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信息与广告重归浪漫的海上航行昔日浪漫的海上旅游今日卷土重来,成为最浪漫,最冒险的东南亚旅游的方式。海上航行的复兴是由包括StarCurise在内的一些游船经营者发起的。StarCurise有五艘船,驶向东南亚区内不同的港口。StarCurise最新的...  相似文献   

常默 《文史月刊》2007,(4):45-47
一、到海上去118年前夏日的一个下午,我走进文史资料工作的一间办公室,像走进昂首航行巨轮的一间船舱,开始了第一次的海上搜索。  相似文献   

俄藏敦煌文书ДX. 234《圣地游记述》之前被推定为唐初王玄策《中天竺国行记》,但从写本书法、重要用词以及记事风格来看,此写本绝非《中天竺国行记》,而是5世纪中后叶的作品,并且很可能是目前所知抄写年代最早的西域游记。此写本内容极其简略,只记载经行线路和圣迹分布,但同时又具有很强的实用色彩。综合来看,该写本近乎流水账式的极简风格,应是游记作者或后来整理者有意为之,很可能是为当时西行求法之人准备的简明指南手册。北宋初年官方派遣的求法僧团也曾使用过类似的、同样只记载西行路线的S. 388《西天路竟一本》,这反映出自南北朝早期至北宋初年,这种简明指南手册一直为西行求法僧所使用。  相似文献   

中国古代造船历史悠久,航海传统更是由来已久,海上交通自古以来就十分发达,秦汉时候已建立起沟通东西方的海上丝绸之路。航海成功,除了以先进的造船技术为基础,还需要高超的航海技术。故航海两大基石有舟船“硬件”条件和航海技术“软件”条件之说。航海技术又称航海术,有广义和狭义之分。广义的航海技术指的是研究船按预定航线,从某一地点安全而准时地航行到另一地点的理论、方法和艺术,包括船舶航行与导航定位、船舶操纵与避让.  相似文献   

张霖 《丝绸之路》2012,(24):37-38
《洛阳伽蓝记》是一部记述北魏洛阳佛教寺院布局及其形制的作品,同时也记载了当时政治、经济、文化、社会等方面的事实。该书在一定程度上反映了北魏时期的社会风貌。本文从北魏时期的经济状况、里坊形制、饮食等方面窥视当时的社会风貌。  相似文献   

向川宁 《神州》2012,(29):9-9
文章介绍了电影《海上钢琴师》的创作背景以及音乐在电影作品中起到的作用,并以电影的故事情节为主线,对影片中的三部钢琴作品进行了赏析,突出了钢琴乐曲在电影《海上钢琴师》中意义。  相似文献   

看这幅画——《下雨了》小作者:周航(5岁零3个月)解说:打雷了,下雨了,苹果被震了下来,我和小兔很开心,打着伞走在路上。  相似文献   

美国内战时期,联邦政府对南方同盟采用连续航行、监控中立港口,捕获来往被封锁港口的中立国船只和扩大禁运品清单等封锁政策,这对北方取得战争胜利起到重要作用,但联邦的海上封锁政策却违背了其传统的海洋自由主张,文章对其原因作粗浅的分析。  相似文献   

总结中外经济文化交流的历史经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上丝绸之路启动了最早的中外经济交流,汉代除了徐闻以外,番禺也是始发港之一,晋干宝《搜神记》就记有汉代广信县女子苏娥以牛车贩运丝绸至高要被谋财害命的故事,可见由广信(今封开)至番禺是海上丝绸之路向内陆延伸的中转站。最近在肇庆北岭大路田村前发掘的东晋墓,出土有玻璃器皿,足见当时地方官已享用舶来品.  相似文献   

米岛租车记 雅典飞米岛.短短30分钟航行。飞机上除了饮料只供应硬糖.不过没关系.景色无敌——上船只星星点点.衬着蔚蓝的爱琴海.叫人兴奋不已!  相似文献   

Traditional research has looked at Greek trade in Iberia from a diffusionist standpoint: the Greeks would have been the major agents of cultural change. It was still accepted that this constituted a direct, inevitable, substantial and transformative action on an eminently receptive and passive society. In this paper we question the true extent and weight of Greek trade in the cultural transformations which occurred in Iberia during the 6th to 4th centuries BC. Our proposition in this paper is to define and determine the extent of the process of interaction brought about by Greek trade. In our opinion, there was never absolutely decisive Greek-Iberian interaction in the development process: it was led by internal forces.  相似文献   

The terms of twentieth–century debate on the causes of Greek overseas settlement were set by Gwynn and Blakeway: overseas settlements were either founded to feed hungry mouths in an overpopulated homeland, or they were founded to improve Greek trading opportunities in the rest of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Although the trade versus agriculture dichotomy is increasingly being regarded as false, its legacy lingers on, even in recent work. Detailed attention to the earliest remains at one of the best–known Greek overseas settlements, Megara Hyblaia in south–east Sicily, provides strong evidence in favour of seeing agriculture as central to Greek settlement abroad, but agriculture as a basis for trade rather than agriculture for its own sake.  相似文献   

Intermarriage in the Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily has long fascinated scholars, many of whom view the presence of Italian fibulae in otherwise materially Greek graves as the result of intermarriage between Greek colonial men and local, native women. A reconsideration of the evidence suggests that the hypothesis cannot be generalized for all the early colonies, particularly the Sicilian ones, where the nature of the evidence differs significantly. In Sicily, trade provides the most likely explanation for the presence of these objects in the colonies.  相似文献   

Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) of Protogeometric ceramics at Troy supports a revision of our understanding of the site in the Protogeometric period. Previous interpretations of this period at Troy emphasized the importance of either Greek migration or Greek trade networks. A category of amphoras previously thought to be imports appears to have been made locally. NAA also indicates local production of a new class of handmade cooking pots, as well as more traditional Gray ware vessels. Analysis reveals a high degree of cultural continuity at Iron Age Troy, with inhabitants adopting and adapting a wider vocabulary of Protogeometric vessel types in the Aegean while integrating them with established local pottery traditions and resource use. The combinations of local and non‐local components seen at Troy are more consistent with long‐term dynamic Aegean interaction spheres than with more tenuous models of Aeolian migration or Euboian expansion.  相似文献   

Summary. The suggestions that Greek decorated pottery was cheap, and that in trade overseas it can be regarded as little more than 'saleable ballast', are refuted by demonstration of its relative value, by weight and by volume, beside that of other commodities for which comparable evidence is available. From this its profitability may also be deduced.  相似文献   

Summary.   There is growing archaeological evidence that Greeks and Phoenicians cooperated, or at least were not serious rivals in early days of exploration of the western Mediterranean, before the sixth-century trade wars, even to the point of settling side-by-side. The geographical, textual and material evidence for Greek presence close to, and at Carthage in early days is here reviewed.  相似文献   

The ancient Persian empires are denoted as despotic, practicing arbitrary rule while Greece, Persia's archrival during the sixth to fourth century BC, exercised rule of law. This paper uses a contract theory framework to analyze some of the geographical and environmental underpinnings of the existence of rule of law in the city-states of ancient Greece and its absence in Persia. I discuss the role of geographical conditions of land (open plains versus mountains), population pressure, proximity to the sea and form of trade (overland versus overseas) as factors conducive to rule of law in the city-states of ancient Greece and to despotism in ancient Persia. Specifically, the role of trade via land in Persia prior to the fifth century BC is compared to the role of sea trade (alongside with piracy) in ancient Greece. I argue that in ancient Persia monarchs could tax or expropriate much of the gains from overland trade, preventing the accumulation of an independent form of wealth by merchants. In Greece, sea trade alongside the practice of piracy led to gains from trade that could not be easily expropriated by the monarchs and acted as a balancing force vis-à-vis the power of the monarchs, creating a basis for rule of law in the Greek city-states.  相似文献   

In this article, I question the unspoken assumption in historical theory that there is a trade‐off between language or narrative, on the one hand, and experience or presence, on the other. Both critics and proponents of historical experience seem to presuppose that this is indeed the case. I argue that this is not necessarily true, and I analyze how the opposition between language and experience in historical theory can be overcome. More specifically, I identify the necessary conditions for a philosophy of language that can be the basis for this. Second, I will also suggest and present one specific instance of such a solution. I argue that the existential philosophies of language of Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas can be exactly the kind of theory we need. For Buber and Levinas, language is not a means for accessing reality, but rather a medium of encounters between human beings. I present Levinas's and Buber's arguments, discuss how their views could be applied to the writing of history, and assess what the resulting picture of the writing of history could look like.  相似文献   

Spatial language and constructs are deployed systematically in the writing of many contemporary feminists. Disempowerment is couched in negative spatial terms: as “displacement,” having space denied, or as a negative or non-space. Empowerment, on the other hand, is written as an appropriation of the spatial: creating new spaces, occupying existing spaces, or revalorizing negatively labeled spaces. Furthermore, the map emerges as a common trope in this writing. Rather than transparently communicating the totality of what exists, however, their maps become rhetorical guides to possible worlds. The spatial provides a textual tool with which many contemporary feminists contest existing power relations. Space is viewed as liberating, empowering, and political. Their use of the spatial contrasts with the apolitical (and, not inconsequentially, gendered) conceptualization of space in some postmodern writing. This divergent deployment of spatial textual devices in the writing of some contemporary feminists and that of some postmodernists opens up another window on the knotty nexus of feminist and postmodern thought in geography.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to discuss the literary qualities of Psycharis's To Tαξíδι μoυ, in particular, to analyse specific examples that demonstrate its playful mode of writing. Firstly, it will attempt to place the text in the literary context of its period by discussing its conception and significance for Modern Greek literature. Secondly, it will focus on the element of humour in the text, which can best be described as a playful mode of writing. The playfulness can be explained as raising false expectations in readers in a way that does not become obtrusive or unpleasant, but aims to entertain through the effects of surprise. This mode of writing is created mainly through intertextual allusions, incongruous juxtapositions, and comical, satirical or parodic undertones.  相似文献   

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