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邓小平关于党内监督思想的内涵十分丰富,这是他的党建理论的重要组成部分。认真学习和深刻把握这一思想并以之指导实践,对于促进党的自我约束、自我完善和自我发展,完成新时期党的建设的伟大工程具有重要意义。邓小平党内监督思想,是在中国革命和建设的实践中,在总结历史经验的过程中形成和不断发展的。邓小平党内监督思想形成于抗日战争后期,发展于五、六十年代,成熟于改革开放时期,这是对毛泽东党内监督思想的继承和发展。1、从1941年至1951年的形成时期。这一时期,邓小平在地方工作,主要是从事战役指挥和土改。1942年9月,邓小…  相似文献   

在我国改革开放新时期形成和丰富起来的邓小平侨务思想,具有鲜明的中国特色、求实的时代精神和创新的实践价值。邓小平侨务思想的主要内容有:为遭到“文化大革命”严重歪曲的“海外关系”正名;华侨华人能够为祖国的发展创造独特机遇;利用海外华商资本为中国现代化建设服务;“华裔专  相似文献   

卢立磊 《神州》2012,(21):154
企业文化是企业中的一种"软管理"方式,主要表现为它是一种"软约束"及它所具有的多种"软性"管理方式上。我国企业在长期的计划经济条件下,一直实行企业员工思想政治教育工作,这也是一种"软管理"方式。那么,都是"软管理"形式,它们之间有什么联系和区别呢?究竟如何在企业管理中发挥着各自的作用。一、企业思想政治教育内容所谓政治思想政治教育,就是一定阶级或政治集团,为了实现其政治目标和任务而进行的,以政治思想教育为核心与重点的,思想、道德和心理综合教育实践。马克思主义思想政治工作的具体含义是,为了保证党和中华民族奋斗目标的实现,以宣传和传播社会主义和共产主义思想体系,引导人们的政治态度,解决各类思想问题,提高思想、道德和心理素质,完  相似文献   

卢荻 《百年潮》2009,(4):37-41
1992年初,邓小平南下考察,发表了著名的南方谈话,开肩了中国改革开放的新阶段和新局面.在视察广东时,邓小平嘱托陪同考察的广东省委书记谢非,广东要继续发挥改革开放的龙头作用,争取用20年时间赶上亚洲"四小龙".  相似文献   

邓小平针对"文化大革命"结束后中国面临的社会矛盾,提出了一整套改革开放的思想,创立了中国特色社会主义理论,使中国的社会主义事业进入了一个新的历史时期。重温邓小平提出的有关改革的思想,使我们认识到:改革不是目的,而是手段;中国的改革始终存在着两种目的、两种方向的斗争;社会主义改革是"改"与"不改"的统一;判断改革成败的标准应该把"三个有利于"与"两个如果"结合起来;改革必须尊重群众的实践;改革只有进行时,没有完成时。  相似文献   

邓小平在革命和建设的不同时期,特别是改革开放后,曾多次对金融问题作过重要指示和集中论述,形成了一个完整的金融思想体系。作为邓小平理论的重要组成部分,邓小平的金融思想不仅为我国的金融改革与发展提供了理论依据和行动指南,而且对于加快深化金融改革、促进经济发展具有现实指导意义。本文试从邓小平金融思想的内容与实践两个方面进行论述,以说明邓小平金融思想是我国金融改革与发展的理论基础。邓小平金融思想是我国金融改革的理论源泉和行动指南邓小平对于金融问题的论述基本涵盖了金融理论与实践的各个方面,内容丰富,含义深刻。概括…  相似文献   

"平民化"是五四时期"社会改造"话语体系中的重要理念。五四时期知识分子在社会改造的认知中发现"平民"的地位,并通过"平民阶级"的政治解读而形成"生活平民化"的思想诉求。"平民化"思想在五四时期"劳工神圣"、尊崇"劳动"语境之中,不仅有着对"劳动运动"的积极期待,而且也使"民众本位"意识有所强化,从而有力地推进了五四时期思想在质的方面的飞跃。五四时期的知识分子亦将自身置于"平民"序列之中,不仅提出"走向民间"的主张,而且也在社团联合中坚持"到民间去"的理念,力图使"平民化"思想从思想层面转化为社会实践层面,并表征为"联合群众"、促进民众势力发展的实际行动。  相似文献   

邓小平的行政管理实践和理论述要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李顺义 《攀登》2001,20(Z1):37-40
本文概括有关资料,分析探讨了邓小平同志在土地革命、抗日战争、解放战争、建国后各个时期的行政管理实践活动,并在此基础上探讨了邓小平行政管理理论.  相似文献   

"坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展",对指导现代企业管理观念的创新,树立以人为本的企业管理理念具有重大的理论和实践意义。本文尝试从实践层面谈谈在企业思想政治工作中如何做到坚持以人为本的途径和方式。  相似文献   

关桂霞  马明忠 《攀登》2014,33(4):19-24
邓小平民族问题思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,是马克思主义民族理论在当代中国发展的新阶段,也是解决中国社会主义建设及改革开放时期民族问题的理论原则和经验总结。文章以三部分阐述了邓小平民族问题思想溯源,邓小平民族问题思想的内涵及邓小平民族问题思想的当代价值。  相似文献   

戴子儒先生是贵州民国时期的著名商人,他虽然僻居黔中,但经商的理念、管理的模式都不落后,事业上也取得了很大的成功。本文根据安顺市档案馆所藏的安顺县商会档案,阐述戴子儒的经商理念、经营方式,分析其由学徒成长为企业家的原因及过程。对了解民国贵州商业状况有一定的价值。  相似文献   

1975年的军队整顿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1975年,邓小平在形势非常复杂和严峻的情况下,以无产阶级革命家无畏的气概和非凡的胆略,领导军队进行大刀阔斧的全面整顿,以消除林彪、江青两个反革命集团对军队建设的影响和破坏,纠正军队建设的航向。在整顿中,邓小平提出了一系列正确的建军原则。整顿时间虽短,但成效显著,军队形势明显好转,对粉碎“四人帮”、保证军队和全国局势的稳定,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

邓小平在人与自然关系的主体方面,主张控制人口,主要涉及绿色发展的人口与资源协调发展观;在人与自然关系的客体要素方面,倡行植树造林,内含了绿色发展的生态安全观、群众主体观和持续绿化观;在协调人与自然关系的支撑条件方面,强调科教对经济建设和环境建设的先导作用,突出立法建制对环保事业发展的保障作用,蕴含有绿色发展的科技观、教育观和法制观。总结和研究邓小平绿色发展思想,对于深入把握当代中国马克思主义绿色发展观的历史与理论逻辑,贯彻落实党的十八大以来关于生态文明建设的新认识、新设计、新规范,实现美丽中国梦具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张金才 《安徽史学》2018,(3):96-102
邓小平和陈云对"大跃进"认识的相同点为:他们都希望我国工农业生产和建设发展得快一些,但又认为加快经济发展速度不能违背客观规律。他们起初都是从积极的方面看待和支持"大跃进"的,后来看到"大跃进"运动中出现一些"左"的错误,思想认识都发生了较大变化。不同点为:"大跃进"运动之初,邓小平表现比较积极,而陈云则相对冷静;对于毛泽东发动的"大跃进",邓小平是没有反对,而陈云是没有说话;邓小平后来多次谈到"大跃进"并进行反思,而陈云则很少谈及"大跃进"。邓小平和陈云对"大跃进"的认识存在不同点,其原因是:他们在"大跃进"运动中承担的领导责任不同;领导经济工作的思路不同;工作经历和在党中央的领导分工不同。  相似文献   

Richer de Refham came to London during the 1290s and quickly established himself as a successful mercer. He expanded his initial business interests to include money-lending and property holdings, and became a leading landowner in London by acquiring the property of old families who had dominated the city's business and political life, and of some of his political enemies. His acquisitions led him into constant litigation and, undoubtedly, are connected to his political affiliations and conflicts.De Refham, who came from a family of East Anglian knights, was eventually enfeoffed with lands in Norfolk and Essex. The grants raise questions as to the identity of the grantors, the political and social relationships which existed between the grantors and grantee, and the significance of the enfeoffments to de Refham's social and economic position.With close ties to the mercantile class and rural knights, de Refham may have had a significant influence on the formation of those bonds which brought together the diverse and often conflicting interests of the knights and burgesses in the emerging House of Commons.  相似文献   

刘吉红 《攀登》2008,27(6):27-29
邓小平外交思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。邓小平以其独特的外交风格和超凡的胆识,继承和发展了新中国的外交思想和外交理论,并赋予其丰富的内涵,成为新世纪中国外交的指导思想和宝贵财富。  相似文献   


No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists. You cannot value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead. (T.S. Eliot)  相似文献   

On December 16, 1919, Ashton Fox Embry, law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Joseph McKenna, abruptly resigned from the position he had held for almost nine years. His explanation? His fledgling bakery business required his undivided attention. Newspapers that morning hinted at a different reason: Embry resigned because he had conspired with at least three individuals to use inside knowledge of upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decisions to profit on Wall Street.2 A grand jury returned an indictment against Embry and his associates a few months later, and Embry’s argument that he had committed no crime ultimately reached the Supreme Court, the very institution he was accused of betraying. Despite the sensational headlines and fierce legal battle arising from his indictment, the United States Attorney quietly dismissed Embry’s case in 1929, almost ten years after the story had broken. Few Court scholars have ever heard of Embry, and the memory of Embry, much like the case against him, has disappeared with time.3 This article unravels the “Supreme Court Leak Case” by reconstructing what happened almost eighty years ago.  相似文献   

In the mid-1920s, under the guidance of his teacher, Zhu Kezhen, Zhang Qiyun established himself as a scholar by compiling middle school geography textbooks. He reached the peak of his early academic career when he joined the National Defense Planning Commission (Guofang sheji weiyuanhui) in 1932. His subsequent setbacks offered him a different kind of experience. During his tenure at Zhejiang University (1936–1949), he strived to combine research and administrative work. His friendship with Chen Bulei, Chen Xunci, and others, provided him with the connections to move from academia into politics. More important, beginning in the 1940s, Zhang contributed his scholarship in historical geography and geopolitics to the ruling regime and attracted Chiang Kai-shek’s attention. In 1948, some of the students at Zhejiang University started a movement to oust Zhang, which truly alienated him. During the power transition in 1949, Zhang made a political choice entirely different from the one made by his longtime mentor Zhu Kezhen, epitomizing the political divergence among scholars in the last years of the 1940s.  相似文献   

Richer de Refham came to London during the 1290s and quickly established himself as a successful mercer. He expanded his initial business interests to include money-lending and property holdings, and became a leading landowner in London by acquiring the property of old families who had dominated the city's business and political life, and of some of his political enemies. His acquisitions led him into constant litigation and, undoubtedly, are connected to his political affiliations and conflicts.De Refham, who came from a family of East Anglian knights, was eventually enfeoffed with lands in Norfolk and Essex. The grants raise questions as to the identity of the grantors, the political and social relationships which existed between the grantors and grantee, and the significance of the enfeoffments to de Refham's social and economic position.With close ties to the mercantile class and rural knights, de Refham may have had a significant influence on the formation of those bonds which brought together the diverse and often conflicting interests of the knights and burgesses in the emerging House of Commons.  相似文献   

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