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Well constrained numerical ages of alluvial fan sediments are key to understanding the chronology of alluvial episodes and tectonic activity at the front of the Andean Precordillera. We tested the application of radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating in the distal part of an alluvial fan five kilometers north of Mendoza. For OSL dating a large number of aliquots (n > 70) — each composed of ∼50 quartz grains — were measured in order to obtain reliable burial ages despite scattered dose distributions. Owing to a feldspar contamination in all samples, an infrared stimulation was inserted before each OSL measurement, which reduced the feldspar OSL signal successfully. By using the minimum age model we obtained stratigraphically consistent burial ages of alluvial deposits in a depth profile. The uppermost ∼1 m of sediment is composed of debris flow deposits buried 770±76 years ago. Three plant remnants used for radiocarbon dating from the same layer, however, yielded ages younger than 350 years, which are interpreted to underestimate the depositional age. Underneath the debris flow, a major unconformity cuts a series of distal alluvial fan sediments with interstratified floodplain deposits, which are composed of sandy and calciterich silt layers, respectively. Three samples from this unit which were distributed over one meter of sediment thickness yielded statistically concordant OSL ages of 12.3±1.2 ka, 12.3±1.2 ka, and 11.7±1.1 ka. The deposition of these sediments during the latest Pleistocene coincides with a phase of cool and humid climate, which occurred before the alluvial fan propagated farther into the foreland. The overlying debris flow sediments are associated with alluvial fan incision during the arid Late Holocene.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was applied to sediment samples in order to provide age constraints on the palaeo-earthquake events that are recorded in a trench on the Lingwu fault near Yinchuan on the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, China. Combining seventeen OSL ages with field observations in the trench shows that at least four events took place at this specific site, and that this fault has been active over the past 200 ka.  相似文献   

Archeological research has been trying to provide evidence relevant to understanding both the timing of and processes responsible for human colonization of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Hearth is one of the most extensive, important, and typical prehistoric humanity activity evidence on the QTP. However, there are a number of hearths lacking charcoal material because of the wind and water erosion. Fortunately, most of these hearths can be dated by luminescence dating on the remnant sediments around the hearth. In this study, 18 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples from 14 hearths in Yandongtai site (YDT) and Bronze Wire site (BW) in the northeast of Qinghai Lake area were systematically dated. The OSL ages range from 6.8 ± 0.7 to 14.4 ± 1.2 ka. There is a good agreement between OSL dating results and charcoal ages during the last deglaciation period, which indicates that OSL method has great potential in dating hearth on QTP. Combined with the previous dating results from other hearths, the age of hearths concentrates in 11–13 ka BP, i.e., the Younger Dryas (YD) chronozone. The increased number of hearths indicates reinforced colonization in the Qinghai Lake area during YD cold event, implying that the cold climate during YD event was not severe enough to hinder the inhabitation of prehistoric humanity at an elevation of 3.2 km.  相似文献   

In this study we present luminescence investigations of four samples of loess bracketing the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y5 tephra at the Rasova-Valea cu Pietre site, on the eastern bank of the Danube River, southeastern Romania. Investigations involved SAR-OSL dating on aliquots of fine (4–11 μm) and medium-grained (63–90 μm) quartz, as well as single grain analyses on 125–180 μm quartz. Luminescence dating results coupled with glass-shard chemical fingerprinting assign the depositional age and origin of the ash layer to that of the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y5 tephra, dated elsewhere using 40Ar/39Ar to 39.28 ± 0.11 ka. Fine-grained (4–11 μm) quartz SAR-OSL analyses yielded ages of 44.4 ± 4.5 ka below the ash, and 41.4 ± 4.2 ka above the ash layer. Single grain analysis on coarse-grained quartz, however, demonstrates that coarse material from these samples exhibits low sensitivity and responds poorly to internal checks of the SAR protocol in comparison with the finer sediment. This observation highlights the need for more extensive investigations into the luminescence properties of quartz as well as into the origin of quartz contributions from different primary sources in the Lower Danube loess steppe.  相似文献   

The Longwangchan Paleolithic site, situated on the Yellow River terraces in the Hukou area, Shaanxi province, China, was found in 2003–2004, and two areas (Localities 1 and 2) of the site were excavated in 2005–2008. Abundant stone artifacts including microliths, a grinding stone fragment and a shovel, with some animal bones and shells, were recovered from Locality 1. In this study, the cultural deposits from Locality 1 were dated using radiocarbon and optical dating techniques, and the sediment properties of the deposits were analyzed. The results show that the age of the deposits ranges from 29 to 21 ka and most of them were deposited between 25 ka and 29 ka. This indicates that corresponds to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and early MIS 2. During the human occupation period, the climate in this area became colder and drier. Sediments from beds where the grinding slab and the shovel were found were dated to ∼25 ka, which is the oldest among the grinding stones found in China. The microliths and the grinding stone are important evidence for an incipient socio-economic process that eventually led to the regional transition from hunting-foraging to farming.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements of individual quartz grains are reported for Middle Paleolithic (MP) or Middle Stone Age (MSA) deposits in La Grotte des Contrebandiers, Morocco. Single-grain measurements enable rejection of grains that may lead to under- or over-estimation of age due to malign luminescence properties or remobilisation of grains after burial. We identified the former using a range of experimental procedures and objective rejection criteria. Three post-depositional factors influenced the distribution pattern of equivalent dose (De) values for the remaining single grains: the disintegration of roof spall liberating unbleached, older grains into otherwise well-bleached sediments; the intrusion of a small number of younger grains from the overlying Upper Paleolithic deposits; and small-scale differences in the beta dose received by individual grains. Roof spall contamination was a significant problem, so we characterised the OSL signals and obtained De values for the calcareous sandstone in which the cave is formed, which allowed bedrock-derived grains in the MP/MSA deposits to be identified and rejected prior to age determination. We collected 31 samples from the MP/MSA deposits, and were able to calculate ages for 30 of them. These ages suggest that MP/MSA occupation of Contrebandiers was restricted to the interval between about 120 and 90 ka ago (Marine Isotope Stages 5d to 5b). Weighted mean OSL ages were obtained for samples associated with archaeologically sterile deposits at the base of the excavations (126 ± 9 ka), followed by two phases of the Moroccan Mousterian (122 ± 5 and 115 ± 3 ka), interspersed with archaeologically sterile deposits (112 ± 4 ka). The base and top of the Aterian were dated to 107 ± 4 and 96 ± 4 ka, respectively. Based on the grand weighted mean ages of 116 ± 3 and 103 ± 3 ka for the Moroccan Mousterian and Aterian at Contrebandiers, we suggest that these two industries may be separated by an occupation hiatus of up to 13 ± 3 ka at this site. Our single-grain OSL chronology confirms previous age estimates obtained for Contrebandiers and other sites in the vicinity, but are generally more precise and stratigraphically more coherent, due to the inherent advantages of measuring individual quartz grains and rejecting contaminant and other unsuitable grains before age determination.  相似文献   

Different post-IR Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) approaches are applied to sediments from a Holocene coastal foredune sequence on Ruhnu Island in the eastern Baltic Sea. The comparison of D e-values and ages determined by the different approaches is complimented by fading and bleaching experiments. The fading experiments imply strong fading of IRSL (50°C) signals and no fading of any of the post-IR IRSL signals, but this is not confirmed by the determined D e-values. In fact, post-IR IRSL (150°C) D e-values agree within errors with those calculated for IRSL (50°C). From the bleaching experiments it is inferred that the higher values observed for post-IR IRSL at more elevated stimulation temperatures (225°C/290°C) are likely related to either thermal transfer and/or slow-to-bleach components within the signal. For the dating of the Holocene foredune sequence of Ruhnu Island, the post-IR IRSL (150°C) approach is preferred and these agree with the limited independent age control available from radiocarbon dating. Accordingly, the sequence formed between ca. 7.0 ka and 2.5 ka ago.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating has been applied to volcanogenic outburst flood sediments (Takuma gravel bed) from Aso volcano, Japan, and tephric loess deposits overlying the gravel bed. The poly-mineral fine grains (4–11 μm) from loess deposits were measured with pulsed optically stimulated luminescence (pulsed OSL) and post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) methods, whereas the Takuma gravel bed containing no quartz, was measured with IRSL and pIRIR methods using sand sized (150–200 μm) plagioclase. The loess deposits date back at least to ~50 ka by consistent IRSL, pIRIR and pulsed OSL ages from the lowermost part of the loess deposits from one section. The ages obtained from the bottom part of the other loess section are not consistent each other. However, we consider that the pIRIR age (72±6 ka) which showed negligible anomalous fading is most reliable, and regard as a preliminary minimum age of the Takuma gravel bed. The equivalent doses (De) for the plagioclase from the Takuma gravel bed have a narrow distribution and the weighted mean of the three samples yield an age of 89±3 ka. This age is in agreement with the last caldera-forming eruption of Aso volcano (~87 ka) and it is likely that the pIRIR signal has not been bleached before the deposition. IRSL dating without applying pIRIR using small aliquots was also conducted, however, the IRSL signal shows no clear evidence of an additional bleaching during the event of outburst flood from the caldera lake.  相似文献   

The fluvio-lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin, northern China, provide important terrestrial archives about Palaeolithic settlements and, therefore, about early human occupation in high northern latitude in East Asia. Here we present detailed ESR dating of the Donggutuo Palaeolithic site, located in this basin. Four levels A, B, C and E of the Donggutuo archaeological layer yield ESR ages ranging from 1060±129 ka to 1171±132 ka with a mean of 1119±132 ka. The ages are consistent with the paleomagnetic data, which show that the Donggutuo Palaeolithic site lies just below the onset of the Jaramillo normal subchron (0.99–1.07 Ma). Furthermore, our results indicate that the reliable ESR dating range of bleached quartz using Ti-Li centre can be effectively extended to 1100 ka and the Ti-Li centre was zeroed before the last deposition, which requires improvement of the understanding of the bleaching mechanism conditions.  相似文献   

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) of quartz, with closure temperatures of 30–35°C in conjunction with Apatite Fission Track (AFT; closure temp. ~120°C) and 40Ar-39Ar (biotite closure temperature ~350°C), were used to obtain cooling ages from Higher Himalayan crystalline rocks of Western Arunachal Himalaya (WAH). Cooling age data based on OSL, AFT and Ar-Ar thermochronology provide inference on the exhumation — erosion history for three different time intervals over million to thousand year scale. Steady-state exhumation of ~0.5 mm/yr was observed during Miocene (>7.2 Ma) till Early Pleistocene (1.8 Ma). Onset of Pleistocene glacial/interglacial conditions from ~1.8 Ma formed glaciated valleys and rapid erosion with rivers incising deep valleys along their course. Erosion enables midcrustal partial melts to move beneath the weak zone in the valley and causes an erosion-induced tectonic uplift. This resulted in a rapid increase in exhumation rate. The OSL thermochronology results suggest increased erosion over ~21 ka period from Late Pleistocene (2.5 mm/yr) to Early Holocene (5.5 mm/yr) and these are to be contrasted with pre 1.8 Ma erosion rate of 0.5 mm/yr. Enhanced erosion in the later stage coincides with the periods of deglaciation during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 and 2. The results of the present study suggest that in the present setting OSL thermochronology informed on the short-term climatic effect on landscape evolution and techniques like the AFT and 40Ar-39Ar provided longer-term exhumation histories.  相似文献   

Several studies have used luminescence dating to investigate sand mobilization activity in extreme western areas and the southern margin of the Thar Desert, India. However, room exists for a chronology of sand profiles for the northern margins of the Thar Desert. The Ghaggar River flood plain at Rajasthan, northwestern India, in the northern margin of the Thar Desert, is bordered by sand dunes. Elucidation of the environmental changes of the Ghaggar Basin requires knowledge of many aspects of sand dune formation. We measured optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) using the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol for sand of eight palaeo-dunes and two flood silts of both sides of the present Ghaggar Basin and Chautang Basin flood plains. Their OSL ages were obtained respectively, as 15–10 ka or 5 ka, and 9–8 ka. Results of this study reinforce the hypothesis that sand dune deposition had started or had already been completed by 15‐10 ka. Aeolian deposition was subdued by enhanced moisture during 9–8 ka. Our interpretation is that, at least since 5 ka, the scale of the flood plain of the Ghaggar River has remained equivalent to that of the present day.  相似文献   

Rock art paintings are notoriously difficult to date numerically. Recently, luminescence dating has been shown to provide reliable rock surface burial ages in various archaeological settings. Here we use the cross-cutting relationship between a fallen rock and two paintings of the Iberian Levantine (older) and Schematic (younger) styles to constrain the age of the paintings by dating the rockfall event using rock surface luminescence dating. Infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals as a function of depth into the buried face of the talus border indicate that the IRSL signal measured at 50°C (IR50) was sufficiently reset to a depth of about 1.6 mm prior to burial. An uncorrected IR50 age of 1.6 ± 0.2 ka was calculated for the rockfall event by dividing the surface equivalent dose (De) by the total dose rate. This age was corrected using both conventional and field-to-laboratory saturation approaches to yield indistinguishable ages of 2.7 ± 0.5 and 2.9 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. Since the panel with Schematic art was first available to the artist after the rockfall, we conclude the Schematic rock art at Villar del Humo is younger than ~2.9 ka. The Levantine rock art was painted on a panel constrained by the talus boulder before detachment, and so it is likely to be older than ~2.9 ka.  相似文献   

When using quartz OSL to date loess samples from the Chinese Loess Plateau, it has been reported that the agreement between OSL ages and the independent ages is limited to the samples younger than ~70 ka with a corresponding De of ~230 Gy, and a sample with an expected age of 780 ka was dated to 107 ka, corresponding to 403 Gy. The growth curves of these samples do not saturate at doses of 700 Gy, and a linear growth part was observed for doses higher than 200 Gy. However, the maximum measured age of ~100 ka imply that the De determined using this linear part of a growth curve could be problematic, or that the quartz OSL signal is not as stable as previously thought and has a barrier age of ~100 ka. In the current study, we examine the reasons for the age underestimation. We examined the shape of growth curves, anomalous fading, thermal stability, etc. The results show that, for the loess samples examined, quartz OSL does not fade anomalously, and the barrier age of ~100 ka is due to the fact that the OSL signals are less thermally stable, the lifetime of 0.311 Ma at 20°C obtained is much smaller than those for quartz samples from other regions such as Australia (~100 Ma).  相似文献   

Micro-fabric characteristics and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results are presented to discuss the controlling agents and timing of beachrock cementation on the fresh-water Iznik Lake shoreline. The beachrocks are made up of grain-supported polygenic conglomerate containing 20.42% carbonate with encrusted grains, basically as micrite coatings, isopachous aragonite rims, cryptocrystalline void fills and meniscus bridges. The optical ages of twelve samples yielded ages that range from 4.226±0.569 ka on the lowermost beds to 0.706±0.081 on the uppermost. This is the first report of precipitation of marine-like cements in Iznik Lake. The abundant aragonite-dominated cement is likely indicative of precipitation-prone dry evaporative conditions from the climatic optimum to the last millennia.  相似文献   

The infrared radiofluorescence (IR-RF) dating technique was applied to eight fluvial samples that were collected from two sediment cores at the Heidelberg Basin located near Viernheim and Ludwigshafen in southwest Germany. Based on the IR-RF derived ages of the samples it was possible to establish a chronological framework for the Mid-Pleistocene fluvial deposits of the Heidelberg Basin. The results allow us to distinguish between four main periods of aggradation. The lowermost sample taken from 100 m core depth lead to an IR-RF age of 643 ± 28 ka pointing to a Cromerian period of aggradation (OIS 17–16). For the Elsterian it is now possible to distinguish between two aggradation periods, one occurring during the Lower Elsterian period (OIS 15) and a second during the Upper Elsterian period (OIS 12–11). For the so called Upper interlayer (or “Oberer Zwischenhorizont” — a layer of organic-rich and finer-grained deposits), the IR-RF results point to a deposition age of around 300 ka, with samples taken directly on top and out of this layer yielding IR-RF ages of 288 ± 19 ka and 302 ± 19 ka, respectively. Hence, the measured IR-RF ages clearly point to a deposition during the Lower Saalian period (OIS 9–8) whereas earlier studies assumed a Cromerian age for the sediments of the Upper Interlayer based on pollen records and also mollusc fauna. The new IR-RF dataset indicates that significant hiatuses are present within the fluvial sediment successions. In particular the Eemian and Upper Saalian deposits are missing in this part of the northern Upper Rhine Graben, as the 300 ka deposits are directly overlain by Weichselian fluvial sediments. It is obvious that time periods of increased fluvial aggradation were interrupted by time periods of almost no aggradation or erosion which should have been mainly triggered by phases of increased and decreased subsidence of the Heidelberg Basin.  相似文献   

This study uses quartz-based optically stimulated luminescence dating to determine when a massive fortification wall (W11186) was constructed in the archaeological site of Tall Zarʿa in the Jordan Valley. A total of 11 samples of sediments were taken from a trench on the north side of the wall (extramuros). The extracted quartz grains had good luminescence characteristics and were identified as well bleached by comparison with feldspar infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages. The optical ages showed that the deposition against the wall occurred in two different periods. The first was around 3.20 ± 0.07 ka ago (Iron Age), and the second was around 2.28 ± 0.08 ka (Hellenistic period). Human activity was evident because of the intermixing of cultural material with the presumed naturally deposited units.  相似文献   

Many caves in Sierra de Atapuerca contain archaeological and anthropological remains from the Early Pleistocene until the Holocene. The fi rst half of the Late Pleistocene (MIS 4 and 3) has only been detected in open air deposits discovered on the basis of total cover surface surveys. Excavation at one of them, Hundidero, began in 2004. The Middle Paleolithic tool record spans the period between 70 ka and 56 ka. The technological and typological features of Hundidero, along with records from 30 other contemporary open air sites at Atapuerca, suggest repeated visits by Neanderthals who shared the same cultural tradition, characterized by expedient tool production, a diversity of exploitation techniques, a microlithic tendency, a search for dorsal faces, and the reuse of previous tools. These characteristics do not seem to depend on the conditions of the raw materials, the climate or the group's activities.  相似文献   

Percentage and influx pollen analyses of a 9.17 m core from Dublin Bog give a post last glaciation vegetation history (-13.6 to 0 ka BP) for the upper Mersey Valley. Herbaceous vegetation of Gramineae, Compositae and Chenopodiaceae developed rapidly after deglaciation and lasted until 13.2 ka BP. Around 13 ka BP Eucalyptus woodland and forest developed rapidly on the valley floor. At the same time Pomaderris apetala became an important understorey shrub/tree, and Phyllocladus aspleniifolius rainforest developed in the gullies on the upper slopes of the Mersey Valley and in the valleys to the west The major change in climate from late glacial cold (and probably drier conditions) to warm humid conditions similar to present occurred between 13.2 and 13 ka BP. Wet sclerophyll Eucalyptus forest occupied the valley throughout the post glacial and attained its maximum development between 11.7 and 8.4 ka BP. Rainforest never occupied the valley floor extensively. Phyllocladus aspleniifolius sattained an early maximum about 13 ka BP. The peak of Pomaderris apetala and expansion of Dicksonia antarctica suggests that the climate was warmer and wetter between 10.3 and 8.4 ka BP than at other times. Nothofagus attained its maximum development between about 10.3 and 6 ka BP. Both sclerophyll and rainforest vegetation associations in the upper Mersey Valley appear to have been very stable and similar to their present floristic compositions during the Holocene. Aborigines occupied the valley by 10 ka BP. Fire was always present in this marginal area between the wet climate of western and the dry climate of eastern Tasmania. Fire did not cause replacement of rainforest by wet sclerophyll forest on the valley floor, though it could have prevented rainforest establishment  相似文献   

Life of Monks     
If Tibetan Buddhism were taken as a lake.Lhasa would be an island inits center.When the wind blows,the lake ripples with gentle waves spreading out to the eastern tip of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.That part of the world is home to Tibetan.Tu and Han ethnic groups and boasts 29monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism. Why were there so many monasteries in sucha small and remote place inhabited by not only Tibetans,but also people of other ethnic groups?  相似文献   

Quaternary stratigraphy and sea level changes have been extensively investigated in many areas of the Mediterranean. However, numerical dating of coastal deposits and the associated paleoenvironmental information are limited for the coasts of Cyprus, principally based on radiometric and radiation-exposure geochronological techniques on fossils which bear a range of limitations and uncertainties. As such, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques are deemed to be the most suitable in direct dating of the coastal sediments of Cyprus. In the southeastern Cyprus, coastal dunes (aeolianites) now forming elongated ridges appear as morphological features running parallel to the current shoreline presenting an indicator of sea level and climate changes of great paleoenvironmental significance. We present our first chronological results for the exposed aeolianites and underlying littoral deposits formed along the southeastern coastal Cyprus ranging from 78.4 ± 9.9 to 56.2 ± 7.4 ka. The post-infrared–infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IRSL) revealed that dune formation took place during the marine isotope stages (MISs) 3, 4, and possibly 5a. Late Holocene reworking is proposed for a distinctively isolated dune with an age of ~1.3 ka ago. This study also showed that pIR-IRSL dating of feldspars may be a reliable alternative to quartz OSL dating when the quartz luminescence characteristics are unsuitable.  相似文献   

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