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在六朝别集大多亡佚的情况下,通过研究《谢朓集》各种版本各自的成书情况及内容上 的特色,来说明从宋代到清代《谢朓集》的演变过程,并指出它们如实地反映每个朝代对谢朓诗文及 六朝文学的评价。  相似文献   

在六朝别集大多亡佚的情况下,通过研究《谢tiao集》各种版本各自的成书情况及内容上的特色,来说明从宋代到清代《谢tiao集》的演变过程,并指出它们如实地反映每个朝代对谢tiao诗文及六朝文学的评价。  相似文献   

唐顺之是明中叶散文流派"唐宋派"的领袖,明代文坛有重大影响的文学家。《荆川集》是他最重要的一种诗文别集,收录保存其平生绝大部分诗文作品,是研究其生平与创作的基本材料。通过翔实的文献考索得知:《荆川集》有嘉靖本、万历本、康熙本、光绪本四个版本系统,它们有前后承继的渊源关系,其卷数和收录作品的数量随年代推移成增加趋势。根据对四种版本的考辩,综合比较,笔者认为明万历元年(1573)纯白斋刻本是目前《荆川集》较好的版本。  相似文献   

《现存宋人别集版本目录》朱熹部分补正何忠礼四川大学古籍所借编纂《全宋文》的机会,对现存宋人别集及其现存版本进行了相当认真和彻底的清理,从广泛收集来的国内外有关图书馆的藏书目录中,通过精心筛选,编成了《现存宋人别集版本目录》(以下简称《目录》)一书。该...  相似文献   

柯愈春所著《清人诗文集总目提要》在诗文别集文献叙录方面,是迄今该领域其他学术著述不可逾越的高度。笔者在对晚清陕西籍作家别集经见核查时,发现《提要》所录著述作者、书名、卷数、刊刻机构以及误收等相关问题尤其值得商榷。本文以清人诗文别集文本,著者的墓志、行述或年谱,清至民国间的方志以及清官员履历档案等一手材料,对柯先生《提要》加以辨补,考证著述原貌。  相似文献   

李怡苹 《文献》1998,(1):50-58
在古籍分类中,自<隋书·经籍志>以后,将文献分为经、史、子、集,以次部类.古代文学书籍均著录于集部当中,又有别集、总集之分:别集以存人为主;总集以存文为主,在四部典籍内,集部数量大大超过经史子三部.所谓别集,是与总集相对而言,即将个人诗文汇合为一编行世.  相似文献   

北宋前期重臣夏竦,亦为当时著名的文学家、古文字学家,流传至今的著作有《文庄集》和《古文四声韵》。夏竦别集主要有百卷本和36卷本两个系统:百卷本由夏竦长孙夏伯孙等人于治平二年(1065)至元丰二年(1079)间编订成册,有宋敏求序,仅为家藏;传至南宋绍兴十年(1140),刊刻于鄂州,请江邈作序,即鄂州本,曾被多人收藏,传至明代仅存残本。后四库馆臣据《永乐大典》辑佚,兼以他书附益,得夏竦《文庄集》凡36卷,虽非原貌,却为现存夏竦别集之最早版本。清以降的各种抄本及影印本多出于《永乐大典》本。  相似文献   

李兆洛作为阳湖文人群体的领军,生前未曾整理刊行自己的诗文,殁后由其弟子高承钰、黄志述等辑录遗文,先后纂成道光本《养一斋文集》、咸丰本《李养一先生集》及光绪本《养一斋集》三种。今国家图书馆所藏抄本《辨志书塾文钞》十六册,为李氏别集的一个早期初稿,具有重要文献价值,却长期为人忽略。通过考察此书与道光本、咸丰本、光绪本诗文集的递嬗关系,得见现存四种李氏别集的文本差异与各自的优劣得失,从而便于为李兆洛诗文的整理工作选定底本,亦由此可知李氏弟子作为整理者在李兆洛别集的形成过程中所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

<正>关于司马光别集(以下简称光集)的版本,近二十年已经有了较好的研究基础。除了祝尚书《宋人别集叙录》(以下简称《叙录》)外①,宋本情况以李豫《司马光集版本渊源考》最具突破性⑦,明清本则以王岚《宋人文集编刻流传丛考》(以下简称《丛考》)考察详尽③,但其关于现存明清《传家集》版本源流的认识尚有可议之处。本文通过对勘刘峤·刘隋(随)序诸本的文字来蠡测光集,特  相似文献   

近一二年来,我受学界友人的委托,筹划一个项目,名为《中国古代诗文名著提要》,大致包括传统四部分类中的集部别集类与诗文评类。提要是我国传统目录学的一个组成部分,在距今两千多年前的西漠后期刘向《别录》就已开始。  相似文献   

This article examines how the practice of learning geography, and the arenas in which knowledge-making takes place, can be usefully positioned within changing histories of the discipline. It contends that networks of action – understood through the intersection of social sites, subjects and sources – present a conceptual framework and narrative focus for the re-consideration of specific episodes from geography's past. The interventions made here are informed and illustrated by a 'small story' about the doing of geography. Based on different personal accounts, the story revives a series of events, encounters, dialogues and images dating back to the winter of 1951 at Glenmore Lodge, Scotland. This educational institution in the Cairngorm mountains offered children from urban areas the opportunity to learn field studies and the skills of 'outdoor citizenship'. Initially, the focus falls on Margaret Jack, a 14-year-old field-course participant. Her learning experiences are traced through personal letters, a diary and a field journal dating from that time, and her recent recollections of this event. Margaret's account dovetails with the story of her field studies instructor, Robin Murray. Robin's role is traced through his learning experiences as a geography undergraduate at Aberdeen University, and the recent recollections of Catriona Murray, his wife.  相似文献   

The Knowledge of Debt: Law, Media Technique, and Everyday Experience in Liberal Capitalism. Performing an object such as ‘the economy’ hinges on practices of formatting knowledge. The article proposes to look at such instituting moments in connection with social conflicts over the legitimate rules of exchange. This is exemplified by way of recounting the story of the codification of Swiss bankruptcy law in 1889. In order to homogenize the legal procedures of debt collection and bankruptcy, two subject categories were instituted: ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. These different categories were thought to account for the diverging temporalities and spaces of credit exchange in everyday economic life. The introduction of the commercial register, a media-technical apparatus, enabled a formal distinction between ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. However, this boundary was contested and proved to be porose.  相似文献   

Shells of two species of freshwater bivalve (Unio willcocksi Bullen Newton and Etheria elliptica Lamarck) from the predynastic Gerzean (Nagada II) Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis, Egypt have given dates of 5000±90 bp for the tomb, and 12,900±120 bp for an episode of Nile terrace accumulation (correlated here with the Sahaba-Darau aggradation event). The archaeological and geological significance of these results is discussed, together with an outline of problems associated with radiocarbon dating of shell. Comparisons are made with the few other radiocarbon dates available for the Predynastic period in Egypt and possible reasons for the presence of shells in the tomb are considered.  相似文献   

The later post-glacial history of a valley in the chalk escarpment near Brook, Kent, is described, based on molluscan stratigraphy, archaeological evidence and radio-carbon dating. Differences in size and colour banding, respectively, of fossil and living representatives of two species of land snails, Pomatias elegans (Müller) and Cepaea nemoralis (L.), are correlated with climatic change during the post-glacial period. The problems of the use of fossil shells of these species as samples for radiocarbon dating are discussed.  相似文献   

A Singapore-based economic geographer explores and analyzes the spatially uneven evolution of the Internet industry in China, arguing that the country's immense regional disparity in the provision of Internet services is best explained by the interplay of place- and path-dependence. The author demonstrates how the highly uneven regional endowments in relevant industrial and entrepreneurial resources have led to the substantial and persistent regional imbalance within China's emerging "new economy." His initial survey of the country's 100 leading Internet content providers (firms), identified from a listing of ca. 11,700 commercial websites, is selectively augmented to reflect an increase of over 70 million Internet users in 2007, reaching a total of 253 million in June 2008, and thus overtaking the United States as the world's largest Internet market. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L10, L86, O30. 6 figures, 1 table, 53 references.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the 1911 International Exposition in Rome and illustrates how this patriotic celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Italian Sate utilized symbolic landscapes of architecture and archaeology to promote nationalist sentiments of italianità and romanità centered on the young capital of Rome. Through modern art exhibitions at the Valle Giulia, scientific conferences at the Castel Sant’Angelo, archaeological exhibits on the Roman Empire in the Baths of Diocletian, and regional Italian pavilions in the Piazza d’Armi, exposition officials offered a complex representation of Italian national identity that was modern yet ancient, cosmopolitan yet bucolic, European yet regional, and imperial yet developing.  相似文献   

Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. from an unknown cause. By elucidating the nature of his death, we can better interpret various aspects of Alexandrian history. Alexander’s death may have ensued from the sequelae of a congenital scoliotic syndrome. It would therefore be of significance to note that one of the greatest leaders in history who conquered much of the then known world may have been suffering from a physical disability.  相似文献   

Lead isotope analyses have been undertaken on a group of Islamic lead‐glazed pottery artefacts from Fustat, Egypt, spanning the period from the eighth to the 14th century ad , that had previously been the subject of a comprehensive typological, chronological, petrographic and technological study. Comparison of the lead isotope ratios for the glazes with those for lead ores from Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, Anatolia, Greece, Sardinia and Spain provided information on the possible sources of the lead used in the production of the glazes. The results show that the lead used in glaze production by the Islamic potters at Fustat was most probably obtained from distant ore sources in Iran or Tunisia, Sardinia, Spain and the Taurus Mountains. Different ore sources were favoured in different periods and, to a limited extent, for different types of pottery, but at no time did the Fustat potters use the potentially more accessible Egyptian ore sources.  相似文献   

Schmidt, R., March 2007. Australian Cenozoic Bryozoa, 2: Free-living Cheilostomata of the Eocene St. Vincent Basin, S.A., including Bonellina gen. nov. Alcheringa 31, 67-84. ISSN 0311-5518.

Free-living bryozoans are diverse in the Eocene sediments of the St. Vincent Basin, South Australia. They include Bonellina pentagonalis gen. et sp. nov., Otionellina sp. cf. O. exigua (Tenison Woods), Otionellina sp. cf. O. cupola (Tenison Woods), Tubiporella magna (Tenison Woods), Celleporaria nummularia (Tenison Woods), and an indeterminate species only found as moulds. This diversity and abundance is highest in the sediments representing the initial transgressive marine facies, where they occur in ‘sand fauna’ bryozoan assemblages (e.g. with Melicerita and Siphonicytara). Free-living bryozoans decrease up-section and are absent from latest Eocene sediments, indicating a significant environmental shift.

Rolf Schmidt [rschmid@museum.vic.gov.au], Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia; received 18.3.2005, revised 14.12.2005.  相似文献   

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