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宁波市域城镇体系中重点镇发展的若干问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宁波地处长江三角洲南翼,是长江三角洲城市带的重要组成部分,目前已形成了以宁波中心城市为核心,包括副中心城市、重点镇和一般镇的市域四级城镇体系。但该城镇体系存在空间分布不均,功能分化不明显,规模结构不合理等问题,制约城市化的进一步发展。文章从研究宁波市域城镇体系中重点镇发展的区域背景着手,分析了重点镇发展的动力因素和制约条件,在此基础上探讨了重点镇发展在宁波市域城市化进程中的作用与发展目标。最后,文章探讨了如何建立有利于重点镇发展的集聚动力和约束机制问题。  相似文献   

Chest burials, in which the body is interred in a wooden chest with a hinged lid, are one of the most characteristic funerary practices of the middle Anglo‐Saxon period in northern England. The majority are dated to between the seventh and ninth centuries, and are found at 19 different sites located within the contemporary early medieval kingdom of Northumbria. The collation of a corpus of chest burials, and examination of their form, context and the identities of the individuals they were afforded to, have revealed that these interments seem to have been made in reused pieces of domestic furniture and provided to both sexes, but rarely afforded to infants or young children. The individuals buried in chests also shared an extremely physically active lifestyle and in some cases met a violent death, further distinguishing them from their contemporaries.  相似文献   

从建构主义视角提出新建古镇的概念,在经济效益的基础上强调文化价值与社会效益.总结四种本真化模式,对接空间生产三元组,搭建本真化—空间生产分析框架,以古北水镇为例,分析新建古镇的文化活态呈现,结论如下:①被感知空间由决定型物质构建模式主导,从感官层面凸显物质空间的历史感;②概念化空间是历史文化呈现的结果,体现话语...  相似文献   

The author takes issue with the view expressed by M. I. Artamonov, an archeologist, that an ethnos, or ethnic group, represents a social state rather than a process. In the author's view, ethnos IS a vast system in constant development, which tends to be stabilized by endogamy and undermined by exogamy. An ethnic hierarchy is proposed to illustrate the process of ethnogenesis. It ranges from the lowest order of ethnic grouping, a consortium, through subethnos, ethnos and superethnos to mankind as a whole. Each order in the hierarchy is distinguished by particular forms of associations, trends of development and culminating phases. The concept of ethnos as an ongoing process is illustrated with reference to ethnic change in ancient China and in the Ottoman empire.  相似文献   

雷蕾 《人文地理》2012,27(5):94-97
中国的古村镇保护利用工作经过了30多年的发展取得了积极的进步,但是也出现了因保护而破坏的严重问题。本文尝试从对古村镇定义的修订切入,将古村镇作为一种文化综合体和文化生态系统进行分析,强调古村镇是由器物、行为、制度、精神四个层面构成的文化综合体,是具有自组织性的文化生态系统,对系统中任意环节的破坏都会造成保护利用的悖论现象。在此基础上,本文总结出保护环境与破坏环境、重现建筑特色与消解建筑特色等四重"中国式悖论",并进一步从社会文化环境、理念认知、管理机制以及开发模式等层面分析了中国式悖论产生的原因。  相似文献   

Summary.   The tradition of Saxon and other Continental piracy is one of the longest standing tenets of Romano-British studies. It may also be one of its greatest myths, which owes more to its considerable antiquarian pedigree than to any firm basis in fact. This paper reassesses Roman military strategy around the British coast, and suggests that the 'Saxon Shore Forts' and other coastal installations played a more significant economic and logistical role than is often appreciated. Moreover, the idea that each monument fulfilled a single, dedicated function is argued to be too simplistic: instead it is proposed that individual forts served in various capacities during their operational lifetime, and quite possibly not those for which they were originally conceived.  相似文献   

<正>很想一开头就描述盐井,这是西藏归来后压在我心底最久的一个地方。在前往西藏的路上,那些颠簸而过的路段,夜宿过的小镇,偶遇的骑行者,擦肩而过的青稞地,还有那些叩着长头往拉萨去的朝圣者深深地栽种在我脑海中。在深夜,或是工作后的一点点空闲时间,只要翻到一路上自己随手拍下的图片,心就会颤动不已。  相似文献   


This article seeks to map out some of the principal pathways to medical care used by the parents of poor children. We focus on the most formal provider of healthcare in eighteenth-century towns, the voluntary general hospitals, but we use these institutions as a prism to consider the way that the treatment of child sickness was managed more generally in five local settings. Utilising eighteenth-century hospital admissions and discharge registers we find that not only were children consistently treated as patients; but that these institutions also operated as part of a wider medical network which included domiciliary care, poor law services, and other medical charities. The boundaries surrounding hospital treatment in eighteenth-century towns were thus considerably more porous than is usually thought, and suggests that they operated as part of a wider medical network accessed by poor families for their children.  相似文献   

历史时期新疆北部城镇的形成与发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阚耀平 《人文地理》2001,16(4):75-79
历史时期新疆北部是草原游牧民族与汉族相互活动的区域,其城镇的形成与发展具有一定的草原文化景观特色。本文分析了新疆北部地区城镇的历史演变过程,提出其城镇萌芽于汉代前后,完善于清代后期,城镇的中心有一个从吉木萨尔-伊犁-乌鲁木齐的演变过程,并论述了新疆北部城镇形成与发展的特征和城镇发展的影响因素,得出研究历史城镇的发展对今天城镇建设与规划有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

北角山妖 《世界》2011,(10):104-109
有鲜花、有欢笑,有浓浓的人情味……在看似不起眼的小镇安娜保罗娜,我收获了荷兰最甜美的记忆。  相似文献   

徐征泽 《世界》2013,(8):98-103
相信若千年后,小镇的孤绝与美丽依然是一道北极生活无法错过的风景。与南极不同,北极地区更靠近人类发达国家,因此人类在北极活动很早就有记载,并延续至今:比如世代居住在北极冰雪天地的原住民爱斯基摩人,以及前几个世纪从欧洲大陆来此专业从事狩猎的北欧人,相对来说,北极地区人气更旺。参加天霞客北极包船游途中,我们就拜访了格陵兰岛东部的一个小镇,名字叫做Ittoqqortoormiit,也是东格陵兰岛最北端有人类常年居住的小镇,地理位置达到了北纬70度左右。  相似文献   

我国传统村镇旅游研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
卢松  陆林  徐茗 《人文地理》2005,20(5):70-73,36
不同专业背景的学者纷纷从不同的角度对传统村镇旅游进行研究和探讨,涌现了许多相关研究成果。这些成果主要集中在:传统村镇旅游资源特点和价值,传统村镇旅游开发,传统村镇旅游资源保护和开发,旅游对传统村镇的影响,传统村镇旅游流和客源市场,传统村镇旅游存在问题及对策。同时,我国传统村镇旅游研究还存在着一些问题。  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):35-51

This article examines the relationship between the clergy and their secular neighbours in the diocese of Durham in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. In particular, it seeks to uncover the extent to which the two spheres experienced a shared sense of identity, in a period when that relationship was being recalibrated as the full impact of the Reformation was making itself felt. For example, the novelty of clerical marriage, within and without the clerical community, as well as oppositional doctrinal and confessional outlooks, were superimposed on to existing associations and networks. In other respects interaction between the clergy and lay society fluctuated between harmonious and positive to contentious and damaging. Meanwhile, preconceptions about the diocese are re-examined in the context of this relationship.  相似文献   

苏南水乡村镇传统建筑景观的保护与创新   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
孙斐  沙润  周年兴 《人文地理》2002,17(1):93-96
苏南水乡地区是吴文化的中心地带。这里优越的自然条件、悠久的历史渊源和深厚的文化底蕴创造了体现"天人合一"思想的建筑景观。该建筑景观的独特性体现在:顺应水势的空间布局;与生活紧密联系的建筑环境;简远清秀的建筑风格。然而,近年来,苏南许多水乡地区的经济和城市化进程发展迅猛,水乡村镇不断扩张,在实际建设中又缺乏长远的、综合的规划,从而造成传统的历史文化遗存和传统建筑景观面临困境。同时,在全球经济一体化的宏观背景下形成的文化趋同现象也导致了村镇传统建筑景观多元化的丧失。因此,在此基础上,本文从精神、制度和物质三个层面分析了苏南水乡村镇传统建筑景观特征形成的文化背景,初步探讨了水乡村镇传统建筑景观的保护、继承与创新问题,提出传统建筑景观的保护原则(保护与人们生活的改善提高相结合的原则;对传统建筑景观分等定级的原则;积极保护与有效利用相结合的原则),进而提出文化发展观,倡导创造有苏南水乡特色的绿色田园建筑景观。  相似文献   

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