活的无限美好愿望与期盼。  相似文献   

<正>民间儿童游戏不仅是幼儿园课程建设的重要资源,还是一种承载民族记忆的文化基因。本文试从这些游戏蕴含的目标价值出发,对较为常见的民间儿童游戏进行梳理和探析。一、蕴含健康领域目标价值的游戏体育类游戏不仅能促进身体发育,还有利于儿童智力发展和社会交往。这类游戏材料简单、场地要求低,可以在竞技性比赛中进行有一定强度的身体运动,可以在模拟社会生活的情境中进行寓教于乐的体育活动或劳动。这类游戏有的不用器械,  相似文献   

本文就日本人在日常生活中所使用的,具有特定含义的客套话和礼貌用语进行了文化视角的分析。认为这些客套话与礼貌用语既反映了该民族的文化心理,也体现了该民族独特的行为方式。日本人在日常生活的小事上表现得极其热情、体贴、礼貌、友好。可是,在事关个人利益、牵及责任或后果的大事上表现得又是那样的冷漠、无情与自私。归根结底,应该说无不是日本文化的二重性所致。  相似文献   

1941年至1945年,日军操纵伪政权征发驻地附近民众在河北农村修筑了大量碉堡。碉堡作为一种工事,除军事功能之外,还配备有日常生活起居设施。由于处境孤立危险,物资补给困难,心理与情感扭曲等因素,碉堡内的日军生活难以为继,最终随着中共领导的河北抗日武装的反攻而趋于崩塌。有关日军(包括伪军)在农村碉堡的生活研究,为抗日战争史研究提供了一种新视角。  相似文献   

对日本儿童文学的名作《买手套》,一些日本学者作了过度的、偏差的阐释。本文针对这些观点,以文本细读的方式,遵循民间童话风格作品的艺术规律和批评原则,并联系作家的生平和整体作品,调查、比较《买手套》的初稿和誊写稿的手稿,进行了新的独到的诠释,意在深化对新美南吉这位日本经典儿童文学作家的研究。  相似文献   

Community conservation initiatives have long struggled to forge productive relationships with the people living in and around protected areas. Currently, there is enthusiasm among conservation researchers and practitioners regarding local cultural taboos, which often appear to conserve species and landscapes of ecological importance. However, in incorporating local taboos into conservation programmes, there is the risk that these culturally sophisticated institutions are used in a highly reductionist manner. Drawing from ethnographic work in Madagascar, this article highlights how the simplification of cultural taboos can exasperate already fraught relationships between communities and conservation organizations, and undermine the very environmental outcomes that groups seek to promote. This reductionist approach can also lead to the harmful appropriation of local meanings and resources. Overall, while working with local taboos may potentially offer an alternative to neoliberal models of conservation, scholars and practitioners should recognize the dynamic and interconnected processes connected with taboos, instead of regarding them as static and interchangeable products.  相似文献   

海门通东地区的民间美术具有质朴、敦厚的特色,富有乡土情味。通东的民间绘画、雕刻、建筑装饰、刻纸、彩灯、竹编等民间美术融汇于人们日常生活、生产的各个领域,具有实用和审美的双重特点。  相似文献   

日常生活是人类尤其是普通民众惯常的经历和感受。日常生活史在研究内容上与社会生活史有类似之处,但它主要强调站在日常生活经历与体验的立场上观察历史、叙述历史。民国时期是中国历史上承前启后的一个重要历史阶段,日常生活既是民国历史的影子,也影响了民国历史的走向。与民国日常生活史相关的研究,多发表于上个世纪90年代中期以后,尤其是近五六年之间。这些研究大致涵盖了日常生活史的各个主要方面,一定程度上改变了民国史研究中日常生活史的失语状态。但就总体来看,自觉地以日常生活的视野进行研究者较少,尤其是缺乏个人经历、心灵体验以及对生活表象背后的意义的挖掘。  相似文献   

In the Lio region of Flores Island patrilineal groups coexist with taboos on animals and plants inherited through females, a combination previously interpreted as reflecting a system of double unilineal descent. Drawing on ethnography from the Lio district of Mego, maternal taboos are shown to accompany similar prohibitions conceived as a property of patriclans, most of which, however, are incumbent not on male clansmen but on their wives. As is further demonstrated, both sorts of taboo reflect ideas about female bodies and blood, particularly as women and their children are transformed through marriage into members of patrilineal groups dominated by men. Also discussed is whether variability in the way taboos are currently inherited in Mego may reflect recent social change, and how matrilineally inherited Lio prohibitions can be seen as an instance of complementary female and male principles equally operative in the social life of other eastern Indonesian societies.  相似文献   

Anthropologists have hitherto considered Taiwanese pollution beliefs largely in the framework of Mary Douglas's theories, neglecting important sociocultural aspects that contribute to the persistence of pollution beliefs and related menstrual taboos. Recent studies have shown that most societies hold diverse attitudes toward menstruation, and that such attitudes are deeply rooted in the sociocultural and religious structures of the respective societies. Thus, in this article, rather than generalizing about “the pollution of Taiwanese women”, I argue that the unraveling of the complexity of Taiwanese menstrual pollution beliefs necessitates their analysis in the context of Buddhist philosophy and practice. Embedded in the specific Buddhist context, pollution beliefs and menstruation taboos gain validity. While menstrual taboos do not hark back to Buddhist beliefs, certain Buddhist attitudes toward the human body in general, and female embodiment in particular, allow for the formation of pollution beliefs. The analysis of Buddhist beliefs and practices in conjunction with Chinese views shows that their conflation contributed to the shaping and persistence of pollution beliefs and menstrual taboos.  相似文献   

Juliette Wood 《Folklore》2013,124(3):279-296
This study examines the idea of fairy lore (faery) as a modern concept with personal and humanistic overtones transmitted through mass media phenomena such as films. Analysis of the relationship between folk and popular culture has become increasingly sophisticated and has widened our appreciation of the ways in which mass-culture audiences use tradition to shape popular culture. Fantasy films draw on recognised traditional elements, but the significance of these elements has been mediated through nineteenth-century interpretations of fairy lore. Contemporary audiences are more likely to be exposed to such legends and beliefs in the context of mass media than by any other means, and visualisation of fairies in fantasy films is closely linked to these modern interpretations of traditional material. For cinema audiences, the idea of faery is no longer a traditional and immediate response to experience, it already carries overtones of nostalgia for the past, childhood innocence, utopian societies or sexual discovery. However, personal response and exegesis of this material, reinforced by repeated viewing, access to Internet sites and related activities such as role-play and merchandising, means that the interactions of these virtual communities can transmute and insert themselves into daily life through a shared appreciation of fantasy worlds. The ways in which these consumers of mass culture resemble or differ from a folk audience presents an interesting arena for understanding folklore as a living contemporary phenomenon.  相似文献   

危机意识与日本的文化特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本民族是一个危机意识浓重的民族,这在他们的心理特征、思想观念以及日常生活的细节当中都有充分的体现。而日本人的这种浓重的危机意识使得他们在很多方面与众不同。可以毫不夸张地说,日本人被认为是世界上的怪异民族,日本的文化被称为异质文化,与他们的那种浓重的危机意识均不无关系。  相似文献   

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