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郑州地区汉代的民间铸钱工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西汉前期,由于长年战乱,人民亟待休养生息。因此,当时政府曾一度允许官商铸钱。于是便有许多官吏和商贾从事钱币铸造,到武帝时,就将铸钱权收归中央,由“上林三官”独铸,使货币质量得到提高,在民间取得了信任。西汉末新莽时期,王莽托古改制,民间盗铸之风大兴,社会经济造成大混乱,加速了王莽政权的灭亡。近年来,在郑州地区曾发现两处新莽时期“大泉五十”铸造遗址。现根据出土铸范试析如下,以求就教。  相似文献   

杨深富  王仕安 《东南文化》2006,(4):I0002-I0003
西汉时的日照市东港区属徐州刺史部琅琊郡海曲县,故城位于日照街道办事处烟墩岭村南,城垣至今犹存。1987年在距故城1公里处的“苗姑墩”清理汉墓3座,出土了精美的汉代漆器、铜器、铁器、木器、釉陶等,这是日照地区出土的第一批汉代实物资料,对于鲁东南沿海地区汉代葬制、葬俗和汉代政治、经济、文化的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

学界一般认为,汉武帝开设朝鲜四郡时,在玄菟郡内高句丽族聚居地区设高句丽县,西汉末高句丽建立政权,仍然使用这一名称。"高句丽"一名存在由族称到县名、国名的变化。然而,最早出现高句丽一名的《汉书》,是在《王莽传》中记录高句丽史事的,此时高句丽已经建国。梳理《汉书》、《三国志》、《后汉书》等记载高句丽史事的早期文献,结合近年考古成果,可以得出以下几点初步认识:玄菟郡初设与高句丽无关;玄菟徙郡是为高句丽所侵;《汉书》地理志所载玄菟郡三县不在高句丽地区;"高句丽"最初为国名;"高句丽"作为族称是由高句丽国这一政治体演变而来。  相似文献   

王培新 《史学集刊》2017,(1):96-104
学界一般认为,汉武帝开设朝鲜四郡时,在玄菟郡内高句丽族聚居地区设高句丽县,西汉末高句丽建立政权,仍然使用这一名称。"高句丽"一名存在由族称到县名、国名的变化。然而,最早出现高句丽一名的《汉书》,是在《王莽传》中记录高句丽史事的,此时高句丽已经建国。梳理《汉书》、《三国志》、《后汉书》等记载高句丽史事的早期文献,结合近年考古成果,可以得出以下几点初步认识:玄菟郡初设与高句丽无关;玄菟徙郡是为高句丽所侵;《汉书》地理志所载玄菟郡三县不在高句丽地区;"高句丽"最初为国名;"高句丽"作为族称是由高句丽国这一政治体演变而来。  相似文献   

馆藏王莽货币概述陈丽凤我国自秦统一中国行用半两,至西汉初仍沿秦制,一直到汉武帝元狩五年(公元前118年)改为五铢钱止,钱币均以重量命名。西汉末年,王莽执政,建立了以“新”名国的政权。王莽为了复古的需要,大胆改变汉制,把钱币所有铸造权掌握在中央政府手中...  相似文献   

一光武建东汉时,虽然腐朽暴虐的新莽政权已经摧垮,但是这只限于中央一级。王莽统治多年,由于他篡政的需要和吏治的腐败,曾经麕集了大批贪官污吏。王莽逆天下行事的所谓各项“改制”,也造成了大量的冤狱和成批的酷吏。《汉书·王莽传》说:新莽始建国三年(公元11年),曾任命“七  相似文献   

公元前 37年高句丽在汉玄菟郡高句丽县建国时 ,高句丽人已经在西汉郡县制的管辖之下生活了 70多年。高句丽王被王莽政权贬为侯 ,说明其在西汉末为王国 ,东汉光武帝复其王号 ,也证实了高句丽在两汉时期的封国地位。随着高句丽的发展 ,东汉时期高句丽曾侵扰辽东、玄菟、乐浪等地 ,但这都属于边郡地方的冲突 ,高句丽作为边郡封国的地位没有改变。  相似文献   

东汉杰出的外交家班超云帆西汉哀平二帝之际,西域由原来的36国分裂为50余国。中经王莽改制,贬易侯王,西域由此怨叛,北匈奴势力乘机而入,使中西友好往来长期处于隔绝状态。东汉政权建立初期,由于窘于应付内地叛乱和巩固政权,无暇西顾,匈奴上层统治集团更力口肆...  相似文献   

<正>一引言西汉末年,王莽篡权。这一时期阶级矛盾尖锐,经济状况恶化,为稳定自己的皇位,缓和尖锐的阶级矛盾,王莽先后颁发了一系列诏令,从政治、经济、文化各方面着手改制以求得出路。在王莽篡权的十几年间,频繁变动币制,铸造新钱。前后共进行了四次货币改革。王莽货币品类繁多,归纳起来可分为刀、布泉、布3大类,但考古发掘中常见的只有"货泉"、"大泉五十"、"小泉直一"、"货布"、"大布黄千"诸种,其它均少见。王莽的  相似文献   

张港 《文史天地》2003,(2):33-34
看了《三国演义》之后,有人提出了问题:为什么三国时的人全都是单字名?问题出在王莽身上。西汉末年,王莽篡夺了政权,为了巩固统治,他拣起了董仲舒的“神学目的论”,以此为核心,还推行了一系列所谓的“新政”,从土地制度到用人制度,从货币到地名,无孔不入,也涉及到了人名。王莽对“名”特别重视。他一上台,就闹起了一股改名风。首先是把中央各级官名改了,然后大改地名。甚至于将“匈奴”改成“降奴”,“单于”改成“服于”,由此引起了民族之争。王莽对姓名更是大下功夫。对许多刘姓皇族和有功部下,赐姓“王”,以示恩宠。看…  相似文献   

为进行山东日照海曲墓地出土夹纻胎漆器的脱水保护工作,在对19块残块样品结构、材质分析的基础上,运用傅里叶变换红外光谱、热分析技术对Haiqu07漆膜及现代生漆进行了分析。古代漆膜的红外图谱主要吸收峰和现代生漆的基本相同,说明漆膜结构的抗老化能力较强,具有超稳定性,且溶有颜料的漆膜的抗热稳定性高。本结果可为研究我国古代漆膜提供素材。  相似文献   

为进行山东日照海曲出土夹纻胎漆器的脱水保护工作,选择了19块残片,运用体视显微镜观察(OM)、X光探伤机拍摄、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等方法,对残片的制作工艺、材质进行分析研究。分析结果表明,该批漆器是实用器;其苎麻之间无漆灰层粘结,有别于现代制作工艺;其易存水,是使其易遭受腐蚀的重要因素。本分析结果可为研究我国古代夹纻胎工艺提供素材  相似文献   

山东日照海曲西汉墓(M106)发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海曲墓地位于山东省日照市西郊西十里堡村西南约1.5公里处,2002年3~6月山东省文物考古研究所对该墓地进行了发掘,发掘墓葬86座,其中M106的规模较大,保存较完整,出土器物丰富。该墓出土的漆器精美,多为银钼器,部分漆器嵌金,另外还出土有陶器、铜器、木器、竹器、玉器、石器等。根据墓葬形制、出土器物及竹简上的纪年文字推断,该墓的年代约在汉武帝末年或昭帝时期。  相似文献   

为了更好地探讨出土汉代夹纻胎漆器的金银装饰工艺,本研究运用显微镜等仪器,对山东日照海曲汉代墓地出土几件夹纻胎漆器的金银装饰工艺进行分析研究。研究发现:金饰片多镶嵌在漆灰层上的漆膜层中,银饰片和银构件多镶嵌在漆膜及漆灰层中;在金银饰与漆膜接界处有出于保护目的,且与周围图案相协调的描饰;金银装饰上的描饰与其周围的描饰图案融为一体。夹纻胎漆器的金银装饰工艺因金银饰件面,与漆膜层面高低,分为"粘贴"和"镶嵌"两类,本研究样品中暂未发现粘贴工艺。结合现代漆器装饰工艺调查结果,初步探讨了几件夹纻胎漆器金银的镶嵌工艺流程。本研究可利于汉代夹纻胎漆器金银装饰工艺的发掘、利用与传承。  相似文献   

"Despite my emotions, I could not refuse the responsibility which has been offered; for in times like these, even more so than in times of war, individuals cease to be significant. Only the common welfare is important," explained Lewis Douglas in 1933 as he accepted President-elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt's offer of the position of director of the budget.1 Douglas came to his post with a strong sense of obligation—he was certain the United States was in a "critical condition," and the only solution to the devastating depression lay in balancing the budget.2 Roosevelt seemingly agreed with Douglas. Newspapers reported that the young budget director would "make his mark in the Roosevelt administration" and "be at the heart of things." Journalists argued that Roosevelt's appointment was an "indication that Roosevelt means business in his promise to reduce government costs."3  相似文献   

In 1973 the Watch Hill barrow in St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall was excavated and demonstrated to be a complex structure. However, at the time it was only possible to arrange two radiocarbon determinations, from the same pit in the base of the ditch. As part of postgraduate research carried out at the University of Exeter, the archive was revisited and funding obtained for a further four radiocarbon determinations from the ditch and central burial within the barrow. The six radiocarbon determinations together ranged between 2140 and 1680 cal. BC. The results are significant as they indicate that the site was in use over several centuries with the burial occurring towards the end of activity.  相似文献   

A trial excavation was carried out on the near-submerged crannog at Ederline Boathouse, Loch Awe, in July 2004. A trench measuring 3 × 5 m was opened on the northern side, in c .3 m of water. Around 1 m of organic deposits was encountered, along with structural timbers and animal bones. Despite a previous 4th century BC radiocarbon determination from a structural timber, a sherd of E ware from a sealed context gives an Early Historic date for the deposits excavated in 2004. The results from this first intrusive investigation of a Loch Awe crannog demonstrate that these sites are complex and long-lived.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   


A ‘cottage’ weaving industry was established at Houndhill, family seat of the Elmhirsts in Worsbrough, near Barnsley, during the mid-16th century. It ceased early in the 17th century but excavation has shown it was revived under new ownership in the late 18th century. During the 19th century the mill became a general farm store and was totally demolished in the 1930s to permit a garden extension. The excavation was planned to retain any remaining features for conservation as part of the historical interest of the residence.1  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey covering 35% of all households in five villages was conducted in a local forest protection group in Orissa, India. The aim was to study dependency, involvement and attitude towards forest protection based on gender and caste. A conceptual model indicating differences between the groups was used as a base. Women experienced more problems of restrictions caused by the protection and more threats associated with the forest than did men. Voting in meetings and a wish for more plantations was of greater importance for women than for men, while men emphasised importance of co-operation with government. Direct involvement was very low among women, even though they were well informed about forest issues. Tribal groups were the main contributers of labour, while general caste had been involved for considerably longer in forest protection than other groups. The tribal groups also wanted more plantations and had a good understanding of the ecosystem. For example, they indicated the value of a growing forest. Men and general caste tended to be more outspoken in this type of questionnaire situation compared to women and scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The general attitude towards Dhani Hill, however, was positive and could be linked to daily use and future optimism. This optimism and the involvement of all the different groups should be considered as crucial in the timing of local forest management interventions. This should be seen together with the diversified opinions and ways of expressing such opinions depending on gender and caste.  相似文献   

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