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张雄 《世界历史》2001,23(6):84-94
一、“南方问题”的渊源 重视发展问题已经成为关注明和未来的一种方式。我国现阶段世界历史研究中,比较关注发展中国家的发展问题,对发达国家中的发展问题注意不够。意大利“南方问题”作为意大利近现代史中最重要的问题之一,早已引起意大利史学界的重视,可能成为同一时期研究最多的问题①。从该问题产生以后到墨索里尼时期,有关“南方问题”的论有20多种②。  相似文献   

南宋宫廷绘画中的“谍画”之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据宋代的文献材料,从大量的宋人册页中甄别出一些在军事上具有特殊功用的绘画。据考,在南宋出使金国的使团人员中,潜藏有擅长山水画、人马画的画院画家,他们奉命描绘金国的山川地形和女真人的军事活动,笔者称此类带有间谍用途的南宋宫廷绘画为“谍画”。本文阐述了“谍画”的发展历史,特别是南宋出现”谍画“的政治、军事等方面的历史原因,对此类“谍画“进行了详细的剖析,发现宇文虚中、萧照和陈居中等是可知的南宋”谍画“的作者。此种从军事角度认识某些宫廷绘画,尚属尝试。  相似文献   

《回疆则例》研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一部重要的地方性民族法规,《回疆则例》是新疆建省前清朝处理新疆南部民族事务的主要法律依据。本文认为《回疆则例》的编纂与修订不仅反映了清朝对新疆治理的不断深入,而且作为处理新疆民族事务的经验总结,还充分体现了清朝“因俗而治”的统治思想,及在多元文化的背景下新疆各种法律文化之间的互相调整与适应。但是由于并没有触动南疆的伯克制度和清朝在新疆的统治体制,该法编纂与修订实际上仍属治标不治本,在本质上也是消极的。  相似文献   

历史时期赤水河是“南方丝绸之路”的重要支柱.西汉时期随着唐蒙取道赤水河,赤水河成为西汉王朝在巴蜀向“西南夷”腹地推进的重要军事通道;东汉开始,赤水河流域经济文化较快发展,赤水河成为巴蜀繁盛之地向“西南夷”腹地传播先进文化技术的经济通道;西晋末李氏据蜀,人口锐减,李氏引僚入蜀,赤水河成为牂牁等“西南夷”腹地向巴蜀遗民的民族走廊;唐宋前期赤水河流域经济文化继续发展并留下大量遗迹,赤水河在南方丝绸之路中主要充当经济文化交流通道;南宋后期,因防御蒙古的需要,赤水河则主要充当军事往来通道;明清以来,随着贵州设省及改土归流的推进,赤水河流域开发加快,在川盐入黔、皇木转运、黔铅调运等国家资源调配之下,赤水河流域交通的经济功能凸显,虽然平播之战、平奢之乱、平吴之乱亦有取用赤水河行军,其军事通道的意义相较预经济大通道的重要作用要逊色.当今在“一带一路”战略统筹下,系统考察历史时期赤水河在“南方丝绸之路”中的属性与价值,让其继续发挥南方丝绸之路支柱作用有着重要意义,可为赤水河流域区域社会的发展带来巨大的“南方丝绸之路”遗产福利.  相似文献   

长春师范学院满族文化研究所于2010年6月26日至6月28日在长春隆重举办了"中国长白山与满族文化研讨会暨第二届满族文化研究机构联席会议",来自中央民族大学、南开大学、大连大学、内蒙古民族大学、黑龙江大学、吉林大学、东北师范大学、辽宁省民族研究所、黑龙江省民族研究所、吉林省民族研究所、吉林省民族干校、吉林省社会科学院、吉林师范大学、长春大学、长春师范学院等几十所院校和科研机构的70余位专家学者参加了会议.  相似文献   

在江西南部的赣州湖边镇一带农村,人们到了60岁时便要为自己的后事准备棺木,完工时还要开摆酒席举行隆重的仪式,将棺木置放于大厅的楼梁上,当地农村俗称“寿木上座”。  相似文献   

This essay reviews radiocarbon dates associated with the earliest evidence of domestic stock in southern Africa and reviews existing models for their introduction in light of the current evidence. Two primary models exist for the introduction of domestic stock into southern Africa: an early Khoisan wave and an Early Iron Age source. Neither model is completely supported by the evidence. Available chronological evidence suggests that Khoisan and Iron Age herders simultaneously ushered domestic stock into the northern and eastern regions of southern Africa. Early Iron Age groups in southern Zambia are likely external sources. Khoisan herders exclusively introduced domestic stock into Namibia and the Cape. However, in the northern and eastern regions of southern Africa, stock possession and transfers probably were complex and involved both Khoisan and Iron Age groups.  相似文献   

"刘氏二十四娘买地券"是经正式考古发掘的第一方五代南汉时期买地券。券文基本完整,内容丰富,书写格式较为特别。墓主人刘氏二十四娘,五代南汉国兴王府人,葬于大宝三年(960年)。券文道教色彩浓厚,同时又含有佛教用语,反映了墓主人的佛教信仰,这在以往的买地券材料中并不多见。此券的出土进一步完善了买地券的时代序列,对研究五代南汉时期的社会面貌、葬俗、民间信仰,以及买地券的流变等都具有重要价值。  相似文献   

<正>我在南疆库尔勒工作了两年时间,常听到大街小巷传出一首《新疆吆喝》的歌曲,诙谐欢快的曲调,唱出了新疆的民俗风情,给我留下最深印象的是那几句"香梨葡萄哈密瓜呀,英吉沙的小刀亮嚓嚓,抓饭,烤肉,面肺子,馋得你直流哈拉子"。  相似文献   

The Mesolithic of Southern Scandinavia, with comprises Denmark and Southern Sweden, has been an attractive area for research for several reasons, including the good preservation conditions at many sites. Most of the work has been concentrated on the southwestern part of Southern Scandinavia, but results from more recent investigations mean that other areas can also be analyzed. New finds in the last few years have given us a greater understanding of the Late Paleolithic settlement and of its relation of the Mesolithic. For the Early Mesolithic (10,000–8000 B.P.), interest has focused primarily on the small inland bog sites in the southern part of the area, where the coast has since been submerged. Farther north, where the land has been uplifted, evidence of coastal settlement has been documented. The Late Mesolithic (8000–6000 B.P.) is known chiefly on the basis of its large coastal settlements. In this period, there is also a larger and more varied collection of finds, which makes it possible to discern clear regional differences. There has also been considerable research on the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic.  相似文献   

<正>我在南疆库尔勒工作了两年时间,常听到大街小巷传出一首《新疆吆喝》的歌曲,诙谐欢快的曲调,唱出了新疆的民俗风情,给我留下最深印象的是那几句"香梨葡萄哈密瓜呀,英吉沙的小刀亮嚓嚓,抓饭,烤肉,面肺子,馋得你直流哈拉子"。  相似文献   

In the 1950s, the outstanding historian Anne Scott was finishinggraduate school and looking for a job. Oscar Handlin sent herto the University of North Carolina. She said, "When I got downhere, I was told that the University of North Carolina had neverhired a woman in the history department, and never would." FletcherGreen, the chair, told Oscar Handlin, "Could you send me a youngman to teach American history next year?" Handlin replied, "I’vealready sent someone to Chapel Hill, Fletcher." The departmentrelented and let her teach four sections of the introductorycourse, but did  相似文献   

Arehaeological, palaeoecological, ethnographic and land management evidence is presented which supports the hypothesis of regular and recurrent burning by mesolithic hunting populations in the southern Pennine uplands over a c. 4000-year period. It is suggested that this burning of the upland vegetation led to a permanent suppression of a closed tree cover over large areas above c. 350 m altitude.  相似文献   

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