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A great deal of research on the Korean War has focused on the military, politics, economy and international affairs, and far less on the religious, particularly the Buddhist, perspective. The Korean War exerted a tremendous impact on institutional Buddhism, and consequently Buddhists were heavily involved. This paper examines the history of Chinese Buddhist participation in the "Resisting America and Assisting Korea Campaign" from Buddhist perspectives such as political propaganda, material donations especially the donation of the "Chinese Buddhist Airplane," and the enlistment of young monks into the People's Volunteer Army (the PVA). The paper will then look into social and political factors involved in Buddhist leaders' reinterpretation of Buddhist doctrines to justify participation in the campaign, as a response to the surge of patriotism in Chinese society. This kind of investigation may shed light on the relationship between institutional Buddhism and politics in the new socialist society of China after 1949.  相似文献   

圣德太子与日本早期佛教   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
佛教能在日本迅速传播并成为国教,主要得益于圣德太子的大力提倡。他在发展佛教方面的作用主要表现在:一、确立佛教在日本的地位;二、兴建佛寺、像塔,翻译佛经、广度僧尼;三、广招中朝僧尼前来日本授法,派遣隋使到中国大陆吸纳以佛教为主的先进文化,为日本古代文明的前行做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the migration of middle school students to the interior of China after the Japanese invaded in 1937. It argues that the Guomindang (GMD) central government was generally successful in handling the 500,000 displaced students, making substantial efforts to monitor, register, educate, and provide training for them, as well as establishing government-run "national middle schools" during the war. Meanwhile, the GMD also exerted a strong influence on course curriculum, instructing educators how to implement the Three People's Principles and other party doctrines in classrooms. These processes expanded the state's hand in secondary education and allowed the GMD to include refugee students and schools in its wartime narrative of progress, praising the students' patriotic participation in defying the Japanese occupiers and their contribution to "national reconstruction" (jianguo). However, there were still many challenges. Refugee students, teachers, and principals forcibly converted Buddhist temples into schools and clashed with local monks, farmers, villagers, and even the GMD military. With schools merging and moving inland, relocation also provided opportunities for unscrupulous administrators and teachers to exploit the situation for themselves, as government reports reveal many cases of corruption in the wartime schools.  相似文献   

清末僧教育会与寺院兴学的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪初年,面对来自官绅双方的提拨庙产兴学运动之强大压力,在先后谋求藉信徒之力消极抵制和借助外来势力的庇护均告失败之后,佛界一部分寺僧开始自办学堂和组织教育团体来推进佛教教育.与此同时,为了避免来华日本佛界寺僧所带来的外交纠纷,作为官方的晚清学部于1906年颁布了教育会章程规范僧教育团体,从而建立起了僧界之间以及僧界、士绅阶层与官方之间的联络机制.虽然僧教育会当时影响不大,但它促进了近代佛教教育团体与佛教教育的发展,为民国以后的佛教复兴奠定了一定的基础.  相似文献   

In the early days of the Cold War, Syria was the first Arab country where former officers of the German Wehrmacht played an active role as military advisors. This was due, in part, to the fact that Germany was not burdened by its past political relations to Arab states for, in contrast to the Western powers, Germany which had never had territorial ambitions in the Near East. Even in the very early stages, German advisors contributed considerably to the development of Syria's armed forces and military intelligence. The advisory activities of German experts became even more intensive as a result of increased trade between the two countries; however, in 1956 the political situation in Syria worsened and the country began moving towards the Eastern Bloc putting an end to the non-official activities of German military advisors.  相似文献   

Buddhist ascetic monks and hermits that move largely outside of the institutional structures of the monastic order (sangha) have a long history in mainland Southeast Asia. In Lao Buddhism these figures seem to have largely disappeared, but due to their charismatic qualities they still occupy a crucial position in the social imaginary. This article explores rumours and narratives about the existence of ascetic monks and hermits in contemporary Laos. I argue that rumours about, and narratives of, spectral apparitions of these figures express a longing for Buddhist charisma that is partially rooted in Laos’ revolutionary past, and in recent social and economic changes. As Buddhist charisma can point to alternative, personalised sources of power, I argue that rumours and spectral apparitions can be interpreted as haunting, and therefore afflicting and challenging the current politics of religion of the Lao state.  相似文献   


释赞宁《宋高僧传》承继梁代释慧皎《高僧传》、唐代释道宣《续高僧传》而作,是记载唐初至北宋初三百多年间佛教僧人精英的总传。要了解佛教在中国的生存发展情况离不开佛教史籍,同时佛教与社会生活密切相关,所以《宋传》成为研究唐代至宋初中国佛教史、政治史、经济史、文化史、历史学等方面的重要资料。  相似文献   

明清之际佛书对考史有不可替代的作用。其一,许多明遗民迫于形势遁入空门,其记述论说逃过清朝严禁,以佛书的形式得以保存,故佛书成为研究他们的活动与思想不可或缺的珍贵资料;其二,清初顺治、康熙朝,若干僧侣入事朝廷,预闻要务,所以研究当时史事也离不开他们的作品,而这些著怍大多集中于《嘉兴藏》的续藏、又续藏部分  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increased historical interest in the way in which Western militaries have understood, interacted with and represented Oriental native peoples. However, the influence which the Western perception of the Orient had on the British officers seconded to reform and lead the Egyptian Army between 1882 and 1899 has been overlooked. This oversight is particularly surprising since the reformation the Egyptian Army and its use in the re-conquest of the Sudan between 1896 and 1899 constituted one of the main British military commitments to the Middle East at the height of Empire. Consequently, an examination of the reformation of this force offers the opportunity to examine not only the construction of British racial ideas and their influence on imperialism, but also how they directly affected British actions in Egypt and Sudan. In order to fill this gap in the historiography, this article examines how Western ideas on race, masculinity and imperialism affected the British reformation and leadership of the Egyptian Army as well as how the Europeans attached to the force represented the region in their writing. It argues that the notion of Oriental inferiority quickly became institutionalised amongst the British officers seconded to the force and this not only had a major influence on how the Egyptian Army was both reconstituted and led, but also on how those Europeans attached to the force wrote about their experiences.  相似文献   

The monastic Rules of the early middle ages make it quite clear that the monasteries of this period were populated by a mixed community of adults and children. The Carolingian commentaries, and especially the so-called Hildemar commentary on the Rule of St Benedict, provide detailed information on the education and upbringing of the children who lived in the monasteries. We learn from Hildemar that they were subjected to constant supervision and diligent care. For this reason they were set apart from the adult monks. However, in spite of their separation, they were still full members of the community, who participated in all the activities of monastic life. Apparently Hildemar preferred to recruit new members for his community when they were very young. This was the result of a new development in monastic life: in the Carolingian period a growing number of monks were admitted to the priesthood. Hildemar considered the children who were raised in the monasteries to be eminently suitable for ordination. They were trained to be the future intellectual and moral elite of the community.  相似文献   

唐代佛教僧侣常云游四海 ,或拜师访学 ,或传教弘法 ,本文通过详细的统计数字和独到的统计分析方法 ,探讨了唐代高僧游徙的空间分异特征及其前后期的变迁 :唐前期 ,高僧徙居他乡大体遵循就近和面向长安、洛阳二京的规律 ,京师长安是最大的高僧聚集地 ,河北、陇右和岭南三道则是高僧游徙的发散区域 ;唐代后期 ,高僧徙居他乡大体以面向江南西道和长安、洛阳、五台山以及就近驻锡为原则 ,河北、陇右和江南东道是高僧游徙的发散区域 ;其他各道亦各有特点 ,且前后不同  相似文献   


The creation of the “images of traveling Buddhist monks on pilgrimage for sutras with tame tigers” preserved in the Mogao Grottoes resulted from a syncretic cultural and religious development in the Tang and Song dynasties. It was not drawn on the events of the pilgrimage of Xuanzang 玄奘, as is generally believed in academic circles. The intrinsic principles contained within the images transcend their external features: the development of Esoteric Buddhism and the phenomenon of traveling monks in the periods and their fusion with Central Plains folk culture imbued the images with the influence of both exoteric and esoteric schools of Buddhism, together with folk beliefs; on the other hand, the creation of the “images of traveling Buddhist monks on pilgrimage for sutras with tame tigers” reflected “Ratnasambhava tathāgata beliefs,” which were prevalent in the Dunhuang region in the Tang and Song dynasties. Via metaphorical presentations of iconized monks, these images provided the expression of multiple religious beliefs.  相似文献   

After the Japanese occupation of North China at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist government adopted the strategy of using the regular army to develop the battlefield to the rear of the enemy in order to sustain a protracted war. As a result, the Northwestern Army, which was organizing anti-Japanese forces in North China, became the Nationalist government's main military force in the occupied area. However, caught between Japanese and Communist troops, the Northwestern Army surrendered to the Japanese for the purpose of self-preservation and thus became a puppet army. From a nationalist point of view, the collaborationists who covered up their self-serving motives and later defended their actions as a crooked path to national salvation had a negative image. In response to Communist expansion, the Nationalist government acquiesced in the measure of collaborating with the puppet troops to annihilate the Communists. To reinforce the battles at the front, the Nationalist government also attempted to plot anti-Japanese mutinies among the puppet troops, but its plan was never implemented. The Northwestern Army forces planned to build an alliance in order to survive as a third force both in the confrontation between the Chinese government and the Japanese army and in the confrontation between the Nationalists and the Communists. Yet, due to the tight control exercised by the Japanese in North China, it was difficult for the Northwestern Army to gain momentum as a third force. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Northwestern Army had to take sides in the Civil War, and this dilemma caused its final collapse.  相似文献   

李翎 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(4):40-53,159,160
西安兴教寺所存玄奘石刻像与日本现存无名氏画玄奘像,所携带的历史信息超出了图像本身。作者认为,这一源于早期行脚僧图像的出现,是由于玄奘西行求法的成功,刺激了社会民众对行脚僧的认同,加之西来传法僧的大量涌现,于是在唐末、尤其是在宋代,出现了一批行脚僧图像,并由初时的胡僧梵相,变为汉僧模样,进而附会到玄奘的图像创作上。而在日本所存著名的"玄奘画像",事实上可能是一个具密教性质的僧人图像。作者试图通过有关这一图像的文献解读,全面分析该图像所包含的历史信息。  相似文献   

Mulligan  William 《German history》2003,21(3):347-368
This article contends that the relationship between the Reichswehrand the Republic was shaped by the primacy of foreign policybetween 1918 and 1923. In this period the major concern of theofficers was the stabilization of the German Reich, which wouldpreserve Germany as a Machtfaktor in Europe and serve as thebasis for a revisionist and militarized foreign policy. Foreignpolicy matters and aims shaped their attitude to domestic politics.Cooperation with the Republic enabled the officers to achievethe stabilization of the Reich by 1923. They were also ableto introduce important reforms in the military structure ofthe Reich, which showed that cooperation with the Republic couldpay dividends. In terms of the substance of foreign policy theReichswehr followed a pragmatic, unideological approach by developinglinks with the Red Army. By examining the relationship betweenthe Reichswehr and the Republic from the perspective of theprimacy of foreign policy, it is possible to come to a fullerunderstanding of the shifting nature of civil-military affairsin the Weimar Republic.  相似文献   


During its assault on Nanjing, the Japanese Army bombarded and sank the USS Panay, an American gunship, straining the relations between Japan and the United States. During the Nanjing Massacre, to ease tensions with the United States, Japan allowed the staff of the American embassy in Nanjing to make an early return to the city. While investigating allegations that Japanese troops had trespassed on American property and kidnapped and raped a Chinese woman, the American diplomat John M. Allison was struck in the face by a Japanese soldier. The U.S. government exerted pressure on Japan over what was referred to as the “Allison Incident”: under orders from Tokyo, the Japanese occupying force in Nanjing apologized to Allison and placed the officers and soldiers involved in the incident under court-martial. The incident was thereby resolved. However, amidst the furor of the “Allison Incident,” the Chinese woman who had been assaulted was forgotten by both the American and Japanese governments as well as by public opinion. The Japanese soldiers were placed under court-martial not for raping the Chinese woman, but rather for striking an American diplomat. The U.S. government received a great many reports on the atrocities committed by the Japanese Army, but in policy and deed, the American response was limited to safeguarding its national interests in China.  相似文献   

1963年,在东阳南寺塔内发掘清理出一件北宋建隆二年(961)的贴金彩绘石雕经函。经函须弥座上所绘之10人乐舞图,与唐代以来佛教的净土思想有关。此类乐舞在北宋中原地区的佛寺中十分盛行,于11世纪中叶之前北传至辽地,并对11世纪末宋、辽墓葬中散乐图的大量出现产生重要之影响。  相似文献   

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