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This paper proposes two statistical methods, called the network K‐function method and the network cross K‐function method, for analyzing the distribution of points on a network. First, by extending the ordinary K‐function method defined on a homogeneous infinite plane with the Euclidean distance, the paper formulates the K‐function method and the cross K‐function method on a finite irregular network with the shortest‐path distance. Second, the paper shows advantages of the network K‐function methods, such as that the network K‐function methods can deal with spatial point processes on a street network in a small district, and that they can exactly take the boundary effect into account. Third, the paper develops the computational implementation of the network K‐functions, and shows that the computational order of the K‐function method is O(n2Q log nQ) and that of the network cross K‐function is O(nQ log U3Q), where nQ is the number of nodes of a network.  相似文献   

SANET: A Toolbox for Spatial Analysis on a Network   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This article shows a geographical information systems (GIS)-based toolbox for analyzing spatial phenomena that occur on a network (e.g., traffic accidents) or almost along a network (e.g., fast-food stores in a downtown). The toolbox contains 13 tools: random point generation on a network, the Voronoi diagram, the K -function and cross K -function methods, the unconditional and conditional nearest-neighbor distance methods, the Hull model, and preprocessing tools. The article also shows a few actual analyses carried out with these tools.  相似文献   

This article looks at the reconfiguration of the regulatory actors' network, as induced by the liberalization and reregulation processes in utility sectors. It investigates the changes in governance structures and patterns of collaborative ties between actors resulting from these processes. Applying stochastic actor‐oriented modeling (SAOM) to data on the liberalization of the Swiss telecommunications sector over two decades, we test whether and to what extent structural changes driven by liberalization and reregulation express themselves through network effects, that is, through changing patterns of interactions between political authorities, regulators, regulatees, and interest groups. Our empirical tests highlight a rearrangement of the regulatory network and a reorganization of relational patterns around new actors, such as the sector‐specific regulatory agency, coregulators, and new operators.  相似文献   

Cruise Passengers in a Homeport: A Market Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The aim of this study is to examine cruise passengers' characteristics, preferences and their overall experience in a port of call. Based on 1,361 survey data collected from passengers in the port of call of Cartagena, during the third quarter of 2009, a three-step multivariate market segment analysis is employed. First, a correspondence analysis is run to reveal the underlying factors in the data; second, based on the correspondence analysis, a hierarchical cluster investigation is performed to segment the sample into homogeneous groups; third, a decision tree is computed to characterise each group. The cluster analysis identifies six distinct market segments differentiated by nationality, satisfaction, safety perception and expenditure. The findings imply several policy directions. In particular, institutions should enhance the perception of safety in Cartagena to guarantee repeated visits, an ad hoc marketing policy may encourage revisit by young South Americans, and managers should extend the inland visiting time that is likely to produce local multiplier effects.  相似文献   

The paper integrates several important elements of the institutionalized and regulated nature of the housing market and analyzes the relationship between household type and housing choice in Vienna within a nested multinomial logit framework. In particular, the concept of household specific choice sets is used to account for institutional, informational and income-based constraints of the choice process. Government subsidies (such as housing and rent allowances, non-interest-bearing state loans) are explicitly taken into account in the definition of variables. Housing choice is considered in three stages: the choice of a dwelling unit given dwelling type and residential zone, the choice of a dwelling type given residential zone, and the marginal choice of a residential zone. The coefficients are derived by means of a sequential ML-procedure. The empirical results clearly indicate that demographic variables have significant impacts on housing choice behavior. Income as a single explanatory variable as well as its interacting with size measures and the quality of the house are found to be important criteria for dwelling unit choice, as housing cost variables for dwelling type choice behavior. The dwelling unit and dwelling type choice submodels fit reasonably well, whereas the residential zone model is less successful.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,陈云在利用国际市场方面进行了积极的探索。建国初期,他主要是探索国际物资市场的规律,并逐步形成了外汇与物资平衡的思想;20世纪70年代,他提出要研究和利用资本主义,并将注意力从国际物资市场转向国际金融市场;改革开放后,他在继续提倡利用资本主义市场的同时。强调利用外资要保持清醒的头脑,要将引进工作与国内工作平衡好。陈云的这些关于利用国际市场的思想,成为各个时期中国共产党处理国内经济与对外经济关系的重要指导思想。  相似文献   

Two regional characteristics—contiguity (connectivity) and compactness—are described mathematically. An integer programming model is constructed to allocate a system of points optimally (in terms of the compactness criterion) to subgroups whose number is not given beforehand. The conditions that each element of the regional breakdown must satisfy are given in the form of linear constraints of the regional population structure.  相似文献   

西安会展旅游市场SWOT分析与发展对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本对西安会展旅游市场的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行了分析,并提出进一步发展的对策。  相似文献   

我国旅游网站的网络结构研究——基于社会网络分析法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文选择Google为检索工具确定154个旅游网站为研究对象,使用SocSciBot3收集上述154个网站的链接数据,采用PAJEK绘制我国旅游网站的网络结构图,并用UCINET社会网络分析软件,从网络密度、中心度、凝聚子群以及核心-边缘结构等角度对我国旅游网站的网络结构进行研究。通过研究发现我国旅游网站网络密度较低且平均距离较小、部分旅游网站的中心度较低、凝聚子群的规模不大且密度偏低、处于核心位置的网站较少等,为此建议在加强旅游网站自身建设的同时,多与其他旅游网站进行合作,加强链接,特别是友情链接的建立。  相似文献   

This paper shows four statistical methods that examine the distribution of points on a network (such as the distribution of retail stores along streets). The first statistical method is an extension of the nearest-neighbor distance method (the Clark-Evans statistic) defined on a plane to the method defined on a network. The second statistical method examines the effect of categorical attribute values of links (say, types of streets) on the distribution of activity points on a network. The third statistical method examines the effect of infrastructural elements (such as railway stations) on the distribution of activity points on a network. The fourth statistical method examines the compound effect of multiple kinds of infrastructural elements (say, railway stations and big parks) on the distribution of activity points on a network. These methods are discussed with empirical examples.  相似文献   

The interplay between intensifying labour market precarity and gentrification constitutes a hitherto under‐researched topic in the fields of labour and urban geography. To rectify this lacuna, we argue that gentrification and labour flexibilisation are both socio‐spatial manifestations of capital's efforts to confront crises of accumulation. Distinguishing between what we call “weak” and “strong” links between them, and drawing upon the concepts of “gentrification‐supporting” and “gentrification‐fostered” labour flexibility, we outline a framework for connecting gentrification and precarity. This allows us to make links between the restructuring of the built environment and the reorganisation of work in the post‐industrial city; it also allows us to show how workers, through their agency, can shape rent gaps in the contemporary city.  相似文献   

To analyze social network data using standard statistical approaches is to risk incorrect inference. The dependencies among observations implied in a network conceptualization undermine standard assumptions of the usual general linear models. One of the most quickly expanding areas of social and policy network methodology is the development of statistical modeling approaches that can accommodate such dependent data. In this article, we review three network statistical methods commonly used in the current literature: quadratic assignment procedures, exponential random graph models (ERGMs), and stochastic actor‐oriented models. We focus most attention on ERGMs by providing an illustrative example of a model for a strategic information network within a local government. We draw inferences about the structural role played by individuals recognized as key innovators and conclude that such an approach has much to offer in analyzing the policy process.  相似文献   

旅游市场调查中的跨文化障碍分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游市场调查常因文化差异造成结果偏差.本文选取了旅游市场调查为研究对象,力图把它作为一种隶属于文化和跨文化研究的问题加以论述,并提出解决跨文化障碍的措施.  相似文献   

Ethnicity is one kind of social relationship that archaeologists explore. The evolution of the northern Iroquoian ethnic landscape in New York, southern Ontario, and the St. Lawrence Valley has been of long-standing interest to archaeologists. Since MacNeish’s (1952) pottery typology study, the predominant model for this evolution has been cladistic. Collar decoration served as a means of signaling attributes of the potter and pottery users that mirrored other more visible signals. We use social network analysis to determine whether pottery collar decoration data best fit MacNiesh’s cladistic or an alternative rhizotic model. The results better fit the rhizotic model.  相似文献   

魏挺 《收藏家》2009,(1):93-94
大凡十八罗汉造像,颇具地域特色,或神话、或鬼作、或胡化、或异化,多几分怪异和离奇,少了几分平实和人味。弘翰堂主收藏的一组木雕十八罗汉,神气十足,人味也十足,可谓木雕艺术品的观止之作。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the importance of integrating geographical effects into the analysis of social networks. Specifically, we study the impacts of spatial distance and territorial borders on information exchange within two European cross-border regions where there is evidence of extensive cross-border political interaction in the domain of public transportation. We use exponential random graph models to review how these spatial factors influence policy interaction. We show how the effect of distance on the exchange of information between organizations is less obvious than it seems at first sight, when we control for endogenous networks effects with which it tends to be confounded. We also explore moderating effects among the spatial factors studied and in particular how the effect of distance affects information exchange by territoriality. While the probability of interaction decreases with distance in the context of domestic ties, distance does not exert the same friction when it comes to cross-border ties. These findings suggest that borders are not necessarily a barrier to interaction and that peripheral actors located in border regions may bridge distance in order to access strategic information they do not have access to within their territorial jurisdiction and is likely concentrated in foreign decision centers.  相似文献   

The present study explores the nature and strength of economic interdependence between inner-city communities and suburbs within the Chicago metropolitan area. Employing Miyazawa's extended input-output framework, a multiregional model is used to investigate the interdependence of income formation and output generation. The metropolitan area is divided into four regions and particular attention is directed to predominantly minority areas on the south and west sides of the city of Chicago. The region-to-region impacts of trade flows and their associated multipliers proved to be far less important in determining the strength of interregional interdependence in contrast to income flows derived from journey-to-work movements. The interrelational income multiplier revealed considerable interdependence between regions although the strength of this interdependence was asymmetric.  相似文献   

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