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The problem of ecological correlation is now widely recognized but detailed analyses of the effects of aggregation on correlation and regression coefficients are rare. A short review of the aggregation problem is followed by an analysis of the specific effect of proximity aggregation on the slope coefficient of a bivariate linear model using data drawn from the Los Angeles Metropolitan region. The evidence suggests that changes in the slope coefficient are best related to the manner in which the covariation between the independent and dependent variables changes with increased aggregation.  相似文献   

This article discusses how standard spatial autoregressive models and their estimation can be extended to accommodate geographically hierarchical data structures. Whereas standard spatial econometric models normally operate at a single geographical scale, many geographical data sets are hierarchical in nature—for example, information about houses nested into data about the census tracts in which those houses are found. Here we outline four model specifications by combining different formulations of the spatial weight matrix W and of ways of modeling regional effects. These are (1) groupwise W and fixed regional effects; (2) groupwise W and random regional effects; (3) proximity‐based W and fixed regional effects; and (4) proximity‐based W and random regional effects. We discuss each of these model specifications and their associated estimation methods, giving particular attention to the fourth. We describe this as a hierarchical spatial autoregressive model. We view it as having the most potential to extend spatial econometrics to accommodate geographically hierarchical data structures and as offering the greatest coming together of spatial econometric and multilevel modeling approaches. Subsequently, we provide Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms for implementing the model. We demonstrate its application using a two‐level land price data set where land parcels nest into districts in Beijing, China, finding significant spatial dependence at both the land parcel level and the district level.  相似文献   

The Cox proportional hazard model is one of the most popular tools in analyzing time-to-event data in public health studies. When outcomes observed in clinical data from different regions yield a varying pattern correlated with location, it is often of great interest to investigate spatially varying effects of covariates. In this paper, we propose a geographically weighted Cox regression model for sparse spatial survival data. In addition, a stochastic neighborhood weighting scheme is introduced at the county level. Theoretical properties of the proposed geographically weighted estimators are examined in detail. A model selection scheme based on the Takeuchi’s model robust information criteria is discussed. Extensive simulation studies are carried out to examine the empirical performance of the proposed methods. We further apply the proposed methodology to analyze real data on prostate cancer from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results cancer registry for the state of Louisiana.  相似文献   

The availability of individual-level health data presents opportunities for monitoring the distribution and spread of emergent, acute, and chronic conditions, as well as challenges with respect to maintaining the anonymity of persons with health conditions. Particularly when such data are mapped as point locations, concerns arise regarding the ease with which individual identities may be determined by linking geographic coordinates to digital street networks, then determining residential addresses and, finally, names of occupants at specific addresses. The utility of such data sets must therefore be balanced against the requirements of protecting the confidentiality of individuals whose identities might be revealed through the availability of precise and accurate locational data. Recent literature has pointed toward geographic masking as a means for striking an appropriate balance between data utility and confidentiality. However, questions remain as to whether certain characteristics of the mask (mask metadata) should be disclosed to data users and whether two or more distinct masked versions of the data can be released without breaching confidentiality. In this article, we address these questions by quantifying the extent to which the disclosure of mask metadata and the release of multiple masked versions may affect confidentiality, with a view toward providing guidance to custodians of health data sets. The masks considered include perturbation, areal aggregation, and their combination. Confidentiality is measured by the areas of confidence regions for individuals' locations, which are derived under the probability models governing the masks, conditioned on the disclosed mask metadata.  相似文献   

Inference in Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A recent paper expands the well-known geographically weighted regression (GWR) framework significantly by allowing the bandwidth or smoothing factor in GWR to be derived separately for each covariate in the model—a framework referred to as multiscale GWR (MGWR). However, one limitation of the MGWR framework is that, until now, no inference about the local parameter estimates was possible. Formally, the so-called “hat matrix,” which projects the observed response vector into the predicted response vector, was available in GWR but not in MGWR. This paper addresses this limitation by reframing GWR as a Generalized Additive Model, extending this framework to MGWR and then deriving standard errors for the local parameters in MGWR. In addition, we also demonstrate how the effective number of parameters can be obtained for the overall fit of an MGWR model and for each of the covariates within the model. This statistic is essential for comparing model fit between MGWR, GWR, and traditional global models, as well as for adjusting multiple hypothesis tests. We demonstrate these advances to the MGWR framework with both a simulated data set and a real-world data set and provide a link to new software for MGWR (MGWR1.0) which includes the novel inferential framework for MGWR described here.  相似文献   

The Multiple Testing Issue in Geographically Weighted Regression   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
This article describes the problem of multiple testing within a Geographically Weighted Regression framework and presents a possible solution to the problem which is based on a family‐wise error rate for dependent processes. We compare the solution presented here to other solutions such as the Bonferroni correction and the Byrne, Charlton, and Fotheringham proposal which is based on the Benjamini and Hochberg False Discovery Rate. We conclude that our proposed correction is superior to others and that generally some correction in the conventional t‐test is necessary to avoid false positives in GWR.  相似文献   

Most standard methods of statistical analysis used in the social and environmental sciences are built upon the basic assumptions of independence, homogeneity, and isotropy. A notable exception to this rule is the collection of methods used in geographical analysis, which have been designed to take into account serial dependence often observed in spatial data. In addition, recent developments, in particular the method of geographically weighted regression, have provided the tools to model non‐stationary processes, and thus evidence that challenges the assumption of homogeneity. The assumption of isotropy, however, although suspect, has received considerably less attention, and there is thus a need for tools to study anisotropy in a more systematic fashion. In this paper we expand the method of geographically weighted regression in a simple yet effective way to explore the topic of anisotropy in spatial processes. We discuss two different estimation situations and exemplify the proposed technical development by means of a case study. The results suggest that anisotropy issues might be a fairly common occurrence in spatial processes and/or in the statistical modeling of spatial processes.  相似文献   

In recent years, techniques have been developed to explore spatial nonstationarity and to model the entire distribution of a regressand. The former is mainly addressed by geographically weighted regression (GWR), and the latter by quantile regression (QR). However, little attention has been paid to combining these analytical techniques. The goal of this article is to fill this gap by introducing geographically weighted quantile regression (GWQR). This study briefly reviews GWR and QR, respectively, and then outlines their synergy and a new approach, GWQR. The estimations of GWQR parameters and their standard errors, the cross‐validation bandwidth selection criterion, and the nonstationarity test are discussed. We apply GWQR to U.S. county data as an example, with mortality as the dependent variable and five social determinants as explanatory covariates. Maps summarize analytic results at the 5, 25, 50, 75, and 95 percentiles. We found that the associations between mortality and determinants vary not only spatially, but also simultaneously across the distribution of mortality. These new findings provide insights into the mortality literature, and are relevant to public policy and health promotion. Our GWQR approach bridges two important statistical approaches, and facilitates spatial quantile‐based statistical analyses. En los últimos años se han desarrollado diversas técnicas para explorar tanto la heterocedasticidad (o no estacionariedad) espacial, así como para modelar toda la distribución de una variable dependiente. El primer tema ha sido abordado principalmente por la regresión ponderada geográficamente (Geographically Weighted Regression ‐GWR), y el segundo por la regresión por cuantiles (Quantile Regression‐QR). La combinación de ambas técnicas analíticas, sin embargo, ha recibido mucho menos atención. El objetivo de este artículo es llenar dicho vacío mediante la propuesta de una regresión geográficamente ponderada por cuantiles (Geographically Weighted Quantile Regression‐ GWQR). Los autores resumen brevemente las técnicas GWR y QR respectivamente, y luego esbozan sus propiedades sinérgicas. Luego presentan la nueva técnica propuesta: GWQR. Los autores abordan los temas de las estimaciones de los parámetros GWQR y sus errores estándar, el criterio de selección del ancho de banda de la validación cruzada (cross‐validation bandwidth), y la prueba heterocedasticidad espacial. Como ejemplo se aplica GWQR a datos de la tasa de mortalidad como variable dependiente y cinco determinantes sociales como variables independientes para los condados de los Estados Unidos. Los patrones espaciales se presentan en mapas con los resultados del análisis para los percentiles 5, 25, 50, 75, y 95. Los resultados muestran que las asociaciones entre la mortalidad y sus factores determinantes no sólo varían espacialmente, sino también de forma simultánea a través de la distribución de la tasa de mortalidad. Estos nuevos hallazgos coinciden con la literatura de los estudios de mortalidad, y son relevantes para aplicaciones de política pública y promoción de la salud. El enfoque GWQR representa un puente conceptual y metodológico entre dos enfoques estadísticos importantes a la vez que hace más factible el análisis estadístico espacial por cuantiles. 近年来,可用于探讨空间非平稳性和模拟回归变数分布的技术得到发展。前者主要用地理加权回归方法(GWR)处理,后者采用分位数回归(QR)处理。然而对这些分析技术的结合使用却很少关注。本文试图通过提出地理加权分位数回归(GWQR)来填补这一空白。在分别简要回顾了GWR和QR方法的基础上,基于两个方法的协同应用提出了GWQR新方法,进而讨论了GWQR的参数估计、标准误差、带宽选择标准的交叉验证和非平稳性检验。本文将死亡率作为因变量及五个社会因子作为解释变量,进行了美国县域单元的案例研究,绘制了0.05、0.25、0.5、0.75和0.95不同百分位点的分析结果图。研究发现,死亡人数不仅与解释变量的空间分布相关,同时也与其地理分布相关。这些新发现不仅可促进对死亡率相关成果的深入分析,同时也与公共政策和健康促进有关。GWQR方法架构了QR和GWR两种重要统计方法之间的纽带,也促进了基于分位数的空间统计分析方法的发展。  相似文献   

《鸡肋编》是宋代较为重要的一种笔记史料,历来受到宋史学者的重视。本文对其中有关宋代气候、动植物、自然灾害等的记载加以整理和分析,从而了解宋代由这些因素所构成的生态环境状况。  相似文献   

Geographically weighted quantile regression (GWQR) has been proposed as a spatial analytical technique to simultaneously explore two heterogeneities, one of spatial heterogeneity with respect to data relationships over space and one of response heterogeneity across different locations of the outcome distribution. However, one limitation of GWQR framework is that the existing inference procedures are established based on asymptotic approximation, which may suffer computation difficulties or yield incorrect estimates with finite samples. In this article, we suggest a bootstrap approach to address this limitation. Our bootstrap enhancement is first validated by a simulation experiment and then illustrated with an empirical U.S. mortality data. The results show that the bootstrap approach provides a practical alternative for inference in GWQR and enhances the utilization of GWQR.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the concepts of demand data aggregation error to location problems involving coverage. These errors, which arise from losses in locational information, may lead to suboptimal location patterns. They are potentially more significant in covering problems than in p-median problems because the distance metric is binary in covering problems. We examine the Hillsman and Rhoda (1978) Source A, B, and C errors, identify their coverage counterparts, and relate them to the cost and optimality errors that may result. Three rules are then presented which, when applied during data aggregation, will reduce these errors. The third rule will, in fact, eliminate all loss of locational information, but may also limit the amount of aggregation possible. Results of computational tests on a large-scale problem are presented to demonstrate the performance of rule 3.  相似文献   

Location planning often makes use of data in an aggregate form without a clear understanding of the consequences. Although research has been directed toward addressing aggregate data usage in location planning, there have been conflicting findings on the stability of location model solutions obtained using aggregated data. This paper analyzes the question of location model solution stability from a somewhat different perspective than previous researchers in that locational configurations identified for aggregate data are evaluated using the original disaggregate data. Analytical results demonstrate that a high level of solution stability does exist when aggregated data are utilized. Further, this analysis is based upon the use of what can be expected to be worst case aggregation approaches. This suggests that the use of aggregate data is adequate for conducting locational studies.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an approach to the measurement of locational phenomena in a spatial hierarchy using entropy statistics. A number of such statistics suitable for the study of spatial aggregation are derived, and each of these statistics is decomposed at different levels of the spatial hierarchy using principles of decomposition first applied by Theil. These decomposition statistics are compared with the variance analysis applied by Moellering and Tobler and with the spatial entropy measure suggested by Curry. The use of these statistics is then illustrated by data from the Reading subregion and New York City, and the paper is concluded with an analysis of a possible role for entropy and information in problems involving equal-area zoning.  相似文献   

Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is a technique that explores spatial nonstationarity in data‐generating processes by allowing regression coefficients to vary spatially. It is a widely applied technique across domains because it is intuitive and conforms to the well‐understood framework of regression. An alternative method to GWR that has been suggested is spatial filtering, which it has been argued provides a superior alternative to GWR by producing spatially varying regression coefficients that are not correlated with each other and which display less spatial autocorrelation. It is, therefore, worthwhile to examine these claims by comparing the output from both methods. We do this by using simulated data that represent two sets of spatially varying processes and examining how well both techniques replicate the known local parameter values. The article finds no support that spatial filtering produces local parameter estimates with superior properties. The results indicate that the original spatial filtering specification is prone to overfitting and is generally inferior to GWR, while an alternative specification that minimizes the mean square error (MSE) of coefficient estimates produces results that are similar to GWR. However, since we generally do not know the true coefficients, the MSE minimizing specification is impractical for applied research.  相似文献   

This article assesses the locally varying effects of gun ownership levels on total and gun homicide rates in the contiguous United States using cross-sectional county data for the period 2009–2015. Employing a multiscale geographically weighted instrumental variables regression that takes into account spatial nonstationarity in the processes and the endogenous nature of gun ownership levels, estimates show that gun ownership exerts spatially monotonically negative effects on total and gun homicide rates, indicating that there are no counties supporting the “more guns, more crime” hypothesis for these two highly important crime categories. The number of counties in the contiguous United States where the “more guns, less crime” hypothesis is confirmed is limited to at least 1258 counties (44.8% of the sample) with the strongest total homicide-decreasing effects concentrated in southeastern Texas and the deep south. On the other hand, stricter state gun control laws exert spatially monotonically negative effects on gun homicide rates with the strongest effects concentrated in the southern tip of Texas extending toward the deep south.  相似文献   

Facility location problems often involve movement between facilities to be located and customers/demand points, with distances between the two being important. For problems with many customers, demand point aggregation may be needed to obtain a computationally tractable model. Aggregation causes error, which should be kept small. We consider a class of minimax location models for which the aggregation may be viewed as a second‐order location problem, and use error bounds as aggregation error measures. We provide easily computed approximate “square root” formulas to assist in the aggregation process. The formulas establish that the law of diminishing returns applies when doing aggregation. Our approach can also facilitate aggregation decomposition for location problems involving multiple “separate” communities.  相似文献   

Location-allocation solutions based on aggregate estimates of demand are subject to error because of a loss of locational information during aggregation. It is shown that any method to remove or reduce uncertainty must be solution-specific and therefore impractical, for both median and center classes of problems. The significance of the error is illustrated by simulation of solutions to a number of artificial and real problems. It is suggested that aggregation problems be specifically addressed in applications of location-allocation models, and possible methods are proposed.  相似文献   

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