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In bundesdeutschen Agglomerationen zeichnen sich Tendenzen ab, da? sich der suburbane Raum aus der engen funktionalen Verflechtung mit der Kernstadt abkoppelt und eine zunehmend eigenst?ndige Entwicklung vollzieht. Empirische Belege dafür sind bisher eher selten (u.a. Brake et al. 1997), auch wenn diese Entwicklungen schon Mitte der 90er Jahre beobachtet wurden (Aring 1996, Müller/Rohr-Z?nker 1997, Burdack/Herfert 1998). Die Plausibilit?t der These einer Abkopplung wird nachfolgend für die Filderregion anhand von Daten aus empirischen Untersuchungen der Jahre 1998 bis 2001 untersucht; den Schwerpunkt bilden dabei die Gemeinden der „engeren” Filderregion, die rund um den Flughafen gelegen direkt an die Kernstadt Stuttgart angrenzen: Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Filderstadt und Ostfildern. Die Untersuchungen vereinen Methoden qualitativer und quantitativer Art, neben schriftlichen Befragungen mittels standardisierter Frageb?gen wurde über teilstrukturierte Interviews in Betrieben ein direkter Zugang zu den Einsch?tzungen von unternehmerischer Seite gew?hlt. Eine der Untersuchungen konzentrierte sich auf unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungsbetriebe ( Eisenreich 2001), eine zweite erfa?te in einer „Wirtschaftsdatenbank” wichtige Strukturdaten von Unternehmen aller Wirtschaftszweige in Leinfelden-Echterdingen verbunden mit Einsch?tzungen der Betriebsleiter ( Schenk u.a. 2000); derzeit l?uft eine dritte Studie zur Dynamik des Einzelhandels in der polyzentrischen Siedlungsstruktur des engeren Filderraums ( Bartenbach u.a. 2002). Correspondence to:Dirk Eisenreich Correspondence to:Winfried Schenk  相似文献   

This article argues that Elizabeth Gaskell’s historical novel Sylvia’s Lovers (1863) uses nostalgia as a literary aesthetic and historical context to articulate a narrative of disorientating epochal change. Gaskell’s novel draws on nostalgia’s roots as a psychosomatic disease afflicting soldiers displaced by international conflicts to reassert the traumatic roots of a familiar feeling often understood as superficial and insignificant. Nostalgia began as a disease brought on by migration and only later came to be thought of as a type of sentimental memory; first home was far away and then it was long ago. Gaskell’s novel incorporates both, mingling longing for a place with longing for a past. This double distancing articulates an experience of transition within her historical novel. She draws on an eighteenth-century trope used by figures such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and William Wordsworth, repurposed for the demands of prose fiction. The homesick soldier who was the first sufferer with pathological nostalgia is cast as the central protagonist of historical transformation and an emblem of uneasy transitions. Sylvia’s Lovers has received scant critical notice to date and, perhaps for this reason, its explicit allusions to nostalgia, and the role they play in Gaskell’s historical imagination, have been left entirely unremarked.  相似文献   

I. Einleitung 1930 verffentlichte Willard Huntingdon Wright unter dem Pseudonym S.S. van Dine in den USA den Kriminalroman The Scarab Murder Case, der 2001 in DuMont’s Kriminalbibliothek erstmals auch auf deutsch als Der Mordfall Skarabus erschien.1 Das  相似文献   

Since 1870 a group of planners tried to ground urban planning scientifically in economy, engineering and hygiene. It is argued that hygiene as a newly developed natural science provided planners with a lot of good arguments to legitimize a change in the traditional urban planning regulations. These had not been able to prevent the chaotic growth of big cities that resulted in a housing misery, in large block of flats, and in noisy and smelling factories neighboring better class housing. Hygienic reasoning concerned with sunlight (because of its germ killing capacity), air, and ventilation (to drive away miasma) was transformed into urban planning and, than, stood for lesser hight of buildings, more space between large blocks of flats, and different parts of town for industry and housing. Planning regulations with these ends were often opposed by owners who did not accept the devaluation of their property. Therefore it was not before 1918 that these hygienically motivated planning regulations could be set into practice by a new ruling class.  相似文献   

<正>Lhodrak Town is a small town on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR) in China.This is a peaceful and beautiful town stretching from east to west along the Lhodrak River between a mountain and the river.The Xungqu River of Lhodrak runs day and night from the town to the distant border.The end of the downtown of the county seems to be the end of the access.Nevertheless,a single road suddenly appears before you,zigzagging to the village and surrounded by rich forest.In the morning when the fog is still lying on the land,we have  相似文献   

民国时期,公路交通在浙江省道路交通发展史上占有重要的地位。交通在浙东地区有了较快发展,尤其是沪杭公路的建成,对于沿线地区的经济发展、社会变迁起到了重要作用及影响。1925—1937年,是沪杭公路建设发挥功效的黄金时期。本文从沪杭公路的建设及其沿线地区社会变迁进行分析,系统地考察了公路建设与社会之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

~~美国对苏贸易(1950——1981)~~  相似文献   

The loess site at Boynychi (the Volyn Upland) is of essential importance for the stratigraphy of Middle and Upper Pleistocene in Central Europe. The profile was recently dated by Fedorowicz and Prylypko in 2007 (parallel dating), and by Kusiak in 2009. The Upper Vistulian loesses are much thicker in the exposure from 2009 than in the earlier examined one (2007). The list of results obtained in the Gdańsk, Kiev and Lublin laboratories, respectively, can be divided in two. The first group contains the results obtained for the Horohiv and Korshiv pedocomplexes and for the loess from the penultimate glacial, which separates these pedocomplexes. The results from all laboratories are very similar and rather well describe the real age of dated deposits. The second group contains the widely differing results of dating of the Vistulian loesses. The TL ages obtained by Fedorowicz and Prylypko are considerably older than those obtained by Kusiak in the new exposure. The latter ones excellently correspond to the geologic-stratigraphic interpretation of the profile. Two incompatible series of TL dating results indicate that local variability of loess accumulation conditions in different stages of their formation may have resulted in incomplete luminescence zeroing of mineral material before deposition.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is (1) to identify the key characteristics of agriculture and the role of olive in Porcuna (Andalusia) of Roman period and (2) to derive a conclusion about the origin of cultivated olive. The study of the literature showed that the olive is one of the most esteemed fruit species in the Classical Mediterranean world and is considered to have been domesticated first in Levant region. The signs of cultivation appear since the Neolithic. The authors analysed 18 samples from archaeological sites. Sorting and identification were carried out using a binocular microscope with the help of comparative collection of seeds/fruits and identification atlases (Digital Seed Atlas of the Netherlands: Cappers et al. 2006). A total number of 19,616 remains was studied. The remains belong to groups of fruit trees, cereals, pulses and synanthropic plants. The cultivated species were used for domestic purposes. The cereals, pulses and mesocarps of the fruits served as food. Important characteristic trait was the overrepresentation of olives. The authors give a summary of the development that led to the cultivation and domestication of the olive tree and to reconstruct its early diffusion using different sources of information, such as archaeobotanical analysis, archaeological data and genetical studies. As a result, a better understanding of the domestication and use of olive on a Mediterranean scale is given. This study also discusses cultivated and synanthropic species in Roman settlements on the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

二次革命失败后,黄兴于一九一三年八月流亡日本。一九一四年六月底,由日渡美。在日本逗留近一年时间。日本外务省外交史料馆收藏的外务省档案《有关各国内政之杂纂(中国部)——包括流亡者在内的中国革命党问题》(简称《中国革命党问题》)中的第六至第十二卷内,记录了黄兴一九一三年八月至一九一四年六月期间及赴日经过在日本的活动情况。特选译成组,题为《黄兴在日活动秘录》。这里发表的为1913年8月至9月部分。  相似文献   

<正>《杭州市志(1986—2005)》是副省级城市中规模较大的一部续志。第二轮志书虽有很多共性,但个性特点也很多见。那么,《杭州市志(1986—2005)》最大的特征又是什么呢?该志执行主编李忠民在导读中是这样说的:"把握地情特点,突出时代特征,浓墨人文特色,记好发展变化。"这4句话集中为一点,就是"以特为主",以"不缺要项、归类调整、增新扩容、强化综合、丰富体裁",凸显思想,凸现志魂,凸露灵气。具体而言,有如下特点。  相似文献   

<正> 本省易县城东南有燕下都故城,城址内外历年有古文物出土。农民耕作及伐土时,往往发现古物。武阳台、练台、北董、高陌、周任、沈村、故安城一带每年出土不少古物。五十年前,在大风大雨之后,铜镞、印玺、古币多暴露地面,妇孺争相采集,售于绘画着古物图象幌子的打锣小贩保定谢洛好等。北京东琉璃厂云松阁李庆和兄弟常年住在这里收购,掉手转卖。清道光、咸丰间曾出土大量明刀(见《古泉汇》);光绪十九年出土齐侯四器,为盛铎所得,转售纽约艺术博物馆。民国三年端阳节,北董薛姓在老姥台东取土,掘得重36斤,长0.65米的铜龙(俗呼“小金牛”),商人争夺,脱落尾部,为姚桂芳攫去,经中高村冯化南介绍,以400元售于保定,转售比利时斯托莱克(A.S toclet),自是引起外国文化间谍注意。美国毕霞波曾驾驶飞机拍照燕故都鸟瞰图,拟勾结劣绅在此盗掘,经人民反对而未逞。二十年代,古物保管委员会北京大学马衡教授为了防止外人盗掘,倡议勘察发掘。1930年试掘,颇有收获。新中国成立后,1956年文化单位重加勘察,1961年国务院定燕下都为全国重点文物保护单位之一。今燕下都文物,大部分保存在中国历史博物馆及河北省文物研究所,一部分藏北大考古学系及易县燕下都保管所,是考古学的珍贵材料。我自1929年为北大研究所国学门考古学会?  相似文献   

再造一个西部四川2021年,中国宣布川藏铁路全线动工。这条投资3000多亿,将成都到拉萨原迁延数日的车程缩短到13个小时的“超级工程”,再一次将世界的目光聚焦到川西横断山。其实,自古以来,导致该区域长期“隐身”世外的首要因素就是交通,“横断”之名也源于此。笔者曾在该区域多次穿行,体会犹深,即使在21世纪初的昌都,雨季还有近两月因交通阻断过着“与世隔绝”的日子。近些年,随着雅西高速、雅康高速开通,红原机场、格萨尔机场运营,交通条件已有很大改善。川藏铁路建设,更将从根本上解决这一区域的交通问题。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战中的霍普金斯 沃城、李来顺)《山西大学学报》1 .83ee4论一九三一年日本对中国的进攻—九一八. 事件的由来及共后果 《胡正邦)r《思想战战》l,83一4中国与西欧封建城市比较之我见一与赵建民 同志商榷(沈定平)《社龟科学》1984一1岩仓使团与日本近代化 (孙承)《历  相似文献   

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