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《清史稿》是研究清代人物的重要史料。但在传统正史系列中,《清史稿》质量欠佳,舛误较多,亦为学界共识,其《循吏传》亦未能幸免。然而《清史稿》毕竟是一部有着较大影响的史书,其中的讹误可能会产生不小的危害,故订正其舛误很有必要。本文综合利用文集、方志、档案等各类史料,考订出《清史稿.循吏传》地名记载方面的六则错误。  相似文献   

论明清时期《史通》的流传、整理和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨绪敏 《史学月刊》2008,(11):111-116
《史通》在流传的过程中因种种原因渐渐散佚,自明嘉靖中陆深首先对其校勘,使久已不传的《史通》重新传布于世。明清不同时期的十多位学者从校勘、评释、撮要等方面对其进行整理和研究,不仅扩大了《史通》的社会影响,而且推动了史学理论研究工作的进展。  相似文献   


While open to criticism on many levels, the foreign policy of Italy under Silvio Berlusconi does not deviate in many significant ways from traditional approaches, especially on its management of Italy's relations with the United States and the European Union. Italy's ‘exceptionalism’ is also similar to that of many other European states.  相似文献   

实验室微型发掘方法在北周武帝孝陵 发掘中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1994年经国家文物局批准,陕西省考古研究所对北周武帝孝陵进行了抢救性发掘,由于墓葬多次被盗,又多次进水,导致墓内的文物发生严重扰乱和腐蚀,尤其是墓内发现的大量易碎、细小及糟朽的有机质文物,使现场清理遇到了很大的困难。为了最大程度地获取地层中的所有考古信息,首次大规模、针对性地对孝陵五号天井东、西龛,四号天井东龛,甬道及墓室的文物采取了整体分割打包,运回实验室进行微型发掘的方法。通过对现场提取的74个石膏包的微型发掘和清理,获得了在现场无法发现的重要文物和遗迹,共清出文物2330件。尤其是直径不足1mm的无色琉璃珠在显微镜下的发现更是将微型发掘的优势凸显到了极点。它不仅弥补了现场发掘的不足,更是利用先进仪器,将考古发掘、科技考古和文物保护完美地进行了融合。实践证明实验室微型发掘方法是考古现场发掘不可或缺的必要手段。  相似文献   

The OECD Development Assistance Committee and G7 Finance Ministers have suggested that many bilateral and multilateral aid organizations are too dispersed, pursuing too many objectives in too many countries and too many sectors with too many partners. These organizations are accused of lacking critical mass, failing to follow their comparative advantage, failing to find and exploit a niche, and having high transactions costs and low effectiveness. Such aid organizations are being told to ‘focus’, ‘concentrate’, or be more ‘selective’ in order to become more effective. This article analyses the arguments in favour of greater focus by aid organizations and suggests that, while some of these arguments are valid, some are not and others need to be more nuanced. There are many possible dimensions along which an aid organization could focus and the link — if any — between focus and aid effectiveness is complex along each of those dimensions. The debate so far has also ignored the possibility that less focus may promote more effective aid. There is no clear, simple link between focus and aid effectiveness, but this finding should not be interpreted as carte blanche for spreading aid programmes indiscriminately. Dispersion, like focus, needs careful thought and justification.  相似文献   

第二轮志书与首轮志书相比的确存在不足,如可读性弱,篇幅偏大,歌功隐过,记“工作”多等,甚至在志稿阶段就存在诸多问题,但这些问题在首轮志书编纂过程中也同样存在,并非二轮修志独有。由此尚不能得出二轮志书不如首轮志书的结论。二轮志书与首轮相比,有其明显的进步之处,即篇目结构更趋合理和科学,时代特点和地方特点更加鲜明,入志资料更为齐备、可信,理论研究给予的支撑更为有力。评价志书应采用两点论,而不是一点论。如果评论不符合实际情况,也可能会挫伤地方志工作者的积极性。今后,修志业务工作还应注意以下几个问题:一是合理布局,二是显示特色,三是确保征信,四是控制篇幅,五是精雕细琢,六是研究理论。  相似文献   

Alliances continue to occupy a prominent place in the Asia-Pacific's security architecture. For many regional states such as Australia and Japan, their respective alliances with the USA are the unchallenged foundations of their security. But when the rise of China is causing major change in the region, and when many countries are increasingly reliant on China economically, is the region's network of alliances any longer appropriate or useful? This article reviews alliances in theory and practice, and argues that, while alliances are unlikely to disappear, their utility is nothing like as clear-cut as many of their supporters would have one believe.  相似文献   

于民 《安徽史学》2006,(2):108-115
复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代.长期以来,西方学界对复辟时期的财政与税收进行了深入探究.总体性、贯通性研究和专题性研究都成果斐然.研究主要集中在复辟王权财政状况、财政收入的税收和非税收构成、财政管理、复辟时期财政税收的性质和地位等方面.此外,还有一些学者从不同维度对复辟时期的财政税收展开研究,亦取得了不少研究成果.  相似文献   

Audie Huber 《Archaeologies》2007,3(3):449-452
Audie was struck by how far many had come to attend the meeting at Stanford, making the time together all the more precious. He discusses the challenges of first, determining what WAC stands for by identifying core concepts and foundational principles, many of them embedded in existing WAC documents and, second, of where the organization should draw lines when faced with the contradictions that are a part of most ethical dilemmas. A Code of Ethics would not be expected to draw these lines, but to bring these conflicts and contradictions into sharper focus and provide a dialogue and forum for their discussion. One of the many things Audie contributed to the meeting was a discussion and definition of consultation with Indigenous peoples, based on his many years of experience. Another was helping us put our ideas in a visual form that enhanced our understanding.  相似文献   


The Greeks were among many national and racial groups to inundate the Intermountain West at the turn of the century and in many parts of it were the largest group of workers. Payrolls and newspaper reports, the many self-sufficient ‘Greek Towns,’ large chapters of Panhellenic Unions, and the early establishment of Greek Orthodox churches give us cause to believe that the 1910 Census represented only a portion of Greek immigrants. The men were constantly moving and census-taking was haphazard.  相似文献   

南京沦陷后,日军制造了南京大屠杀,南京的医疗救助任务空前繁重。虽然绝大多数医生在沦陷前离开了南京,但是留在南京的西方人士、慈善机构、隐匿身份生活在难民收容所内的军医以及参差不齐的民间医生出于人道主义立场,以各自的方式投入南京的医疗救助。南京内外信息交流初步恢复后,西方在宁人士又积极申请外援,经历一波三折,方才成行。上述努力为南京难民挺过难关做出了贡献。  相似文献   

The important links between vegetation and rates of accelerated erosion have tended to be obscured in the wider framework of the many factors in erosion. This review draws together the geographical and agricultural implications of vegetation cover, emphasising the many and varied reasons, both on a field and a wider scale, for maintaining good cover.  相似文献   

保存到中国先秦时代的古姓并不多,然而这原本为数不多的古姓却出于字音的讹误和字形的变迁等原因而使前人对它们的统计多有误差,本旨在借助先秦献和古字材料,对先秦古姓的概貌进行廓清,以期对先秦姓氏制度研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

北宋中期,《新唐书》在宋祁、欧阳修的主持下,历十七年终于修成。然而人们对《新唐书》的批评很多,集中在书法问题上,包括史料的取舍、语言的采用、褒贬体例等。《新唐书》之所以在书法上出现这些问题,主要原因是修书组织存在重大缺陷,而且修史官员对春秋笔法理解方面有较大的差异,文人修史存在着如修史者的态度、主观好恶、修史风格等许多弊病。  相似文献   

二十年来中国改革史研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾奎相  陈涴 《史学月刊》2003,3(12):104-110
中华民族的历史也是一部改革史。20年来,中国改革史研究取得了十分可观的成绩:改革史著作和论文大量涌现;“改革史”学科范型基本构成;社会改革作用、改革与革命的关系、改革成败规律等史学理论问题有重大突破和发展。“改革史”研究方兴未艾,必将继续呈现勃勃生机。  相似文献   

《淳化阁帖》历代翻刻频多,版本繁杂,许多问题千年来争讼未果。本文根据帖版"银锭"的材质和制作工序,同时结合考古发掘资料及实物,指出银锭榫技术在北宋已相当成熟,石板亦可用它加以连接;《阁帖》上的银锭纹,即来源于这种用于联结、加固的银锭榫,但这也不等于说锔银锭棒的帖板就是祖版。传世带银锭纹的《阁帖》有数种之多,而情况各不相同。  相似文献   

"意"是唐代诗论中一个非常重要的范畴,其意义非常丰富,"意象"是它的一个非常重要的含义。"意"、"象"、"物象"往往相互指涉。唐代诗论家对"意象"与诗歌的文体属性、意象的生成过程和心理机制等理论问题及其创造方法进行了深入的探索和研究。  相似文献   

刘河间在医史上属金元四大家之一,其人影响广泛,述颇多。孙洽熙先生搜集刘氏及其门人、私淑整理的书籍共九种,汇为一编,并加以精心校勘,确实有功于河间医学非浅。但刘河间的述,其医理、语言在众多医家中算是比较难懂的。本查考了河间述诸多单行本,与此书进行校勘,并用河间作本身的内容相互对照,广泛查稽,从而纠正了书中校勘上存在的一些差错疏漏。  相似文献   

湖南商代青铜容器的动物纹饰与祭祀文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑曙斌 《收藏家》2010,(7):25-30
湖南是南方地区出土商代青铜器最多的省份之一,且不乏举世闻名的重器,如人面纹铜方鼎、四羊铜方尊、象形铜尊、猪形铜尊、牛形铜觥、凤乌纹铜“戈”卣、“癸举”铜卣、鹗形铜卣、牺首兽面鱼纹铜罍、兽面纹铜瓿、“皿天全”铜方彝、虎食人形铜卣等青铜容器,显示了湖南青铜器的地方特色与神秘意味。这些青铜容器以尊、卣等酒器发现最多,以动物纹饰为最突出;  相似文献   

"宣铜"一词在明清文献中多有记载,其涵义至少有两种以上。作者通过科学的无损检测,同时结合对清宫旧藏实物的分析,基本可以推定古籍和档案中多次出现的"宣铜"的质地应该是黄铜。"宣铜"器的样式多种多样,清朝器物可以分为炉、彝器和杂式三大类,其下又可以分成若干式。清朝"宣铜"器款识丰富,工艺风格独特。  相似文献   

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