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Archaeological exploration in the Taurus mountains at Göltepe in south-central Turkey has uncovered a site indicating the presence of extensive tin ore mining and smelling operations The most recent find of smelting crucible fragments allowed for a thermoluminescence-hased age determination spanning a late fifth to early third millennium BC date. This result is consistent with a number of radiocarbon dates derived for charcoal also found at the site. The importance of this site relates to the possible tin production and subsequent trade with southwestern Asia which would have provided this otherwise scarce ingredient to bronze technology in that area. This date is directly for crucible material and thus confirms the antiquity of tin smelting at Göltepe.  相似文献   

A rare open shallow crucible from the British Museum collection, excavated at the Bronze Age site of El Argar in south-east Spain by Louis and Henri Siret, was studied using X-radiography and scanning electron microscopy. The crucible has relatively thick walls, a spout and a non-refractory fabric. It was used for melting copper alloys for various possible purposes, such as alloying, refining, recycling or before casting, at around 1100°C. Both arsenic and tin were detected in various places and concentrations in the analysed specimens. This crucible could have been used during the period of transition from arsenic-rich copper to tin bronzes in the El Argar culture, or used for the recycling of arsenic-rich copper artefacts being alloyed with tin to produce tin bronzes. This melting crucible is a rare example of its kind to have been investigated scientifically, as most crucibles from contemporary sites on the Iberian Peninsula are generally associated with smelting. This study has also crucially shed more light on the types of alloys and variety of activities undertaken during that transitional period between the use of arsenical copper and tin bronzes in this region.  相似文献   

The prehistoric settlement on the Kiechlberg hilltop is located a few kilometres to the north‐east of Innsbruck, in the Tyrolean Inn Valley. Despite its rather isolated location, a multiphase settlement between the fifth and the second millennium bc was confirmed by archaeological investigations in 2007 and 2008. Metallurgical artefacts, such as copper ore fragments, copper slag and raw copper, as well as finished copper and bronze artefacts, are concentrated mainly in Late Copper Age to Middle Bronze Age layers. The chemical compositions of the slag and raw metals confirm Fe—Zn tetrahedrite–tennantite (fahlore) smelting. The ore was most probably imported from the 30–50 km distant copper ore deposits (mainly fahlore) of Schwaz–Brixlegg, in the Lower Inn Valley. The small amount of slag and the presence of slagged and thermally altered ceramic fragments suggest copper production in small‐scale workshops. Most probably, sulphide‐rich ores were smelted in crucibles in a hearth fire. The process was relatively reducing below the 2Sb + 1.5O2Sb2O3 reaction (?8.5 log fO2 at 1100°C), producing Sb‐rich (>10 wt% Sb in metal) raw copper. Inhomogeneous slag remains containing high amounts of sulphide and metal inclusions suggest a poor separation of the metal, matte (copper sulphide) and silicate/oxide melt during the smelting process.  相似文献   

Nine powder samples originating from the archaeometallurgical she in Göltepe, southern central Turkey, have been analysed. Bulk analyses, using X-ray fluorescence and X-ruy photoelectron spectroscopy, and single particle analyses, using electron probe X-ray microanalysis, were carried out. The analyses were focused on determining the inorganic elemental composition of the samples and the distribution of particle types in the nine powder samples. In addition, the powder samples were classified on the basis of their elemental composition using multivariate techniques. The objective of this study was to characterize the powder samples and to establish an association with archaeological data from the site  相似文献   

2009年,重庆彭水徐家坝遗址出土了一件船形杯,其用途到底是什么?学术界一直未有一个定论。本工作利用检测手段,从物质成分和结构方面揭示出徐家坝遗址出土船形杯的用途。扫描电镜能谱分析显示船形杯体中含有大量的Cu和Pb以及微量的Sn,杯体表层分离出来的铜块为Cu、Sn和Pb三元合金的铸造组织结构。同时,杯体表面青灰色残留物的X-射线衍射分析显示其中含有锡石(SnO2)、氧化铜(CuO)和碳(C)。实验数据表明巴人在商周时期已经了解到了青铜合金的性质,掌握了青铜冶铸技术,有力证实船形杯可以作为冶铸工具坩埚的观点。  相似文献   

The mineralogy, petrography and major‐ and trace‐element composition of iron ores from Elba Island (Tuscany, Italy), one of the most important iron sources in the Mediterranean area since the first millennium bc , revealed that hematite‐rich ores display prominent enrichments in W and Sn (up to 4950 μg g?1 and 8400 μg g?1, respectively). These two elements are hosted by tiny grains of W–Sn mineral phases (ferberite, scheelite and cassiterite) that are disseminated throughout the hematite matrix. A comparison with iron ores from many Italian and European localities (most of which were exploited in ancient times) suggests the uniqueness of the geochemical pattern of Elba Island hematite‐rich ores (i.e., high W and Sn, low Mo and low Cu, Pb and Zn). We suggest that this geochemical signature may represent a new provenance marker not only for discarded ore at smelting/smithing sites, but, possibly, also for metallurgical slag and smelted metal produced in the chaîne opératoire of the iron process.  相似文献   


This article is a review of three recent monographs concerned with the later Middle Cypriote and Late Cypriote periods on Cyprus (ca. 1700–1200 B.C.). Each study focuses narrowly on archaeological, philological, or historical problems associated specifically with Cyprus or more generally with interrelations among Aegean, Cypriote, and eastern Mediterranean cultures. Oblivious to common interests, the authors reflect their own particularistic concerns: philology, toponymy, stone anchors. The three publications reviewed serve both as a framework and as a vehicle for presentation of a balanced discussion of archaeological, historical, and theoretical problems associated with Middle/Late Bronze Age Cyprus and its role in eastern Mediterranean maritime trade. In conclusion, and as an alternative, a concise synthesis of cultural and socio-historical patterns on Cyprus ca. 1700–1200 B.C. is presented.

The three volumes under review are: L. Hellbing, Alasia Problems. StudMedArch 57 (P. Åström's Förlag: Göteborg 1979); D. E. McCaslin, Stone Anchors in Antiquity: Coastal Settlements and Maritime Trade Routes in the Eastern Mediterranean. StudMedArch 61 (P. Åström's Förlag: Göteborg 1980); J. Strange, Caphtor/Keftiu, A New Investigation. Acta Theologica Danica 14 (E. J. Brill: Leiden 1980).  相似文献   

A substantial indigenous tin-smelting industry arose in the Rooiberg valley of northern South Africa in the second millennium CE. This study concentrates upon tin-smelting slags and refractory ceramics from two archaeological sites that date between ca. 1650 CE and ca. 1850 CE. These were studied by optical and electron microscopy, wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF), inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and electron microprobe (EMPA). The slags are predominantly glassy; high SnO and relatively low SiO2 contents indicate that tin is a major glass-forming element. Comparison of slag chemistries with the mineralogy of ore deposits and host rocks shows that alluvial cassiterite was used at one of the sites, while cassiterite from hard-rock mining was smelted at the other site. Since few preindustrial tin slags have been studied, we compare our findings to other published examples, mostly from southwest England.  相似文献   

G. Bosinski and G. Fischer. Die Menschendarstellungen von Gönnersdorf der Ausgrabung von 1968. Gönnersdorf, Vol. 1. Wiesbaden: 1974. 131 pp.

B. Bosinski and J. Hahn. Der Magdalénienfundplatz Andernach (Martinsberg). Rheinische Ausgrabungen, Vol. 11, pp. 81–257. 1972.

R. Feustel, ed. Die Kniegrotte. Eine Magdalénien‐Station in Thüringen. Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur‐und Frühgeschichte. Thüringens, Vol. 5. Weimar. 1974. 213 pp. 74 DM.

H. Hanitzsch. Groitzsch bei Eilenburg. Schlag‐ und Siedlungsplätze der späten Altsteinzeit. Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Dresden. Vol. 12. Berlin: 1972. 123 pp. 40 DM.

P. F. Mauser. Die jungpaläolithische Höhlenstation Petersfels im Hegau (Germarkung Bittelbrunn, Ldkrs. Konstanz). Badische Fundberichte, Sonderheft 13, Freiburg: 1970. 127 pp.

F. Poplin. Les grands vertébrés de Gönnersdorf, fouilles 1968. Gönnersdorf, Vol. 2. Wiesbaden: 1976. 212 pp.

D. A. Sturdee. “Some Reindeer Economies in Prehistoric Europe.” In: E. S. Higgs, ed. Palaeoeconomy, pp. 55–95. Cambridge: 1975.  相似文献   

A Merovingian crucible fragment, with internally adhering yellow glass, and yellow glass beads of the same region and period were investigated by non‐destructive XRF, optical microscopy and SEM‐EDS. Although the microstructure and chemical composition of the yellow pigment (lead–tin yellow type II, ‘PbSnO3’) are almost identical in both the beads and the crucible, in the latter the pigment occurs in a much higher concentration. However, the glass base in the beads and the crucible is very different, indicating that the beads were not manufactured directly from the crucible. Instead, the crucible most likely served to produce lead–tin yellow, which was subsequently mixed elsewhere with a colourless soda–lime glass to produce yellow glass beads.  相似文献   

Tin, as a constituent of bronze, was central to the technological development of early societies, but cassiterite (SnO2) deposits were scarce and located distantly from the centres of Mediterranean civilizations. As Britain had the largest workable ore deposits in the ancient Western world, this has led to much historical speculation and myth regarding the long-distance trading of tin from the Bronze Age onwards. Here we establish the first detailed chronology for tin, along with lead and copper deposition, into undisturbed ombrotrophic (rain-fed) peat bogs located at Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor in the centre of the British tin ore fields. Sustained elevated tin deposition is demonstrated clearly, with peaks occurring at 100–400 and 700–1000 calendar years AD – contemporaneous with the Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods respectively. While pre-Roman Iron Age tin exploitation undoubtedly took place, it was on a scale that did not result in convincingly enhanced deposition of the metal. The deposition of lead in the peat record provides evidence of a pre-Roman metal-based economy in southwest Britain. Emerging in the 4th century BC, this was centred on copper and lead ore processing that expanded exponentially and then collapsed upon Roman colonization during the 1st century AD.  相似文献   

This study presents the first reconstruction of the smelting conditions in 16th- to 18th-century smelters from Miedziana Góra (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Based on geochemical (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry/emission spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence) and mineralogical analysis (X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe micro-analysis) of historical slags, their chemical/phase composition and the basic smelting parameters (temperature, melt viscosity, and oxygen fugacity) were determined. Due to the differences in chemical and phase composition, slags from different smelting stages have been distinguished: hypocrystalline slags (MG6) from speiss/matte production and glassy (MG1–MG5) from matte conversion. In glassy slags, pyroxenes, quartz/cristobalite grains, and aggregates composed of metallic Cu and PbO are dispersed in the glass. Hypocrystalline slags are composed of wollastonites, anorthites, and metallic Cu. The temperature range at which the slags were formed was from ~1100°C (solidus temperature) to 1150–1200°C (liquidus temperature). The silicate melt's viscosity was from log η = 1.19 to 4.42 Pa s (at 1100–1200°C). The higher viscosity of MG1–MG5 slags indicates that, unlike MG6 slags, they were not formed during gravity separation. Information about the phase composition made it possible to determine the oxygen fugacity in the range of log fO2 = −4 to −12 atm. High oxygen fugacity indicates the oxidizing nature of the smelting process.  相似文献   

An efficient and non-destructive method to classify white marble artifacts by using a hand-held, portable XRF analyzer (pXRF) is here reported. The identification is based on the uniquely high strontium content of this marble and has been verified by testing 32 artifacts, most of which had already been provenanced, using conventional micro-destructive analyses. Besides strontium, other potential provenance indicators, such as manganese and iron, were analyzed and their concentration values obtained after empirical calibration of the instrument by using 17 quarry samples of known composition. The results show that Göktepe/non-Göktepe discrimination is almost always possible (30 artifacts) and that additional analyses are required only when the Sr value is at the lower edge of the Göktepe field (2 artifacts). The success of the method, however, resides in the particular composition relative to trace elements of Göktepe and is not easily extended to other marble varieties. Main reasons are related to insufficient accuracy at low concentration values, intrinsic trace variability of marble artifacts, surface effects that may produce not representative results. Interest in the method therefore is tightly linked to the exceptional importance of Göktepe as a sculptural marble, in which case, detailed data, obtained with a fast and totally non-destructive method, may provide relevant information concerning chronology, workshops, and places of production of the artifacts.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Henryk Wisner: Zygmunt III Waza [Sigismund III Vasa], Warsaw: Ossolineum, 1991. ISBN 83–04–03693–2. 263 pp., paper, illustrated.

Rolf Tamnes, The United Stales and the Cold War in the High North (Dartmouth Publishing Company, Brookfield, Vermont, 1991), 384 pp. ISBN 1–85521–223–4.

Göran Göransson, Virtus Mililaris. Ojficersideal i Sverige 1560–1718 (Officer Ideal in Sweden 1560–1718). (Bibliotheca Histórica Lundensis 68, Lund, 1990), 200pp. ISBN 91–7966–127–0. English summary.  相似文献   

N. H. GALE 《Archaeometry》1997,39(1):71-82
A recent suggestion that some ancient metallurgical processes might give rise to large changes (> 0.5%) in the isotopic composition of tin gave hope that it might be possible to identify ancient bronze samples which had undergone recycling and mixing processes. This paper describes a method for the analysis of the isotopic composition of tin by thermal ionization mass spectrometry and applies it to analyse a number of ancient bronzes and tin metal objects from the Bronze Age Mediterranean. No observable isotopic fractionation of tin was found above $0.1% in the ratio122 Sn/116. Consequently, either recycling of bronze in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean was not so common as supposed, or the isotopic composition of tin is not fractionated by anthropogenic metallurgical processes to the extent predicted by the Bradford group.  相似文献   

Slags from the Pb/Ag medieval (14th century) smelting plant located at Bohutín, P?íbram district, Czech Republic, were studied from the mineralogical and geochemical points of view. Two types of slags were distinguished: (i) quenched slags formed mainly by Pb‐rich glass and unmelted residual grains of SiO2 and feldspars, and (ii) crystallized slags mainly composed of Fe‐rich olivine (fayalite) and glass. The mean log viscosity value of the slags calculated for 1200°C was 2.119 Pa s. The morphology of olivine crystals was used to estimate the cooling rates of the melt, for some slags indicating rates > 1450°C/h. The projection of the bulk composition of slags onto the SiO2–PbO–FeO ternary system was used for rough temperature estimates of slag formation, lying probably between 800 and 1200°C.  相似文献   

This paper details the chemical sourcing of 42 obsidian artefacts from a single Neolithic structure at Çatalhöyük (central Anatolia), using Energy Dispersive X‐Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The chemical signatures of the samples match those of two geological sources in southern Cappadocia: East Göllü Da? and Nenezi Da?. The data provide a counterpoint for previous analyses at the site, and suggest possible intra‐community distinctions with regard to shifts in raw material procurement and technical change.  相似文献   

A database of the ancient marbles of Göktepe near Aphrodisias is reported, and includes 160 white, black and bichrome samples from 13 quarries and two waste deposits. The quarries are grouped into four districts. Districts 1 and 2, to the north, produced exclusively black or dark grey marbles (nero antico). Districts 3 and 4 produced white statuary marble. Nero antico and a black and white stone were also quarried in district 4, where the black marble surfaces again. The samples were characterized using petrography, isotopic analysis, EPR spectroscopy and trace analysis. The Göktepe white exhibits an unparalleled combination of fine grain, low EPR intensity and high strontium concentration that often allows easy identification. The isotopic values are less distinctive and similar to those for Carrara. In most cases, however, they are tightly grouped and also quite indicative. The black marbles exhibit a much weaker metamorphic overprint. With respect to the white marbles, they show analytical similarities but also notable differences. Therefore, establishing their provenance can be more difficult and may require the support of petrographic analysis. The results suggest that the Göktepe marbles were among the most prized and widespread statuary marbles used in Roman times, particularly from the early second century ad onwards.  相似文献   

Summary: Eighteen hundred miles due south of Carthage, across the Sahara, lies one of the richest sources of tin in the modern world. Here, the Bauchi region of northern Nigeria contains extensive deposits of alluvial cassiterite. This is a singularly important geological feature, since stream tin, as it is more commonly known, was the only tin ore profitably available in antiquity (Muhly, 1973: 248). This paper, as the title implies, is concerned with the question of whether Carthage received tin from this particular area of West Africa.1 There are certain considerations that suggest such a possibility, but the evidence is tantalizingly nebulous, making answers both inconclusive and speculative.  相似文献   

Kephala and Phournoi, on the island of Seriphos, add to a growing number of EBA metal production sites identified in the south‐central Aegean. Analytical examination of samples from the two sites addressed the technological parameters of the copper smelting process, indicating the use of mixed oxidic and sulphidic copper–iron ores to produce unalloyed copper with minute copper sulphide inclusions. A preliminary geological reconnaissance of the island identified several small copper mineralizations, one of them close to the site of Kephala. Nevertheless, the ore sources used remain unclear. Comparisons are made with other contemporaneous neighbouring smelting sites.  相似文献   

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