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Osteoporosis is a prevalent condition in Norway, as evidenced by the fact that this country has the highest reported incidences of hip and distal forearm fractures. Because recent studies suggest a higher bone density in rural populations compared with urban ones, increased physical activity is believed to be an important factor in reducing fracture incidence. In the present investigation, 185 femoral necks from the Schreiner Collection in Oslo were measured by means of a bone‐mass scanner. The bones, anthropological specimens ranging from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, were separated into three groups: prehistoric (n = 36), Viking Age (n = 38) and medieval (n = 111). The medieval group was further separated into urban, rural and monastic populations. The examination showed that: (a) there was no significant difference at a 5% level in average bone mineral density (BMD) between the male and female material; (b) there was no significant difference in average BMD among the prehistoric, Viking Age, and medieval periods (P = 0.151); (c) there was no significant difference in average BMD between the rural and urban medieval material; (d) there was a significant difference in average BMD only between the monastic and the rural medieval material; (e) only the medieval material showed a significantly higher average BMD than that of today (P = 0.001). These findings may indicate that factors in addition to physical activity are important for normal BMD maintenance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study the radii of 34 juveniles from Wharram Percy, a British medieval site, were measured for bone mineral density (BMD) using dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA) in order to investigate evidence of stress including Harris lines, cribra orbitalia and deficient cortical index, which is usually attributed to poor nutrition. BMD measurements are used in modern children to assess growth and development and generally correlate with linear growth. Only rare chronic illnesses affect bone mineral accrual in children. Radiographs of the radii were examined to assess cortical index and of the femora and radii for Harris lines. The results indicate that BMD is well correlated with dental age and linear growth, but is poorly correlated with cortical index. The variability in cortical index indicates the influence of environmental factors. There is no relationship between BMD and the presence or absence of Harris lines or cribra orbitalia. Thus, despite obvious evidence of skeletal stress in this juvenile population, bone was not under‐mineralised and bone mineral accrual proceeded normally with growth. This reinforces the conclusion that cortical index is a more sensitive indicator of environmental stress than either Harris lines or cribra orbitalia, and may be compared with BMD measurements to assess the effect of stress on growth. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monazite (CePO4) and xenotime (YPO4) are important accessory minerals in metasediments. They host significant rare earth elements (REE) and are useful for geochronology and geothermometry, so it is essential to understand their behavior during the metasomatic processes that attend high‐grade metamorphism. It has been proposed that F‐bearing fluids enhance solubility and mobility of REE and Y during high‐grade metamorphism. We assessed this possibility by determining the solubility of synthetic CePO4 and YPO4 crystals in H2O–NaF fluids at 800°C and 1 GPa. Experiments used hydrothermal piston‐cylinder and weight‐loss methods. Compared to the low solubilities of CePO4 and YPO4 in pure H2O (0.04 ± 0.04 and 0.25 ± 0.04 millimolal, respectively), our results indicate an enormous increase in the solubility of both phosphates with increasing NaF concentration in H2O: CePO4 solubility reaches 0.97 molal in 20 mol.% NaF, and YPO4 shows an even stronger solubility enhancement to 0.45 molal in only 10 mol.% NaF. The greatest relative solubility increases occur at the lowest NaF concentration. The solubilities of CePO4 and YPO4 show similar quadratic dependence on NaF, consistent with possible dissolution reactions of: CePO4 + 2NaF =  CeF2+ + Na2PO4? and YPO4 + 2NaF = YF2+ + Na2PO4?. Solubilities of both REE phosphates are significantly greater in NaF than in NaCl at equivalent salt concentration. A fluid with 10 mol.% NaCl and multiply saturated with fluorite, CePO4, and YPO4 would contain 1.7 millimolal Ce and 3.3 millimolal Y, values that are respectively 2.1–2.4 times greater than in NaCl‐H2O alone. The results indicate that Y, and by extension heavy rare earth elements (HREE), can be fractionated from LREE in fluorine‐bearing saline brines which may accompany granulite‐facies metamorphism. The new data support previous indications that REE/Y mobility at these conditions is enhanced by complexing with F in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

The solubility of quartz has been measured in a wide range of salt solutions at 800°C and 0.5 GPa, and in NaCl, CaCl2 and CsCl solutions and H2O–CO2 fluids at six additional PT conditions ranging from 400°C at 0.1 GPa to 800°C at 0.9 GPa. The experiments cover a wide range of compositions along each binary. At PT conditions where the density of pure water is low (0.43 g cm?3), addition of most salts produces an enhancement of quartz solubility at low to moderate salt concentrations (salt‐in effect), although quartz solubility falls with further decrease in XH2O. At higher fluid densities (0.7 g cm?3 and greater), the salt‐in effect is generally absent, although this depends on both the cation present and the actual PT conditions. The salt‐in effect is most readily produced by chloride salts of large monovalent cations, while CaCl2 only produced a salt‐in effect at the most extreme conditions of high‐T and low‐P investigated (800°C at 0.2 GPa). Under most crustal conditions, the addition of common salts to aqueous fluids results in a lowering of quartz solubility relative to that in pure water (salt‐out effect). Comparing quartz solubility in different fluids by calculating XH2O on the basis that all salts are fully associated under all conditions yields higher quartz solubility in solutions of monovalent salts than in solutions of divalent salts, absolute values are also influenced by cation radius. Quartz solubility measurements have been fitted to a Setchenow‐type equation, modified to take account of the separate effects of both the lowering of XH2O and the specific effects of different salts, which are treated as arising through distinct patterns of non‐ideal behaviour, rather than the explicit formation of additional silica complexes with salt components. Quartz solubility in H2O–CO2 fluids can be treated as ideal, if the solvation number of aqueous silica is taken as 3.5. For this system the solubility (molality) of quartz in the binary fluid, S is related to its solubility in pure water at the same PT conditions, So, by: Quartz solubility in binary salt systems (H2O–RCln) can be fitted to the relationship: where salt concentration mRCln is expressed as molality and the exponent b has a value of 1 except under conditions where salting‐in is observed at low salt concentrations, in which case it is <1. Under most crustal conditions, the solubility of quartz in NaCl solutions is given to a good approximation by: We propose that quartz solubility in multicomponent fluids can be estimated from an extended expression, calculating XH2O based on the total fluid composition (including dissolved gasses), and adding terms for each major salt present. Our experimental results on H2O–NaCl–CO2 fluids are satisfactorily predicted on this basis. An important implication of the results presented here is that there are circumstances where the migration of a fluid from one quartz‐bearing host into another, if it is accompanied by re‐equilibration through cation exchange, may lead to dissolution or precipitation of quartz even at constant P and T, with concomitant modification of the permeability structure of the deep crust.  相似文献   

We studied interrelationships among age, sex, and cross‐sectional cortical bone dimensions using quantitative computed tomography (QCT) scans of metatarsal bones of 180 moose (Alces alces) that died in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan. As a large‐bodied quadruped with demanding ecological constraints on movement and behaviour, a moose experiences different weight‐bearing and mechanical stressors than humans, to whom most existing studies of mechanical adaptations of bone pertain. In moose, both sexes showed significant subperiosteal expansion and an increase in medullary area, with an overall increase in cortical bone area over time. Female moose did not exhibit cortical thinning or reduction in cross‐sectional area with age, rather they showed an increase in cortical bone area with periosteal apposition exceeding endosteal resorption, similar to the males. We also found that moose undergo changes in bone geometry through remodelling of bone similar to humans, suggesting a compensatory mechanism for increasing bone strength under conditions of decline in bone mineral density with age. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper takes an interdisciplinary perspective to focus on the role played by the rural-urban dual system in China’s urbanization and migration. We explain its establishment in China in the 1950s and its genealogy in the industrialization strategy adopted in the USSR in the late 1920s and early 1930s. In the reform era, the system has been refashioned to suit a new set of demands of the state industrialization strategy to cater for the global economy. We analyze the mechanisms of the dual system, and how it has helped generate low-cost migrant labor for urban employers and siphon off revenues for urban governments by expropriating rural land. We also argue that there are fundamental differences between the dual system and the common “dualism,” based on the Lewis dual-sector model, as observed in many developing countries. The plight of children of migrants is used to illustrate the main points made in the paper. Our research challenges the prevailing perspectives in Chinese geography and urban studies, many of which are based on market-driven neoclassical economics or global neoliberalism, often ignoring China’s historical and institutional contexts.  相似文献   

Uranium/thorium (U/Th)‐rich bitumen has been discovered within both Palaeoproterozoic black pelites and the Archean granitic basement of the Rum Jungle Mineral Field, Northern Territory, Australia. Granite‐hosted bitumen occurs as small (up to 400‐µm diameter) discrete individual nodules, which exhibit many morphological similarities to those observed in Phanerozoic siliciclastic rocks. Thorium, the dominant radioelement, occurs primarily as a hydrated Th–Y–Si–P phase. Uranium‐rich inclusions are rare, and correspond to a hydrated U–Th–Y–Si–P phase, identified as coffinite–thorogummite. Metasediment‐hosted bitumen is more variable in morphology, occurring as massive (<2 cm in width) veins that cross‐cut all foliations, as discrete individual nodules or as elongate seams (up to 500 µm in length), interpreted to represent a series of coalesced individual nodules. In all examples, uranium, the dominant radioelement in the metasediment‐hosted bitumen, is present as Th‐poor uraninite, with variable Y2O3 contents (up to 3.21 wt.%). Raman investigation of all types of bitumen indicates that it is a poorly organized carbonaceous matter, which has not been subjected to metamorphism. Consequently, a post‐metamorphic timing for hydrocarbon emplacement can be inferred and a magmatic origin can be precluded. Potential source rocks for the bitumen are black shales of the Whites Formation (up to 8 wt.% total organic carbon (TOC)) and the Koolpin Formation (approximately 13 wt.% TOC). Post‐metamorphic sericitization of rocks within the Whites Formation is accompanied by a near‐complete removal of organic matter. Alteration was possibly the catalyst for hydrocarbon generation. The Th–Y–Si–P phase within the granite‐hosted nodules is interpreted to be the result of the alteration of antecedent monazite. During this alteration, U, LREE and P were fractionated and removed, while Th, Y and Si remained immobile, and recombined to form a hydrated Th–Y–Si phase. This pervasive alteration within the basement U/Th‐rich granites is proposed as a genetic model for the formation of uranium deposits in the Rum Jungle Mineral Field and possibly unconformity associated uranium deposits on a global scale.  相似文献   

Deep sedimentary basins are complex systems that over long time scales may be affected by numerous interacting processes including groundwater flow, heat and mass transport, water–rock interactions, and mechanical loads induced by ice sheets. Understanding the interactions among these processes is important for the evaluation of the hydrodynamic and geochemical stability of geological CO2 disposal sites and is equally relevant to the safety evaluation of deep geologic repositories for nuclear waste. We present a reactive transport formulation coupled to thermo‐hydrodynamic and simplified mechanical processes. The formulation determines solution density and ion activities for ionic strengths ranging from freshwater to dense brines based on solution composition and simultaneously accounts for the hydro‐mechanical effects caused by long‐term surface loading during a glaciation cycle. The formulation was implemented into the existing MIN3P reactive transport code (MIN3P‐THCm) and was used to illustrate the processes occurring in a two‐dimensional cross section of a sedimentary basin subjected to a simplified glaciation scenario consisting of a single cycle of ice‐sheet advance and retreat over a time period of 32 500 years. Although the sedimentary basin simulation is illustrative in nature, it captures the key geological features of deep Paleozoic sedimentary basins in North America, including interbedded sandstones, shales, evaporites, and carbonates in the presence of dense brines. Simulated fluid pressures are shown to increase in low hydraulic conductivity units during ice‐sheet advance due to hydro‐mechanical coupling. During the period of deglaciation, Darcy velocities increase in the shallow aquifers and to a lesser extent in deeper high‐hydraulic conductivity units (e.g., sandstones) as a result of the infiltration of glacial meltwater below the warm‐based ice sheet. Dedolomitization is predicted to be the most widespread geochemical process, focused near the freshwater/brine interface. For the illustrative sedimentary basin, the results suggest a high degree of hydrodynamic and geochemical stability.  相似文献   

Deformation and focused fluid flow within a mineralized system are critical in the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits. Dilation and integrated fluid flux due to coupled deformation and fluid flow in simple strike–slip fault geometries were examined using finite difference analysis in three dimensions. A series of generic fault bend and fault jog geometries consistent with those seen in the western Mount Isa Inlier were modelled in order to understand how fault geometry parameters influence the dilation and integrated fluid flux. Fault dip, fault width, bend/jog angle, and length were varied, and a cross-cutting fault and contrasting rock types were included. The results demonstrate that low fault dips, the presence of contrasts in rock type, and wide faults produce highest dilation and integrated fluid flux values. Increasing fault bend lengths and angles increases dilation and integrated fluid flux, but increasing fault jog length or angle has the opposite effect. There is minimal difference between the outputs from the releasing and restraining fault bend and jog geometries. Model characteristics producing greater fluid flows and/or gradients can be used in a predictive capacity in order to focus exploration on regions with more favorable fault geometries, provided that the mineralized rocks had Mohr–Coulomb rheologies similar to the ones used in the models.  相似文献   

The first occurrence of immiscibility in magmas appears to be most important in the magmatic–hydrothermal transition, and thus studies of magmatic immiscibility should be primarily directed towards recognition of coexisting silicate melt and essentially non-silicate liquids and fluids (aqueous, carbonic and sulphide). However, immiscible phase separation during decompression, cooling and crystallization of magmas is an inherently fugitive phenomenon. The only remaining evidence of this process and the closest approximation of natural immiscible magmatic liquids and vapours can be provided by melt and fluid inclusions trapped in silicate glasses and magmatic phenocrysts. Such inclusions are often used as a natural experimental laboratory to model the process of exsolution and the compositions of volatile-rich phases from a wide range of terrestrial magmas. In this paper several examples from recent research on melt and fluid inclusions are used to demonstrate the significance of naturally occurring immiscibility in understanding some large-scale magma chamber processes, such as degassing and partitioning of metals.  相似文献   

X. R. Ming  L. Liu  M. Yu  H. G. Bai  L. Yu  X. L. Peng  T. H. Yang 《Geofluids》2016,16(5):1017-1042
This study investigates the Wangfu Depression of the Songliao Basin, China, as a natural analogue site for Fe migration (bleaching) and mineralization (formation of iron concretions) caused by reducing CO2‐bearing fluids that leak along fractures after carbon capture, utilization, and storage. We also examined the origin of fracture‐filling calcite veins, the properties of self‐sealing fluids, the influence of fluids on the compositions of mudstone and established a bleaching model for the study area. Our results show that iron concretions are the oxidative products of precursor minerals (pyrite and siderite) during uplift and are linked to H2S and CO2 present in early stage fluids. The precipitation of calcite veins is the result of CO2 degassing and is related to CO2, CH4, and minor heavy hydrocarbons in the main bleaching fluids. In our model, fluids preferentially enter high‐permeability fracture systems and result in the bleaching of surrounding rocks and precipitation of calcite veins. The infilling of calcite veins significantly decreases the permeability of fractures and forces the fluids to slowly enter and bleach the mudstone rocks. The Fe2+ released during bleaching migrates to elsewhere with the solutions or is reprecipitated in the calcite veins and iron concretions. The formation of calcite veins reduces the fracture space and effectively prevents fluid flow. The fluids have an insignificant effect on minerals within the mudstone. In terms of the chemistry of the mudstone, only the contents of Fe2O3, U, and Mo change significantly, with the content of U increasing in the mudstone and the contents of Fe2O3 and Mo decreasing during bleaching.  相似文献   

Thermohaline convection of subsurface fluids strongly influences heat and mass fluxes within the Earth's crust. The most effective hydrothermal systems develop in the vicinity of magmatic activity and can be important for geothermal energy production and ore formation. As most parts of these systems are inaccessible to direct observations, numerical simulations are necessary to understand and characterize fluid flow. Here, we present a new numerical scheme for thermohaline convection based on the control volume finite element method (CVFEM), allowing for unstructured meshes, the representation of sharp thermal and solute fronts in advection‐dominated systems and phase separation of variably miscible, compressible fluids. The model is an implementation of the Complex Systems Modelling Platform CSMP++ and includes an accurate thermodynamic representation of strongly nonlinear fluid properties of salt water for magmatic‐hydrothermal conditions (up to 1000°C, 500 MPa and 100 wt% NaCl). The method ensures that all fluid properties are taken as calculated on the respective node using a fully upstream‐weighted approach, which greatly increases the stability of the numerical scheme. We compare results from our model with two well‐established codes, HYDROTHERM and TOUGH2, by conducting benchmarks of different complexity and find good to excellent agreement in the temporal and spatial evolution of the hydrothermal systems. In a simulation with high‐temperature, high‐salinity conditions currently outside of the range of both HYDROTHERM and TOUGH2, we show the significance of the formation of a solid halite phase, which introduces heterogeneity. Results suggest that salt added by magmatic degassing is not easily vented or accommodated within the crust and can result in dynamic, complex hydrologies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a summary of what is known about teaching ethics in engineering, science, and related disciplines. Such a summary should provide a useful starting point for preparation of a detailed curriculum for teaching the ethics of geo-coded information systems broadly understood (“GIS ethics” for short). It attempts to answer the following questions: What is “ethics” for the purpose of GIS? What is teaching ethics? What objectives should teaching ethics have in a technical curriculum? What methods should be used? How should student work in ethics be assessed? How should the teaching of ethics be assessed?  相似文献   

This article discusses the application of new technologies, software coding and computer analysis in the social sciences and humanities, mainly in the field of economic history. In the last two decades, the use of new computer technologies among historians to develop theories and solve questions has fostered a vibrant historiographical debate. However, these new digital tools have largely been used as an end in themselves, rather than as a means to develop hypotheses and answer questions. This has prevented researchers from fully exploiting such technologies in their field. In this article, I discuss how I designed a new multi-relational database using the “Access” package and SQL language to test the “industrious revolution” hypothesis and present the “vicarious consumption” theory as an alternative model for analyzing the eighteenth-century circulation of Chinese goods in the Western Mediterranean region. It presents the cross-referencing method I used to analyze the historical information I collected, mainly from probate inventories and trade records. This method makes it possible to navigate through the data in a way that goes beyond the traditional use of “excel” tables.  相似文献   

Classic Maya states were characterized by a high degree of socioeconomic stratification. This paper investigates the degree to which status, as defined by grave goods and tomb construction, influenced dietary patterns of elites and commoners throughout the Classic Period (200–900/1000 AD) of the southern lowlands. We compile a database (N = 102) of previously-published stable isotope ratios (δ13C collagen, δ13C apatite, and δ15N collagen) from Maya bone mineral and collagen, and interrogate these data through two new isotopic modeling techniques: a simple carbon isotope model ( Kellner and Schoeninger, 2007; Froehle et al., 2010) and a multivariate isotope model ( Froehle et al., 2012). We find that Maya elite diet varied significantly through time in terms of maize consumption and trophic level, while commoner diet remained remarkably stable. These findings provide new information relevant to studies of ancient Maya class structure and to studies of subsistence strategies of the pre-Columbian Americas.  相似文献   

This analysis of the patterns of change in the use of incarceration by the American states from 1890 through 2008 focuses on multiple themes particularly relevant to an understanding of policy arenas in which the social constructions of target populations play an important role. Specifically, the study examines whether the states have adopted more similar incarceration levels over time (converged), whether they tend to change in the same direction at the same time (synchronous change), and whether they tend to stay in the same relative positions vis‐à‐vis one another, such that the historical policy position has long‐term implications for later policy positions (“feed‐forward” effects). The results indicate that, in spite of a century of social, political, and economic integration, the policy positions of the states have not exhibited a sustained convergence toward a common level of incarceration, but have undergone cycles, with some periods of convergence followed by periods of divergence. Change has generally been synchronous—as states tend to move in the same direction at the same time as if propelled by national forces even though incarceration levels are determined by state and local policy and the use of discretion by criminal justice officials. The results also indicate a profound “feed‐forward” effect in that the position of the states vis‐à‐vis one another historically has substantial predictive power for their position in subsequent years.  相似文献   

Exchanges of material objects often play a pivotal role in the trajectories of political, social, and economic development for ancient societies, but the study can be challenging because of the complexity of exchange. Multiple forms of exchange co-exist in ancient societies including market exchange and social exchange such as gift-giving. A further complicating factor is that different exchange systems such as redistribution and central place market exchange can result in the same regional spatial patterning of artifacts. Recent innovations in identifying exchange systems use network expectations for spatial, contextual, and distributional information to help distinguish between social exchanges such as gift-giving versus market exchange using household inventories. I introduce a Monte Carlo computer simulation to evaluate network expectations for alternative exchange mechanisms, using a case study of decorated ceramics from 65 residential inventories from the center of Sauce and its hinterland during the Middle Postclassic period (1200–1350 A.D.) in southcentral Veracruz, Mexico. Using these new tools, I identify the coexistence of several exchange systems operating simultaneously. The methods developed here demonstrate the potential of using network expectations to refine existing methods to identify different exchange systems that can be applied to other complex ancient economies.  相似文献   

Amidst popular concerns about rising inequalities and living costs, reduced social mobility and inadequate public infrastructure, Singapore’s ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) suffered significant declines in electoral support in the 2006 and 2011 general elections before regaining support at the 2015 polls. Importantly, these concerns reflect the intensification of contradictions inherent to Singapore’s model of capitalist development. This juncture in the city-state’s political economy has been conducive to greater scrutiny of core PAP ideological notions about the perils of “Western” social welfare and the moral and functional advantages of non-democratic institutions of political accountability and representation. The PAP has responded with creative new defences of its core ideologies in conjunction with social spending boosts, a strategy that will be further tested following the 2015 election.  相似文献   

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