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繁昌窑是目前已发掘的最早的专烧青白瓷的窑口,也是青白瓷早期的生产中心;景德镇窑青白瓷应是在宋初随着南唐国衰亡逐渐崛起,至宋中期景德镇窑取代繁昌窑成为南方青白瓷的生产中心,进而形成以景德镇窑场为核心的青白瓷窑系。繁昌窑和景德镇窑青白瓷生产之间存在技术传承关系;在景德镇窑青白瓷的崛起过程中,南唐国和繁昌窑功不可没。  相似文献   

河南出土宋代青白瓷及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南发现的宋代青白瓷,分景德镇类型和河南窑场的产品两类。景德镇类型青白瓷是江南青白瓷通过贸易流通到中原来的,此类青白瓷在河南发现较少,这应和北宋时期战乱及自然灾害频发有关。河南窑场出土的青白瓷受到了景德镇湖田窑青白瓷工艺影响,并在本地产生、发展、成熟,形成了具有中原地方特色的青白瓷。  相似文献   

江凌  詹嘉 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):26-28
景德镇在南唐时期生产青瓷和白瓷,进入宋代后只生产青白瓷。景德镇青白瓷来源可能是繁昌窑青白瓷技术传人或白瓷技术的自然过渡。宋初青白瓷窑址主要分布于南河流域,处于且耕且陶的初级阶段,其分布状况与当时社会政治经济状况有着密切关联。  相似文献   

本文结合考古学与陶瓷工艺学的成果,在梳理唐宋之际南方白瓷生产情况的基础上,认为青白瓷起源于南方地区早期的白瓷生产,并不是仿照青白玉的结果。青白瓷的产生体现了南北瓷业技术的结合,繁昌窑可能是最早大量生产青白瓷的窑场。  相似文献   

<正>宋代是青白瓷的辉煌时期,青白瓷是景德镇成为世界瓷都的起点,景德镇自生产青白瓷后便声名鹊起,为天下所注目,在中国乃至世界制瓷史上具有重要意义。青白瓷因其釉色介于青白之间,青中泛白,白中显青,故文献上称为"青白瓷"。据考古发掘资料,目前已在国内十多个省、近150个县和国外20多个国家、地区出土了宋代青白瓷。  相似文献   

近年来,在与江西、福建相邻的浙南地区发现了一种新的窑系——青白瓷窑,有些与青瓷共存,从而说明古代浙江地区除了烧造青釉瓷、黑釉瓷外,也烧制青白瓷.1978年秋,泰顺县玉塔村青白瓷窑址的调查发掘,使我们对浙南地区青白瓷面貌特征有了初步了解,现以此为基础,谈谈浙南地区青白瓷与江西景德镇湖田青白瓷窑、福建德化屈斗宫青白瓷窑的相互关系.  相似文献   

江西景德镇湖田窑与广东潮州笔架山窑同属于烧制青白瓷的瓷窑体系。本文通过对宋代景德镇湖田窑与潮州笔架山窑青白瓷的窑炉与窑具、装烧工艺、制作工艺、品种与造型、胎体与釉色、装饰等各方面特征的研究和梳理,并在此基础上对其关系问题进行探讨,发现两窑既有同时代的共性,又因地域的不同而有所差异。笔架山窑青白瓷既是受湖田窑青白瓷的影响而产生的,又具有明显的区域特色。  相似文献   

宋代的景德镇烧制瓷器的规模及质量已有很大的发展,在制瓷技术上渐趋成熟。当时的窑场以烧制青白瓷为主,一花独放,品种比较单一。青白瓷的釉色是介于青、白两色之间,说它是青瓷中显白,也可以说它是白瓷中泛青。因此在宋代文献中称其为青白瓷,直至清末和民国初年的瓷书中才称其为“影青”、“隐青”、“映青”、“印青”等。  相似文献   

繁昌窑在五代时期始烧青白瓷,是目前已发掘最早专烧青白瓷的窑口。本文试图结合唐末五代的社会背景、移民南迁等情况,对当时盛行的北方定窑白瓷与繁昌窑青白瓷的器表特征、纹饰特点、烧造方法和化学组成等方面进行系统的对比研究,以期进一步探究青白瓷的源流。  相似文献   

青白瓷是宋代以景德镇窑为代表烧制成的一种具有独特风格的瓷器。因为它的釉色介于青白二色之间,青中有白和白中显青,因此称青白瓷,一般又习惯称之为“影青”。 虽然,景德镇瓷业的兴起,以及具有中国瓷都之名,是在元代青花器出现以后的事。但是景德镇制瓷工业的出现,却是相当的早,从现在已知的考古资料来  相似文献   

东北地区金代墓葬、城址、窖藏出土瓷器的类型主要包括定窑及本地窑场生产的白瓷(土产白瓷)、磁州窑风格的白地黑花瓷器、耀州窑青瓷、景德镇青白瓷器、黑(酱)釉瓷器、钧釉瓷器、翠蓝釉瓷器等。土产白瓷及白地黑花瓷的大量发现表明缸瓦窑、冮官屯窑等东北窑址在金代有新的发展,外来瓷器的大量输入则体现了金代东北与内地间的经济文化交流。  相似文献   

湖田窑考古新收获   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重介绍了景德镇湖田窑元代遗址最新考古发掘的材料,并通过对这些新材料的研究,认定湖田窑址所代表的窑场可能是元代浮梁磁局所属的官府瓷器作坊之一.除日用瓷外,建筑用瓷也是其主要产品。在釉色品种上,有青白釉器.卵白釉器、白釉器、黑釉器、青花、釉里红和低温彩瓷等。  相似文献   

The Xicun kiln in Guangdong Province was a famous porcelain kiln in the Song Dynasty of China, and for years there has been controversy over the provenance of Xixun Qingbai wares. This paper analyses Qingbai samples from the Xicun, Hutian (Jingdezhen) and Chaozhou (Guangdong Province) kilns by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) and energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence probe (EDXRF). The analytical results indicate that wares with a thin body excavated from the Xicun kiln site were produced in the Hutian kiln, and wares with a thick body were locally fired in Xicun; the contents of trace elements (V, Rb, Ba, Ta, Pb and Th) and the Nb/Ta ratio can be used to discriminate the products from the Xicun and Chaozhou kilns.  相似文献   

黄卫文  蔡毅 《东南文化》2011,(1):105-112,132
故宫博物院藏有传承自明代宫廷的清官旧藏洪武瓷67件,其制作工艺和装饰既有元代遗风,又有明代官窑瓷器特点,器物风格具有鲜明的由元至明过渡阶段的时代特征.结合景德镇明洪武制瓷历史背景、洪武瓷研究以及其在清宫中的原藏位置,可知清宫旧藏洪武瓷是景德镇洪武官窑受命为宫廷烧造的瓷器,反映了此时景德镇制瓷风格处于由元至明的过渡阶段,...  相似文献   

何国森 《收藏家》2011,(11):83-84
2009年10月19日可谓中国陶瓷史上一个特殊的日子。景德镇传承千年的窑火在停烧20年后在众人的期待瞩目下复烧成功。传统烧窑技艺列入国家非物质文化遗产,这座古窑被吉尼斯认证为世界最古老、容积最大并可使用的柴烧瓷窑,是一座复活的古陶瓷博物馆。笔者有幸加入复烧团队,整个复烧团队由选泥、成型、配釉、挛窑、把桩、  相似文献   

In order to discuss the exact provenance of the Qingbai wares discovered at Shabian archaeological site in Guangzhou, which had a similar appearance to Jingdezhen Qingbai ware, we analysed both the body and glaze of the Qingbai wares from the Shabian kiln site and those from other related kilns, including Hutian in Jingdezhen, Xicun in Guangzhou and Chaozhou of Guangdong, by using micro-X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Based on the analyses, we found that both bodies and glaze of the Qingbai wares in Shabian had the characteristics of a low abundance of rare earth elements (REE), strong negative Eu anomalies, and remarkably low Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios, which was consistent with those from Hutian kiln in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. We also found that the glaze of Qingbai ware from different kilns also had its provenance characteristic in the concentration of the trace elements, and the change of the REE pattern between glaze and its corresponding bodies in Qingbai wares might provide some clue about the types and source of flux. In addition, the lower Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in both the bodies and glaze of Jingdezhen Qingbai wares were attributed to the chemical characteristics of the local granite.  相似文献   

GUO YANYI 《Archaeometry》1987,29(1):3-19
This is a review of the raw materials used for producing ancient traditional porcelains in the famous kiln areas of north and south China. The relation between the use of porcelain stone and the invention of Chinese porcelain is described. The characteristics of porcelain stone and kaolin and their important role in the development of southern porcelains are discussed. As porcelain stone, which mainly consists of quartz and sericite, occurs widely in south China, the ancient southern porcelains were of a highly siliceous nature. From the beginning of the Yuan through to the Qing Dynasty more and more kaolin was added to the bodies to improve the quality of Jingdezhen porcelain. The glazes in south China were prepared from a mixture of porcelain stone and grass-plus-wood ash or glaze ash, here defined as the ash made by calcining limestone with plant material. The raw materials used in the north for making porcelain bodies were mainly various kinds of clay minerals. Feldspar, quartz and dolomite or calcite were used for northern porcelain glazes.  相似文献   

闻长庆 《收藏家》2011,(3):61-68
二.浙江黑釉瓷文博界传统观念认为浙江的黑瓷只有德清窑曾有烧造而且到南朝时期就已停烧。笔者发现浙江以上林湖窑为中心的周边宁、绍、杭等地区,从商周战国开始原始瓷的生产时已有黑褐色瓷,这是华夏黑釉瓷的始祖,到汉代它的制瓷工艺技术已很先进。汉代以黑为贵,  相似文献   

“邢客与越人,皆能造瓷器,圆似月魂堕,轻如云魄起”;“邢瓷类银”;“邢瓷类雪”……古人对邢窑虽有诸多赞誉与评价,然而上世纪70年代之前,曾风靡一时的白瓷缔造者在巍巍的太行山下静静地沉睡,无人知哓,成为千古之谜。上世纪80年代初,伴随着改革开放的春风,河北省临城县二轻局和内丘县文物组先后在临城、内丘发现多处窑址。  相似文献   

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