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While much current scholarship and research on the 1960s takesthe existence of a number of myths about the 1960s for granted,effective attempts to define and challenge such myths are rare.One aspect of the period that has suffered conspicuously fromthis neglect, and indeed from a lack of detailed research, isthe series of protests by students that occurred in Britainin the second half of the decade. The myths that have been constructedaround these protests are numerous, and many are, at first glanceat least, persuasive. When they are analysed, however, theyare found to be misleading, and have resulted in the creationof a distorted view of this aspect of the period.  相似文献   

Student mental health services were created at many American universities during the interwar years in association with the mental hygiene movement of that era. In Canada, psychologists and psychiatrists became focused on the well-being of schoolchildren during this period, but services for university students were minimal or non-existent at most institutions until well after the Second World War. Influenced by American trends and in tune with rising public concern over the problems students were experiencing on Canada's burgeoning campuses, student organizations, in co-operation with the Canadian Mental Health Association, began a concerted campaign for improved services in the early 1960s. Through conferences, seminars, and surveys, they revealed the extent of student distress, and by 1965 their efforts were attracting increasing media attention and having a direct impact on university student health policies. Their campaign then entered a new phase, transformed by the same radicalization that infused the wider student movement in the wake of the Berkeley free speech protests. Dissatisfied with the institutional response and distrustful of the motives behind the services now provided, activists questioned the very meaning of 'mental health' in the context of their deeper critique of the university and society. By the end of the decade, the student mental health movement had run its course, but it left a lasting legacy in the ongoing reform of university health services and in attitudes towards student mental health.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以后,左翼运动急剧地衰落和消失了,之后便是保守主义的泛滥、苏联和东欧社会主义国家的解体,以及资本主义在全球的凯歌行进。尽管在60年代西方学生运动之后出现了新社会运动,但无论其锋芒和规模都无法与60年代的学生运动相比。  相似文献   

The decade of the 1960s in North America and Europe is generally seen by historians and sociologists as a time of sudden and unexpected religious upheaval. But was this the case in Australia? This article examines the changes in belief and behaviour within Australia’s major churches during the ‘remembered sixties’ from c. 1964 to c. 1972, in relation to the cultural and social context, and the extent to which these amounted to a religious turnaround or crisis. Areas examined include the impact of radical theology, symbolized by the book Honest to God, and the ‘new morality’; the changes in Australian Catholicism initiated by the Second Vatican Council; the debate among Catholics over birth control and the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae; the decline in weekly church attendance, Sunday school enrolments and the membership of church youth organizations; the ‘crisis’ in the ordained ministry; changing attitudes in the churches towards social issues; and the responses of the churches to the Vietnam War. The religious unsettlement that occurred in Australia during this period was very similar to North America and Europe, though there were distinctive local emphases. The central issues in debate were common to all major denominations: the relevance and authority of traditional institutions and formulations of belief.  相似文献   


Africa in Transition: Geographical Essays. Edited by B. W. Hodder and D. R. Harris. 9 × 5 ¾. Pp. XII + 378. 41 figs. London, Methuen, 1967. 50s.

Libya. By Helmuth Kanter. Geomedical Monograph Series 1. 12 × 8 ½. Text (German and English) plates and 17 maps. Springer‐Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: 1967. $12.00.

South West Africa and its Human Issues. By J. H. Wellington. 8 ¾ × 5 ¾. 452 pp. Plates, figures. Oxford U. Press, 1967, 84s.


Australia's North‐West. Alex Kerr, 9 ¾ × 6 ¾. 439 pp. 19 figs. 71 tables. University of Western Australia Press, 1967. $8.00.


Recherches de Geomorphologie en Ecosse du Nord‐ouest. By A. Godard. 10 ½ × 8 ¼. Pp. 685. 180 maps and diagrams, 7 folding maps. 63 photographs. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg, 1965. £7 17s.

Processes of Coastal Development. By V. P. Zenkovitch. Edited by J. A. Steers. Edinburgh: Oliver &; Boyd, 1967. 12 gns.


Readings in Economic Geography. Edited by Howard G. Roepke. 10 ¼ × 7 ¼. John Wiley, 1967. 56s.

Agricultural Geography. By Leslie Symons. 8 ¾ + 5 ¾. Bell, London, 1967, 30s.

Early Crop Production in the British Isles. Memoir No. 9, Symposia in Agricultural Meteorology, edited by J. A. Taylor. University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1966.

Quantitative Geography. Part 1 Economic and Cultural Topics. Edited by W. L. Garrison and D. F. Marble. North Western University Studies in Geography No. 13. 9 × 6. 287 pages. Evanston, Illinois, 1967. $3.75.

The Geographer and Urban Studies. By David Thorpe. 10 × 8. 24 pp. + appendix. 9 figures. University of Durham, Department of Geography Occasional Papers, No. 8. 1966. 2s.


Models in Geography. Edited by R. J. Chorley and P. Haggett. 9 ½ × 6 ½. Methuen, 1967. £6.


International Yearbook of Cartography. Vol. VI, 1966. Edited by Prof. Ed. Imhof. 9 ¾ × 6 ¾. G. Philip &; Son, Ltd., London, 1966. 52/6d.

Original Survey and Land Subdivision. By Norman J. W. Thrower. 8 ½ × 5 ½. Pp. xxi + 160. Chicago: Association of American Geographers, 1966.


The Pacific Basin: A History of its Geographical Exploration. American Geographical Society Publication No. 38. 10 × 8. 457 pp. Maps and plates. Edited by Herman R. Friis. New York, 1967.


A Sample Geography of Great Britain. E. R. Burrell and J. Hancock. 7 ¼ × 9 ½. 176 pp. 143 maps, diagrams, tables. I.L.U.S. map. 6 O.S. maps. 4 end cover maps. Methuen Co. Ltd. Price 21s.

Africa. By Ronald Miller. 8 ½ × 5 ¾. 272 pp. 61 figures. 68 plates. Index. Nelson's Geography Texts. 1967. 15s.

General Geography Part I. By G. M. Chapman. 7 × 9. 182 pp. Index. G. Bell &; Sons Ltd. 1967. 17/6d.

General Geography. By H. R. Cain and F. J. Monkhouse. 6 ½ × 8. 216 pp. Index. Book I of Longman's Graded Geographies. 1967. 12/6d.

Sketch Map Geographies. Bk. 2. British Isles. By P. Speak and A. H. C. Carter. 7 ¼ × 9 ¾. Longman's 1967. (Limp Cover 7/‐.)

North America and Asia including U.S.S.R. By R. C. Honeybone and N. J. Graves. 8 × 5 ¼. 446 pp. Index. Heinemann. Geography for Schools. Bk. 3. 18s. (North America is published separately at 12s. 6d.). 1966.

A Geography of New Zealand. By E. J. Baggaley. 4 ¼ × 7. Pp. xii + 228. Index. 38 plates. 15 maps. Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd., Melbourne. 1967. $1.35.  相似文献   

20世纪五六十年代中国史学的基本走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪已经结束了。 2 0世纪的中国发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化。2 0世纪的中国史学同样经历了急剧的演变。在跨入新世纪的时刻 ,为了更好地推动中国史学的发展 ,我们很有必要认真地总结和反思它在 2 0世纪的发展。大家都承认 ,2 0世纪的中国史学取得了重大的成就 ,同时也存在许多问题。在学界中对这些成就和问题至今存在着不同的看法 ,这本是很正常的现象。重要的是 ,我们应该通过不同意见的交流和切磋来加深我们的认识 ,更好地进行总结和反思 ,从而促使我国的史学在新世纪发展得更快更健康。这就是本刊举办这次学术讨论的目的。应该说明的是 :一 ,这次学术讨论的题目和范围是 2 0世纪中国史学的发展 ,重点是 1 94 9年新中国成立以后。二 ,讨论的重点是对 2 0世纪的中国史学或其中的某个阶段 ,或某个学派 ,某个学术思潮 ,某个史学分支 ,某个重大专题 ,某个史学领域 ,某种重要现象等从总体上进行观察和评述。一般不对某个具体学者进行讨论和评述。三 ,讨论必须坚持“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣”的方针。欢迎发表各种不同意见 ,进行平等的讨论。四 ,讨论中的任何意见均不代表编辑部的看法。文责均由作者自负。  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of the relationship between the Italian Communist Party (PCI), the strategy of ‘riforme di struttura’ and reforms in Italy between the 1960s and 1970s, with particular reference to the construction of a modern welfare system. The goal of a universal social security system was set by the PCI from at least 1956. Later, the dialectic with the centre-left governments induced the Communists to strengthen and articulate their proposals on welfare, linking them to the overall design of an advanced democratization of the state and society. In the 1970s, and in particular during the ‘solidarietà democratica’, various proposals made by the Communist Party and the CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labour) in previous years finally became law, beginning with the establishment of the National Health Service organized into local health units. The Communist Party insisted on performance quality rather than quantity. However, the welfare state is now suffering difficulties throughout the Western world.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国新西部史学崛起,新一代西部史学家的主要成就,是挑战以特纳为代表的传统西部史学流派。他们在西部城市史、种族史、妇女史、环境史、综合史方面,发表了一大批让人耳目一新的学术专著。这些专著对西部历史进行重新定位,浓缩了社会进步的理念,反映了史学家审视历史观念的更新。  相似文献   

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