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正You may not think that traffic jam was once a piece of news in Lhasa.The 1990 s was a wonderful time for paper-based media.Talented journalists in Tibet were able to sniff out the latest and greatest,despite there being relatively low means of intercommunication at the time.When bumper to bumper traffic first made its appearance on the People's Street in Lhasa,then,one headline took all readers by storm:Shock and awe!Traffic jams in Lhasa?!There was one long-time driver,however,a certain Mr.Qian,who could not help but chortle when hearing us talk about the buzz.  相似文献   

During the historic process that Tibet became an inalienable part of China,the Ming dynasty was one of the important phases.The central government of the Ming dynasty,especially Emperors Hongwu and Yongle paid significant attention to governing Tibet.They not only inherited the Yuan dynasty?s rights in Tibet,but also made some adjustments.  相似文献   

正Back in 2014,during the opening ceremony for the Tibet Yak Museum,a hoard of guests came in from Beijing as well as from areas throughout China.An adequate venue for accommodation for such a large event was an absolute must.Tibet Hotel was one suggestion.The location of its grounds was rather close to the museum's campus.The idea indeed made it convenient to hold various sorts of activities,regardless of the fact the hotel was somewhat old with little to no luxurious facilities,though the staff is known for excellent service.I thus made it a point to speak directly with the general manager of the hotel,a  相似文献   

正Sports have the power to strengthen a nation and revitalize its people.Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China and especially since Tibet launched democratic reform,sports in Tibet Autonomous Region,which used to be practically nonexistent,have witnessed tremendous development.Today,various forms of sports have become popular among farmers and herdsmen in Tibet.The Development of Mountaineering  相似文献   

正Spring is a time of renewal.As the spread of the COVID-19 has been largely contained in China,the country is back on track in an orderly manner.In the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR),a series of measures for reopening have been introduced to resume normalproduction and life while ensuring the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus epidemic.As the natural  相似文献   

正The snowy plateau in March seems to be waking up after a long wintry slumber as a warm breeze passes over the land.Vigorous and vivid are two appropriate terms to describe the expanse from the mountainous park toward the south and nearby the Lhasa River to the dense forest of the Lhalu Wetland,a haven for  相似文献   

<正>With the joint efforts of scholars in China and abroad, the study of Tibetan arts has made great progress and significant achievements in the course of more than half a century. In particular, since the Reform and Opening-up, some art colleges and research institutions in Tibet and other parts of China have carried out intensive and extensive  相似文献   

正May had already arrived,but the northern lands of Tibet were still covered in the whitest of snow.It is in this place that Markham County of Chamdo City is found peacefully seated,embraced by rivers and abundant,verdant forests and seemingly enlivened by the nearby spring making everything just a little bit greener.  相似文献   

正From 1637 to 1642,Güshri Khan of the Qosod,which was a clan of the Oyirad Mongols,conquered Amdo,Kham,and Central Tibet with his Oyirad allied troops,then he united the Tibetan Plateau and established"the Qosod Khanate court"1 From then on,four descendants in Güshri Khan’s lineage acted as Khans at Lhasa one after  相似文献   

<正>1.Introduction:Since the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee in the year of 2006,the Chinese government clearly put forward the target of basic public services equalization in urban and rural areas for the first time.The issue has aroused the attention of all sectors of Chinese society.Some important problematic decision about building harmonious socialism(hereafter  相似文献   

正Back at where he started 44 years ago,63-year-old Lobsang Dorje was a bit emotional.In front of the huge grey buildings,he stopped for a long time.He pointed at the towering grey cylindrical building, "Built in 1986,the wet-process kiln production line could produce 100,000 tons annually.It had been in operation until 201 1.Before my retirement,I was the assistant plant manager here."  相似文献   

正Keeping abreast of China's massive economic and open-door reform,the social productive forces of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)have gradually started to match the same pace as other areas of the country.All ethnicities living in the region have been enjoying the ever-increasing achievements of an abundant modern civilization,and with fullscale assistance from both the central government as well as Chinese people nationwide,local residents have united as one to fight against poverty and backwardness.  相似文献   

正This year marks the 70 th anniversary of Tibet's peaceful liberation.For the past seven decades,all ethnic groups in Tibet,under the steadfast leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC),have utterly overhauled the social landscape,turning what was once a land marked by slave-driven feudalism,dire poverty,and backwardness to one fueled by socialism,civilization,and development.  相似文献   

正Establishment of the Golden Urn Lottery System Historical Background The golden urn lottery system is a chance scheme used in the last stage of recognizing the reincarnated lamas. Emperor Qianlong established it in order to put an end to the malfeasance in the selection of most reincarnated lamas to be reincarnated  相似文献   

<正>Lu Xingqi陆兴祺was of cr ucial impor tance in the Sino-Tibetan-Br itish negotiations in the early 1910s.Therefore he was the subject of a fine article published many years ago,which mainly discussed his role around the Simla conference(Oct.1913–Jul.1914)by utilizing materials solely from the British records.1 By consulting both British and Chinese files,this paper seeks to present a more comprehensive picture of his activities during that time.  相似文献   

正Pho-lha-nas quelled the civil strife in Bhutan in 1730,and in 1734,and both sides of the conflict respectively dispatched envoys to Beijing to ask the Qing Court to confer honorif ic titles,which resulted in the f inal establishment of the Suzerain-vassal relationship between Tibet and Bhutan in the Qing Dynasty.However,the establishment  相似文献   

吴瑞娟 《沧桑》2010,(1):118-119,131
二十世纪二三十年代的民国乡村建设运动对农村社会生活习俗变迁产生了深远的影响。一方面,它促使妇女地位改观,农民业余生活更加丰富。另一方面,乡村建设者们在这些方面的宣传教育,也为日后农村生活的进一步变迁奠定了基础。  相似文献   

二十世纪二三十年代的民国乡村建设运动对农村社会生活习俗变迁产生了深远的影响。一方面,它促使妇女地位改观,农民业余生活更加丰富。另一方面,乡村建设者们在这些方面的宣传教育,也为日后农村生活的进一步变迁奠定了基础。  相似文献   

李莉娟 《神州》2011,(26):214
五四时期是中国近代社会剧烈变革的时期,妇女社会地位的提高是社会变革中的一个十分重要的方面。在这一时期,妇女社会地位在各个方面都发生了显著的变化,广大中国妇女以前所未有的革命姿态,英勇地参加了五四爱国运动,她们争取男女平等教育、主张社交公开、经济独立、参与政治,与传统中国女性的"女子无才便是德"、"男女授受不清"、"牝鸡不司晨"等观念形成了强烈的对比。  相似文献   

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