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投机现象在信托业发展进程中起了重要作用。近代中国尚不具备信托业兴起和健康发展的社会经济条件,游资泛滥下的投机需求催生了信托业的兴起,投机带来的超额利润维系着信托业生存。但投机现象的存在,阻碍了信托业回归本业之路,绝大部分信托机构在彰显投机特性的同时摒弃了信托本业,没能发挥财产管理和长期资金融通功能,可谓成也投机,败也投机。  相似文献   

抗战时期的上海华商信托业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在抗战期间特殊的政治、经济格局下,上海华商信托机构数量剧增,信托业务也有所发展;但信托业的资本、资产总额极大缩水,业务经营中投机性、不稳定性大大增强,信托业务在行业的总体业务比重中,仍然微不足道。与战前以及战后相比,战时的上海华商信托业呈畸形繁荣状态,金融信托市场供大于求的矛盾,愈演愈烈。信托业只是充当了上海市面富余资金牟取暴利的一个载体,依旧无法发挥长期资金融通与财产管理功能,不能成长为一个独立的金融分业。  相似文献   

在上海闵行区,源自淀山湖的上海母亲河——黄浦江由西向东,在此突然折北流去。清嘉庆年间,就在这里黄浦江的支流樱桃河、俞塘河合流处兴起了一个市镇,称塘湾镇,镇以俞塘湾而名.清代、民国时以盛产芦席纹布名。  相似文献   

吴琼  Shirley  张嗣烨 《世界》2008,(8):92-96
在黛安娜的家,我们终于明白:无论价格昂贵或者廉价,一切物品的存在价值只是为了增加生活乐趣。做物欲的主人而并非为物所累,才是一种幸福。  相似文献   

在黛安娜的家,我们终于明白:无论价格昂贵或者廉价,一切物品的存在价值只是为了增加生活乐趣。做物欲的主人而并非为物所累,才是一种幸福。  相似文献   

正《五口通商,为什么上海一枝独秀》上海的兴起离不开近代的开埠,但同时开埠的还有广州、厦门、福州、宁波,而且这些城市不是省会,就是府衙的所在地,行政地位都比上海高,上海当时仅是一个县。为什么其他城市开埠后未能像上海一样快速兴起呢?这其中一个重要因素是:上海是近代中国最早  相似文献   

甘青地区是史前时期重要的用玉地区之一,其用玉进程表现为从前仰韶时期至马家窑时期,一直处于相对沉寂的状态,而大规模和较成体系用玉文化的兴起应始于齐家文化。齐家文化巫玉色彩浓重,玉器更多被用来祭祀。从用玉进程和用玉动机看,甘青地区用玉文化并非独立起源,而是从东部和中原引进与兴起,同时促进了甘青地区玉矿的开发与利用。  相似文献   

[租人小书]小人书是连环画的一种载体,中国独有的传统书籍形式。兴起于二十世纪初叶的上海,因其开本很小,一页一画面讲述各种人物故事而被称作“小人书”。五六十年代,小人书发展进入高潮期。  相似文献   

诸子思想的没落,并非秦始皇“焚书坑儒’’所致。汉武帝时“罢黜百家.独尊儒术”也并非是罢黜诸子百家全部。汉代独尊的是“六艺”经学而不是儒学思想。“经学”的崇尚.不只是在教育的仕进制度上取代了诸子思想的地位,在学术思想文化发展上更是诸子思想消沉的主因。  相似文献   

近代上海开埠后,大量外国人来到此地,由于语言不通等障碍,为外国人服务的买办群体逐渐兴起。初期这些人促使洋泾浜英语的产生,并以之作为与外国人沟通的主要工具。19世纪末20世纪初,随着上海外语人才的增多,洋泾浜英语在买办阶层中的影响力减弱。而另一方面洋泾浜英语已经渗透到了整个社会,成为这个特殊的华洋杂处社会的一部分。  相似文献   

This paper serves to introduce the topic of intergenerational trust funds and their legal forms in the Pacific. It gives an overview of the nature of these funds, what distinguishes them one from the other, and their strengths and weaknesses from a legal point of view. Intergenerational trust funds started with primarily budget support purposes but have been adapted over the years to serve other purposes, in particular the protection of ecosystems and for climate adaptation and environmental protection and disaster relief. Following a consideration of the structural and operational aspects of some key Pacific funds, the paper concludes with a reflection on practice over the years and identifies what is or should be best practice for such funds.  相似文献   

信托事业,是受人委托代行管理、处理各种财产业务的行业,为近代金融业的重要支柱之一,始于1822年之罗马,渐及欧美,而以美国为最发达。我国信托事业发展较晚,至1921年才有信托公司出现,却发展很快,短时间内,仅上海一地即成立十余家,但因经营不善,多被淘汰。1928年以后,又渐有设立,至1936年时,经财政部注册之信托公司,除中央信托局外,有通易、中央、国安、和昆、上海、恒顺、通顺、东南、上海兴业、中国、生大等11家,其中1933年10月上海市政府所办之上海兴业信托社,是官办信托机构之始,1935年…  相似文献   

In this essay, I contextualize recent studies of cloth and culture in Africa, South America, and Oceania within changing anthropological concerns. Examining cloth as an important aspect of art, technology, and economy, I question how specific properties of objects are connected with cultural and social significance. Over the last two decades in particular, cloth—whether woven or nonwoven—has often been construed as an especially potent polyvalent symbol. Examining how scholars have explored this potential, I address the conceptual relocation of cloth in different, often contradictory regimes of value that join discrete physical locations, from isolated community to cosmopolitan museum.  相似文献   

Inter-actor trust (or the absence of it) plays an important role in complex planning processes. Trust has received much attention in management science, but surprisingly little in planning literature despite the similarities between the two and its increasing importance in ensuring coordination between multiple, heterogeneous actors in delivering developments. This paper aims to explore the role of trust in coordination in transit-oriented developments processes, based on literature research and two empirical case studies in the region of Toronto in Canada and the province of Zuid-Holland in the Netherlands. This research suggests that in both planning contexts trust is an important element in achieving successful outcomes. Trust was often identified at a personal level as something which can bridge differences between organizations, but that can be hindered by a history of distrust between organizations. The building of trust between stakeholders seems dependent on a commitment to building a good relationship early and openness throughout. Breaches of trust, as long as they are not fatal for the relationship, can lead to a stronger trust relationship in the long term. Trust, however, is not just an individual or organizational matter: the broader institutional context was also found to have pronounced impacts on the ability of trust to take root.  相似文献   

Trust is universally regarded as a ‘good thing’ at both the interpersonal level and as a means of bringing stability to social institutions and markets. However, the concept is often treated in a homogeneous and unhelpful way, and academic reflection is spread across many disciplines that frequently fail to interconnect. This article pulls together the key perspectives and ideas from these different academic traditions. It outlines the main components of trust, and goes on to identify three different types of trust, each of which is associated with a different type of trusting. It concludes that it is now time to move beyond conceptual clarification to more empirical application.  相似文献   

晚清昭信股票发行过程论略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李玉 《近代史研究》2006,1(4):111-127
晚清昭信股票虽然经过政府高层的细致设计,但在实际发行过程中发生了巨大变异:在官场演变为报效,在民间则以摊派为主。虽然报效股票的官员可以得到行政奖励,但民间认购者则基本上“本利全无”,得到的只有对昭信股票“失信”的怨忿和对政府信用的极度怀疑。昭信股票的结局,再次说明“有治法无治人”是晚清改革难以取得成效的重要原因。  相似文献   

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