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我国是个散文国度,散文历史源远流长。九十年代以来,散文创作又出现了新的繁荣。散文教学在各级学校的文科教学中也占有相当大的比重,历来受到广大师生的重视和喜爱。探讨散文艺术的审美规律,不仅是师生及作家们的兴奋点,同时也是广大散文爱好者所关心的课题。为了交流学习体会,促进散文教学及其审美鉴赏,本文拟从审美对象入手,通过剖析一些名篇佳作,试对散文艺术最基本的审美规律作些粗浅探讨。一、主情求真是散文的本质特征散文是主情的文体,它以抒情为主导,“文生于情”,“情动于衷”,这些古今创作格言都十分精辟地道出了“…  相似文献   

雍莉 《神州》2012,(10):65-65
现代散文教学是初中语文教学的一个重点,也是一个难点。我们所说的散文,指的就应该是包括说明性小品文、议论文、记叙文、描写文在内的文字,是最具人文精神、最有感染力的一种教学类型,也是最能体现新课程理念、发挥教师创新作用的一种教学形式。我在实践中体会到,只有在散文教学的同时,引导学生深入理解散文的浓郁情思和隽永哲理,品味华丽词语和独特意境,才能更好地感受散文的深层意蕴,受到美的熏陶。诗歌需吟诵,小说靠反思,而散文却呼唤“鉴赏”二字。  相似文献   

古代有影响的著作,常为他书引用或袭用,如《庄子》、《韩非子》常用《老子》文;《韩非子·存韩》跟《战国策·秦策一》张仪说秦惠王书如出一辙;《大戴礼记·劝学》为《荀子·劝学》所袭用.至于《汉书》武帝以前文袭用《史记》则更是众所周知.有时,引用或袭用的话中个别字词与原书不同,我们把它们叫异文,古籍中之所以会出现异文,是由于:①原文在传抄翻刻中发生谬误,而他书所引则保存原貌;②原书  相似文献   

黑水城出土的写本《劝学文》是儒家名言和民间谚语相结合的语录式文段,体现下层士人的思想与期盼。据其内容及相关文书推知亦集乃路的教育以启蒙教育为主,教材多为儒家经典,学校具有"庙学一体"与"斋舍合一"性。该写本的创作时间应该不会早于延祐二年(1314)。  相似文献   

于越时期(?——公元前222年)是浙江文学史上第一个初步繁荣的时期,当时的文学样式主要有诗歌、铭文、颂词和散文等,其中以诗歌成就最大,然而铭文、颂词和散文也达到了一定的水平,于越时期的铭文、颂词和散文三种文学形式,在先秦浙江文学史上有着它自己的一席之地。  相似文献   

王阳明在黔创作的《瘗旅文》等多篇散文,是明代散文的精品,他的散文有其独具的特点;王阳明不仅是明代思想家、教育家、也应是文学家,这在明清以来就有定论。  相似文献   

金元鼎革之际,元人王恽通过传承与实践,形成了丰富的散文创作理论。他认为,文章之道,首先要本诸经史;其次注重学习与创新,贵乎自得;写作时要熔裁结构,起首响亮,结尾警辟;在具体创作中要意先辞后,以意为主,为情造文,方能理顺辞足。王恽的散文创作论在蒙元时期,既具有时代文学代表性,也具有文学传承、文化传递的特殊意义。  相似文献   

宋代是近古时期的开始,宋代主流思想发生了重大变革,奠定了近古的思想传统。同时,宋代也是技术繁荣时期,中国印刷术在宋代迎来了高峰。作为思想发展的载体,繁荣的印刷媒介对思想的演化有显著影响,这种影响体现在主流思想变革的三个过程:旧思想的瓦解和转化、思想间融合、新思想普及。  相似文献   

刘汾 《沧桑》2010,(3):234-235,250
李白既是中国文学史上的伟大诗人,又是散文名家。从内容方面来说,李白散文以情动人,带有浓郁的诗情、诗意;从表现手法来说,李白散文以诗为文,有着鲜明的个人风格。  相似文献   

吴镇是清代乾嘉时期西北地区代表作家,以诗名家,其散文创作在乾嘉文坛也独树一帜,有《松花庵全集》存世。《松花庵全集》有乾隆、宣统和嘉庆三个刻本,乾隆和宣统刻本流传较广,为大家所熟知,但嘉庆刻本流传不广,学界多所不知,今甘肃省图书馆有藏。嘉庆刻本收录作品最为全面,特别是《松厓文稿三编》一册,存文40篇,为吴镇晚年挚友杨芳灿所选编,所收文章大多数为吴镇在乾隆五十六年(1791)到去世之前所写,在补充了吴镇文章数量的同时,充分展示了吴镇晚年的文学创作和交游活动,也展现了西北文坛的繁荣局面,具有较高的文献价值。  相似文献   

龚书铎 《史学集刊》2005,2(3):90-96,25
清代理学沿承宋、元、明,但有自己的特点:一、无主峰可指,无大脉络可寻;二、学理无创新,重在道德规范;三、鸦片战争后,理学受西学冲击,既抵拒又有所会通;四、宋学、汉学虽存门户之见,但也兼采。  相似文献   

Seamus Heaney inhabited the world of teacher education, as a student, and later as a lecturer, in 1960s Belfast. That world was infused by three ideas: learning as a journey, learning through play, and learning as construction. This article traces correspondences between these and thematic trends in Heaney’s work. It presents the case that Heaney’s writing reflects an informed understanding of children and of learning peculiar to the mind of a great teacher. Moreover, Heaney’s contribution to education is remarkable in that it transcends the school and the academy, and offers a creative vision in which poetry and learning are inextricably linked. As Heaney put it in Among Schoolchildren, the “walls of the world expand” as reader and writer, teacher and learner, poet and child “go beyond our normal cognitive bounds and sense a new element where we are not alien but liberated, more alive to ourselves, more drawn out, more educated”.  相似文献   

陶行知先生的生活教育理论充满了浓厚的解释学色彩,尤其契合伽达默尔后期的解释学思想,他主张生活即教育、社会即学校,教学做合一等思想,这些想法就是一种实践解释学的表征,其中生活、社会、做在某种意义上是同义的,同时在具体的教学法上主张教学建立在学生原有经验基础上,与解释学的效果历史意识是一致的,在考上中增设口试这一环节及他大部分的演讲证明他对语言交际的重视,在解释学看来语言是联系自我与世界的中介,陶行知先生对于语言的重视就是对生活、社会的重视。  相似文献   

卢毅 《安徽史学》2005,(1):96-100
无论是从胡适等人自述,还是从他们的理论主张与研究方法来看,曾在民国时期风行一时的"整理国故运动"都明显承受了西学的深刻影响.其中,在考据学方面,相较于中国传统学术,西学的影响虽不那么直接明显,但正是通过对西方学理的引进,胡适等人终于具有了一种"平等的眼光",从而将国学研究领域拓展延伸至一个前所未有的广阔天地,并且由此极大地推动了中国学术的现代转型.  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the findings of research which has investigated the inclusion of disabled children in six primary school playgrounds in Yorkshire, in England. Initially the paper sets the policy context before moving on to discuss the importance of play for children, especially in a primary school setting and particularly for disabled children in such a setting. The inclusion of disabled children is discussed with respect to a series of social and organisational issues and the good practice identified relating to these issues. The social issues include the relationships the disabled children have with their peers and with the staff. The organisational issues relate to the individual routines, moving to a new school, the benefit of staff experience and training, encouraging activity in physical education lessons which can be translated in to the playground and the benefits of extra time outside for some disabled children. All these aspects can influence whether all the children can go outside together—an important underlying factor for the inclusion of disabled children in primary school playgrounds.  相似文献   

郑奕 《东南文化》2016,(4):94-99
时下,我国博物馆针对幼童(0—6岁)阶段的教育项目相对较少,还常常与小学阶段的混合,不具备足够的契合度,也未从幼童的特点和需求出发,未发挥博物馆展览、展品展项等资源优势。幼童早在通过语言和书本学习之前,是通过实物来探索世界的。博物馆作为藏品库,需要拓展他们手动探索馆内实物的机会,帮助其理解自己以及身处的世界。史密森早教中心自1988年起,即开始为幼童提供早期学习体验。它作为将早教实践与博物馆学习糅合的全球典范,其核心的"基于实物的学习"、在熟悉物与非熟悉物之间嫁接桥梁以及超越实物聚焦概念等的理念与实践,值得我们深入研究和广泛应用。  相似文献   

王丽琴 《神州》2012,(6):259-259
初中数学是一门具有严密的逻辑推理的系统性,知识性,实用性、趣柬性的学科,也是一门承前启后的连接学科,它直接影响着初中物理、化学的学习,因而在教学中激发学生学习数学学科的兴趣。调动其学习积极性和主动性,对为今后的深造打下良好的基础有着十分重要的作用。在课堂教学中,常有学生对学习数学不感兴趣,而导致教学效果欠佳.究其原因,主要是教师在课堂教学中,偏重于语言信息与行为信息的传递,忽视了情感信息这个要素在课堂教学信息系统中的重要作用。  相似文献   

In March-April 2007, a group of six Hanoi-based artists staged an exhibition of entitled “Hanoi 5000 Hoan Kiem Lakes”. Its purpose was to explore young people's visions of the future of their city and to stimulate discussion of the city's development from a non-planning perspective. To prepare for the exhibition, the artists undertook a survey among the youth of Hanoi, distributing a one-question questionnaire and interviewing on and off camera over 250 young people, randomly and selectively sampled in parks, on sidewalks, outside universities, and in university and school classes. Participants were invited to a workshop held by the artists at the exhibition to talk about how ideas get translated into art. This exhibition provided a timely intervention into debates over the landscape of Hanoi, what urban public space is and what it should be, and how non-technical, non-specialist views of the city can be incorporated into urban aspirations, thus acknowledging and encouraging the visions of the young people who will be the city's future leaders.  相似文献   

探索史学的历史、理论及其社会意义--瞿林东教授访谈录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史文  薛义 《史学月刊》2003,(1):5-14
20世纪80年代以来,瞿林东教授在中国史学史研究领域,取得了丰富的成果。对瞿林东教授所作的访谈,内容涉及到他的学生时代、治学道路、学术思想、研究方法.他的一些有代表性的论著,他对中国史学史研究发展趋势及前景的一些认识和对青年史学工作者的希望。  相似文献   

A self-assessment schedule has been developed for first-year geography students at Curtin University of Technology. Its purpose is to guide students towards independent learning by encouraging them to reflect more on ‘what’ and ‘how’ they learn. Results of the 2003 and 2004 trials showed that the self-assessment schedule had a positive impact on student learning and was at least partially effective in improving students' critical thinking skills. It helped students to plan and organize their thoughts, describe the geographical characteristics related to their fieldwork exercise and indicated that students were generally positive about becoming more independent and reflective learners.  相似文献   

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