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灾害旅游作为汶川灾后重建的一种发展思路而受到关注,而这必然会涉及伦理问题。本文基于伦理学视角,用系统的方法分析了作为灾害旅游中矛盾双方的旅游者和旅游地在各方面表现出的冲突及伦理问题,即各自在道德和利益两方面的矛盾。通过伦理视角来审视灾害旅游的发展,具有一定创新性。本文认为,在灾害旅游的开发过程中,需要兼顾旅游者与旅游地,道德和利益之间的均衡关系;需要通过加强制度建设,用外在的力量来约束各利益主体的行为,并通过教育,以加强自律的方式引导各个利益主体的行为。  相似文献   

文章从旅游伦理的内涵、我国旅游伦理的思想探源、各利益相关者应遵循的旅游伦理等方面进行讨论,以期引起人们对旅游伦理问题的重视,促进旅游的健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

张彦 《沧桑》2011,(5):43-44
先秦时期形成了帝王巡游、文人游学、仕人宦游、商业游行等旅游文化现象。先秦时期的旅游文化内涵非常丰富,带有着鲜明的伦理特征,反映了中国社会重视社会等级和伦理秩序的特征,体现了经世致用的精神价值和中国人对自身命运的终极关怀,深化了旅游审美,成为道德修养的手段,也体现了崇尚自然的伦理内涵,为后世旅游文化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

秦小霞 《神州》2012,(15):5-5,7
随着社会文明程度的提高,老龄化人口问题日益突出,东西方国家对安乐死实施的呼声日益高涨,安乐死合理性的建议得到广泛关注,本文l针对安乐死的伦理争议,试图从生命伦理学的自主、有利、不伤害、公正四原则论证安乐死在我国实施的合理性。  相似文献   

张光闪 《沧桑》2009,(5):129-130,136
环境问题已经不容忽视:环境污染、环境破坏以及环境公平问题就是其主要表现。这些问题是人们对环境伦理的认识不够,甚至人们的行为违背了环境伦理所导致的。我们必须加快环境伦理学研究、加强环境伦理教育、提高人们的环境伦理意识、正确处理伦理关系,最终实现人与自然的完美和谐。  相似文献   

教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本着重讨论教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

曹文 《旅游纵览》2023,(6):182-184
在科学技术的支持下,目前我国已进入互联网经济高速发展的新时期,以互联网为依托的技术手段逐渐应用于餐饮、教育、交通、旅游等各个领域,将人们带入一个全新的时代。在智慧旅游背景下,乡村旅游经济水平再创新高,提高了乡村劳动力就业率,增加农民收入。但是任何事物的发展都是机遇与挑战共存的,智慧旅游在推进乡村旅游经济快速增长的同时,也使其面临着较大的挑战。本文便针对此方面进行相关研究,首先明确智慧旅游背景下乡村旅游经济发展的意义;其次指出发展中面临的严峻挑战;最后提出针对性的建议,助力乡村旅游经济发展中更好地借助智慧旅游这一优势,实现高质量发展。  相似文献   

薛晋 《神州》2014,(9):267-268
安乐死问题随着时间的推移和观念变化而出现,它涉及法律、社会学、医学、生物学和伦理学等多个学科领域。尽管它与中国传统伦理观念存在冲突,但在合理情况下应视为善的的行为。中国安乐死要想合法化,应充分考虑生命伦理观、伦理依据及条件。  相似文献   

旅游业可持续发展中的伦理辩护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙吉信 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):69-72
旅游业可持续发展应遵循伦理学准则.本文从分析中西方伦理入手,对旅游业可持续发展中所涉及的道义学、目的论、生态伦理、旅游伦理等准则进行了辨析和论证,目的是呼吁人们管束自己的"非伦理行为",以真正实现旅游业可持续发展.  相似文献   

从人生哲学、政治哲学、教育哲学三大方面探讨旅游哲学。旅游哲学之内涵见诸情性观、价值观、生死观、苦乐观、天人观、人际观、政治观、修身观、静思观、义利观等。  相似文献   

基于市场竞争态的上海国际旅游客源市场分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈杨  贾铁飞 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):13-16,51
通过运用市场竞争态指标对上海国际旅游客源市场1997-2004年统计数据进行分析,可以发现,21世纪以来上海国际旅游客源市场呈现出明星市场空白、金牛市场壮大、幼童市场回落、瘦狗市场积聚的变化趋势与特征,说明上海国际旅游客市场发展的后续动力不足;本文认为:加强日本、韩国、德国、美国四个金牛市场的宣传和促销,对英国、印度、瑞士三国进行市场细分,保持主要客源市场和潜力客源市场的持续增长,是今后上海国际旅游市场拓展的关键.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over Antipode's 40 years our role as academics has dramatically changed. We have been pushed to adopt the stance of experimental researchers open to what can be learned from current events and to recognize our role in bringing new realities into being. Faced with the daunting prospect of global warming and the apparent stalemate in the formal political sphere, this essay explores how human beings are transformed by, and transformative of, the world in which we find ourselves. We place the hybrid research collective at the center of transformative change. Drawing on the sociology of science we frame research as a process of learning involving a collective of human and more‐than‐human actants—a process of co‐transformation that re/constitutes the world. From this vision of how things change, the essay begins to develop an “economic ethics for the Anthropocene”, documenting ethical practices of economy that involve the being‐in‐common of humans and the more‐than‐human world. We hope to stimulate academic interest in expanding and multiplying hybrid research collectives that participate in changing worlds.  相似文献   

江浙沪地区的内聚旅游流分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
薛莹 《旅游科学》2006,20(3):6-12
本文对江浙沪地区内部的旅游流进行了研究,主要包括:上海、江苏、浙江两省一市之间互动旅游流的总量及其变动情况;江浙沪地区的内聚旅游流在江苏、浙江境内城市间的流向;内聚游客的特征等。力图为区域旅游研究提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

Lynn identifies three critical discussion that framed the Stanford workshop. First, the language of the code, which she feels should reflect our acknowledgement that archaeologists are not the primary stakeholders for most situations and using core values instead of codification as a starting point. Second, the recognition of particular histories and the consequences of colonial encounters, with the acknowledgment that colonialist relations continue to exist in many places. Third is the issue of how WAC positions itself in relation to issues of social justice. Lynn points out that while WAC could be an active vehicle for attaining social justice on a global scale, the ethical implications of taking any kind of interventionist stance need to be fully thought through, lest they be seen as telling people what to do—a stance that would only serve to mirror imperialist and colonialist practices. We need to ask people what they want in regard to their heritage and be prepared to listen, even if archaeology is not immediately important for them or they suggest directions that we find challenging.  相似文献   

怀旧旅游解析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
怀旧旅游是旅游市场的重要组成部分。本文认为,怀旧旅游的终极动机在于对传统文化及人本主义"家园"的追寻;怀旧旅游的本质,在时间维度上表现为主体的自我认同,在空间维度上表现为对"家园"的追寻,在哲学维度上则是对主体生命线条的完善。  相似文献   

孟广文 《旅游科学》2009,23(2):70-75
进入21世纪以来,中国游客已成为欧洲旅游市场的后起之秀,促进了欧洲的旅游服务行业的发展和演化,一些专门针对中国游客的服务行业也应运而生。本文认为,影响欧洲旅游服务业的主要区位因素为停车场、重要景点和重要旅游服务企业;主要面向中国游客的欧洲旅游服务行业经营模式和区位模式可归纳为孤岛、依托、共生、集聚四种,其中共生模式效益最好。  相似文献   

Research into prison tourism and prison heritage has not taken enough time to understand how historical change has left impacts in urban contexts, which sometimes continues even after the prisons are decommissioned. This paper discusses the punitive state in the context of the historical penal landscape of Taipei through an exploration of how an historical prison was designed, built, partially demolished, preserved and redeveloped under three political regimes. It draws attention to the neglected relationships between punishment, colonial modernity and heritage. Drawing on the literature of dissonant heritage and dark tourism it argues that the way in which the government erased the heritage and evicted squatters without regard for colonial histories and large-scale, post-war migration is yet another way of writing imprisonment into the landscape and ‘othering’ the punished. Furthermore, in tracing the place memories, both within and outside of the high prison walls, it demonstrates the possibilities offered by ethics of heritage, with which we may counter the culture of punishment in the remaking of cities.  相似文献   

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