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本文结合审查第二轮部分市(县)志稿实践,从四个方面阐述大事记在志书中的作用及撰写大事记应该注意的问题。一、大事记在志书中的地位及其作用;二、大事记的收录标准与大事遴选;三、大事记的编纂体例;四、大事记事条的撰写及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

Modern day students are said to hold a toolbox of technical knowledge, which can assist them with their undergraduate studies. The ‘net generation’ is more technologically capable than ever before and crave interactivity and image-rich environments, which has created a need for higher education institutions to diversify assessment practices. Digital stories (this refers to a collection of still images, audio and video) as a means for assessing Geography undergraduates, lend themselves well to fieldwork activities, and this paper provides practical advice and guidance to students on how to create the best digital stories for assessment.  相似文献   


In this article, the author presents a strategy for designing relational databases with the program FileMaker Pro (FileMaker) to study the histories of individuals and organizations. The approach facilitates efficiency in inputting data and flexibility for constructing statistical analyses from the raw data. The key feature of the strategy is to define the basic unit of observation in the database in terms of an agent, an event, and a date. Given that programs such as FileMaker can easily sort data by agent and date, once one structures the data correctly, he or she can construct well-ordered event histories for agents, even if the researcher enters the data in an unordered fashion. By using events that happened to an agent at a particular time as the basic unit of observation, one maintains maximum flexibility to do statistical analysis that aggregates basic data in different ways. This article illustrates the power of the approach by outlining ways to analyze changes in geographic distances between two events marking the life histories of chemists.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to determine what technical gestures must be learned in order to produce stone tools. To identify these gestures, we compared the performance of expert knappers and complete novices. We hypothesised that the differences between novices and experts would indicate which technical gestures experts had learned to successfully produce stone tools. Participants were video recorded while attempting to produce a crude handaxe. The recordings were analysed according to ethological methods used to study animal and human behaviour. The knapping performance of each participant was segmented and scored into units in order to identify the technical gestures being used. The results showed considerable differences between experts and novices in three technical gestures: the type of percussion support, the position of the blank and the angle of blow. Therefore, these three technical gestures appear to be crucial in learning to knap stone at the level of bifacial stone toolmakers. By studying how modern knappers gradually master these three technical gestures we may begin to understand how stone knapping is acquired, how bifacial stone tools emerged and what cognitive challenges early handaxe makers had to face.  相似文献   

于瑞峰  刘彩惠 《神州》2011,(4X):46-47,49
本文以体育专业网球专项学生为主体,创建课外网球俱乐部,使喜欢网球的在校生在课外活动中技术有指导性的提高,体育专业的学生在做教练的过程中,专业知识和技能得到了发挥和展示。在创建过程中不仅为体育专业学生的未来发展培养创新精神和实践能力,也为体育专业的发展提供一些可借鉴的经验。在掌握课外活动网球俱乐部创建的步骤及开展优势的同时,也为高校体育项目俱乐部的创建及开展提供参考性得意见。  相似文献   

新编地方志书 ,横陈百科 ,包罗万象 ,涉及各行业、各学科 ,内容丰富 ,篇幅宏大。如此一部大书 ,在成书过程中 ,必须选配一位能胜任的主编。主编在志书编纂过程中自始至终起主导作用 ,主编水平的高低和主编作用发挥得如何将直接影响志书质量。  相似文献   

潘世杰 《收藏家》2011,(5):68-72
五、钱币鉴定的方法上一讲揭示了多种关于钱币造假的方法,那么我们又如何破解和如何鉴定钱币的真假呢?这是每一位钱币爱好者最关心、最实用的问题。也就是讲在辨别钱币真伪的时候应该从什么地方着眼?  相似文献   

张丽华 《神州》2012,(6):107-107
语文是一门应用最广泛,最接近生活,内容最丰富多彩,最有情趣的学科,语文也应该是学生最感兴趣的课程。然而,深受应试教育影响的中学语文教学将充满人性之美、最具有趣味性的语文变成枯燥乏味的技艺之学,知识之学,乃至畸交为一种应试训练。这种现状与时代发展和社会变革对素质教育的要求相对立。语文教学要走出应试教育的误区,教师必须充分展示课堂教学的魅力,使语文课成为学生求知的乐园。  相似文献   

潘世杰 《收藏家》2011,(3):75-79
一.初始钱币及其演进的六个时期钱币鉴定首先要明确鉴定的目的和意义,也就是说为什么要对古代钱币进行鉴定?因为古代钱币就是承载和记录历史文物、文化的载体。现在许多人只是关心自己手中的钱币是真是假,值多少钱,以后能够有多大的升值空间。然而没有真正了解钱币收藏的真谛,更没有真正去体验钱币收藏过程的乐趣,  相似文献   

潘世杰 《收藏家》2011,(4):73-76
三.关于钱币的作假和私铸钱币 假钱和私铸钱是有区别的。对不同历史时期人们出于不同的动机,制造假钱的目的定义是不同的。  相似文献   

The Aterian lithic techno-complex that characterizes the late Middle Stone Age in North Africa is well known especially for its tanged or stemmed points. Recent techno-morphological and use-wear analyses have added new data to support the identification of the tang as the hafted portion of an artifact. They have also highlighted the presence of this attribute on tools other than projectile points, in contrast with the widespread idea that the tanged point is the Aterian fossile directeur. The design of this specific device, the tang, for hafting purposes is regarded as a great technical innovation that underlines a modern behavior. Our work provides new use-wear and experimental data, aiming at discussing the cognitive preconditions of this technical innovation that could have originated from a specific functional unit: the notch. Notches are quite abundant in the Aterian techno-complex. Our systematic study of this tool category from Aterian sites of the Jebel Gharbi allowed defining the notch per se as a techno-morpho-functional unit that was “applied” to different types of blanks, including “reused blanks,” which show a heavy patina on their surface. This functional unit has been used for various types of activities and can be found either alone on a blank or with multiple other units on the same blank, creating different tool morphologies. According to this interpretation, the tang could have been considered by Aterian populations as a new resulting variant of various possible combinations of notches, for defining and/or transforming the shape of a tool.  相似文献   

孙卫国 《文献》2002,(1):237-247
朝鲜王朝(1392-1910)作为明、清时期(1368-1911)中国最为重要的藩国,政治上以明、清两朝为宗主国,文化上亦以儒家文化为依归,建立了以程朱理学为指导思想的儒教王朝.  相似文献   

Most readers will be aware of past and present issues surrounding the illicit traffic in antiquities. There are already a number of generic books available on the subject.1 See, for example, , Stealing History: The Illicit Trade in Cultural Material; , Illicit Antiquities: The Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology; and ., Trade in Illicit Antiquities: The Destruction of the World’s Archaeological Heritage. This article reflects on the problem of treasure‐hunting in Bulgaria and the inadequacy of Bulgarian legislation, which is leading to the deterioration and destruction of Bulgarian heritage sites. As no changes in the legislative basis can be observed at this stage there is a real threat to the country’s cultural inheritance. This paper reflects upon the results of personal research undertaken in Bulgaria as part of a PhD.  相似文献   

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