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朱琳 《安徽史学》2005,36(6):80-85
婚龄是反映明清徽州婚姻习俗、观念和缔结行为的重要内容,本文主要采用地方志资料,运用统计分析的方法,从女子聘龄、初婚年龄、童养媳抱养及合婚年龄等方面对明清徽州女子婚龄状况予以量化考察,探寻其普遍性和差异性,并进一步揭示影响女子婚龄的因素,分析女子婚龄的高低对徽州女性及其家庭的影响.  相似文献   

一、隋纪年墓出土铜镜制作年代汇考 据笔者统计,有考古发掘记录的隋纪年墓共38处,出土有铜镜的隋墓为13座(表一),现将所出铜镜逐一考说如下.  相似文献   

This article explores the of certain elite women during late little-known public philanthropic activities Qing China. By examining contemporary newspapers, it traces the new development of women's philanthropic engagement and further analyzes two cases, one on disaster relief and the other on women's education, to illustrate the issues, controversies and achievements that went along with women's philanthropy. It demonstrates how philanthropy, a traditionally-sanctioned field for women's activism, legitimatized women to move out of domestic seclusion and reposition themselves in the public sphere in a crucial transitional era when for "good women" to appear in public was something hotly debated, and how through philanthropic opportunities some were able to engage with political affairs. The broad social impact of their initiatives suggests the continued importance of traditional elite women during China's transition to the modern era; it challenges some of our previous notions, which often unthinkingly accepted the verdict of "New Women" that those who did not embrace their path to modernity were parasitic, unproductive, and backward. By looking carefully at philanthropy, the article reveals fascinating issues and rich details of women's public activities that previous historical narratives have often overlooked. It helps to understand how reconfigured traditions became essential components of modernity in the development of modern Chinese gender roles. It also adds a gender perspective to the burgeoning historiography on Chinese philanthropy.  相似文献   

How is it that the nation became an object of scholarly research? As this article intends to show, not until what we call the “genealogical view” (which assumes the “natural” and “objective” character of the nation) eroded away could the nation be subjected to critical scrutiny by historians. The starting point and the premise for studies in the field was the revelation of the blind spot in the genealogical view, that is, the discovery of the “modern” and “constructed” character of nations. Historians’ views would thus be intimately tied to the “antigenealogical” perspectives of them. However, this antigenealogical view would eventually reveal its own blind spots. This paper traces the different stages of reflection on the nation, and how the antigenealogical approach would finally be rendered problematic, exposing, in turn, its own internal fissures.  相似文献   

David Monger 《War & society》2018,37(4):244-261
This article explores several propaganda campaigns aimed at British civilians during 1917. Through examples from campaigns for War Savings, Food Economy and National Service, it argues that propaganda in this crisis year was as much about identifying small, tangible, contributions that individuals could make to the war effort as about more sensational accounts of enemy wrongdoing. Propagandists targeted all sections of society, offering children and some women new status through war work, promoting attractive working conditions for others, and reminding the wealthy of the social responsibilities that their greater economic freedom carried in wartime. The article suggests that the consensual, voluntarist approaches promoted during 1917 remained an important precursor to possible forms of compulsion.  相似文献   

The “retreat” of the recent past within geography to a conception of the discipline as an ahistoric science which is either spatial or ecological is seen to be an atavism—a throwback to a disciplinary framework or “problematic” which dichotomizes human society and nature into fixed exclusive categories. This essay explores an alternative “problematic” which integrates society's spatial and ecological dimensions in a study of the historical process of “dialectical” interaction between society and its geographic environment, and the political and economic consequences of this interaction. The significance of this alternative approach is elucidated through an examination of its emergence, at the time of the origins of modern geography in the early nineteenth century. Its developing importance for the present-day position of the discipline is exemplified in the work of three prominent, socially engaged, nineteenth-century geographers. Although these geographers have tended to be either ignored or misunderstood in the recent literature, their approach has much to offer the field at a time when its division into ahistoric spatial and ecological disciplines is being questioned.  相似文献   

This article examines Henry Van Dyke's antiabolitionist sermon The Character and Influence of Abolitionism and civilian responses to it. Preached shortly before South Carolina's secession, the sermon's timely appearance led to a wide distribution throughout the nation and stimulated opinions on slavery and abolition in relation to the Bible, clearly revealing a divided citizenry. Van Dyke's preference for conciliation caused some Northerners to question his loyalty, and while he represented himself as apolitical in order to preserve the unity of the church, his famous address contributed to the politicization of religion during the secession crisis and Civil War.  相似文献   

As Chinese nationalists grappled with the political and military weakness of the young Republic of China, some sought to strengthen the Chinese race by advocating a return to the ancient practice of fetal education. Fetal education held that every sight, sound, and flavor that a pregnant mother took in through her senses, as well as her emotions and demeanor, directly affected her fetus. This paper examines how the text Taijiao, Song Jiazhao’s 1914 Chinese translation of Shimoda Jirō’s Japanese work Taikyō, presents a modern reformulation of fetal education that draws upon both modern Western science and East Asian medicine. As the text uses modern biology and psychology to explain and demonstrate the efficacy of fetal education, it also narrows the scope of fetal education to focus almost exclusively on the mother’s psychological state. Similarly, as the text turns to instruct women on the practice of fetal education, it draws upon Edo and Qing gynecological principles to emphasise the importance of the pregnant mother’s emotional self-control. Ultimately this text represents a neo-traditionalist response to modernity as it presents a Neo-Confucian vision of fetal education focused on a pregnant mother’s moral self-cultivation and emotional self control.  相似文献   

Abstract. While the study of nationalism and national identity has flourished in the last decade, little attention has been devoted to the conditions under which natural environments acquire significance in definitions of nationhood. This article examines the identity-forming role of landscape depictions in two polyethnic nation-states: Canada and Switzerland. Two types of geographical national identity are identified. The first – what we call the ‘nationalisation of nature’– portrays zarticular landscapes as expressions of national authenticity. The second pattern – what we refer to as the ‘naturalisation of the nation’– rests upon a notion of geographical determinism that depicts specific landscapes as forces capable of determining national identity. The authors offer two reasons why the second pattern came to prevail in the cases under consideration: (1) the affinity between wild landscape and the Romantic ideal of pure, rugged nature, and (2) a divergence between the nationalist ideal of ethnic homogeneity and the polyethnic composition of the two societies under consideration.  相似文献   

美国“地区研究”兴起的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
太平洋战争爆发后,特别是冷战初期,美国联邦政府、三大私人基金会以及相当一部分学者逐渐意识到深入了解非西方世界对维护国家安全的重要性,着手共同推动"地区研究"。联邦政府、私人基金会和学者三位一体体制运作的结果是复杂的:地区研究在迅速成长为一门显学的同时也不可避免地在很大程度上沦为政治的附庸;在满足了国家对地区专家和知识需求的同时也为一些地区研究者挑战美国对非西方世界的政策创造了条件。就美国地区研究兴起与国家安全考虑的密切关系而言,政治没有给学术留出太多独立生存的空间,而知识分子本身也并非都希望远离政治,学术与政治难以彻底分离。  相似文献   

面对剧烈的社会转型,为了寻找理想的社会变革模式及与之相适应的社会运作之史学理念,近世西学、国粹派,改良与革命派有各自的探索。著名学人兼政坛活跃人物的康有为、梁启超、严复、汪精卫、胡汉民、杨度、章太炎等对近代社会的史学定位颇为关注且就此商兑。这与他们在救亡图存的语境下定位近代中国所属的史学阶段,以此为基础探讨政治变革的出路等密切相关。对"宗法"、"军国"、"封建"语义考析及民族主义认同的探讨,涉及精英们的现实政治取向及其历史语境。  相似文献   

方云 《东南文化》2021,(4):178-184
作为历史事件纪念馆类型之一的抗日战争纪念馆,以抗日民族英雄事迹来达成弘扬爱国主义与加强中华民族凝聚力之目的,在传播世界人民反法西斯斗争精神的过程中发挥了巨大作用,其历史的、社会的价值与当代功能亟待多角度的深入研究.上海四行仓库抗战纪念馆分别从官方与民间、集体与个人、景观与数字、仪式与行为等多重叙事路径,完整呈现了"四行仓库保卫战"中国军民同仇敌忾、抗击日军侵略的史实,于叙事中有效建构了国家认同,促进了爱国主义精神的教育、传播与传承,其叙事策略及方法可供其他类历史事件纪念馆参考借鉴.  相似文献   

洪煜 《史学月刊》2002,(8):116-119
为了促成并加快史学范式的转变,培育并确立科学的学术规范,倡导并树立健康的学术风气,2002年4月14-18日,《史学月刊》编辑部在古都开封召开“史学期刊发展研讨会”。来自全国各地的历史学专业期刊及部分有史学专栏的综合性学术期刊《历史研究》、《近代史研究》、《世界历史》、《中共党史研究》、《抗日战争研究》、《中国社会经济史研究》、《史哲》、《史学集刊》、《史学史研究》、《安徽史学》、《光明日报》、《江汉论坛》、《求是学刊》、《人大复印资料中心》等近20家杂志社的代表应邀出席会议,就史学研究的学术规范、当前的学术评价体系、史学期刊在史学发展中的作用、学术期刊间的合作等问题,进行了热烈讨论,并在很大程度上达成了共识。  相似文献   

潘清 《东南文化》2004,(6):52-58
江南地区具有多方融合、长于吸纳的开放的文化特征,在元代北方民族进入江苏后.在江南地区出现了综合性的习俗,形成了新的民族文化交融的局面。  相似文献   

E. G. Ravenstein's three articles on migration, the first published one hundred years ago, form the basis for most modern research on migration; if the three articles are collated, his “laws” or perhaps more accurately, hypotheses, total eleven. This article considers, briefly, Ravenstein's career, the sources on which his “laws” were based and some of the difficulties of interpreting the British Census place of birth data. The bulk of the article reviews subsequent work on his eleven hypotheses with reference to nineteenth-century British internal migration. Subsequent work has confirmed that migration was mainly short distance and that there was relatively little increase in the average distance travelled by migrants until after 1850. His step-by-step hypothesis remains untested, but his belief that most migration was from the countryside to the towns is confirmed as is his identification of counter currents. His ideas on sex and age differentials have been borne out. However, his assumptions about the relative importance of natural increase and migration in the growth of cities and the relative importance of “push” and “pull” factors in causing migration merit further research. His original hypotheses have for the most part been confirmed. However, the defects of the published data suggest that nineteenth-century migration will not be properly understood until the enumerators' schedules for the century have been analysed.  相似文献   


The Occupy Wall Street protest that has spread to other cities across the United States in the autumn of 2011 bears striking similarities to the American Railway Union's strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company near Chicago in 1894, led by Eugene Debs. That protest movement laid the foundations for progressive reforms in the early twentieth century.  相似文献   

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