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客家人重视族谱的修撰,这是众所周知的事实,而客家族谱中所蕴涵的丰富的社会化内容,更是值得引起人科学研究的高度重视。近来,本人在阅读客家《曾氏崇本堂世谱》和《吕氏家谱》时,发见有二则饶有意味的记载,对于进一步探讨客家的历史化问题,具有一定的参考价值,顾前人未曾引述,爰录论列如下。  相似文献   

刘明 《东南文化》2001,(7):90-92
明代万历年间陈第及其藏书楼——世善堂为当时学术作出了应有的贡献。尤其是《世善堂书目》具有目录学和史料的双重价值。  相似文献   

闻喜裴氏是中国历史上一个声望显赫的名门望族和世家大族,起源久远,支脉繁荣。自秦汉至明清,与中国封建社会相始终,其人物茂郁如林,门第久盛不衰。特别是魏晋南北朝、隋唐时期,闻喜裴氏与三辅韦氏、汾阴薛氏、河东柳氏一起被合称为“关中四大姓”,见著于史册记载的人物比比皆是。据《新唐书·宰相世系表》[1],仅唐代裴氏家族就分为五房,出有宰相17人。又据修于清嘉庆十年(1805年)的《裴氏世谱》[2(]以下简称《裴谱》)记载,裴氏家族先后出任宰相者59人,大将军59人,中书侍郎14人,尚书55人,侍郎44人,常侍11人,御史11人,刺史211人,太守77人,驸马…  相似文献   

In 1645, Gushri Khan (leader of the Mongol Hoshod which ruled UTsang) revered Lobsang Qoigyi Gyaincain (the fourth-generation disciple of Zongkapa, the 16th abbot of Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze), as the Panchen Bokedo (Bokedo being a Mongolian word meaning wise and heroic person), and decided that the Xigaze area be put under the rule of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. This is the source of the title of Panchen.  相似文献   

The world's first Buddhist Forum opened in the scenic city of Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang Province on April 13,2006. The 11th Panchen Erdeni attended and delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony whose theme was "A harmonious world begins in the mind."  相似文献   

大拙 《中国土族》2007,(2):36-36
(本刊记者大拙)一位名叫王世彦的七旬老人单车走天下,为的是拜访全国55个少数民族,宣传民族大团结。今年5月,王世彦老人来到青海,了解土族、撒拉族的风土人情。王世彦老人是河南省孟州市人,汉族,今年72岁。1997年,他决定骑自行车周游全国,拜访55个少数民族,了解他们的  相似文献   

全国唯一的水族自治县——三都县,曾经有一位受人尊敬和爱戴的水族女县长。她,就是当年带着水族特产九阡酒上北京,把美酒献给毛主席的蒙世花。  相似文献   

自查士丁尼二世于695年第一次被废黜之后,拜占廷除了面临统治者与贵族阶级代表之间的斗争所引起的国内混乱之外,还有,阿拉伯对西方的威胁也步步紧逼君士坦丁堡。因此,利奥三世一上台就针对拜占廷的政治及经济进行了一系列的改革。  相似文献   

Kongsa Yedog, originally named Yexei Dorje, was born into a common farming family in Gyangze County of the Xigaze area in 1916. In his teens, he was taken into the Tashilhungpo Monastery by his monk uncle to study Tibetan language and sutras, studying together with several older male apprentices under an old lama. One year later, Yexei Dorje passed the examinations to become a real Zhaba of the monastery. One morning, the atmosphere in Tashilhungpo Monastery was hushed, and the curious Y…  相似文献   

郑帅 《沧桑》2014,(6):29-31
新王国时期是古代埃及历史上的鼎盛时期。在阿蒙霍特普四世统治时期进行了埃及历史上为数不多的改革——埃赫那吞改革,这次改革在很多领域都给古代埃及社会带来了重大的影响。因此,也成为学者们重点研究的对象之一。但学者们的研究主要集中在阿蒙霍特普四世身上,把研究的重点放在了他的改革和他对于阿马尔那时代近东大国外交模式的贡献上,而往往忽视了对其父亲——阿蒙霍特普三世的研究。故本文主要对阿蒙霍特普三世统治时期文化艺术转型的社会背景进行论述。  相似文献   

邓锐 《史学理论研究》2020,(1):51-61,158,159
对比西方来看中国历史与史学问题,是中国史学近代转型接受西方学术框架所带来的一种学术视域。如果将西方区域化,那么,可以看到,宋代和作为西方史学近代化起源的文艺复兴一样出现了历史观与史学方法的革新,是中国史学“近世化”的开端,也是接触西方之前原生性的带有近代化特征的史学前近代阶段。由此可见中西史学近代化过程中的一致性与中国史学近代化的内在动力。  相似文献   

艾俊川 《文献》2021,(2):177-191
《论再生缘》是陈寅恪晚年转向明清文学研究后的力作。陈先生根据间接材料旁征博引,加以合理推测,考出《再生缘》作者陈端生的丈夫为范菼、因大赦归家,进而推断出陈端生的卒年,为陈端生和《再生缘》研究奠定基础。本文根据陈端生父系《陈氏宗谱》、母系《汪氏世谱》等新见史料,钩沉相关人物的碑传文字,考得陈端生父亲卒于端生身后、其母汪氏未曾随宦云南、陈汪两家直到乾隆末年仍保持密切来往、陈端生之夫是吴门范菼而非秀水范菼、陈端生去世的时间更可能在嘉庆二年等细节,有助于加深对《再生缘》和陈端生的了解与研究。  相似文献   

February 13, 1990 (the 19th day of the 12th Tibetan month of the Year of the Earth Snake of the 17th Cycle of Tibetan Calendar): Gyaincain Norbu was born in Jiali County of the TAR.  相似文献   

儒家思想是封建统治者治国安邦的指导思想.清朝统治者采用了儒家的思想,积极进取,实现了国家统一、社会安定、经济发展、文化繁荣的"康乾盛世".在盛世时,却停滞不前,采用了儒家的"持盈保泰"的保守思想为治国的基本方略,强化了封建专制,腐败严重.面对西方世界向现代社会转型的态势,不是迎头赶上,而是采取了闭关锁国的政策.尔后,发生了由盛而衰的急剧变化,堕入落后挨打的境地而一蹶不振.其教训极为深刻.通过对康乾盛世的兴与衰的研究,我们进一步认清了儒家思想的两重性.应提高分辨能力,取其精华,去其糟粕,为发展社会主义先进文化提供思想资源.  相似文献   

Various sects of Tibetan Buddhism,along with the major monasteries,have developed their own modes of Buddhist study and the issuance of Buddhist degrees. Of these, monasteries of the Gelug Sect have been doing so for 600 years. Only a small number of monks could be entitled to such prestigious degrees known in general as "Geshi" meaning "knowledgeable", which then come in grades with such titles as Lharangba, Corangba, Lingseba, Dorangba, Ngarangba, Manrangba and Gerangba.  相似文献   

The new system was introduced on the basis of the traditional way of studying the sutras of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a brand-new Geshi award system,which fully respects and carries forward the traditional system in terms of sutra studies and Geshi title promotion. In terms of content, the way to study them and the way the tests are given, the new system basically follows the traditional practice of various sects of Tibetan Buddhism. Hence it is well received among the eminent monks of Tibeta…  相似文献   

宰兽簋王年试说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张懋镕 《文博》2002,(1):32-35
宰兽簋是近年来周原出土的一件重要的西周青铜器,它对于西周年代、官制、文字的研究都具有相当的意义。本文拟就宰兽簋所属王世问题作点探讨。  相似文献   

程万琦是一个善于发财致富并乐于助人同富的人,是一个在海外几千万华人中有着极高威望和凝聚力的人,是一个为了让中华民族屹立于世界体育之林鞠躬尽瘁的人。  相似文献   

皮明勇 《近代史研究》2000,31(4):213-241
国民政府成立后,借助九世班禅返藏,积极谋求恢复对西藏的治权。然而,事情的发展并不顺利,拉萨当局百般阻挠,英国政府无理干涉,班禅返藏一事可谓一波三折。1937年底,班禅圆寂于青海,国民政府未达恢复对西藏治权之日的。将近10年的曲折过程反映了国民政府治藏策略存在多方面局限:所选择的治藏模式缺乏实践上的可行性,所确立的治藏目标与所采用的手段不相适应,对外国势力的干涉也没有有效的应对办法。  相似文献   

On the Khampa Plateau in June the green pasturelands stretch endlessly to the horizon and beyond. From the 12th to the 28th, the 11th Panchen Erdeni visited many places in Sichuan, including Chengdu, Leshan, Emeishan, Ya'an, Luding, Kangding, Yajiang, Litang, Danba, Markang, Hongyuan, Aba, Ruo'ergai and Jiuzhaigou. He also worshipped Buddha and met many people from Buddhist circles and numerous common disciples. The distance covered by his travels was 3,000 km. He passed through more than 10 counties in the Tibetan-inhabited areas in Sichuan, visited more than 10 monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism such as the Changqing Ker Monastery, Huiyuan Monastery, Gemo Monastery, etc., where, watched by many common disciples, he presided over Buddhist activities and gave out alms. He gave blessings by touching the foreheads of an estimated 70,000 believers, visited the new villages of herders and extended his best wishes to poor Tibetan families.  相似文献   

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