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How do Goya's representations of the body disrupt the Enlightenment's configurations of the corporeal? If for eighteenth-century aesthetics the body is both the site of ideal beauty and the limit of what can and may be represented, then Goya's panoply of monsters provides a way of understanding other modes of reason(ing), other ways of representing the body and its functions within culture. In his work there is a recuperation of those elements that seem to lie outside the ken of the Enlightenment project: physicality, animality, hybridity, the grotesque, the popular; a recognition of the animal nature of the body and the products of bodily impulses and forces. A rethinking of the body would incorporate an understanding of its role as a physical and social phenomenon in the constitution of the subject. Following on from Paul Ilie's concept of counter-rational Reason, which he defines as the opposite of a uniform centre of rationality in representative thought, the first half of my paper will consider Goya's problematization of representation. My analysis of a selection of drawings from the collection Los Caprichos (1799) will focus not just on the representation of bodies in the painter's work but on his exploration of bodies in their material variety—configurations of modes of constructing the body. This examination of Goya's prolific pictorial negotiations and adaptations of flesh and world will draw upon contemporary approaches to theorizing the body, namely the theories of Julia Kristeva and Elizabeth Grosz.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the development of technology‐based entrepreneurial spin‐offs in the Göteborg region. Employment growth and patenting activities of university spin‐offs (USOs) from Chalmers University of Technology are compared with the development of other new technology‐based firms. The results indicate that the majority of the Chalmers USOs are very small firms with low growth. Corporate spin‐offs (CSOs) are found to grow faster than other technology‐based firms, both USOs and non‐spin‐offs. However, the Chalmers USOs are found to be more successful in terms of patenting activities. It is speculated that USOs are especially beneficial to regional development when they are acting as technology suppliers to other local companies.  相似文献   

Urban excavations often uncover complex stratigraphy that is difficult to interpret by archaeological experience alone. Versions of Single Context Recording can be useful tools, but this method is known to be demanding when co‐employed by consulting geologists in the field. Are these difficulties caused by fundamental differences between the views of archaeologists and geologists, or are they mainly a result of lack of mutual understanding? What would happen to field methods and interpretations if a geologist worked alongside an archaeologist at an urban excavation throughout a whole excavation season? This approach was tested at a geoarchaeological excavation in the town of Norrköping, Sweden. The experiment led to the development of a new field procedure involving continuous pilot sampling and on‐site analysis of plant macrofossils. It provided new ways of using natural sediments and redeposited layers in the interpretation of the sites development and clearly confirmed that mutual understanding is the key to interdisciplinary cooperation.  相似文献   


Parmenides’ Poem on Nature contains a proof that the world could not have come into being in time, because no explanation could be given for why it would do so at a given time. This same proof reappears in the Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence, where it is directed against Newtonian absolute time. Newtonians, Leibniz explains, believe that time is homogeneous and absolute, but this makes it inexplicable how God could have chosen to create the world on a given day. Similarly, in his correspondence with Schrödinger in the 1930s, Einstein suggests that certain quantum mechanical occurrences, such as the spontaneous decay of a radioactive atom, are absurd, because they cannot be assigned a definite location in time. In Schrödinger’s version on Einstein’s argument, we must say that the cat dies twice: first, inside the box; yet, second, when we open the box. But both accounts cannot be true. Since each of the authors discussed was aware of the approach of his predecessors, they share a structure. In this article, I develop a unified account of all three.  相似文献   


A program of blood residue analysis at Çayönü Tepesi in SE Turkey was undertaken from 1984 to 1987. The research began as an investigation of the feasibility of detecting and identifying blood residues in a field setting with subsequent additional analyses and verification in the home laboratory.

In-field and laboratory techniques included Labstix detection of hemoglobin, and the identification of species was done using hemoglobin crystallization. Immunological techniques were used in the laboratory to verify the identification of blood.

The results are significant. Research centered on residue from the “skull building” where the blood of Bos primigenius (the extinct progenitor of modern cattle), sheep, and goat were found in addition to human blood. The conjunction of animal and human blood in a structure where more than 90 human skulls as well as complete and partial skeletons were interred suggests some yet-unknown ritual/mortuary function.  相似文献   

In recent years, we have seen the development of a more relational approach to territoriality. This perspective, which focuses on events rather than space, also opens up for an elaboration of temporal aspects of territorial production. In this study, I investigate the central urban square, Stortorget, in Malmö, Sweden, in order to develop a discussion of a time–space territorology. In 1978, Korosec-Serfaty performed a thorough study of the square, observing its everyday activities. The present study compares territorial productions at Malmö’s Main Square during 1978 with those of 2013. The results of the study indicate a change of time–space production in which temporary territorial appropriations and tactics tend to become shorter in duration, whereas the number of temporary and large-scale territorial strategies has increased and the role of these become more important. The study also shows how these territorial transformations include changes (in pace, rhythm, temporal salience and scale) that seem to vertically stabilise the territorial structure of the square, and thus decrease both territorial complexity and the possibilities for new publics to evolve.  相似文献   

Einleitung Die nachhaltige Globalisierung der Wirtschaft versch?rft nicht nur den internationalen Standortwettbewerb für Unternehmen, sondern führt auch zu einem gro?en Anpassungsdruck für die deutschen Kommunen. Gleichzeitig engt die angespannte Finanzlage den Handlungsspielraum der Kommunen nicht unerheblich ein. Die kommunale Wirtschaftsf?rderung als Mittler zwischen Verwaltung und Unternehmen kann – bei effizienter Aufgabengestaltung – gro?en Einflu? auf die Anpassung der ?rtlichen Wirtschaft auf die Ver?nderungen nehmen Auch wenn die kommunale Wirtschaftsf?rderung selbst keine Finanzmittel oder Subventionen an die Unternehmen ausgeben darf, bieten die M?glichkeiten der Wirtschaftsf?rderung gro?en Spielraum. Nach wie vor ist die Beeinflussung materieller Standortfaktoren, wie z.B. in der Gewerbefl?chenpolitik, von zentraler Bedeutung. Zus?tzlich gewinnen aber “klimatische”, also im weitesten Sinne weiche, Faktoren an Bedeutung. Hierauf weisen nicht nur aktuelle theoretische Konzepte zur Regionalentwicklung hin, sondern auch empirische Befunde der Unternehmen. Zu diesen, auch als Fühlungsvorteile bezeichneten “weichen” Standortfaktoren z?hlen, z.B. die Geschwindigkeit, mit der Unternehmensantr?ge bearbeitet oder Genehmigungen beschieden werden, das Engagement der Wirtschaftsf?rderung bei der Beseitigung von Investitionshemmnissen sowie bei der Herstellung von Kontakten und Beziehungen zwischen allen lokalen und regionalen, bisweilen auch überregionalen Akteuren. Eine Studie des Instituts für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (IfM), deren Ergebnisse u.a. auf Fallbeispielen aus Nordrhein–Westfalen, Bayern und Brandenburg basieren, zeigt, dass die Notwendigkeit zu einer Neuorientierung von nahezu allen untersuchten Kommunen erkannt, eine tats?chliche umfassende Umsetzung jedoch nur von den wenigsten realisiert wird. Insbesondere im Bereich der Organisationsstruktur sowie bei der Abstimmung mit anderen regionalen Akteuren offenbart sich nach wie vor gro?er Handlungsbedarf. Auch das Neue Steuerungsmodell hat bisher zu keiner grundlegenden Verbesserung geführt, da seine Einführung zumeist auf die Fach?mter für Finanzen beschr?nkt ist. Eine Reform, die auf eine st?rkere Kundenorientierung der kommunalen Verwaltung abzielt, mu? jedoch insbesondere die Unternehmen als Adressaten im Blick haben. Deren Interessen werden aber vor allem in der Wirtschaftsf?rderung berücksichtigt, insofern bedeutet die Realisierung von Kundenorientierung vorrangig eine effiziente und auf die Unternehmensbedürfnisse ausgerichtete Organisationsstruktur der Wirtschaftsf?rderung. Diese Problemstellung nahm das IfM Bonn zum Anla?, ein idealtypisches Modell einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsf?rderung zu entwickeln, das als Grundlage für weiterführende Diskussionen dienen soll. Das Modell setzt sich aus drei Stufen zusammen, in denen die interne Organisationsstruktur der Wirtschaftsf?rderung sowie ihre Einbindung in ein intra- sowie interregionales Beziehungsgeflecht betrachtet wird. Zus?tzlich berücksichtigt das Modell die beiden in der Praxis gel?ufigsten Organisationsformen der kommunalen Wirtschaftsf?rderung: Das Amt für Wirtschaftsf?rderung sowie die privatrechtlich organisierte Gesellschaft.  相似文献   


Systematic archaeological surface reconnaissance of the Göllü Da? volcanic complex from 2007 to 2012 documented more than 230 findspots with Paleolithic artifacts, ranging from isolated finds to extensive and dense scatters of artifacts. Most of the activities represented relate to exploitation of the rich obsidian resources in the region. Paleolithic artifacts are attributed mainly to the Middle Paleolithic based on the presence of Levallois technology but there is a substantial Lower Paleolithic component represented by handaxes and other large bifacial tools. Upper and Epipaleolithic sites and artifacts are scarce or absent in the survey sample. The distributions of handaxes and Levallois elements differ substantially, reflecting differences in site preservation and exposure as well as organization of prehistoric activities. Multiple variants of Levallois are represented but centripetal preferential and unipolar flake production dominate. The frequent co-occurrence of different Levallois forms suggests flexible reduction strategies. Distributions of different classes of artifact across the survey area indicate that the Middle Paleolithic occupations of Göllü Da? were not entirely oriented toward workshop activities.  相似文献   

This article sheds light on intellectual politics under Nazism by looking at a crucial shift in the field of Hobbes studies that was marked in a congress celebrating the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Thomas Hobbes's birth, organised in Kiel, 1938. Before the congress, the decisive voice in Hobbes studies had for almost fifty years been that of Kiel University professor Ferdinand Tönnies. Tönnies was purged from the university upon the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 and died three years later. At the opening of the Hobbes congress in Kiel, its convener, Cay von Brockdorff, declared that the phase of Hobbes studies shaped by Tönnies was ending and that a new phase, represented by Paul Ritterbusch and Carl Schmitt, had emerged. Against the background of a long tradition of Hobbes studies in Kiel, this article summarises Tönnies's contribution to Hobbes studies; analyses organisation and proceeedings of the congress, paying special attention to politico-theoretical disagreements between Ritterbusch and Schmitt and to von Brockdorff's exploitation of their rivalry; and contextualises Schmitt's interpretation of Hobbes published in the aftermath of the congress.  相似文献   

Results derived from the analysis of small carnivores from a burial chamber at the Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük (TP Area) shed light on the socioeconomic significance of stone martens (Martes foina), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and common weasels (Mustela nivalis). All of these are fur-bearing animals, though only the stone marten remains to show evidence that this animal was exploited for its pelt. The evidence consists of the observed skeletal bias (only the head parts and foot bones were present) and skinning marks. Two of five sets of articulated feet are most likely linked with an almost completely preserved human infant skeleton, one of two well-preserved skeletons that were interred on the burial chamber floor. In contrast to these, other human skeletons were found mostly incompletely preserved, though with evidence of articulation. It seems that the articulated forepaws were deliberately incorporated into the structure, most likely as a part of burial practice and ritual behavior. These distinctive deposits, along with rich grave goods, emphasize the uniqueness in the entire Anatolian Neolithic of the assemblage from the burial chamber, which is decorated by a panel incised with spiral motifs.  相似文献   

Niall Bond 《European Legacy》2011,16(4):487-504
The romantic influences behind Ferdinand Tönnies's work, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft [Community and society] (1887), though significant, have been largely obscured due, on the one hand, to the disrepute into which iticism as a philosophical and political movement fell after 1945 and, on the other, to Tönnies's own ambivalence towards the movement and the period. Here we explore the impact of iticism on the revaluation of sentiment, critiques of rationalism in economics and law, the legitimacy of authority, conceptions of the will, and on the organic interpretations of society, history, and language, particularly on the notions of Gemeinwesen (commonwealth) and Gemeinschaft (community).  相似文献   

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