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The white-lipped deer lives on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.As a creature of strength and cunning,it is both mighty and meek.Also known as"Shawa Quxa"by Tibetan people, the white-lipped deer has a large body,similar to a red deer or sambar. As a unique species on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,it has white fur around its lips and on its jaw,hence the name. In October of 2011,I was assigned to work in a remote place,a village  相似文献   

<正>I. Introduction Sa dpyad is the Tibetan tradition of geomancy. It is the old knowledge of analyzing the landscape combining Bon religion, Indian Buddhism culture, and Chinese Fengshui风水. Fused with Tibetan astrology, medicine, and Tantric Buddhism, it has survived in its pure and authentic form until today through a lineage of qualified Sa dpyad masters.  相似文献   

In the deep autumn in Nyingchi,the leaves covering the mountains become a mix of green and yellow.Rain always comes without any notice,sometimes heavily and other times as a mere drizzle.Then,just as quickly as it comes,it disappears,and great clouds hang upon the mountainside.These clouds often refuse to leave;they plant themselves until the sun and its smile slowly makes its way out.  相似文献   

<正>The weather is quite different between the capital Beijing and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during April and May,when it gradually begins to warm up.Though people complain a lot about the late arrival of spring,particularly this year,occasionally warm currents still make you feel uncomfortable.The spring in Beijing is just begining but it definitely terrifies a person who is accustomed to the cool climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Whenever I think that I will soon arrive at Xining where the air is cool and favorable,my heart cannot help being at ease.However,Xining was not my destination in this trip,but rather Yushu, the place that made my heart heavy.  相似文献   

Tibet has a large tourist potential and together with a sustained Chinese effort to develop it further, it is only a matter of time before this plateau becomes a favored destination. What is most endearing about the place are its natural ambiance, vast open space, mountains and rivers, monuments and monasteries and its simple, ordinary people.Landing at the Lhasa  相似文献   

The meadow on the highland is as broad as an ocean, yet it is also as quiet as a painting, without the limitation of a frame. It seems more natural and lively than a painting. It is as simple as the clear eyes of a Tibetan sheep, reflecting the rippling green grass and the scent of the soil as carried by the breeze. This scent followed me all the way as I followed spring's progress across the highland and as we drove deeper into the wide prairie in the County of Hongyuan. A Tunnel Enclosure in Camouflaged Clothing On average, Hongyuan is more than 3600 meters above sea level and is mainly involved in animal husbandry. It is the only county largely inhabited by Tibetans in the Prefecture of Aba. There is a vast area (777,200 ha.) of lush native grassland, 91.8 percent of the whole county. "Tashi Delek, welcome my reporter" said Tsepudan, Chairman of the Karlama Village Committee in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan. He greeted me with smiles. He looked tall and strong in his traditional Tibetan robe, with a large-screen cell phone at his waist. "What's the fence for" I asked in curiosity. Before me was a huge fenced paddock. "A tunnel enclosure, they helped us build it," said Tsepudan, pointing towards our companions (Professor Li Jian, and Professor Tang Cheng from the Southwest University for Nationalities, as well as Mr. Liu Gang from the Sichuan Prairie Institute). Made of steel, the tunnel enclosure is shaped in a hexagon, 10 meters long. At first sight, it seems to be without any technical content. Actually, it contains a certain delicacy in its awkwardness. It saves a lot of labor and time when it is used to give an injection or medicine, or shear sheep, weighs something, or transport yaks and sheep. The Southwest University for Nationalities, the Sichuan Prairie Institute and local herdsmen produced it together, including its design, site selection and construction. Eight national  相似文献   

<正>Tibet abounds with large and small glaciers that are all classified as solid water reservoirs and form an exclusive feature of the landscape of Tibet. I have visited the Karuplha Glacier twice.The first was just an opportunity to see it from a distance,but on the second I almost reached the closet part of the glacier and could have reached out to touch it.  相似文献   

Lhalu Wetland is regarded as "the lung of Lhasa City" or its kidney showing its importance to the well-being of the capital of the autonomous region.Located in the north of the city, it used to be a piece of land belonging to a noble family named Lhalu. A typical highland marshland-type wetland, it is the highest of its kind in the world formed by the joint influence of the freezing grassland weather and its special geography.  相似文献   

The thirteenth Dalai Lama Ngawang LozangThubten Gyatso was a very spectacular and complexcharacter on the political stage of Tibet in moderntimes.His experience of a lifetime of frustrations re-flected the then tempestuous and changeable situation.Any evaluation of a Tibetan political and religiousleader has always been a contentious problem in aca-demic circles,because it involves the explanation andexposition of relations between the Tibetan local gov-ernment and the Central Government after the Revo-lution in 1911. For a long time I have had a keen inter-est in the“the Great Thirteenth,”as he has been called.After a long period of study I have formed my view-point on this historical figure, and I present it here to  相似文献   

Despite the rolling of high plateau and stunning Himalayas, Tibet has a nickname of “Holy Land” with its ancient history and colorful culture. Refered as Shangri-La, the roof of the world and many more, the mysterious kingdom remained closed to others, exerting a strong hold on the imagination of the world. For centuries, it has fascinated mankind in various ways. Its religion is one of astonishing one. Here we have questions! What is Tibetan Buddhism about? How many sects it has? What about each one‘s doctrine? Have you ever known its architectures, its religious arts, as well as its incarnation of Living Buddha? People feel curious about its powerful inspiration and cohesive strength,  相似文献   

Sanyan refers to a place that is tucked away in a deep gully screened by high mountains and by the Jinshajiang River in Gongjor County, Qamdo. It is obviously a solitary place, but it has found its way into the historical records and became so famous that Qing Emperor Qianlong wrote of it.Over the past few hundred years, it was home to  相似文献   

EDITOR’S NOTE:Forprolonged period,Qamdo has been a gateway toChina’s hinterland and the heartland of Tibet as well.Given its importantgeological location,it was where the Han,Tibetan and other ethnic groups havelong lived and labored.The result is the creation of a unique culture.This introduction to Xiaoyihui provides one angleon the culture unique to Qamdo.  相似文献   

正The town of Tangke is in the southwest of Zogye County, Ngapa Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. This place in China's Sichuan Province is quite famous as a tourist attraction, as it is where the Yellow River bends the first of nine times throughout the length of its stream. The land is pretty flat and has an abundance of  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note:Note:Dalai Lama has been changed so popular these years that it seems he becomes a logo to some extent.But who is the Dalai Lama?Most of people are puzzled.Not long before I read a couple of papers and enjoyed them very much.Maybe our readers are willing to share them and interested them.Here are excerpts from them. The one is from Michael Backman,who is an internationally renowned writer,columnist and speaker.He specializes in writing and speaking about Asia:its economies,politics,business...  相似文献   

Writing and the Ancient State: Early China in Comparative Perspective is an ambitious book, ambitious both in terms of the problem it unpacks and the materials the author has collected and examined.It reconstructs the functions of writing in early civilizations, through which the author attempts to probe a fundamental question: the origins of writing, especially its invention in Chinese civilization.  相似文献   

<正>Ancient Tubo-Nepal Road, namely, the ancient road from Lhasa in Tibet to Kathmandu in Nepal, is one of the crucial main roads connecting Tibet and inner China with Nepal, India and Central Asia and it is also a pivotal part of the Silk Road. Since its initiation, it not only has generated huge political, economic, social and cultural impact on Tibet but also has greatly influenced the communication between  相似文献   

Using the analysis of a single word to launch a conceptual review of (a problem in) cultural history, the Chinese term zhexue 哲學 (wisdom-learning, tetsugaku) is not simply a translation of the word “philosophy”; its inventor, Nishi Amane (1829–97), regarded it as the (Western) counterpart of Oriental learning (Tōyōgaku). The first explicit linkage of “philosophy” with “the East” was at The University of Tokyo, where it played an important role in the work of Katō Hiroyuki (1836–1913) and Inoue Tetsujirō (1855–1944). Inoue’s History of Oriental Philosophy, written under Katō’s inspiration, used Western philosophy to systematize ancient Chinese thought, and transformed “philosophy” (tetsugaku) from a learning of others, or Western learning, into an important component of the spiritual world of the East, and into a kind of universal knowledge. This was completely different from earlier lectures on “China philosophy” (shina tetsugaku) by Nakamura Masanao (1832–91) and Shimada Jūrei (1838–98) which still followed the Chinese underlying structure, and in the background, it had the intent of grasping the power to control East Asian discourse. In China, when young scholars like Wang Guowei (1877–1927) embraced philosophy, they already took its universality as a self-evident premise. This kind of alignment later evolved into a situation where it seemed entirely natural to use Western systems to interpret Chinese thought, and it also induced serious scholars to reflect. However, “Oriental philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” provide East Asia and especially China with an opportunity to reevaluate its traditional culture. In this connection, “Chinese philosophy” includes: first, using philosophical concepts to re-provision ancient thought (the so-called history of Chinese philosophy); second, the occurrence of “philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” and their evolution after their arrival in China; third, drawing on philosophy to enrich and develop China’s thinking. When seeking out “philosophy” in the veins and arteries of China’s history, the first and second aspects must be strictly distinguished. As to what the future may hold, the effect of the third aspect is most important.  相似文献   

<正>In a morning in June 1988,the first group of students from the High-Level Tibetan Buddhism College of China held its graduation ceremony at Beijing's Xihuang Temple,and it was here that the tenth Panchen Lama,president of the college,personally granted a graduation certificate to an older student.  相似文献   

<正>Tibet Autonomous Region is a place of spectacular scenic beauty.I have had the privilege of visiting it four times.In addition,I have visited quite a few Tibetan areas outside Tibet,including in Qinghai,Sichuan,Gansu,and Yunnan.My visits to the Tibetan areas of China span the years 1985 to 2011.  相似文献   

When I first saw a Mani stone mound fromafar, it impressed me as a Tibetan mansitting in mediation. Piled up with stonescarved with images of Buddha and sutralines, it is surrounded by fluttering, colorful sutrastreamers.l thought of pilgrims who prostrated themselves allalong the way to their goal. From the fluttering sutrastreamers above that Mani stone mound came thechanting of the Six syllable Charm:Om Mani PadmeHum!!!!!!!Blanched by wind and rain, the Mani stone moundhas turned a dul…  相似文献   

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