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Drawing on the results of the 2002 population census in Russia, an American geographer examines the size and spatial distribution of ethnic groups classified as Muslim. Methods of classification and issues with enumerating the Muslim population and changes since the 1989 census are described and analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the implications of such a large and territorially concentrated Muslim population under conditions in the post- Soviet era. Demographic, social, and economic differences between Muslims and the rest of the population of Russia are examined. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: I00, J10, O18. 2 figures, 6 tables, 53 references.  相似文献   

A student research project at Moscow University tests Colin Clark's formula for the distribution of the density of a single-center city by applying it to population data of Moscow for 1963, 1964, and 1965. The students obtain repression lines and equations for the population density of Moscow and draw the density field by means of isolines. The results suggest population movement from the central district to outlying areas where intensive housing construction is under way.  相似文献   

A government official outlines some of the Soviet problems of settlement to which answers are expected from population geographers. They include: restrictions on excessive growth of large cities; promotion of industrial plant location in small and medium-size cities suffering from underemployment; prediction of ultimate population of large cities; determination of the optimal size and type of rural population centers. Population geographers are called upon to study large cities with a view to determining where further concentration of industry should be prohibited, and to select small cities suitable for plant location.  相似文献   

On the Rank-Size Distribution for Human Settlements   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An explanation for the rank-size distribution for human settlements based on simple stochastic models of settlement formation and growth is presented. Not only does the analysis of the model explain the rank-size phenomenon in the upper tail, it also predicts a reverse rank-size phenomenon in the lower tail. Furthermore it yields a parametric form (the double Pareto-lognormal distribution) for the complete distribution of settlement sizes. Settlement-size data for four regions (two in Spain and two in the U.S.) are used as examples. For these regions the lower tail rank-size property is seen to hold and the double Pareto-lognormal distribution shown to provide an excellent fit, lending support to the model and to the explanation for the rank-size law.  相似文献   

仰韶文化的"人面鱼纹",代表着一种生死轮回观念;鱼作为生死轮回的媒介,引导灵魂重生;上古传说中颛顼、后稷化身为鱼,死而复生的故事,为鱼作为生死轮回的媒介的观点提供了文献资料的支持.  相似文献   

抗战时期浙江省的人口迁移与地域分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗战时期浙江省的人口迁移总数约有 5 0 0万人 ,其迁移情况极为复杂。其中 2 0 0余万人迁至省外 ,主要分布于闽、赣、皖、沪和华中、西南各省。大部分移民是在省内迁移。战时浙省移民迁移持续时间较短 ,最终转化为移民的只是少数。由于种种原因 ,战争期间即有部分移民回迁。战争结束后 ,绝大部分移民均回迁原住地。难民迁移的最根本最内在的动力来自经济和政治因素 ,尤其是经济因素  相似文献   

明代人口分布与社会经济发展有着密切的关系。从地域上看,明代人口分布并不均衡;从时间上看,明代前、中、后期各地区人口分布发生了一些变化。明代人口分布状况对社会经济布局、经济结构调整、城镇的发展、劳动结构和职业结构的变化以及局部地区人口过剩和资源紧张等方面均产生了极大影响,既有积极作用,又有消极作用。  相似文献   

从秦代到清代,湖北人口由鄂西北向鄂东转移。隋朝是一个转折点。隋朝以前鄂西北地区占主导地位,后一阶段鄂东区占主导地位。  相似文献   

王成法 《人文地理》1991,6(4):66-69
可是,从1964-1990年,市区中心的人口密度d逐渐下降,且人口密度梯度β亦随时间的推移而减缓,即市区人口分布逐渐趋向合理。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the limiting case for a modified Yule-Simon model of city growth. The aim of the paper is primarily to reintroduce geographers to the notion of a closed system of cities, i.e., a system of cities where the aggregate population is stationary in size. The Yule-Simon model, while successful in dealing with the observed properties of open systems, is seen to break down for closed systems. Moreover, incorporating Simon's assumptions regarding intercity migration into the model produces implausible results. Also, the traditional approach of employing entropy-maximizing procedures assumes a certain pattern of intercity migration. This pattern, while not inherently implausible, does present features which are questionable. The authors conclude that an adequate theory for closed systems has yet to be developed.  相似文献   

中国古代青铜器作为中国古代政治权力的工具①,备受学界的关注.随着商代青铜器的不断出土,学者们对其的研究亦日益增多.就现状而言,学者们对商代青铜器的研究主要集中在青铜礼容器的研究,对青铜兵器的兴趣则显得较淡.而作为"戎"事的物化形式,兵器亦与当时的政治权力、社会结构、生产技术紧密相关,对其的研究亦是意义重大.  相似文献   


This study analyzed the spatial and temporal distributions of 644 Neolithic sites in the Han River basin, China. The results showed that 31.06% of the Neolithic sites were distributed on low-altitude plains with an average altitude of 144.78 m; 22.98% were located on low platforms with an average altitude of 137.92 m, and 12.73% were distributed on low-altitude hills with an average altitude of 240.77 m. The aggregation fractal dimension (A), the proportion of pottery with carbon (PPMC) and the proportion of polished stone (PPST) were introduced to reveal the social development level. Meanwhile, the temperature anomalies (AT), total organic carbon content (TOC), total nitrogen content (TN), and carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) were used to reveal the environmental context. Then, the correlation coefficients (hereafter, R) between different indicators were calculated. The result showed that a stable and suitable natural environment was a prerequisite for social development in the Neolithic Age. The persistent improvement in the ability of human beings to identify, manipulate and utilise nature was observed in the Neolithic Age in Han River basin, which marked the transformation of human society from hunting to farming and the start of human interactions with the natural world over time.  相似文献   


The region of Messenia in extreme SW Greece has recently received unusual attention not only from archaeologists but also from philologists, historians, and various social and natural scientists. This article represents an attempt to synthesize some of the data thus generated in order to explore the locational concerns of the inhabitants in the Late Bronze Age (1600-1100 B.C.). Some statistical techniques are used to generate a prediction of the regional population, to investigate the differential distribution of the population over the varied landscape, and to attempt to understand the significance of the population distribution in terms of the social and economic organization of the developed kingdom of Pylos (13th century B.C.).  相似文献   

唐代以前福建宗教信仰的地域分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建宗教信仰的研究一直倍受关注, 相关的研究成果已取得长足的进展, 但对于唐代以前福建宗教信仰的研究却相当薄弱, 而早期的状况对此后福建宗教信仰的发展具有不可忽视的奠基意义。本文在相关史料勾稽的基础上, 试图尽可能地揭示唐代以前福建佛教与道教信仰分布、播迁与传衍的地域分布格局。  相似文献   

A methodology in described to forecast the “passenger intensity” of population centers and economic regions or subregions, expressed as the ratio of passenger departures to total population. Intra-regional passenger intensity in found to be closely related to income levels and to availability of a transport net. A greater complexity of factors dictates the passenger-forming role of economic regions in inter-regional traffic.  相似文献   

The high mobility of the Canadian population accounts for the significant influence of migration processes on the dynamics, composition, and distribution of population. Immigration determines to a large extent the age-and-sex and ethnic distribution of the population and labor force, and fosters urbanization. The areal distribution of immigrants intensifies regional differences in the level and structure of the economy. These differences, in turn, are the main factor in interregional migration. The interdependence between regional economic indicators and the intensity of migration is analyzed.  相似文献   

选取土默特平原1934、1982和2019年的聚落人口数据,运用GIS空间分析法,定性与定量结合分析研究区聚落分布形态演变及其驱动因素,结果表明,1934—2019年土默特平原以小聚落为主,大规模聚落数量和比例逐年增加,人口等级结构由“扁平”向“长高”金字塔形转变。聚落空间分布整体呈现集聚分布特征,大规模聚落集聚性不显著,其他规模的聚落分布模式由随机向集聚转变,研究区人口极化现象显著;聚落空间分布非均衡发展趋势明显,呈现由极核式向点轴式演变的迹象;聚落网络联系的空间近邻效应显著,人口规模较大的中心城区成为强联系节点。地形、河流、交通是研究区聚落分布形态演变的主要驱动因素,聚落低海拔、邻河流、邻干道、邻城镇的指向性强。该研究便于厘清土默特平原近百年聚落分布形态的演变脉络,为当地聚落的空间布局优化与调控提供一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Two geographers use population surface model techniques to analyze the distribution of population in Chinese cities. Focusing on Nanjing, they utilize detailed urban land use and building distribution data to develop a productive alternative method to reveal spatial variations in the distribution of inhabitants. The findings indicate that despite suburbanization, Nanjing remains a compact city with a population density that declines rapidly as distance from its central business district increases. Also, suburbanization has been limited to an inner area where population is densely distributed while commercial and office development is less prominent. Lastly, commercial activities influence the distribution of urban inhabitants and suburbanization more significantly than industrial development in suburbia. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O15, O18, R12, R14. 9 figures, 3 tables, 37 references.  相似文献   

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