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Political History of Tibet: Recent Three Centuries; Tibet in Archives of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission;Wang Furen and Tibetan Studies; Cultural Ties Between the Han and Tibetan in Ancient Time; Exploring the Roof of the World;  相似文献   

2004年6月21日,在中国的首都北京,一个新的民间组织——中国西藏文化保护与发展协会诞生了。西藏文化保护与发展协会的成立,是西藏文化发展与保护事业中的一件大事。协会的成立对于科学地继承、保护藏族优秀传统文化,大力发展社会主义藏族新文化,加强西藏文化同国内外的交流与合作,促进人们对西藏和西藏文化的了解,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Study of Tibetan Language PhoneticsAuthored by Jiang De, this book, the first of its kind ever published in China, comes of six chapters. They are respectively on methods resorted to study phonetics of Tibetan language, distribution of people of the Tibetan ethnic group in history, phonetic system of the Tibetan language, evolution of Tibetan letters, and pronunciation.When writing the book the author took into whole consideration of different dialects prevalent outside Tibet,  相似文献   

March 10, 2004 was an unusual day. A King Gesar singing party was being held in a packed hall. Inside, the balladeers were singing and King Gesar experts were making explanations, while, outside, many oth-ers, including foreign embassy officials,were waiting for a chance to enter.  相似文献   

当平措扎西啦 把他的新作《世俗西藏》交给我,我告诉我准备召开研讨会的时候,我刚从内地回来,开研讨会,接受课题都是有关藏传佛教的,因此,满脑子都是有关佛教方面的东西,再加上翻译注释《宁玛派教史》的收尾工作要年底完成,所以除了《西藏学》的编务工作外,不可能再考虑任何其他事了。  相似文献   

藏地无处不充溢着神明,天地万物哪怕是一草一木都有各自的灵光附着,当然包括那些随处可见,俯拾即是的石头。地球之巅的青藏高原曾经是泱泱大水覆盖的汪洋,后来由于地质运动,形成隆起的高原,带来无尽的石头。这些石头,经过亿万年大自然的"鬼斧神工",各呈奇异多姿,千奇百怪。有的小巧玲珑,藏有大干世界;有的风姿绰约奇特俊像,而且千差万别,让人生发无穷的遐思妙想。  相似文献   

纳木错,意为“天湖”,是西藏妇孺皆知的著名神湖。她以其湖面浩阔——面积达1920平方公里,以其凌空的高海拔——湖水平面已达4718米,高高地雄居于世界之最。她是传说中的神湖,变幻莫测地让人难以接近。据说,有时即使你已看见了湖光波影,任你怎么走都难抵达近在咫尺的湖边。那种可望而不可及、飘忽不定的神秘诱惑,深深地吸引着我们。我们决意造访纳木错。  相似文献   

顿渐之诤和朗达玛灭佛 索南才让在2003年第五期《西藏民族学院学报》上,发表了题为《关于吐蕃佛教研究的两个问题》文章,对顿渐之诤和朗达玛灭佛进行了研究。 文章说,顿渐之诤又称拉萨僧诤、桑耶寺僧诤或印汉僧人辩论。其背景是当时印度和内地唐朝都有僧人前来传法,而吐蕃则采取了兼收并包的政策。引发辩沦的原因表面上看是修炼成佛的方法,是顿悟还是渐悟,事实上其中隐藏了十分复杂的矛盾。学术界对此众说纷纭,提出了信仰说、政治斗争说、显密说,大小乘佛教之争说等等,藏族史籍中也有不同说法。但文章认为,这次辩论不是简单的两种思想和两种文化的对立,其中深藏着  相似文献   

拉萨,西藏自治区首府,世界上最高的城市,是藏族汇集朝拜的中心,也是藏族文化的中心。它是藏族人民智慧和聪明的结晶,也是藏族文化与周边其他民族文化,如汉族、蒙古族、回族、印度、尼泊尔等等交流汇集的中心。任何一个民族文化在其形成发展过程中必然吸收其他民族文化之营养,并与其他民族文化相存相依,藏族文化也是如此。下面提及的主要以建筑物为主的象征符号,即是拉萨为以藏族文化为主流的多元文化中心之明证。  相似文献   

《笔尖下的西藏》编者独具匠心地以西藏为主题,力求以文字之美重塑西藏之美、之厚重,立意新颖,别具一格之外又紧跟当下文化潮流。《笔尖下的西藏》收入阿来、裘山山、马丽华、于坚等乍家书写西藏的散文作品。其中作品涉及纳木错、山南、布达拉宫、果洛、盐井、玉树、甘南、川藏线、青藏线、阿里、香巴拉、墨脱等著名景点和人文遗迹最多的地方,是一本有助于西藏自助深度旅游,并对民族文化、自然风貌有着实证生质的书写,呈现了藏民族和汉民族在人间高地上的种种身体与心灵印迹。作者:阿来等,已由凤凰出版传媒集团、江苏文艺出版社于201 3年8月出版,定介39元,ISBN:9787539963112。《走遍藏北无人区》你想一睹"地球第三极"的风采吗,你想领略藏北草原灿烂的文化吗?《走遍藏北无人区》以当代新闻工作者唐召明写实求真的笔触,讲述了自己二十多年来亲历神秘草原、拍摄野生动物,以及藏北牧人在"生命禁区"里的生命情态、昔日无人区变成今朝繁荣新牧区、走集体似道路乡村的神奇见闻、中央企业援藏带来的种种变化、京藏两地众人血浓于水的情谊,还讲述了藏北四次大规模科学考察的惊人发现、壮丽的山川风貌、生动有趣的民间传说、国家羌塘自然保护区的珍禽异兽等  相似文献   

边吉 《中国西藏》2004,(5):17-19
西藏文化是中华民族多元文化的重要组成部分,也是世界文化中的一朵奇葩。 在西藏丰富的传统文化中,有被定为世界文化遗产的古代建筑,有历史悠久的藏语言文字,有浩如烟海的宗教典籍,有医理独特的藏医藏药,有美仑美奂的壁画、唐卡、金铜造像,有丰  相似文献   

Stones In Tibet     
Collision of two continental plates gave birth to the Tibetan Plateau. As this part of the world used to be the bottom of an ancient ocean, rocks could be found wherever you want to find them.  相似文献   

In 1624,P. Antonio de Andrade, a Portuguese missionary with the Indi-an Agra Society of Jesus, reached Zhaburang, capital of the GugeKingdom in Ngari via northern India. Withthe support of the Guge king, he built achurch. In 1633, the upper-class monksrevolted in collaboration with the royalfamilies of Ladakh, and overthrew the ruleof the Guge king. Missionaries wereexpelled, and Zhaburang lost its impor-tance and went into terminal decline. From the 19th century, some Western-ers i…  相似文献   

EDITOR‘S NOTE: Traditional Tibetan culture contains a conscious awareness of environmental protection. It advocates balance between human beings and the natural environment, protection of the ecosystem,treasuring resources, and consideration of the benefits that should be left for future generations. In Tibetan history, the goal of environmental protection was achieved by means of traditional customs, moral obligations, religious beliefs and taboos, associated with unwritten routines of environmental protection to regulate people‘s behavior through self-conscious effort.  相似文献   

Yanjing, situated to the south of the Qamdo area, is a town under the jurisdiction of Mangkam County. Sur- rounded by mountains, it islocated in a valley of the LancangjiangRiver. With a warm temperature and dualharvests, the people here live a better lifethan other villages. Here you can find theonly Catholic Church in Tibet, in additionto a number of Catholic believers and theunique artificial landscape of salterns.Catholic Church A long, narrow natural river valleydivides Yanjing …  相似文献   

Gonggo Lake, covering 26 square kin, nestles within primitive forests in the Gongbo area of the eastern G angdese Mountains west of Bayi Town.  相似文献   

Tubo Stone Carvings Found in Qamdo,Artifacts of the Tubo Period Found in Comei Town,"The Silent Holy Stones" Shown in the Whole Nation,Non-Tangible Cultural Heritages Exhibition in Beijing,Renovation of Ramoche Monastery Completed  相似文献   

According to the records, there were 31 cities sited in the Lhasa area and 17 cities in the Xigaze area during the long history of Tibet. "City" actually meant "castle", and the fact is that there were no cities in the real meaning of the word. In some places, large or small pillboxes were built for human habitation without any streets, or even lanes, or surrounding city walls.  相似文献   

In Dainba County of Garze Prefecture, there are many “skyscraping” pillboxes. Dainba County is situated to the east of Khamba. It lies between Gonggar Mountain and Four-Girl Mountain, and is adjacent to Aba Prefecture‘s Xiaojin County and Jinchuan County.  相似文献   

还是在西安的时候,索南平措副专员就对我说:“阿里,比你们想象的要好得多。”这句话使我最终下定决心去一趟阿里。我闲来无事有一个习惯,就是“阅读”地图,并自我调侃为“精神旅行”,久而久之,可以说对中国地理已经是比较熟悉了。但过去对阿里也只有一些抽象的概念,是与遥远、神秘、荒凉、缺氧联系在一起。  相似文献   

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