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去年,我正在自习室埋头备战考试,突然接到三姨的电话。三姨大笑,“其实是按错了电话按给你了!”她怕打扰我学习,嘱咐我多买些好吃的,要照顾好自己,便挂断了。  相似文献   

随着宾馆业竞争的日益激烈和顾客消费个性化需求的不断加强,宾馆客史档案在宾馆经营与服务中的作用日渐显著,必须有效地建立客史档案系统,为宾馆的经营决策和产品体系调整提供更有力的支持,建立客史档案对提高宾馆服务质量,改善宾馆经营水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

雒阳 《旅游纵览》2009,(1):19-21
阿联酋,全称阿拉伯联合酋长国(The United Arab Emirates),位于阿拉伯半岛东部,北濒临波斯湾,西北与卡塔尔为邻、西和南与沙特阿拉伯交界、东和东北与阿曼毗连,石油资源丰富。  相似文献   

朱红  吴若峰 《旅游》2010,(2):86-91
边境问题对于国家来说是了不得的大事,对于久居首都的人来说,也是神圣不能马虎的。但是对于祖辈生活在边境的老百姓来说,边境的概念没那么严重。不就隔着条小溪吗?这边人游泳或划竹筏子就过去了,那边有幼年时期的小伙伴,有青年时代的阿哥阿妹。隔着河说话聊天唱山歌,他们的语言不是普通话,也不是越南话,而是壮语。  相似文献   

周力军 《丝绸之路》2010,(15):69-72
没到迪拜之前,只从地图上看,以为它是个不起眼的小地方。从香港坐上舒适的、全世界最豪华的阿联酋航空公司的飞机,就想象着究竟是怎样的国家才能拥有如此一流的飞机和服务。阿联酋航班上空中小姐的服饰非常特殊,她们头戴一顶耀眼的红色小圆帽,脸上蒙着白纱,露出的大眼睛流光顾盼,身着土黄色的制服,浑身上下尽现伊斯兰服饰风格。  相似文献   

Physical anthropology and bioarchaeology (one of the newer interdisciplinary sub‐disciplines) are alive and well in the U.A.E. Older analytical approaches that rely on subjective observations and non‐systematic study of human remains are being replaced with more biocultural and processual approaches that integrate biological data from human remains within a broader archaeological and cultural context. With the publication of a major synthetic work based on analysis of the human remains from Jebel al‐Buhais, a new era of skeletal analysis in the U.A.E. has been heralded. This short review examines the ways that skeletal analysis can be integrated within broader archaeological contexts.  相似文献   

Balancing the dual roles of mother and academic can be an intensive juggling act. Often, it is mothers who undertake the majority of domestic work in the household, and who tend to experience greatest consequences of this in the workplace; including stress, pressure and less likelihood of promotion. Research indicates that networks of support provided by families and friends can help alleviate these pressures. Academic parents who work outside of their home countries may not have access to these networks to share the work of raising children, but academics who work in the Arabian Gulf have inexpensive domestic help at their dispensation. The ways in which life as an expatriate affects academic mothers both professionally and personally is explored in this study set in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Interview data was gathered from ten expatriate academic mothers. It was found that, similarly to other studies in this field, mothers undertake the vast majority of coordination of domestic work and childcare in their homes, but that having domestic help enables them to enjoy more time with their families. However, there was no clear indication that having extra help at home enabled the women to partake more readily in their academic work. The majority of the women in this study considered that their lives as academic mothers are made easier by residing in the UAE, despite being far from family. This was in part due to ubiquitous domestic help, but also due to perceptions of the UAE providing a culturally family friendly working environment.  相似文献   

On-going surveys in the UAE are providing additional prehistoric material, such as painted Ubaid-sherds and flints. Some new material from sites in the Emirate of Ajman and Umm al-Qaiwain is presented.  相似文献   

Knowledge management is gaining prominence in academia and practice. The need for organizations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to empower themselves through knowledge management cannot be ignored. Yet, not much empirical evidence on the subject can be found in the literature. This study investigates the effect of the following factors: organizational culture, organizational infrastructure, technical infrastructure, management support, reward and vision clarity on organizational performance in terms of efficiency, customer satisfaction, decision‐making, quality of work, and financial benefits. A questionnaire was used to collect data from general managers, functional managers, IT managers and chief knowledge officers from a variety of business companies from private and public sector drawn from Dubai Financial Market website. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results show that all investigated knowledge management dimensions are implemented in UAE organizations subject of this study. They are also significantly correlated with performance improvement except reward.  相似文献   

Sixty-two softstone vessels found at the coastal site of ed-Dur, Umm al-Qaiwain (U.A.E.), less than 1% of the total amount of artefacts registered at the site, are examined for evidence of (inter)regional exchange. Emphasis is laid on the vessels from the PIR C phase. In recent research much attention has been paid to the spatial distribution and trade of softstone vessels of earlier times. An attempt will be made to do the same for the dark grey softstone vessels dating ca . 300 BC–300 AD.  相似文献   

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