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岳翠华 《神州》2012,(10):135-135
《物理课程标准》中课程基本理念其中之一就是从生活走向物理,从物理走向社会。就是说知识来源于生活,应该服务于社会。物理学知识与社会生活关系较为密切。小到人们的衣、食、住、行,大到高科技领域,无不与物理学相联系。因此物理教学应贴近学生的生活,让学生从身边熟悉的生活现象中去探究并认识物理规律,充分调动学生的学习积极性、主动性,以达到掌握物理规律,提高应用物理知识解决实际问题的能力,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

杨晨霞 《神州》2012,(9):302-302
物理学是人类探讨大自然的一门重要学科,高中物理所讨论的内容是物理学中最基本的规律,所采用的方法是最基本的方法。所以,学好高中物理知识至关重要,而要学好高中物理必需从高一起,原因有二:一是因为从初中物理到高中物理有一个较大的台阶,只有跨过了这一台阶.才能有更大的发展;二是因为高一物理是基础中的基础,许多物理学的基本研究方法和思维方法要通过高一的学习初步形成。  相似文献   

物理知识繁杂,高中物理学习和初中物理学习也存在着差异,因此,进入高中之后,物理学困生增多。作为一名高中物理教师要落实新课改的要求,关注全体学生的发展。对于学困生,教师要给予更多的关注。本文从物理学困生存在的问题和转化途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

赵存良 《神州》2012,(13):179-179
物理学是一门以实验为基础的科学。所有的物理知识,包括物理概念、定律和理论,都是在实验的基础上建立起来的。在物理学中,每个概念的建立,每个定律的发现,都有坚实的实验基础,实验在物理学的发展中及对人类社会的发展有着巨大的意义和推动作用。因此,培养学生的实验能力,了解物理学的研究方法,培养严格的实事求是的科学态度,对学生今后搞科学实验和技术革新有重要的基础作用。就如何提高学生实验能力,浅谈自己的几点看法。  相似文献   

李粉红 《神州》2013,(2):175-175
物理学是一门以实验为基础的学科。观察和实验是学生认识、学习物理现象,获得有关感性认识的源泉,是学习物理知识,掌握科学方法的基础,同时也是研究和学习物理的重要手段。因此,学会观察的方法,养成良好的观察习惯,对于学生物理能力的培养和形成有着举足轻重的作用。物理观察能力是学生学习能力的重要组成部分,也是学生的重要心理特征之一。学生的观察能力作为一种心理品质,  相似文献   

马占贵 《神州》2012,(14):161-161
回顾物理学的产生和发展过程,物理学的每一个概念、规律的发现与确立大都依赖于实验,同时实验也是研究和发展物理学的基本手段。它不仅是技术的操作过程,而且包含了丰富的物理思想、物理方法以及创造原理和创新技法。因此,物理实验的教学是培养与训练学生的创新能力最有效的途径,  相似文献   

米玲 《神州》2011,(5X):130-130,132
物理学是一门崇尚理性,重视逻辑推理的科学,是整个自然科学的基础,一直在科学技术的发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。物理知识在现代社会中有着广泛的应用,随着信息技术时代的到来,物理学已经渗入到社会各个领域。所以,学好物理对提高学生科学文化素养,适应现代社会,继续学习科学技术,实现个人价值和社会价值,都具有十分深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

郑群雁 《神州》2012,(9):286-286
物理学是研究物质的结构、物质问的相互作用和物质运动规律的自然科学,它的研究对象具有客观性,不以人的意志而转移。物理知识具有高度的概括性和抽泉性,而物理课的学习过程,实际上就是观察、思维、应用的过程。由此可见,学生学习时若不能真正把握知识的内涵、知识问的联系及其区别,在运用物理知识进行物理思维时,就会产生一些思维障碍,出现各种各样的错误,如乱套公式、张冠李戴、思维混乱等现泉,从而影响学生正确应用物理知识解决实际问题。  相似文献   

王平 《神州》2012,(12):264-265
中学物理知识内容是物理学的初级层次。严格地讲,它的科学性、系统性都受到了一定的限制。它只是阐述了物理学中最基本、最基础的知识,并不是十分严谨的物理理论。其主要内容是经典物理学的基础知识,而以力学、电学为重点。本文就力学部分的教学法谈点看法。  相似文献   

吴满杏 《神州》2012,(12):250-250
物理学是一门以观察和实验为基础的科学。在《全日制义务教育物理课程标准》中明确:物理学由实验和理论两部分组成。在义务教育阶段要使学生经历基本的科学探究过程,学习科学探究方法,而物理学实验是人类认识世界的一种重要活动,是进行科学研究的基础。实验不仅是建立物理概念和规律,理解和掌握物理知识不可缺少的环节,还能培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、探索精神以及良好的学习方法。故教学过程中实验的处理恰当与否关系到一堂课,甚至是整个物理教学的成败。  相似文献   


The period 1900 to 1930 saw fundamental changes in the basic laws of physics. The discoveries of the special and general theories of relativity and those of quanta and quantum mechanics transformed profoundly physicists' understanding of the nature of space and time, as well as the fundamentals of physics at the atomic level, which have no counterpart in classical physics. Almost coincidentally, major changes took place in the processes of musical composition – that same period seeing the development of atonality, the liberation of rhythm, and twelve-tone music. This essay reviews in non-technical terms the profound changes in the thinking of physicists and compares the intellectual struggles involved with the extraordinary parallel changes in the approaches of composers to musical composition. No causal connection is suggested, but the common theme of the processes of innovation and creativity within very strict sets of rules in both physics and music is emphasised.  相似文献   

The History of scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza is often called upon to support three theses: first, that Descartes had a dogmatic notion of systematic knowledge, and therefore of physics; second, that the hypothetical epistemology of physics which spread during the xviith century was the result of a general sceptical crisis; third, that this epistemology was more successful in England than in France. I reject these three theses: I point first to the tension in Descartes’ works between the ideal of a completely certain science and a physics replete with hypotheses; further, I argue that the use of hypotheses by mechanical philosophers cannot be separated from their conception of physics; finally I show that, at the end of the xviith century, physicists in France as well as in England spoke through hypotheses and I examine different ways of explaining this shared practice. Richard H. Popkin’s book serves therefore as a starting point for insights into the general problem: to what extent and for what reasons some propositions in physics have been presented as hypotheses in the xviith century?  相似文献   


The involvement of British academic scientists in commercial work has been often discussed by historians of science and technology. However a systematic study of this activity is still lacking. Focussing on the period 1880 to 1914, I examine the engagement in consulting, patenting and entrepreneurial initiatives of a segment of that community, namely engineering and physics professors. I discuss the institutional context in which it occurred and their motivations. The survey highlights that the majority of the engineering professors examined were involved in consulting and patenting, and a significant number of them pursued also entrepreneurial activities. As for the physics professors, only a few followed the example of their engineering colleagues, but did so vigorously. I argue that far from being reluctantly brought into the market for knowledge, the engineering as well as the physics professors who engaged these extra-academic activities eagerly sought to partake in the commercialization of the products of their scientific work.  相似文献   


The heavy ion research described in these reviews focussed predominantly on collision energies around the nuclear Coulomb threshold. To put this energy in perspective one could say that the relative velocity of two nuclei impinging on each other is small compared to the so-called Fermi velocity at which individual nucleons move inside the nucleus. As a consequence nuclear matter tends to be in or close to thermal equilibrium at all times during the nuclear collisions because the energy is quickly dissipated inside the nucleus through moving nucleons. However, one may anticipate a change in this situation if the energy of the heavy ion beams increases further. Then a nucleus smashing into another nucleus may cause shock waves or the same phenomena which are observed if an airplane exceeds the speed of sound. Furthermore, nuclear compression and heating might be considerable. At even higher energies, the heavy ion exceeds many thresholds, like the one for the production of pions and other strange particles like lambda and sigma particle and even antiprotons. At the end of such a process the nuclear liquid may be compressed and heated so much that nucleons with their three quarks in a bag lose their individuality, quark are deconfined and form an extended bag of many quarks and gluons, according to today's knowledge of the ultimate constituents of matter. And even the atomic physics may b taken to the extreme by depriving uranium atom of all electrons, leaving a tripped and naked uranium nucleus behind.  相似文献   


Much˙ of the physiology of human cells is controlled at their surfaces. Our knowledge is based on an interdisciplinar:r approach involving research in subject areas ranging from physics to medicine. In this review, the structure and function of cell surfaces, their turnover and their role in cell division is described. The concept of cell sulrface diseases is introduced and discussed. The conclusion is reached that further knowledge of cell surfaces will lead to better treatment of many common diseases.  相似文献   


From Galileo's measurement of time by musical beats at about half-second intervals to modern atomic clocks, progressively more accurate instruments have been developed and are here reviewed. Both the mechanical and the pendulum clock were major advances and led to theories of a clocklike universe in the 17th century. Barrow, Newton and Leibniz treated time as mathematical concepts and in the 19th century time as a linear advancement became accepted as evolutionary biology extended the vision of time to millions of years. In modern physics, Einstein's special relativity introduced 'time dilation', an idea somewhat contrary to our common sense intuition but now supported by abundant empirical evidence.  相似文献   

The life of Sir Edward Appleton is reviewed, in commemoration of the recent centenary of his birth. Appleton discovered the ionosphere and devoted much of his life to investigations of its properties, receiving the Nobel Prize for physics as a result. He became a senior government scientist in World War II and afterwards was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh University. The influence of his roots in the city of Bradford is emphasized and compared with the case of Joseph Priestley, also born near Bradford some 160 yr earlier. Priestley was a major early investigator of electrical phenomena and compiled a comprehensive treatise on the electrical knowledge of his day. He was the first person to present an experimental proof of the inverse-square law of electrostatic force, although he is usually better remembered as the discoverer of oxygen.  相似文献   


The history of feminist geography in Hungary coincides with the 25?year-long history of Gender, Place and Culture. Authorities denied the existence of gender inequality in the era of state socialism, which was the primary obstacle to the spread of gender studies. The political changes that had occurred after 1989 had removed most obstacles, but feminist geography emerged with a delay relative to other disciplines. Its first two decades was characterised by struggles and compromises within and against the geographical discipline in order for it to win recognition. The 25?year-long history of feminist studies has, however, been completely broken by legislation proposed by the current government suggesting a ban on masters programs in gender studies. In this article, I trace the situation of feminist geography in Hungary by applying the concept ?curved space?. This concept adapted from modern physics claims that mass creates a gravitational field, i.e. it bends 4-dimensional ?spacetime?. My argument is that the situation of feminist geography in Hungary can be interpreted as an embodiment of ?curved space?. Using this analogy, I argue that the current Hungarian government has amassed such a huge amount of power that has enabled it to curve the space of feminist geographical knowledge production. It has established a quasi-dictatorship that resembles the one that impeded the evolution of gender/feminist geography in the state socialist era. Therefore, only broad-based solidarity can help create opposition to the current government’s attacks against gender studies.  相似文献   

王丽琴 《神州》2012,(6):259-259
初中数学是一门具有严密的逻辑推理的系统性,知识性,实用性、趣柬性的学科,也是一门承前启后的连接学科,它直接影响着初中物理、化学的学习,因而在教学中激发学生学习数学学科的兴趣。调动其学习积极性和主动性,对为今后的深造打下良好的基础有着十分重要的作用。在课堂教学中,常有学生对学习数学不感兴趣,而导致教学效果欠佳.究其原因,主要是教师在课堂教学中,偏重于语言信息与行为信息的传递,忽视了情感信息这个要素在课堂教学信息系统中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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