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SUMMARY: This paper examines some of the philosophical and epistemological issues surrounding current theories of political economy. By focusing on the historicism that postcolonial theorists have employed to critique the writings of Karl Marx and the lack of focus on the environment on the part of many political theorists, this paper argues for a political economy that accommodates the role of the disenfranchised and the environment as part of an archaeology of the future.  相似文献   


Debate concerning the events of the Holocaust is well embedded in the historical discourse and, thus, clearly defined narratives of this period exist. However, in most European countries the Holocaust has only recently begun to be considered in terms of its surviving archaeological remains and landscapes, and the majority of known sites are still ill-defined and only partially understood from both spatial structural points of view. Additionally, thousands of sites across Europe remain unmarked, whilst the locations of others have been forgotten altogether. Such a situation has arisen as a result of a number of political, social, ethical, and religious factors which, coupled with the scale of the crimes, has often inhibited systematic search. This paper details the subsequent development and application of a non-invasive archaeological methodology aimed at rectifying this situation and presents a case for the establishment of Holocaust archaeology as a sub-discipline of conflict studies. In particular, the importance of moving away from the notion that the presence of historical sources precludes the need for the collection of physical evidence is stressed, and the humanitarian, scientific, academic, and commemorative value of exploring this period is considered.  相似文献   

WAC ha desafiado la noción constante que la arqueología es objetiva y apolítica. Esta noción ha alienado a los indígenas porque tiende a deshumanizar tanto a ellos como a sus antecesores. WAC reconoció que la arqueología existe en un contexto político, que debe ser considerado en cualquier construcción y uso del pasado. WAC estructuró una organización que dió una voz a aquellos cuyo pasado había sido excavado, interpretado, y adue?uado por otros. WAC también defendió la colaboración directa entre los indígenas y otros desciendientes de las comunidades. En esencia, WAC apoyó la liberación de la arqueología practicada como un colonialismo científico, una historia que este artículo relata brevemente. Todavia hay trabajo que hacer. Los arqueólogos necesitan producir epistemologías de colaboración y lo que significan para nuestro conocimiento de los pasados, que han sido creados en este proceso. Una tarea más difícil es estar seguros que los arqueólogos y las comunidades con las cuales ellos trabajan entiendan cuan importante la arqueología puede ser para construir una comunidad y mantener su identidad cultural.
Résumé Plus que tout, le CMA a défié l'insistance de l'archéologie processualiste qui affirmait que l'archéologie était objective et apolitique, excluant ainsi les autochtones car cette attitude les déshumanisaient ainsi que leurs ancêtres. Le CMA a amené en avant une reconnaissance que l'archéologie existe dans un contexte politique qui doit être considéré dans toute construction et utilisation du passé. Le CMA a structuré une organisation qui donne la parole à ceux dont le passé a été largement déterré, interprété et possédé par d'autres. Le CMA préconise aussi la collaboration directe avec les autochtones et les autres communautés de descendants. Dans son essence, le CMA a cherché à libérer l'archéologie de sa pratique scientifique colonisaliste, une histoire que cet article rappelle brièvement. Beaucoup de travail doit encore être accomplie. Les archéologues doivent minutieusement travailler sur l'épistémologie de la collaboration et sur ce qu'ils entendent par notre compréhension du passé qui est con?ue durant le procédé. Une tache plus difficile est de s'assurer que les archéologues et les communautés avec qui ils travaillent, comprennent à quel point l'archéologie est important dans la construction de la communauté et le maintien de l'identité culturelle.

This is one in a series of reports on research trends in population geography. The author suggests that recent political changes concerning the breakup of the former Soviet Union and a possible decline in concern among developed countries about the problems of developing ones should affect the research agenda. Particular attention is given to studies done on differential mortality and internal migration in developed countries.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Michael Rothberg, Traumatic Realism: The Demands of Holocaust Representation  相似文献   

This article is a comment on: Tubridge et al., 2012. Decennial reflections on a ‘geography of heritage’ (2000). International Journal of Heritage Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2012.695038  相似文献   

When archaeological human remains are absent or otherwise unavailable for bone chemistry-based paleodietary reconstructions, dog remains may provide an appropriate surrogate material for approximating ancient human diet. This “canine surrogacy approach” (CSA) has developed over the past thirty years and is becoming more common in archaeological science literature. A dearth of continued innovation in CSA applications as well as recent criticisms of its feasibility may reflect the absence of a cohesive overview of the approach’s development, its underlying analogical nature, as well as variation and inconsistency in the ways it has been applied. Considering the CSA’s invaluable potential to partially circumvent the destructive analysis of human remains, thereby addressing the increasingly recognized concerns of indigenous groups, such considerations would be timely and germane. Recent research has characterized the role of analogy in CSA applications and devised a framework for making CSA interpretations (Guiry J Archaeol Method Theory 19(3):351–376, 2012a, b). In contrast to, and complementing that work, this paper provides an outline of the CSA’s inception and evolution with particular emphasis on identifying the impetuses for, and trends in, its development. In addition to clarifying the CSA’s origin as well as where and why it is applied today, this review provides an opportunity to identify future directions for productive methodological innovation.  相似文献   

EBERHARD JACKEL. Hitler in History. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1984. Pp. 115; GERALD FLEMINO. Hitler and the Final Solution. Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1984. Pp. 219; MALCOLM c. MACPHERSON. The Blood of His Servants. New York: The New York Times Book Co., Inc., 1984. Pp. 310; ISABELLA LEITNER. Fragments of Isabella: A Memoir of Auschwitz. New York: Cowell Publishers, 1978. Pp. 112; JAMES BENTLEY. Martin Niemöller 1891–1984. New York: Free Press, 1984. Pp. 253; SAUL s. FRIEDMAN. The Oberammergau Passion Play: A Lance Against Civilization. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984. Pp. 270; DAVID s. WYMAN. The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941–1945. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984. Pp. 445; WALTER N. BANNING. The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry. Torrance, Cal.: Institute for Historical Review, 1983. Pp. 239.  相似文献   

A striking aspect of the so-called "Goldhagen debate" hasbeen the bifurcated reception Hitler's Willing Executioners hasreceived: the enthusiastic welcome of journalists and the public was as warm as the impatientdismissal of most historians was cool. This article seeks to transcend the current impasse byanalyzing the underlying issues of Holocaust research at stake here. It argues that a "deepstructure" necessarily characterizes the historiography of the Holocaust, comprising atension between its positioning in "univeralism" and"particularism" narratives. While the former conceptualizes the Holocaust as anabstract human tragedy and explains its occurrence in terms of processes common to modernsocieties, the latter casts its analysis in ethnic and national categories: the Holocaust as anexclusively German and Jewish affair. These narratives possess important implications for thebalance of structure and human agency in the explanation of the Holocaust: where theuniversalism narrative emphasizes the role of impersonal structures in mediating human action,the particularism narrative highlights the agency of human actors. Although historical accountsusually combine these narratives, recent research on the Holocaust tends in the universalistdirection, and this bears on the sensitive issue of responsibility for the Holocaust byproblematizing the common-sense notion of the perpetrators' intention and responsibility.Goldhagen is responding to this trend, but by retreating to the particularism narrative andemploying an inadequate definition of intention, he fails to move the debate forward. It is time torethink the concept of intention in relation to events like the Holocaust.  相似文献   


This viewpoints paper reflects upon the journey youth geographies have travelled over the last 20 years and highlights some thoughts on where directions for new research might be best placed in the coming decades. In particular, the paper draws attention to the growing numbers of youth in the Global South and especially in the African continent where youth populations are set to continue to rise. The paper identifies some of the potential challenges faced by the majority of youth in coming years in particular the need to decolonise thinking around youth geographies while also considering the importance of economic, social and political contexts in shaping debates. The paper charts some potential new directions while also suggesting that youth’s own perspectives need to receive greater prominence in theory and outcomes.  相似文献   

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