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Pottery making in Tibet has ancient roots.Artifacts unearthed from the Karub Ruins in Qamdo,a New Stone Age site, include more than 20,000 pottery shards.  相似文献   

Religious Theme Of Women's GarmentsReligiousThemeOfWomen'sGarments¥byWangChunyingTibetans,whoareinfluencedheavilybyTibetanBud...  相似文献   

At noon,Dargye's wife cooked lunch for us.While chanting, the generous herder brought us dishes with green pepper fried with yak meat,well-cooked potato slices,vegetable soup and rice. We were told that all vegetables were actually picked from his glass house.Dargye said that just several years before,his family could only purchase vegetables from the markets of the County's downtown,200 km far away.  相似文献   

InSeptember-October1996,YeXinshengdisplayedhiscollectionoffolkcuriosinLhasaMorethan2,000kindsoffolkartworksonviewcomeofthefollowing10parts:ancientaftworks;folkloreobjects;Tbetanculturalobjects;garmentaft;diningculture;residentialart;engravingart;tangkapai…  相似文献   

Health Preservation Methods Of Tibetan MedicineHealthPreservationMethodsOfTibetanMedicine¥DINGLINGHUITibet,aregionknownastheR...  相似文献   

Two Havens Of Peace In JialiTwoHavensOfPeaceInJiali¥CeringYuzhoinJialiCountyintheeasternpartoftheNorthernTibetanGrasslandsare...  相似文献   

WhenDainzinfromTibetwonthefirstsingingprizeattheAprilnationalcontestheldinNannin2.theGuan2xiZhuanRAutonomousRegion,hehasbeenwinnerforthreetimesinnationalcontests.ForTibetanartists,heistheonlyonetohavethepride.BorninBainang,Xigaze,in1962,Dainzinlovedsingin…  相似文献   

Palkor Monastery: Aesthetics Of Fresco FiguresPalkorMonastery:AestheticsOfFrescoFigures¥XIONGWENBINThebrillianceofPalkorMonas...  相似文献   

IntheXigazearea,wheretheTashilhungpoMonastery,resi-dentmonasteryofthePanchenErdeni,islocated,thereareapairofsisterdagobas.Theyarethe100,000-BuddhaDaRobainthePalkorMonasteryinGyangze,andtheGoldDagobainRiwoqeinNgamringCounty.Theyarecloseintermsofappear-ance…  相似文献   

HistoriansbelieveTibetbecameapartofChinainthemid-13thcenturyduringtheYuanDynasty(1271-1368).TheSagyaMonasteryprovidesiron-cladproofinthisregard.MovingwestwardfromXigazeonereachesSagyaCounty,tuckedawayinhighmoun-tains.Haditnotbeenforthemagnifi-centSagyaMon…  相似文献   

Swedish health information, conducted by the National Board of Health and Welfare in collaboration with private participants, expanded rapidly in the 1970s. This study examines a controversial bread campaign, which declared that the National Board, in collaboration with the private Bread Institute, wanted citizens to eat six to eight slices of bread every day. Why and how could such a seemingly unholy alliance come about? Contextualizing the collaborations with the industry, with a network governance approach, this article seeks the answers by investigating the organizational conditions behind the various campaigns. Different conflicting dilemmas influenced the campaigns and their outcomes. For example, the desire to maximize the disseminationof information, and at the same time controlling it, as well as the imbedded power dynamics between private and public sector. The result points to a shift from strong to weak interdependence between the government agency and collaborating parties, basically due to the agency’s diminishing campaign resources, which opened up for a stronger commercialization of the bread campaign.  相似文献   

Recent work exploring the racialization of place tends to focus on the racialization of marginalized group space. This paper shifts attention toward the racialization of dominant group space, namely, the creation and maintenance of white places. Using the case study of the software workplace, I argue that white places are formed through a process of whitewashing, which simultaneously denies race and superimposes white culture. Whitewashing wields language and invisibility to deny race and promote a particular kind of multiculturalism, while cloaking the workplace in a culture of informality and business politics. The whitewashed workplace, like a whitewashed wall, is seen as colorless rather than white as white culture becomes universalized as high-tech culture. I draw my findings from in-depth interviews on workplace satisfaction, relationships, culture and diversity with black, Asian and white employees in Seattle-area software firms.  相似文献   

蠢BY NAMGⅥ&DoRQoINBENBAinceⅡ1e yearof 1979,[he Cen幢alGOvemment has invested m0Ilethan 400 million Yuan on themajntenance and cons仃ucdon ofmOnasteries and 1’eligious sites in Tjbet.AC presem,山erle have been 1780 monas一【e1’ies and reⅡgious sites in Tibet,includ—ing l 30 nunn“es.S0 manv r_eligioussites are owned bv me 2 million reH西叫s.dnd 1av people of Tjbet.which is peer】essin other Drovinces and cides of Chin乱 ln me monasteries and Ileligious sitesspreading a11 over v…  相似文献   

When talking about Tibetans, people naturally think about Tibet (Tibet Autonomous Region, which will be referred to as TAR in the following text), but seldom realize that the Tibetan region extends far past the borders of Tibet. Based on Tibetan historical and cui tural differences, the Tibetan region of China can be divided into three major sections: Kham (khams), Amdo and Weizang(dbus-gtsang). Nowadays, as a result of administrative divisions, the Tibetan region belongs to different administrative areas in five provinces. Weizang includes most of today's Tibet Autono- mous region. Kham and Amdo are both historical conceptions, Kham lying to the east of Weizang and Amdo to the northwest. Kham and Amdo are divided into different administrative areas. Kham includes today's Chamdo Autonomous Prefecture (TAR), Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture and part of Aba Autonomous prefecture (Ganzi and Aba both belong to Sichuan Province),  相似文献   

QUESTION:Mr.Chairman,wouldyoupleasetalkabouttheplanofyourgovernmentwhosetermwillspanthetwocenturies?ANSWER:Mygovernmenthasenteredofficeattheturnofthecentury.ThefiveyearsaheadwillbeimportantforTibetandChinaasawhole.So,wedecidedtoadoptadown-to-earthapproach,andwillcloselyfollowtheleadershipoftheCentralGovernmentinvariouswork.Ihavefullconfidencetoturnthisgovernmentintoonewhichishighlyefficientandservesthepeoplewholeheartedly,anddistinguishesitselfinbuildingaunited,prosperousandcivilizedTi…  相似文献   

TheworldagreesthatwithouttheinvitationfromtheTaiwanbeimpossibleforthe14thDalaitovisittheisland.AlthoughtheTaiwanauthoritiesdeclaredtimeandagainthattheDalai'sMarch22-27visitwasnot"officiallyorganized,"evenachildcanseethroughthatdisclaimerGOVERNMENTBEHINDTH…  相似文献   

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