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Trading post personnel maintained records of natural and cultural phenomena, including data on fish and fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company posts on the north shore of Lake Superior developed a diverse fishery based on a rather complex association of species and stocks, especially lake trout, whitefish, and herring. In part learning from the Indians, the fishermen gained a fairly sophisticated understanding of the seasonal and spatial occurrences of fish aggregations. These are here summarized in text and table form and provide baseline data for fisheries which since the 1800s have been degraded and changed.
Les employés des comptoirs consignaient régulièrement les divers phénomènes culturels et naturels, y compris ceux qui relevaient des poissons et de la pêche. Les comptoirs de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson au littoral nord du lac Supérieur ont développé une industrie de la pêche diversifiée basée sur des rapports assez complexes entre les espèces et les stocks de poissons, surtout de touladi, de grand corégone, et de cisco de lac. Tirant leurs connaissances en partie des Indiens, les pêcheurs ont réussi à bien comprendre les détails des occurences spatiales et saisonnières des aggrégations de poissons. Les données de leurs observations se présentent dans ce travail sous forme de textes et de tableaux, et fournissent les renseignements de base pour les pêcheries qui, depuis le 19e siècle, subissent des transformations et tiennent aujourd'hui une place moins importante dans l'industrie de la pêche.  相似文献   

The Seafort Burial Site (FcPr100) is a Fur Trade Period cemetery located near the town of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. The results of recent analysis of skeletons recovered during salvage excavations between 1969 and 1971 suggest that three males in this sample were voyageurs in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company. Vertebral osteophytosis and osteoarthritis, Schmorl's nodes, muscle origin robusticity and new bone formation at entheses and syndesmoses, and osteoarthritis at the elbow and shoulder joints provide evidence for carrying, lifting, and paddling or rowing. The presence of accessory sacral facets also may be stress-related. In addition, the development of accessory articular facets on the metatarsals and proximal pedal phalanges may indicate activity-induced stress from hyperdorsiflexion of the toes in habitual kneeling, such as when river canoeing.  相似文献   

In 1749, the house of commons appointed a committee of enquiry into the lands and trade of Hudson's Bay. This was the climax to nearly 20 years' work by the Ulsterman, Arthur Dobbs, which focused first on renewed search for a northwest passage and later widened to attempt to expand trade and settlement by challenging the monopoly of the Hudson's Bay Company. Dobbs's Irish patriotism, linked by support for union with Britain with his remarkably expansive vision of British empire, became concentrated on this campaign with a zeal and tenacity which overrode contrary evidence based on experience. Propaganda pamphlets, mobilisation of compatriots, merchant and political contacts, briefs for MPs, marshalling of evidence and witnesses for parliamentary committees, 30 petitions from a variety of places, organised by Liverpool and Bristol merchants who took the lead in the final campaign: all were used to attempt to influence parliament. This was an impressive mid-century effort to promote British commerce and manufactures, actively supported by the parliamentary opposition which was reviving under Leicester House leadership. Yet, while this campaign could shape the report of the committee of enquiry, the House itself was not so easily moved, especially when public expenditure was likely to be involved. A motion arising from the report was decisively defeated. The impressive campaign came to nought. While it indeed reveals powerful visions of commercial and imperial expansion in the mid 18th century, the outcome suggests that realism and scepticism prevailed at the heart of the state.  相似文献   

Annie Moore, the first immigrant to enter the USA through the Ellis Island immigrant processing station, stands as an originary figure of the so‐called golden age of European immigration to the USA in the late nineteenth century. The contemporary archivization of the Irish immigrant Annie Moore in the Ellis Island Museum, New York and the Cobh Harbour Heritage Centre in County Cork, Ireland repeats the democratic rhetoric of immigration which underpins the foundation of the USA, as well as the national imaginary of Ireland. Yet in so doing, this archivization effaces the hierarchies of race and class that have historically underpinned the democratic rhetoric of immigration. With reference to Jacques Derrida's work on the archive and hospitality, this article expands on a performance‐based critical art intervention into the archivization of Annie Moore entitled ‘Calling Up Annie Moore’. Focusing on the blindspots, ellipses and discontinuities which the archive represses, the article traces the different histories and experiences of immigration which the art intervention disclosed.  相似文献   

The company town is often an ephemeral phenomenon on the landscape. When the mine or factory closes, the town closes too, and its houses are removed or left to decay. A few company towns survive the removal of their economic base. Haydenville, in the Hocking Valley of southeast Ohio, has physically changed little since the boom days of the clay products industry. Its founder, Columbus industrialist Peter Hayden, wanted to build a self-contained community where employees and their families would live, work, play and worship together. The kiln-dried building tiles and conduit made at the company plants were used to build family houses, a church, post office, community center and store. The generally benevolent rule of the company gave the town social cohesion. When the plants closed in the 1960s, many families chose to stay in Haydenville, buying the company houses they had rented. Although the town has lost the sense of community that a single employer provided, most of the houses and public buildings still stand today—a striking testimonial to Haydenville's industrial past.  相似文献   

Despite the preeminence and recent scholarly debate on Orientalism, little attention has been paid to the variant of French Orientalism which solidified its base during the early phase of North African colonization. This essay investigates the foundations of French colonial knowledge of Algeria, and by extension North Africa, through an analysis of the archives of the Arab Bureau (1841–1871), a military institution that laid down, formulated, and shaped French views of Algeria through their extensive fieldwork. In turn, it is upon this knowledge that later scholars, such as Emile Durkheim and Robert Montagne fashioned their own work. This essay examines the politics behind the various representations of the natives of Algeria, and it also pays attention to the emergence and the play of conflicting interpretations and ideologies. Thus, this essay explores the dynamics that allowed a particular discourse to become more dominant, at the expense of other, opposing, representations.  相似文献   

By and large, there are three kinds of research on environment: the history of environment as a field of natural history studies, the history of environment as within the scope of history of society studies, and environmental history as the study of the relationship between human and nature. The methodological perspective of the relationship between humanity and environmental distinguishes the third from the previous two. From this perspective, when we probe the mutual effects between human and nature, we will stress on their interactions. The new era and the realities of contemporary society foster the rise of environmental history, which has not only theoretical values but also practical significance. Translated from Xueshu Yanjiu 学术研究 (Academic Research), 2006, (9):12–22  相似文献   

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