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包世臣与嘉道年间的学风转变   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
包世臣是嘉道年间学风转变的代表人物之一.这主要表现在以下三个方面:第一,是他的经世思想形成早.早在1800年前后包世臣的经世思想即已形成并趋于成熟,其标志是1801年他<说储>上下二篇的成书.这至少要早于龚自珍和魏源的经世思想的形成20年左右.第二,是他的经世思想具有代表性.就包世臣的经世思想来看,具有两个显著的特征:一是批判旧学,摆脱汉学、宋学的束缚;二是强调学以致用,重视社会实践.这两个特征也正是嘉道时期学风转变的显著标志.第三,是他的经世思想影响较大.包世臣的经世思想主要通过三条途径发生影响:一是入幕;二是交友;三是著述.包世臣对于嘉道时期学风的转变具有承上启下的作用.所谓"承上",是继承了"清初诸老"的"实用之学".所谓"启下",是开启了嘉道时期的"经世之学".  相似文献   

包世臣与近代前夜的“海运南漕”改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张岩 《近代史研究》2000,(1):127-153
雇商海运漕粮,是清代道光年间漕运制度中具有新意的重大变革。包世臣的雇商海运思想虽非首创,却有着更加鲜明的时代特色。雇商海运最终能在道光年间付诸实施,是当时社会政治、经济、化综合发展的产物,更是经世派官僚士子上下一致共同努力的结果。身为幕僚的包世臣为此奔走呼吁,付出了大量努力,以其敏锐的洞察力和务实精神,开启了道光朝大政改革重视私商力量的先河。包世臣在近代前夜的“海运南漕”改革中所起的实际作用,远超魏源。  相似文献   

关于"经世致用"思潮的几点质疑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王宏斌 《史学月刊》2005,(7):106-114
“经世”的词义在中国古代文献中本来是非常明确的,历经2000余年而无歧义,从不与“致用”一词搭配使用。自从梁启超开始使用后,“经世致用”一词开始频繁出现在现代许多学术论著中。在研究清代学术思潮时,有的研究者认为中国在嘉庆、道光年间出现了一股“经世致用”学术思潮,并且产生了一个“经世派”,不仅如此,还把这种“经世致用”思潮与鸦片战后的“师夷制夷”相联系。其实,不仅“经世致用”的提法不妥,而且“经世派”存在的现实根据也不足,就连“经世”观念与“师夷制夷”之间的历史逻辑联系也是值得怀疑的。  相似文献   

包世臣认为,为文除要严守文法,做到“其言有序”外,还要做到“其言有物”,而且就“其言有序”和“其言有物”比较而言,后者具有更为重要的意义。他的一个基本观点是认为,“文字之教”的基本功能是“成其俗”。因此,他主张文学家要介入社会,关心国计民生。与此相联系,他主张为文要“崇实”而反对“致饰”。包世臣诗论的核心,是儒家的诗教原则。当然,作为嘉道年间的重要诗人,包世臣也特别重视诗的艺术性。首先,他认为写诗要直抒胸臆,“言为心声”;其次,他主张华实结合,朴质得宜,反对华而不实,尤其反对“侈于声色”;第三,他虽然反对“侈于声色”,但不反对韵律,认为写诗要讲求平仄。基于上述见解,包世臣将诗分成上、次、下三类。包世臣的文学成就,主要表现在两个方面,一是文,二是诗。尤其是他的诗,无论形式的多样性,还是题材的广泛性,以及内容的思想性与艺术性的统一,在嘉道年间的诗人中都是一流的。  相似文献   

崔述将自己明道经世的理想寄托于学术研究之中,他往往借古史考证阐发其经世思想.民本主义与重贤主张是崔述经世思想的核心因素,以此为基础,他提出了亲民纳谏、轻赋慎刑,惩贪防腐等经世观点.崔述的经世观点,带有于嘉学者借学术研究表达经世意识的普遍特征,但与清初学者那种带有强烈的民族反抗情绪、批判君主专制的可贵勇气的经世思想有明显...  相似文献   

陶澍和包世臣是近代中国地主阶级改革派的核心骨干,嘉道年间经世致用思潮的主要代表。包世臣是陶澍的主要幕僚,他们开始突破“重农轻商”的传统观念,提出了“利商”的思想和政策;并共同设计了对漕运、盐务等有关国计民生大政的改革,他们所推行的海运、票盐更是改革派的主要成果。同时,他们对当时货币危机的原因、对禁烟运动和抗击外国侵略者,都有共同的认识,是中国近代杰出的爱国主义者。  相似文献   

包世臣对鸦片之害有较为深刻的认识,早在嘉庆二十五年(1820),他就论述过鸦片引起的社会问题.就他对鸦片问题的认识来看有两点值得重视:一是他最早认识到鸦片泛滥造成的白银大量外流是引起银贵钱贱、物价上涨的重要原因;二是他虽然主张通过"撤关罢税"严禁鸦片,但他并不主张断绝与外国的一切往来.他也是鸦片战争前当朝野上下都还做着"天朝上国"的美梦时极少数留心夷务、关注夷情的思想家.鸦片战争爆发后,他积极为当局出谋划策,承认"英夷"有"战舰"和"火器"的"长技",并先于魏源提出了类似于"师夷之长技以制夷"的主张.他还主张利用人民群众的力量来抵抗英军侵略,反对签订丧权辱国的《南京条约》.鸦片战争结束后,他对中国失败的原因进行了总结,认为既不是船炮,也不是军民,而是那些愚昧无知、自毁长城的清朝统治者应对战争的失败负责.  相似文献   

沈艳 《史学月刊》2004,(3):108-115
自魏源代贺长龄编纂的《皇朝经世文编》问世以后,近代中国社会出现了一股赓续“经世文编”的潮流。这些经世文续编传播的“经世之学”构成了因时而变的有机序列,映射出强烈的现实性和工具性。各部经世文续编基本上保持着体例结构和求变趋向上的相对稳定性。这些经世文续编所载“经世之学”均未脱离传统经世实学的轨范,西学则被经世文续编借用来强化其“致用”性。因此,这种“经世之学”就无法与近代意义上的“新学”画上等号。经世文续编所代表的传统经世观含有“道德理性”成分,讲究价值和目的,同西方近代“工具理性”纯粹讲究手段的有效性颇有间隔。  相似文献   

首先,包世臣认为,为官要为民爱民,而要为民爱民,就必须通民情,为民兴利除弊;其次,他主张慎选官吏,把培养和选拔好的官吏特别是州牧县令视为整饬吏治的关键,因为州牧县令的为政好坏,是为民爱民,还是残民以逞,是兴利除弊,还是贪赃枉法,无不关系着封建统治秩序的稳定和人民群众的切身利益;再次,他认为官吏要精通吏事,应努力提高自己的施政能力和统治技巧,他还就此问题进行了认真探讨,提出了许多好的意见;第四,他要求清除腐败,认为清除腐败是整肃吏治、缓和当时尖锐社会矛盾的当务之急,并就如何清除腐败提出了自己的主张和建议.  相似文献   

丘濬经世理念是明中期社会变迁的一种反映,经济生活近代化的期待与传统社会范式的修正成为丘濬经世理念中颇具时代特征的两种价值倾向。丘濬经世理念也是15世纪后期儒学“治道”与“治法”有效整合的一种尝试,是儒学以现实社会经济生活内容为参照的一次自我充实与发展。丘濬强烈的“立功”意愿是其经世理念激励的结果与表现,而壮志难酬之命途使丘溶之经世理念幻化为以“救时”为主旨、以诗文为载体的浓郁的经世情怀。  相似文献   

晚明文人结社,尤以复社规模最巨,影响最大,活动最频繁.复社的社会活动具有明显的时代特色和政治取向.与复社社会活动形成鲜明照映的是复社的社会思想和经世学术.社会思想在诸如经世济民、名节道义方面,都体现出强烈的社会历史意义;而学术体系中的经学、史学成绩皆有着深刻的经世内涵.复社的社会思想与学术取向,在明清之际的社会转变中,具有不可或缺的、承前启后的重大历史意义.  相似文献   

In the nineteenth century there was a distinct form of moderation in European statecraft. This moderation worked within the broader the framework of the European concert where the exercise of prudence and forbearance acted as the measure of state conduct in European politics. The overarching intention behind moderation was to maintain a balanced, peaceful Europe. Using the context of the Franco-Prussian War, this study attempts to highlight the place of moderation in diplomacy, as contemporaries understood it. In doing so, it provides an enriched perspective of nineteenth-century statecraft.  相似文献   

文化以稳定的心理积淀隐藏在人的心灵世界中,并形成固定的文化观念支配人的一切,以至于人在日常的思维和行为方式中都会表现出鲜明的文化特征。刘显世是民国时期贵州督军、省长,“兴义系”军阀的领军人物,其祖籍为湖南,他在深受湖湘文化影响的大家族中成长起来,湖湘文化作为一种固定的心理意识在支配着他,并形成其文化品格,这就使其思维及行为方式都表现出鲜明的湖湘文化的特征,那就是:兴办教育、重视人才;尚变求新、机敏睿智;经世致用、勇于任事。本文通过文化人类学的解读对他一生作出最合乎逻辑的阐释。  相似文献   

For more than twenty years popular geopolitics has proven an intriguing and fruitful field of research. It has spurred a lasting interest in everything from movies to stamps as important cultural artefacts that reveal to their audiences the geopolitical visions of their producers. This paper, however, brings into question the ‘popularity’ of popular geopolitics. Using recent examples from the ongoing dispute over the Falkland Islands, we examine the influence of social media and the associated flourishing of ‘citizen statecraft’ which, through its production of geopolitical knowledges, hints at the possibilities of a genuinely popular geopolitics 2.0. We also examine how creative practices, understood in myriad ways in relation to ‘statecraft’, work to unsettle and complicate previously tidy geopolitical categories of the ‘popular’, the ‘formal’, and the ‘practical’. We suggest, by way of conclusion, that ‘citizen statecraft’ may be productive in the flourishing of new modes of international dialogue between communities in dispute.  相似文献   

道成之际,经世致用之风重新兴起,西北史地研究渐成“显学”。龚自珍、魏源关于西北史地的研究以及开发西北、经营西北的思想体现了他们的经世意识,也具有一些近代意识。二人西北研究的经世目的、政策有很大的相似之处,也由于经历与时代的不完全相同而在经营西北、抵制侵略的策略上有明显差异。他们关于西北的历史、地理、风俗、制度、人17、文化的基础性研究,不仅对于历史、今天的西部开发有重要价值,而且为后世树立了榜样。  相似文献   

清代学者对子书的校勘、注释不完全排除义理,而对诸子地位的尊贬、诸子学说的阐发,更是思想史的重要内容。从清初相对于理学的异端,到少数乾嘉学者超越以子证经,进而在晚清经世致用、西学东渐的潮流中彰显价值,发展为"古学复兴"的主体,清代诸子学始终关联时代思潮,成为培育新思想的土壤。  相似文献   

俞政 《安徽史学》2004,(1):75-79
1研至1879年留英期间,严复起初倾心于西方自然科学,后对外交感兴趣.他对顽固思想有所批判,大体相当于洋务派的思想水平.他之所以没有进入外交界,是因为得罪了李凤苞和曾纪泽.  相似文献   

Intensive transnational cooperation and manifestations of the NATO-Russia security rivalry have endured for over 30 years in the post-Cold War Arctic. Drawing upon the concept of repertoires from the social movement literature, this article seeks to make a conceptual contribution as to how we might better analyse and articulate the simultaneity of these practices and narratives of cooperation and rivalry in the circumpolar region. Repertoires are typically defined as bundles of semi-structured/semi-improvisational practices making up a context-contingent performance (for example, by civil society towards the ‘state’). These repertoires are argued to be created and performed in ‘contentious episodes’, rather than structured by long-term trends or evidenced in single events. Translated to global politics, a repertoires-inspired approach holds promise for privileging an analysis of the tools and performance (and audience) of statecraft in ‘contentious episodes’ above considerations of how different forms of global order or geopolitical narratives structure options for state actors. The emphasis on the performance of statecraft in key episodes, in turn, allows us to consider whether the interplay between the practices of cooperation and rivalry is usefully understood as a collective repertoire of statecraft, as opposed to a messy output of disparate long-term trends ultimately directing actors in the region towards a more cooperative or more competitive form of Arctic regional order. The article opens with two key moments in Arctic politics – the breakup of the Soviet Union and the 2007 Arctic sea ice low. The strong scholarly baseline that these complex moments have garnered illustrates how scholars of Arctic regional politics are already employing an episodic perspective that can be usefully expanded upon and anchored with insights and methods loaned from social movement literature on repertoires. The 18-month period following Russia's annexation of Crimea is then examined in detail as a ‘contentious episode’ with an attending effort to operationalize a repertoires-inspired approach to global politics. The article concludes that a repertoire-inspired approach facilitates systematic consideration of the mixed practices of amity and enmity in circumpolar statecraft over time and comparison to other regions, as well as offers one promising answer to the growing interest in translating the insights of constructivist scholarship into foreign policy strategy.  相似文献   

JoAnn McGregor  Kudzai Chatiza 《对极》2019,51(5):1554-1580
This article develops the concept of “urban frontier” to explore conflicts over state regularisation of city edge informal settlements in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare. It conceptualises the presence of “lawless” urban frontiers and “illegal” territorial authorities in capital cities as expressions of a permissive form of central statecraft. In so doing, the article takes forward debates over the politics shaping the margins of Africa’s rapidly expanding cities, redressing scholars’ tendency to neglect central party‐state strategic calculations and party politics in their analyses of unregulated settlements. Dominant interpretations generally hinge on state absence or weakness and emphasise localised influences. The case of Harare’s highly politicised city‐edge informal settlements reveals the inadequacy of apolitical approaches particularly clearly, as all were controlled by the ruling ZANUPF party. The conflicts provoked by regularisation provide a lens on disputes within the ruling party, which we interpret as disputes over different forms of clientalist statecraft. Analyses of urban frontiers can thus help move away from generic one‐size‐fits‐all explanations of informality and patronage politics in Africa’s expanding cities.  相似文献   

This essay questions Daniel Bell Jr.'s claim that liberation theology is ignorant of the links between the cultural and structural formations of capitalism. Focusing especially on Bell's treatment of the thought of Gustavo Gutiérrez, the article argues that Gutiérrez's concept of integral liberation provides a complex account of the manner in which the structural, cultural, and theological levels of liberation are interrelated. It contends, contra Bell, that Gutiérrez's concept does not reduce politics to “statecraft” but instead provides an illuminating framework for understanding the integrity of Christian life within the contemporary neoliberal globalization project. Finally, the paper moves to consider the manner in which Gutiérrez's concept might be fruitfully paired with Leslie Sklair's theorization of global capitalism in order to specify the process of liberation today.  相似文献   

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