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时钟转动里,"60"意味着永恒。天干地支里,"60"意味着轮回。苍穹星空里,"60"意味着圆满。对于我们的伟大祖国来说,"60"意味着一段承载经典记忆的岁月。"天地有大,美而不言"——  相似文献   

The history of development aid has often been analyzed on the level of international politics and ground breaking ideas on big overriding issues. But the policies developed in the various Western capitals do not in themselves provide a full picture of foreign aid. It is important to examine the field more closely: what did actually happen ‘on the ground’ as a result of intentions and agreements on aid? Did the practice of aid projects influence aid effectiveness? The present article looks at the history of aid provided by the Netherlands, a country that for a long time liked to portray itself as occupying a guiding role in the vanguard of international development. It is based on archival study of project files, set in countries that were at the core of the Dutch aid effort. They are taken from the time span of four decades in which the aid effort was developed and flourished, before the end of the Cold War changed the scenery in 1989. The article aims to shed new light on how policy aims were translated and provides an indication as to why the desired results failed to come about.  相似文献   

一九四九年10月1日中华人民共和国成立。中华人民共和国的成立,开辟了中国历史的新纪元,标志着我国由新民主主义到社会主义转变的开始。10月2日,省城太原13万人举行盛大集会,庆祝中华人民共和国的成立。山  相似文献   

“已经过了55年.这份讣告也算得上如期而至。” 已有55年历史的老牌创意媒体《I.D.》(国际设计杂志)将于本月停刊,原主编托尔夫·卡普兰(Ralph Caplan)为美同平面设计协会(AIGA)写下回顾文章。开篇言词充溢着伤感。  相似文献   

已经过了55年,这份讣告也算得上如期而至。已有55年历史的老牌创意媒体《I.D.》(国际设计杂志)将于本月停刊,原主编拉尔夫·卡普兰(Ralph  相似文献   

This paper posits the importance of visual representations in cultivating a national consciousness among white Afrikaners in South Africa. It provides a case study of stamps issued to commemorate the centenary of the Great Trek in 1938 that sought to raise awareness of and funds for the Voortrekker Monument project. Although stamps are, ordinarily, symbols of banal nationalism, the Voortrekker stamps resonated strongly with the sentiments the Afrikaner volk (people). They reified an iconography of the Voortrekkers and the narrative of the Great Trek already embedded in a canon of texts, images and rituals. The paper provides a semiotic reading of the designs of the stamps and shows how they shaped the cultural imaginary of Afrikaners. Although the Voortrekker stamps were issued with the approval of the postal authorities, they were actually commissioned by the Sentrale Volksmonumentekomitee [Central People's Monuments Committee (SVK)], which had close ties to the National Party (NP) opposition. Although the project was largely state sponsored, the SVK insisted upon its autonomy. Thus the government sanctioned a project over which it exercised no jurisdiction. The United Party paid a price for accommodating sectional Afrikaner interests when it lost control of the state in 1948.  相似文献   

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